th Lh 0 TW A ) FL ob A SFE V7 ald HEA At SUNT ol By EF STIG Sa ah BE (Cl GR ve NEB EE At NR YH [= » i RI RR Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspape: Association THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE muons = D. 0+ it. : Sh Notes and Comments | Turning to the Soil = 3 [J Spring. He also announced that a Prayer Circle is to be started in the Parish. This will take place on Wed- nesday mornings at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall. The purpose will be to study further the healing ministry of the Church and to pray for the sick. The group is an outgrowth of the Letter fo the Editor Bechard, Sask., March 11, 1959 Clipped Comments CONQUEST ACROSS THE CONFERENCE TABLE It is not usual that we in this co- lumi comment on a prominent nation- Of Many Things by AMPROSE HILLS PAT NICHOLSON & THE CBC «I have been watching with very special interest the battle going on be- tween the powerful CBC and a young Dear Sir: In your March 5, 1959 issue, on the Editorial page, column six, you pub- Id al issue, concernin i i i . i ; ; ; Ce . i g ourselves mainly lished an article which was very inter- \d Although planting time is still some two hind the garage which doesn't get much "with side issues and facets of the gen. | "eWsbuper reporter, Patrick Nichol. esting by Ambrose Hills; namely, «of | Wednesday morning Lenten series on d, months away, it is not too soon to begin to sun and which can be used as sort of catch eral news picture on a national basis. [300 many things, Farm Brains Wasted", | e81ing. It will start the Wednesday n. dream about the garden; in fact, it is not all and burying place for misbegotten off- However recent announcements| Nicholson wrote a column taking Fortunately, the last two paragraphs | *fter Easter. y : i he 3 paragraj d i too soon to begin actually to plan for that ~~ SPrings, the gardener now fully launched from Ottawa on Canadian defence po- [UBC to task for pointing is micro- fof this article would scem to me on.| The meeting was closed by Mrs, summer garden, & ; may sit back and for a short while enjoy Jlicies pra to arouse even the Phones and TV caineras too mudh in tirely correct. Being that this article | Fuller with prayer. Refreshments Of course, the thing to start with is the Wii Nin ioged plossnte the fond contem- editor off a weekly newspaper, hy us Siegtinmn smal) Shane of is focused on Manitoba and being that | Were Served by Mrs. Long and Mrs. \ seed catalogue. These delightful publica. ~~ P'®U0n Of beauty about to spring. Let us fmmedlately try to put the | bie of CBOs costly Press. ang | my family I camo from not too | Staples. Fifteen members were pre- ot tions are a joy to both the expert and the And with the coming of spring, action is Misting ant PAA o a be 2 guns of CBC's costly Press and far from Port Perry prior to 1905, I | Sent. s novice alike. The coloured illustrations of the keyword to success. The gardener | Hi £8-0% the DEmIvion of cop Fi de-1in vriation Department -- it spends | would like to comment on this article | Services for Holy Week will include ) supurb specimens are real spurs to the should now come to grips with nature and its Proper ere ee po a i more than a million dollars a YeAr--Iby paragraph. The opinions are en-|the Thursday evening Laying On of imaginative sowers of seeds; nay th in working up the soil bring her around to ponsibilits as. | oocncd up on Pat Nicholson, not with [tively my own as I sce this vision oy | Hands Service for healing, as pre- { y nay they aré : . announced and the responsibility as-| forthright ' he critici i the YEry Sutt of Fick enon din fp a point where she is ready tp co-operate as oT oy i wright answers to the criticism he | hrain wave. fovusly mentioned, and a two-hour " silent t in the biz thi that li sumed by the party that may be in|had made, but with innuendo and hair- is for : thi i vice fr 12 £ t. made. And then the names! Oh, the un. A en pariner mn e hig ngs Lhat-he power at the time of the announce- splitting It i= fortunately this article would ly Tron 182 bai. on Good " spoken promise in such euphanisms. as ahead. ) i. ; be in circulation at the time the West. | Friday. This will be an Anglican Pp ment. However the real planning and I know just what Nicholson is up |ern deficiency delegation arrived in | Service; not a joint service with other At this stage the gardener will be hard put to curb his impatience. The philosophy of the stoic appears to be of some help dur- ing this period touched, of course, with some of the positivists assurance. But