Be ek Z3 ns STF ASC TE 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1959 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Saturday's at 9 a.m. to 12 noon. At residence, Caleb St. Port Perry. Phone YUkon 5-2127 July 23 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. APEX IV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/69 Dead Farm Stock Highest prices paid for dead ov crippled horses, cattle, hogs, accord- ing to size and condition. Small ani- mals removed free, Use our special telephone service at no cost to you. Just call Long Distance Operator and ask for ZE. 32800. FA Ed. Peconi july 30/59 ARGYLE, ONT. Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 80, 1959 SEPTIC TANKS ¥ cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry = Phone YUkon 5-2226 Garnet V. Gray, 0.D. * OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.830 p.m. Every day except Tuesday Phone 100 for Appointment South from Post Office Uxbridge, Ontario a May 16/69 Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. or Qales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY YUkon §-2211 tf1 ARR REAL ESTATE Greenbank Village, on Hwy. 7 & 12 seven room brick house, attic, good! garage. Low down payment, $2000. Furnace, storms; good garden, close to school and church. Priced to sell quick. $3,600. down buys a 5 room bunga- low on Casimir Street, Port Perry. New oil furnace. Good garden, Room for building lot. Minutes from down- town. - Got a house to sell .. . Call Mann & Martel Your local representative 0. J. Boe Seagrave, Ont....Phone Port Perry YU 5-2079 Member of Toronto Real Estate Board Free estimate on Farms, Houses, Lots and Cottages. TF SPRING IS HERE We Have Buyers! We Need Properties! Houses, Farms, Small Holdings List Now With Howard McMillan GREENBANK YU 56-7441 WILLOUGHBY SONS LTD., REALTORS 46 EGLINGTON E., TORONTO Spring Catalogue Sent Free 3 Jan. 14/60 May 26/59 REAL STATE w ki oMaraaiel Ballard recking BROKER o) WANTED RS... vacant land, etc. or 49 Sunderland, Ont. June 80/69 We BUY CARS and TRUCKS for wrecking; also SCRAP Metals. WE SELL USED PARTS 3 miles west of Manchester PHONE: YU 5-2001 June 4/69 - srt NOW COURTESY PHONE TO-DAY THE TIME TO DO THAT INSIDE REPAIR JOB FREE ESTIMATE LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER C0. LTD. SERVICE - YUkon 5-7391 fishing or pleasure. Singer Sewing / Ted Veenhof tra windshield, cushions. a ds Se SYS SR Rate--38c. per word. Minimum charge B0e. -- to local advertisers Classified Advertising copy must be in by 11 a.m. Wednesday FOR SALE--Cedar Strip Boat, 15', with fibre glass bottom. Good for Steering wheel, 1956, Scott-Atwater motor, 16 h.p., re- mote controls, used 20 hours, trailer with winch. $5616.00. Call RA 3-2619 or see it at 160 Wilson Road, S. Osh- awa. TF. WELL DIGGING " CLEAN OUT AND DEEPEN COMPRESSOR WORK 500 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, RA. 8-6974 July 16 FOR SALE -- Bicycle, 22" Rolly, three speed racer; also 22 rifle. Phone YU 656-2680, Port Perry. May 14 FOR SALE -- Moulded 12" x 60" boat, windshield. Phone YU 5-2175. May 14 wt FOR SALE--Gendron Baby Carri- age, maroon colour. Phone YU 5-2119. 5 FOR SALE--3 female hound pups. Small. 6 months old. Call YU 5- 2034. May 28 FOR SALE--Mixed Baled Hay, 40c. a bale at barn. 4bec. delivered within 10 mile radius. Phone YU 5-75640. | FOR SALE--Strawberry plants and Dalhia roots. 2094. Norman Lyle, YU 5- FOR SALE--3 Poultry Houses and Brodders and one electric motor, 5 H.P. Apply Roy Goode. FOR SALE -- Peterboro hard top 16' boat, 36 H.P. Johnson 1957 out- board, .electric starter, generator, ex- Apply Orde Marine, Port Perry. YU 56-2351. FOR SALE -- A Moffat Electric' Range, ideal for cottage. Sufficient for household use. Good condition. Apply YU 65-2327 between 5 & 7 p.m. FOR SALE -- Westinghouse Refri- gerator, 6 cu. ft. $50.00. YU 5-2408. FOR SALE--9% cu. ft. Philco Re- frigerator. Sacrifice $66.00, YU 6- 7400. FOR SALE -- Buffet, walnut, 4' long; Wardrobe with mirror on door, single size. Both in excellent condi- tion. YU 56-2033. } FOR RENT--4 roomed apartment, 3 piece bath. Separate laundry fa- cilities. Heated. Available June 1. Call Beare Motors Ltd. YU 56-7351. T.F. HOUSE FOR SALE--New Modern 6 room bungalow. Oil heating. Hard wood floors. Cochrane St. N., Phone YU 65-2239. May 14 FOR RENT -- Heated upstairs A- partment. Three large rooms, living room, kitchen, bedroom and large bathroom. In private home. Adults only. Mrs. M. T. Beare, YU 5-2435. WANTED--Woman for housekeep- ing duties in Port Perry. Modern conveniences. For information con- tact Albert Cawker, Phone YU 65-7969. May 21 FOR RENT -- Attractive self-con- tained 2 bedroom apartment. Apply W. J. Carnegie. YU 65-2613. T.F. FOR RENT--Lakeviéw Apartment. Modern apartment consisting of liv- ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroon & utility room. Also apart- ment with one bedroom. Phone YU 6-24178. T.F. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public Bank .of Commerce Chambers 6 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone RA 3-3446 TF TIME TO START Gardening let us Rotary Till it for you. Nothing too small. FULFORDS YU 5-2793, May 14 SUMMER PROPERTY : FOR SALE SNACK BAR and GROCERY with Pop Cooler | VIEW LAKE $2500. with $500 down LAMSON REAL ESTATE YU 5-7780 FOR SALE--Girl's Bicycle, good as new. YU 5-2408. FOR SALE -- Oil burning cook stove with blower, good heater, large oven. YU b5-7411. FOR SALE--Force Pump and pump jack with 40' piping, Phone YU 5- 2046. FOR SALE--1931 Chevrolet in good , shape. Low mileage. Phone YU &- 2711. © Juned i FOR SALE -- 1954 Pontiac Sedan ' Delivery. Harlan Clark. YU 65-2717. --- FOR SALE -- Cockshutt Manure Spreader in ship shape. Case Hay Loader, good. Will trade for fertili- zer drill. Phone YU 65-7640. FOR SEED--Rodney Oats, cleaned and treated. $1.20 per bushel. Not , cleaned $1.05 per bushel.. Phone YU. 5-7540. ' WANTED--Upright Piano in good condition. YU 65-2140. ! PERSONAL WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- vitalize thousands past 40. Only:69c. At all druggists. May 21 'Accounting Service Complete bookkeeping for small businesses. Income tax returns pre- pared. Financial statements prepared Bob Clancy 184 Bond St. West, Oshawa. Ph.: Bus. RA 5-0397. Res. RA 3-7605 BEN RHEBERGEN, Rep. Port Perry, YU 5-2748. May 28/59 Used Cars & Trucks Brock Motor Sales PHONE 73 SUNDERLAND FOR A BETTER BUY! BETTER TRY! - A General Motors - Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer 1957 Pontiac deluxe 4-door sedan, ra- dio, air-condition heater, guaran- teed good condition all around, a 2-tone blue and ivory. 1966 Ford V-8, 3-seat Sion wagon, automatic transmission, radio, new tires, in top condition, 'blue and ivory color. ONTARIO 1956 Chevrolet deluxe sedan, a one- owner car reflecting the best of care, light blue with beige top. 1956 Ford automatic custom 2-door, radio and good rubber, a light blue. 1956 Dodge 2-door, new motor just installed, good tires and finish. 1964 Chevrolet 2-door. 1956 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up 1948 Oldsmobile jcoach 1948 Plymouth coach Low Cost G.M.A.C. terms available to suit your budget IMPLEMENTS. Case No, 95 2-wheel rubber-tired tractor spreader, '| Otaco 4-wheel rubber-tired manure spreader, [.LH.C. 13-run single disc fertilizer drill, M.H. 7-foot cut binder, in very good condition. John Deere 420 erawler, 6-roller, b- speed with direction reverser, com- plete with John Deere No. 90 load- er and sacrifier. Ready for work, For A Better Buy! Better Try. BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 738 {Hn Sanderland po oF AW 1 # / "MM RY N just East of Centre School. cagh, sale at 1.30 p.m. Cecil Heayn, Clerk. Salesmen (Full or Part Time) ARE YOU THE MAN WE WANT? "ALL YOU NEED: ---- -- is some free time, desire for above average income; willingness to learn, neat appearance, own cap and be bondable. Experience not neces- sary, training supplied for men cho- sen. ! WE OFFER: --Immediate Earnings --Annual Repeat Income --Progressive Training --Modern Sales Aids --Advancement Opportunities --Bonus Arrangements --Profit Sharing Plan A Worthwhile Career and a Future You Cannot Afford To Let This Opportunity Pass. Contact-- - ALLIED FARM SERVICES (CAN.) BOX 1029, LONDON Listings "Listings on small and medium sized farms wanted. Clients with substantial downpayment waiting. Call RA 3-7244 for Art Weinberger or write to A, Weinberger, 60 Harris Ave., Oshawa, Sales representative of Ed. Disney Realtor". May28 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Charles French Clark, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles French Clark, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Carpenter, who died on or about the 6th day of April, A:D., 1959, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the "11st day of June, 1959, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 24th day of April, 1959. MESSRS. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &e., May 14 Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above estate. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of William Stoutt,, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of William Stoutt, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 29th day of March, A.D., 1969, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of May, 1059, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the as- sets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 17th day of April, 1959. MESSRS, GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &c., May 7 Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. . Solicitors for the above estate. . Auction Sales SATURDAY, MAY 16--Household Effects of Mrs. Geo. Hall, Mary Street Port Perry. See bills for particulars. Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, MAY 19th -- Auction Sale of Implements and Furniture, the property of 'Geo. Greenway, Lot 18, Con. 6, Mariposa, 1 mile North and 14 mile East of Little Britain. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 p.m. Geo. Green- way, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer: SATURDAY, MAY 28 -- Auction Sale of Cattle, Tractor, Implements; Hay and Furniture, the property of 0. T. Snow, Lot 4, Con. 6, Scugog, Ternis TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE AND REAL ESTATE . 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th -- The property of Wm, Stoutt Estate, at his late residences, Lilla St., Port Perry. The real estate consists of House and Lot, Lilla St., Port Perry, and will be offered subject to a reserve bid. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 p.m. See bills for list of Furniture. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, Manchester . There were many empty pews at Church on Sunday, but those attend- ing enjoyed a fine "Family Day" ser- vice. The music by. the children's choir is much appreciated. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Bert Gray last Thursday afternoon, with an: atten- dance of seventeen members and two visitors. = The meeting opened with hymn and prayer. Mrs. Aird read the Bible lesson and the topic on "Hu- mility" was given by Mrs. Gray. Pres. Mrs. Aird took over for the business meeting and plans were discussed re booth at Port Perry Fair. Ten dollars was voted to the Can- cer Fund; Twenty Dollars to Com- munity Hospital and Fifty Dollars to clear off our, share of parsonage fund. Thirty Dollars was taken in for Supper served Public School Teachers and, guests, and Mrs. Gladys Archer handed in twenty-five dollars from the sale of a quilt. The June meet- ing will be at Mrs. Fred Lamb's home. Mrs. Aird and Mrs. Gray served lunch and a pleasant social hour was enjoyed. Collection $6.00. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Spencer of Pic- ton visited his sister Mrs. W. D. Mun. ro and Mr. Munro last week. Mr, and Mrs. Henderson, Toronto, visited 'their daughter Phyllis and Mrs. Dolly Roberts on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Torrens and sons Kenneth and Ronald of Kings- ton were with her' family here on the week-end, a 53 Now is the time to ADD-A-GAMEROOM with beautiful GYPROC Gypsum Grainboard Got a cellar going to waste? Turn it into a gameroom with low-cost GYPROC Gypsum Grainboard. It's fireproof . . . and you get the beauty of fine wood paneling at wall- ~ board cost. Five finishes--knotty pine, ADD A-ROOM NOW! GYPROC PORT PERRY bleached and dark walnut, wheat and heather --with colored nails to match, Ask us today for complete details. . . see how thousands of other homeowners are adding rooms in attics and basements REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Ofice at Scugog and Water Streets YU 65-7951 B J TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until May 16th, 1959 for the collection of: Garbage at the Summer. Resorts on Scugog Island (300 cottages). Collection twice a week during July and August, on or about May 19th, on Labour Day, and Thanksgiving Day. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1 , TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG, may 14,'59 S. Chandler, Clerk-Treasurer Phone--YU 5-2491 Plywood Masonite "Doors Arhorite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Insulation, Etc. GOOD PRICES -- BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED © JOHN BALLARD LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES