Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jun 1959, p. 7

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Ba t "district in June. kd oy Blackstock * Corn Flower Sandwich Plate, . room wall clock, At the close of their regular meet- ing Monday evening the Brownies presented Miss June Armstrong (one of 'their 'leadess) with a beautiful Later inthe evening the Brownie Leaders, Local Auxiliary and Cart- wright Lady Bowlers met at the home of 'Mve. Connie Swain and. presented Miss Armstrong with a lovely living Miss Armstrong has taught in the Public School here for three years and is leaving this The June meeting of the W.M.S, was held at the home of Mrs. John Carna- ghan Wednesday afternoon with 26 ladies and séven kiddies present. Meeting opened with silent prayer and a brief prayer by president, After the singing of a hymn and a welcome to visitors, a brief business period was held. Roll call--"Where I'd like to go as a Missionary" -- was well an- swered. Mrs. Russel Mountjoy, in charge of the worship read the Par- ables of the Post Sheep and the Pro- digal Son and gave a fine paper, also led in prayer. dg Mrs. Roy Taylor presided for the program. Mrs. Lorne Thompson fa- vored with a piano solo "The Monas- try Garden", Mrs. Lloyd Wright In a very pleasing manner introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. Merrill Fergu- son, who gave a most interesting and helpful address, based her remarks on "I am the light of the World; he that followeth Me shall have the light of life".. She told of natives of Africa whom. she' knew, who had received the "light of life" and were letting it shine before their families and neigh- bors. Mrs. Taylor expressed thanks to speaker and to all who assisted in program and Mrs, Carnaghan. After the singing of a hymn and the Bene- diction a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Glenn Larmer's group and a social time enjoyed. Before leaving most iof the ladies viewed the lovely flower garden. : : Co " Blackstock Juvenile hard ball team will play their first home game at the fair grunds against Orono Thurs- day, June 18th. Come and support your 'local team. The high school examinations will be finished and the boys hope to settle down to ball for the summer. O.N.O. met at the home of Mrs. Marion Carnaghan Thursday evening with 26 members and one visitor, Mrs. Pat Sleep present. Torn An invitation to exhibit at Orono fair was turned down. Decided to have a picnic at the park, Caesarea. Date to be set at next meeting. Most of the evening was spent playing ren, Port Credit' and Mr. Bob Ford Jr. and Robeita, Toronto, visited Mrs. Robt, Ford Sr. over the week-end. were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jas, Henry and Melville and Doris Griffin and Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Paisley spent the week-end at their homes in Guelph and Dunnville. boro are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Mountjoy, sited her Aunt Mrs, Jas. Campbell and attended decoration service at St. John's cemetery, Fenelon Falls on Sunday. sited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Canning, Osh- awa, Sunday. meal in the bush this (Monday) ev- ening. They will be trying out a new stove and fire place that Mr, James Melton very kindly built for them. "Mrs, O. Carley and Anne are spend- ing a couple of weeks with her sis- ter Mrs. Clarence Marlow and: bro- thers Lewis, Herb. and Harold Swain and families before going to Oconto Girls Camp near Sharbot Lake for the summer, children visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Malcolm, Toronto, Sunday. of Ottawa spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and fa- milies, tended the graduation exercises in Toronto Teachers College of Mrs. Ed- ward Read (nee Joyce Wright of Osh- awa), Toronto 'East General hospital. a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. (Roy McLaughlin and family. was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and family Sun- day when the following were present: Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Burketon; MY. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaugh- lin and family, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and fa- mily; Mrs. Carl McLaughlin, Grant and Neil, Court Whist. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rustin and child- Mr, and Mrs. Anderson, Whitby, Messrs. Jack Berry and "Gordon Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanderson, Peter- Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Graham vi- Guests at the Frank Crosier home on Sunday were Mrs, Jennie Crosier, Toronto, Mrs. Clare Thompson, Thorn- hill, Mr, and Mrs. L, Mustard, Brent and Patti Jane of Thornburg, Mr. and Mrs, Hammel, Meaford & W, S. Tay- lor, Serpent River, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Muir and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Forrest, Oshawa and Mrs. McGowan, Toronto, Donnelly on Sunday. Mr. Clark Harrison, Toronto was home over the week end. - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Franklin Croxall and Linda in Toronto on Mon- day. Dr:"and Mrs. J. Marlow, Johnny nll Jane, Lively, spent the long week- end with the Marlows and Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson vi- The Cubs are all get for a hike and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill VanCamp and Mr, and Mrs. T, K: Strang and Tom Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin at- Mrs. Read is a graduate of Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone, spent A McLaughlin family get-to-gether Harold Wright, Oshawa; Mr. Manchester | the printed forms supplied by the De- Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Howard and four children of Creighton mine, vi- sited her sister Mrs. Grant Franklin and family on the week-end. ~ Nineteen choir gowns have been purchased for the Junior choir and were worn on Sunday. The childrens music is much appreciated, © HELP YOUR RED CROSS CANADA = Department of Public Works ~ Tenders for Dredging undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Dredging, Whitby, Ontario County, Ont.", will be received in the office of the Secretary. until 3 .p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Wednesday, July 8, 1969. . Combined specification and form of tender can be scen and obtained at the Ottawa, Ontario, also at the office of the District: Engineer, 385 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. To be considered each tender must Le accompanied by one of the alterna- tive securities called for in the tender documents, Tenders must be made on partment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Tenders must include the towing of the plant te and from the work. The dredges and other floating plant which are intended to be employed on this work, to be eligible, must-- (a) be of Canadian or United King- dom registry, and tb) be of Canadian or United King- dom make or manufacture and, in the A bus load of thirty grade 8 pupils | enjoyed a bus trip to Midland on A most delicious lunch was served Monday. by Mrs. Carnaghan and group. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and (, cian Douglas spent the week-end with re- latives at St. Mary's. ' BIC SUMMERTIME DISCOUNT NOW! t m REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Of.ice at Seugog-and _ Water Streets PORT PERRY YU 65-7951 DOWN-SAVINGS Up ON "Dilue « SRM IAT TDitcosor how math fi YOU CAN PACK INTO A DAY IN We are glad to report that W., FI. is recovering from Major surgery in Oshawa Hospital. Many from this district attended Decoration Service at Utica on Sun- Ottawa, July 11, 1959. day. ONLY Northern Ontario . . . paradise for people who want to relax. The great outdoors stretches for mile upon mile, ~ yeta day can be as varied as you care to make it, "Wild life . . . scenic cruises fascinating mining developments . . . you'll find them all side by side in this great area. AF PSs up-to-da you where to stay at the price you want to pay. . A 79 v/ Discover how economical it is to explore Ontario by mailing the coupon below. Literature you will receive includes an ° | eet Dupartnsst of Trowel & Publicity, Hon. Bryan L. Catheart, Minister KNOW ONTARIO BETTER case of U.K. equipment, have been in "Canada at least one year prior to the date of the tender call. The lowest or any tender not iieces- sarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. tent. of Public Works, RIC .. luxury lodges . . . >, == a LJ 2 =o te list of accommodation that shows ONTARIO TRAVEL 000 Parliament Bldgs, MAM. oovrsrsersrssressatsssrssisinssn ADBroad..icovrssrsasenssiscsrnsssnines Poot OMoe..... visited their daughter Mrs. Marion! Sealed Tenders, addressed to the[ office of the Chief Engineer (H. & R.), | Utica Starting June 21, Sunday School |' will be at 10 a.m. and Church at 11 a.m, Mr. and Mrs. B. Geer and Ricky had a nice 'time at the "Short Re- were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Mion" picnic Saturday. Sunday visitors. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell were Mrs. Parkin and son and Mrs. Rusnell of Brooklin and Mr, and Mrs. Walt Mitchell and family. Mrs, Jarndahl of Toronto was a week-end guest, Mr. and Mrs. B, Mitchell and fa- mily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Greeves of Oshawa on Sunday. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Kendall Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J, Ward. Mr. and Mrs. H, Reazin of Wick and Miss Marie Ward called on Mrs. Ack- ney and 'Ada Stephens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes and fam. ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Storie Saturday, Congratulations of the community go to Charles Trinka who passed his university examinations with honors. My. and Mrs. Cyril of Brampton were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Cro- sier Sunday. . Mr, and Mrs. H. Walker had tea with Mr. and Mrs. M. Gerrow of Oshawa on Sunday. District Doings WATER CONSUMPTION IN LINDSAY JUMPS TO 1,545,000 GALLONS PER DAY SAYS SUPERINTENDENT According to figures released by R, Reynolds, superintendent of the Water Works Board, there has been a tre- mendous increase in gallonage during the prolonged heat wave. As a matter of fact it is possible that.the pumpage has been the greatest in years. On Saturday the gallons pumped through the local system totalled 1,460,000. On Sunday the gallonage was decreased to 1,210,000 but on Monday the guage measurerd 1,500,000 and on Tuesday hopped up to 1,645,000 gallons. NEARLY $3,400 OUTSTANDING IN IN PICKERING DOG TAX Although the final date of payment for 1969 dog tax in Pickering Town- THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1069--7 ship was set for May 1st, a total of $3,400 is still outstanding. This in- formation was presented to Council on Monday evening by the Clerk. Last year at this date, $3,200 had been turned in. This year, only $1,600 has been received. The final date of payment was pro- perly advertised by the Clerk in all district papers. The Reeve suggested each owner should be sent a formal notice of his arrears. The assessors have acquired the names of dog own- ers in the individual wards. START CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION WAREHOUSE AT DUNLOP PLANT, WHITBY Additional warehouse facilities for the tive plant at Dunlops was started last week when excavators started dig- ging. - EE -- Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Sears and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sears of Orillia were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers enjoyed several days in Northern Ontario this week, Mr. E, Whippy from Toronto visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. "A. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stewart and family of Don Mills spent the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Several from Epsom attended the Decoration Service held at Utica last Sunday. Music was provided by the Epsom Choir. Mrs. Robert Taylor and Doris visited Monday with Mus. Chas. Wilcox at Pickering. The new building will contain eigh- teen thousand square feet and will be completed in about three and one half' months. Foundation Company of On- tario are the general constrators. The | building will conform in appearance to! the existing structures, X It is felt the additional warehousing space will leave more room in existing sections for production purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird from Greenbank and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Catherwood and sons from Whitby visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Ansell, Michael and Kenny of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. David Knight and Robert of Richmond Hill were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. 1 Does housework come hetween you and your family? Do you often find yourself working so hard for your family you have little time to spend with them? Think of the most dreary household chores and chances are all of them can be done better and more easily with the help of electricity. With the help of safe, clean, modern electric appliances you, get through your housework faster + . . have more time to spend with your family. And ; it's always a happy economy to choose electric appliances because electricity is so inexpensive. You get more out of life when you get the most , out of electricity, Use silver polish to remove stubborn stains from iron soleplate. Never scrape or use harsh abrasives. (~~ yo . 3 "fe Sng rs Wp ¥ AS Cy Xo SIMA - pi yt Pp ns a eu gr row a LW a Ey re .

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