with the actual planting of the seeds, © It is this organization that is res. and with the careful transplanting of the ponsible for any long term planning first early shoots, this ancient game of and not the political parties who may earth husbanding is really underway and change at any election. True the the joys of summer stretch out in unbe- government can force a change of po- lievable splendour of achievement and licy on the beaurocrats of the , but it is difficult for people elected Bushhy's Early 'Blooming Coronation Spe- - cial, or Magnus Maximus Midget, select! Having digested thoroughly all the choice offerings of the various seed catalogues, : the amateur is ready for the next move---- in point of fact he can hardly wait for the next move. This, of course, is an exercise in organ- ~ization which should be lovingly translated from the rather nebulous mental toying with possibilities to the very definite and carrying out of the plan js done by specialists in the armed forces and under the direct control of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ottawa and 1 hope every member of | churches as had been earlier suggest- same happen to read it. a ed. There will be a Holy Communion Paragraphs 2 and 3: It is too bad | Service at 11.30 a.m. on Easter Sun- this hadn't: been ten rather than 11 day, and also a Children's Service farms. 12 is the lowest number that [3 P-m. that day. The girls of Mi readers. It has not been content to [ean participate in I1.A.A. However, | New's class will present ~an Easter deal with the facts of the dispute, but although each one has paid his PFAA [Play at the Children's service, and has hinted that he is not velinble, that | dues, these 12 farms must border each [Some of the older pupils will form a that he is out to "get" them, because | other in some material, not mythical | choir for the occasion. There will be he has consistently criticized the way 'way and produce a very low average | "0 Sunday School Easter morning. CBC favors a stable of pet commen- | yield before they can receive any re-| The Evening Guild held its regular against. CBC's Press and Informa- tion Department is loaded with money. It can--and probably will--spend plen- ty continuing its attempt to discredit Nicholson in the eyes of his editors & very tangible plan on paper. When this hope. : ! n i rr i : is done and the whole ial is, charted And so man fulfills himself . . the rest from all sections of the country to|tators who say things CBC wants said. | muneration. These 11 men's ability | meeting at the Rectory on Monday, with the exception of that little space be- . is up to the seeds. havé 'the specialized knowledge to| CBC once invited me to speak on|is noted but no mention was made of | March 16th, Wilh Fiftean Ares " knock holes in the proposals as put [their radio network show, "Critically | their good luck or misfortunes which | Present. The vice-president, Mrs. T. Age Of Violence. ~~ 1 | Becker was in the chair, in the ab- sence of the president. The minutes were read and the treasurer reported are the main factors in farming. will mention a few hazards, rain or lack of it, hail, frost and rust and forth by the experts. We don't have this specialized Speaking." This was shortly after we had had a battle in the papers. I did speak and 1 eriticized the very We are disturbed and rightly so by- the violence that too often seems to be a part of teen-age activity. But what we forget is that as adults we, too, are given to violence, Take this week, for instance. We witnessed the outbreak of violence in Newfoundland where Premier Smallwood has come to grips with the tough leadership of the In- ternational Woodworkers of America. The sion and the violence was limited to drink- ing parties and genial back-slapping and tub-tHhumbing. Sound but little fury. Hardly had the echoes of this sortie died away when trouble broke out in Brantford area on the Indian reservation of the Six Nations. There with the usual fanfare and emotionalism that characterizes mob knowledge--but we do have a loyalty and regard for Canada, that is not overshadowed by international affilia- thing Nicholson is now exposing so clearly and with such first-hand know- ledge. Like Nicholson 1 was never ~ tions whether fence sphere. they be framework of the British Common- wealth or in the North American De- For more than a century Canada and Canadians have defended their Within the asked to criticize again--instead, they invite critics to deal gently with.them, instead . . . to the point of flattery. CBC has a great deal of power. It can make a career for a press gallery reporter; or it can leave him out in grasshoppers. Naturally, one out of 11, at least, would have a brain wave but owing to the aforementioned, it | seldom works as smoothly as described by Mr. Hills and it is more likely 10 of these 11 men were efficient ma- chinery operators. Paragraph 4: Naturally, they got! together and elected a board of 10 $116. in the treasury. A motion was adopted that the group purchase a projector for the Church School as soon as it could be procured. Plans were made for serving refreshments at the Fireside to be held after the {evening service on Palm Sunday. The Guild was asked to provide home ba- . king for the Easter Tea on April 5th and agreed to do so. May 2nd was fight at Badger resulted in the death of a policeman. "This was. no isolated incident - but a rathéi' inevitable result of the kind of violence we have come to accept as a part of militant picketing. The trouble in Newfoundland followed close on the heels of the product's strike in Quebec against the CBC. This too was marked by violence and a crazliy uninspir- ed march on Ottawa. The farmers of the West are to be criticized too for their de- monstration. It was an exuberent excur- leaving the brainless one to do the manual work that is traditional when boards are elected. However, they might use. their brains too heavily | while sitting on their bottoms and for- get to turn around at the end of their rope, leaving, the brainless 11th man "with the whole load. We'll assume rights of freedom of action and the right to go their own way. Efforts, maternally, brotherly, or otherwise, to over-influence us have been rejected at the grass-roots level of Canada. the cold. To be seen on TV nationally, in this country where there is only one TV network, is to become a-houschold name. CBC has chosen to give the big build-up to a few: it has kept leading press gallery en away from its cameras and microphones except for very rave appearances. Joard of Rroadeast Gov. | they didn't. ernors indicates thal it is going to Pavagraph 5, ¢ and 7: Just typical keep a very close wateh on the pro- of many individual cases. They went ! gram content of the private stations. [ahead with the piggery and the 1958 set as the date for the spriv iin mage Sale. Many members brought attractive gifts for the bazaar to this meeting. Refreshments were served by Miss Connie Snowdon and Mrs. W. Sonley. The next meeting was set for Tuesday March 31st, at the home of Mrs. R. Kenny. At a recent meeting ofthe Advisory Board, plans for the extension to the Parish Hall were approved in prin- behaviour, a new nation was born, enjoyed a brief existence/ and was snuffed out by the RCMP ig on the authority of the Minister of Immigration. The disturbing thing 'about all these ig the lack of discipline and the lack of re- spect for law and order. Adults with a cause which justifies action should find + .and-must find more intelligent. and more lawful means for expressing their griev- ances and injustices. Talk about the problem teen-agers! Now we have sprung upon us from the Dominion Parliament, that we have been sold down the river into economic and military slavery to the ! United States of America. There is no other concept that can truly be put The new B .upon the recent announcements, but ! . . _ A 8 1 -- {that Canada has been fought (welt is 10 be hoped that it will observe hog prices are the result. The brains dpe. wine © ® @® ' i hope) and been overcome in the joint [ With the same sharp eye the more ser alan with VEINS foiant the Grigiial ¢ =< ( 1 sonnolls of defence and military. ious things that are happening in the | 10 directors and the one man of. es . 1S X I1C Oln & ' government's own TV and radio set- | muscle. - . j There are more ways than one of up. There are not many men with the | It is too bad, sir, the people of east- United Church WA ini X o yr : 1 R : 0 3 . i ' . . LINDSAY SITE of NEW DEPT OF jchman-Warder" and handle commer- | works superintendent, James Cameron obtaining control of a country than courage Nicholson hax displayed nen Canada didn't understand better The first' book was [who was earlier authorized by coun- through the recourse to direct mili- "the face of attacks from this poser ul Lhe tnbulations of Manitoba, Saskat- The Port Ferry United Chureh Eg i id i i j chewan "und manufactured in 1931 and this has led [cil to aid in this project. : "to a specialization in this field which! Councillor Kelland reported they ha AE TEP ok A oy ne across the border by the ancestors of their relentnessness in using it, right [hope Myr. Editor, you and Mr. Hills standing books in the educational, arts Iwas by having new sidewalks on both many of us. } | downto the last cent of the taxpay- an mans more wi Siering rv press and history fields. In 1947 the War- | sides of Brock from Main to Spruce | Are Canadians now to stand idle ors dollar! confurce ; on wp a nih, der was sold and plant development streets since line would be run UP "while the same purpose of domination MN ! " : N . e 3 ) go om the ul has been centred on commercial prin-!either side and the company's policy ig obtained across a conference (7) | ' } a oo | 0 nd a hts ting and case binding operations. was that they left the streets in as table, We feel that it is time that be on Hy wit Ht el 8 ne ' The new association and in particular [good or better condition than before Canada took a firm stand. Canada ration was being interviewed. ic that of the Oshawa printing company [the lines were installed. . Mr. Kelland is not to become the battle ground of General Printers Limited will make | warned, however, that 'there may be etween the United States and Russia. available extra printing production | small inconveniences for a short per- Canada is no Belgium for two larger capacity including special lithographic |iod since immediately following instal- jeountries 'to ravage every time they lation several inspections and tests are "want to get at cach others throats. HIGHWAY OFFICES AND EQUIPMENT BUILDING Lindsay district is to become a cen- tral location for the offices and equip- ment buildings of the Port Hope Div- ision of the Provincial Department of Highways. Already work has begun on a site on Highway 36 about % mile south of the Chicken Bar-Be-Que. It is learn- ed that a parcel of land comprising about 10 or 12 acres has been purchas- ed by the Department from Charles Kennedy and this land skirts Highway 35 for the width of a long hundred The United! Corporaation. Only those of us who Alberta farmers, the have faced such an attack can under brainy ones as well as the brainless. possesses, and | We all get the same treatment. 1 tary action in a war. States tried that in the war of I812- 14 and were rebuffed and sent back stand the power CBC Woman's Association held its general meeting in the Sunday School room of 'the church with approximately fifty members present, The Mrs. Roy Cornish opened the meeting in regufar form with the use of the Woman's Associa. tion Motto and Mary Stewart Collect. president, The minutes of the last meeting and the recent executive minutes were read by the sceretary, Mrs. Murray Wil- liams and the business deriving from vou notice the reproachful statements - Junior Farmers 7" 1" Mr. Phillips said were uttered by Mr. Af Home Dance | Gibbings. Had he been interviewing a man of lesser caliber than Mr, Wes- The Ontario County Junior Farmers' son he might have gotten away with same dealt with, An invitation to be extended to the acres, the farm buildings being on the equipment. Bas jroducts and hl dertaken before they were perman- Assceiation will hold its eighth annual the statements. Today 1 hear Mr. |Oshawa Presbyterial Woman's Asso- Ops Concession Road East. Mr, vices of the De a group fo ! N J Bo over y Let the United States fight its own |"At Home" dance in the Legion Hall, Phillips has retracted those state- ciation to hold its annual meeting in Kennedy is in the employ of his broth- calendars. Speed- ne vy | "0 'al of the Clans were given by battles on its own territories or in Uxbridge. on Friday, April 3rd at 9:00 ments. It could be possible, sir, at {1960 at Port Perry was unanimously er of the Lindsay firm of Earl Ken- i a Sop. pe ae elie wn Wie. P 2 neutral areas. Canadians are not in-|p.m.. 'some future date the powers east of |agrecd. service, sta Sle . \ . . : a " . ; r ' : . Redy Bieetrio, . : Fon equipment oy Skion and | Work will probably start as soon as terested in the intercepting of atomic | The annual "At Home" dance is the the Manitoba-Ontario border may | Special meeting to be held in the Iris andersiond thsi the Sirine paid reative art studios weather conditions are favourable, [missiles over Canadian cities, when highlight in the vearly social program Stew in their own juice, rather than Sunday School room for the June for acreage was $9,000 and that snow ig W. Deyell said that he would con. those missiles are destined for the {of the Junior Farmers Association. At having mythical dreams such as Mr. meeting to be in the form of a Po clearance has already begun. pW. Joy fuiti g . 2 mi acr: United States. Why should Canadians | this dance both present and past Jun- Hills. Luck Supper. The speeial spe oo ts It is understood that the extensive future, but would reduce his activities | BOWMANVILLE TO INCREASE nr tal Yours tradi : bs Diuigrsion ry puture, but would reduce his activities | MILL RATE be subjected to atomic dangers to jor Farmers get together to renew old ours truly, Mrs Ives, president of Oshawa Pie. 24 offices and buildings located at Port » i a Baus " 53 save Ameriean lives? { friendships and to meet new friends. Jas. I. Allan byterial. Po Hope are proving to be in inconvenient | on the progressive basis following the | «There is yn increase in the mill rate --Whithy Weekly News. Each year at this time an invitation i . Tertat ; RY location for the large highway pro- [appointment of new management. He |,f 2.5 mills. The increase in the mill oT mtby Min [ nt | hy N " hl N 1 ro a ton " Bechard, Sask. Fentative suggestions regarding the - iif i lanned for this division this |also stated that a program of expan-| ate is due to greater services to the ) , exten 3 Joi past and presen EE Spring Tea and Bake Sale were dealt i) gram pla : sion was envisioned to keep pace with | town and the cost of education The had been informed Mrs. Whytle would [members of the Junior Farmers Asso. with and a committee placed in charge 7 ear. ' € ' Cs ) I ets atte i al or pen Ee wit y oil salicvel that the Lindsay lo- the increasing demands of the com-|(own is expanding and with the cx- comply with the act. The Hew Bil, Jetation to attend the "At Home". ' An lican Notes and also the Annual Bazaar was dis ol x y " ; : : ; approved by the legislature Tuesday, | ppg year's dance as in the past, will q cussed. PEE cation was chosen as a more focal | PANY'S customers, pansion more services are needed, and "P rs Li | ; the (41 oint for the Port Hope Division In a meeting with the staff, Mr. {his costs more money. The. popula- stipulated that children lodgec ny ' be semi-formal and music will be sup- The Women's Auxiliary held their The Corresponding Secretary's Re- iN \ which extends to Washago and Kin- D. M. Alloway was. introduced and tion of Bowmanville in past five years |Tegistered homes would be A pied by Don Gilkes Orchestra, New- monthly meeting in the Parish hall [port was yiven by Mrs. Geo. Barthau Ka mount on the north, Whitby on the |sPoke on behalf of the purchaser. He | has increased 1010" Councillor Ivan |Neglected. Anyone lodicing a ¢ Ey giather, * on Tuesday, March 10th. Mrs. Glass, |in the absence of Mrs. Sam Cawkir hs west, Lake Ontario on the south and |said no staff changes were contem- Hobbs, chairman of the finance com- an unregistered home would be kiable The committee members in charge of | the vice-president, chaired the meet- [The Treasurer's report was presen' ed £1 rerio on the East . : plated and the company would con- mittee, told the Canadian Statesman. |! ® $200 fine. the dance ave Walter Kerry, Uxbridge, | ing in the absence of the president. [by Mrs. Charles Reesor shown Building erected at the Lindsay site tinue manufacturing operations in its ---- Mrs. Whyte underwent a on { chairman; Carol Midgley, Port Perry, ! The meeting opened with the hymn, [splendid balance in the bank. out. A housing giant snowplows, massive road plant at 20 Lindsay Street North. NO CADETS IN PETERBOROUGH hospital here two days wy N on "R.R. 4; Lois Tregunna, Oshawa, R.R. | "Blessed Are the Pure In Heart" [standing accounts were autho id to % ! hi d n offices for the| Elected at a special sharcholder's We understand that the Board of her home is a mission, Nata hoarding [1, and Jean Alsop, Cannington, R.R. 2." followed by the Litany for missions [be paid. Mrs. Smallman 1eported N A ng hah meeting March 10th were Directors J { iq. (home. She has said that to comply from "The Living Message", read by|that there were 90 calls ade during 3 work and administration are envision- g . | Education in Peterborough has decid-| roll neat tule away a Aving Message", read by | ef : 3 BL d with a 1 taff of workmen and |W. Deyell, T. Stinson, President of d to delete cadet training from with the act would mean tur NDE AWA) Mrs, Staples, the month of Fehruary. (PR ed with a large staff of workme y el ele i g children because of the maximum ac- Mrs. McClintock read the Sermo Ch ; \ ffi 1 t asset to| Victoria and Grey Trust Company, o schools in that area Considerable Mrs. McClintock read the Sermon| The Devotions were in charge of ji) office personnel as a great a * Lindsay, D. M. Alloway, General Mai schools . § commodation, requirements under the Cedar Creek on the Mount. She then read the chan | Mrs. er Son] ho hill 3 the community. y, L. M. bd discussion hag developed over the sit- t . a cone th an Mrs. Ben Smallman who was assistec i In regard to municipal road work Ager of Times Publishing Company of { There is no indication that |"C" ~ | : ter on "Alcoholism ) from the social (hy Mrs. E. Healey, and Mrs. E. Leask. { Victoria County is included in the | Oshawa Lirhited, H. H. Crowley and V. the Fort Perry or Uxbridge schools ' USE FOR BOWMANVII LE | Mrs. George Spencer of Columbus service study hook. He Cares". The Mrs. Howard Hall, accompanied by | Huntsville Division under the super- A. Henkelman who are Vice-Presi- adopt the plan. NEW Usk ; Mal "7 is staying with Miss Flossie Spencer. secretary, Mrs. Whithy, read the mi- Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Jr., rendered an ap- ; vision of Engineer L. A. Boucher dents of General Printers Limited, of ~q Ajax District School been out PARKING MBYBRS. - | AMvoand Mis. Ernie Willerton visit- nutes of the last meeting, and Mrs. appropriate solo. i t ee : Oshawa. - K. W. Wendland, an officer "14 in of the cadet training plan wie) We can't resist one mote quip con- ed Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boynton on' Clarke gave the 1surer's report. Edgar Leask, the SH i ny | of the purchaser group, was appointed ] cerning parking meters and their use. | Wednesday evening. Mrs, Wilkinson handed in eight dol- i SW Rr WES : ; -3 ast five years. At present . suest speaker, Mrs. BE. W. Fulior, wl Rt J J. W. DEYELL PRINTERS LIMITED Secretary-Treasurer, Within the is) y : p Last 'week a new and somewhat novel Mrs. Bruce Cummings had a baby lars for a quilt just recently made and gues Shea er ot ) " " 0 A AN F LINDSAY, BECOMES Valreas | they are carrying on with Cadet v y delighted everyone with her reminise- ey 9 ' FIRM ' 'training | radvantage came to light. A lady about! girl at Port Perry Community Hospl- sold. She reported that material for ing of the West xn 107 Cxhariatices y RE! | ASSOCIATE WITH OSHAWA UXBRIDE OK's GAS COMPANY'S | ol . to enter one of the town stores tied| ta] on Friday. The baby is in an in- Dorcas work, (the making of layettes Missionary Work ) | RE es J..W. Deyell, President of J. W, Des [, her dog to a meter while she went! cubator Late.) woild be available for the next |" *'™ : OH » , § SGISTRATION REPORT DENIED 8 : : . ; , , IN | 8 L yell Printers. Limited has announced |"l-AN FOR MAIN INSTALLATION ogi) ANON EDLs about her business. We were unable to | Mrs. Larocque attended a Euchre meeting. At the conclusion of this most in. SR y the sale of control of his company to] Engineers from the Consumers Gas TORONTO M 5. Bertha "Mom" check if she had put money in the hox | Party on Scugog Island on Friday Arrangments were then made for | teresting address, Mrs. Allan Jackson, Hh A | Times Publishing Coinpany of Oshawa | Company have been working in Ux- Whyte said in hos last Wednesday | 8nd wondered, first if "the by-law evening. ' an Easter tea and home baking sale | PAst president of the Woman's Asso- 200 | Limited. The new owner has printing | bridge for the past several weeks sur. i Ay X world ow ie isler Het Sa called for the coin in a case of that! Mr. and Mrs. Attwood MacRae and to be held on April 4th. ciation, in a few well chosen remarks ER j operations in Oshawa, London; Tilbury | veying and laying out routes for the " 2 Be ) fon _-- ont. kind #nd second, if the new dog by- | family of Oshawa were Sunday visit-! Mr. Fuller came in and talked to|thanked the guest speaker. Ta { .and Thorald. " snstallation of their gas lines, Draw- Coren 8 1 & Act i law would consider that her dog was ors at the Harris home, the group about the Deanery School | At the close of the meeting a de- Nt } J. W. Deyell Printers Limited, lo- [ing of the plans were at Council on SD Mi oh Cecil . id In the under proper control or could legally Mr, and Mrs. Roy Blain and Doug of Religion, aml a Parish action con-!licious luncheon was served by Mrs. PS A cated at'29 Lindsay Street north was |last Tuesday night They have been! we ro ne ee ho h be picked up by the non-existent! of Oshawa visited at the Larocque ference to be held in this parish on a Gwen King and her group. Collection [ 3 2 founded in 1916 to publish "The Wat- | assisted in their work by the "town | emsaliire eariiel ) 's Wook Shal he pound-keeper and taken away. 'I home on Sunday. {Friday night and Saturday in the late svicuited to $13.42. EN = RN ps,