Lt - ah -- i Pl i eT a - oe Rok ERI 2 FT = -- = Vv Bowes A A - Ey ~ PR OH Ne FA LAER 8 2 AS FRE 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 12th; 1959 N "SEPTIC TANKS BUSINESS DIRECTORY | INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUkon 5-2341 Port Perry April 80/69 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS "Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Ont. APEX 1 SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/69 Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up for disposal." WE BUY OLD" HORSES FOR ~ SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 6541, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi july30, 1969. Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked wp Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1959 Garnet V. Gray, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m! Every day except Tuesday Phone 100 for Appointment South from Post Office Uxbridge, Ontario . May 16/59 Saturday's at 9 a.m, to 12 noon. At residence, Caleb St. Port Perry. Phone YUkon 5-2127 Apr. 2/69 Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPEN COMPRESSOR WORK 500 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Phone RA 8-6974 Apr, 2/59 A I nt EOS Ra Singer Sewing Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY YUkon 5-2211 tf1 Free Chain Saw Anyone purchasing a new IL H.L. Pioneer Chain Saw from us between Jan. 1st, 1969 and April 1st, 1959 is eligible to win a new saw. The hold- er of the lucky ticket will receive ab- solutely free a new Model R.A. Pion- eer saw. This draw will be made only from the sales of the undersigned be- tween the above dates. Trades will cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 Jan. 14/60 REAL ESTATE Margaret Ballard BROKER LISTINGS WANTED Farms, houses, vacant land, etc. Phone 124 or 49 Sunderland, Ont. June 30/59 be accepted on any make or model. Draw will be made at 9 p.m., April 3rd, 1959 at our store. Oliver Beach & Son Uxbridge, Untario. Phone 111-W March 26/59 SWAIN Seed Cleaners NOW OPERATING Make your appointment early. We carry your grass seed needs. Give us a chance to serve you and we will try to please you. Phone Black- stock 89-r-11. Apr.30/59 ORDER BAR-B-Q CHICKEN AT TAYLOR'S, ONLY $1.99 ~ NOW IS THE TIME TO DO THAT REPAIR JOB FREE ESTIMATE COURTESY -- SERVICE. PHONE TO-DAY YUkon 5-7391 : : 1} LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER C0. LTD. dl / INSIDE, oS FEN WV 3 Sak -2 EY San SPR FAS FAL SY RAY PYRITE ol Sra) Cer An OM IN AN CR RR LR viceable age. Phone YU 56-2665. HR) AA ANAT ARR CAR A Pail te 5 i CRANIAL 5 nh a a VG a FE eee tg TET ged SATE BS 0} ON SES 3 { Sr RR . ef a w Rate--3¢. per word. Minimum charge 60c. -- to local advertisers FOR SALE--Baled Hay and straw. Kenneth Lee, Phone Blackstock 74-r-3. LOST--Red hound, vicinity of 6th Con. of Reach on March 5th. Phone YU 5-2724. ) FOR SALE--Landrace Hogs, ser- Ph. Blackstock 17-r-3. FOR SALE -- 1 sow, 6 months-- APARTMENT -- Attractive, self- contained 2 bedroom apartment. Ap- ply W. J. Carnegie. , Phone YUkon A RA J _--__. |b-2618. ~ : b a v BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. FOR SALE--Gendron Ba y Carri PERSONAL age. Grey with blue trim. In good rister and Solicitor condition. Phone YU 5-2396. { WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Barvigter an Younger. Ostrex Tonic. Tablets re- FOR SALE -- Boys sports jacket vitalize thousands past 40: Only 60c. and cap to match, 6X, Brown Tweed; At all druggists. ! Top coat, 6X, grey. YU 5-272. | WANTED -- Housekeeper for wid- FOR SALE ower with 2 children, 7 and 3 yrs, On . , Farm. Full charge of house. Mod- BABY CHICKS (Special Price)-- ern J a to wo- Order your requirements of day-old man, desiring good home to high Cockerels now! They develop to a Wages. Duties to commence April 1. good meat-type at an early age and Phone YU 5-2615. make excellent capons. $7.00 per 100, Wanted Write Hook's Poultry Plant, Green- bank, Ont. Mar.,12 | Large United States and Canadian FOR RENT--4 roomed bungalow. Manufacturing Company requires All conveniences. Immediate posses- Field Representative for Cartwright Township. Exceptionally high earn- sion. Phone YU 5-2512, Mar.12 FOR RENT--In Port Perry. Newly ings. Guaranteed 'repeat business. decorated apartment, 4 rooms plus Automobile essential. Agricultural or farming background most import- ant. Sales training given, Reply to i Box 84, London, Ontario. Mar.26 bath and laundryroom. Phone Sun- derland 93-r-3. FOR RENT -- Bachelor apartment near High School, bed sitting room, AVON CALLING kitchen & bath. Separate entrance.| $$$ can be yours. Earn $2.00 or Heated. Hot water. Phone YU. 5- more an hour representing Avon Cos- 2196. March12 'metics only a few: hours daily. Write - "or phone between 8-9 a.m. Miss E. FOR RENT--Lakeview Apartment. ! g,torhridge RU 2-7667, 42 Saranac Modern apartment consisting of liv-! piv, Toronto 19, Ont. ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms,! , bathroon & utility room. Also apart- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN SPECIAL 50 Lb. .... ment with one bedroom. Phone YU b5-2478. T.F. WANTED--Dining Room and Kit- chen help. Phone YU 65-2216, Ivan Haugen. WANTED -- Lady to help with housework, 8 or 4 days a week. Phone YU 5-7945. - Mar.26 WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best prices paid. M. Flett, Bethany R.R. 1, Telephone 7-r-13 collect. apr.16 WANTED Farms to list «>. Residential Property Summer Property ANNAN and Cook, Realtors Representative, Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, Phone Blackstock 44-r-11. Week-End Help Wanted Apply TAYLOR'S RESTAURANT Potatoes For Sale No. 1 SEBAGOS (Dry and White) 75 Lbs. essere essetterarensans Lakeview Orchards & MURDOCH ' Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public Bank of Commerce Chambers 5 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone RA 3-3446 ATTENTION! For all your Real Estate problems consult REG. JOHNSON Auctioneer and Real Estate sales- , man, representing Harvey Keith Real- tor, Toronto. Listings wanted. For prompt efficient service phone Sunder- land (evenings) 139-r-4. Mar.i2 | Notice fo Creditors | AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of CHARLES NEWTON | HOWSAM, late of the Township of ; Reach, in the County of Ontario, De- ceased, are requested to send the 'same to the Undersigned, one of the Executors, on or before the Twentieth day of March, 1959, aftér which date the Executors will distribute the as- sets having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Lindsay, this Twenty- sixth day of February, 1959. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY TF March 19 OSHAWA ROAD at Hwy. 7a Lindsay. Auction Sales THURS., MARCH 19 -- Giving Up Farming, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, A.C. Tractor, Implements, Hay, Grain, the property of Newton Wilson, Lot 26, Con, 6, Ops Twp., on Highway No. 35, 1 mile North of Lindsay. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.80 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer TUES., MARCH 17 -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Cattle, Farmall Tractor, Implements, Hay, 1949 Chev, Truck, Furniture, the pro- perty of Wm,. Short, Lot 11, Con, 2, South Monaghan, 1 mile North and 4 miles East of Bailieboro or % mile East of Bensfort Church. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m, REG, JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., MARCH 19--Farm Sold, 2 AAACN Auction Sale of 30 Holsteins, 45 Pigs, | Ferguson Tractor, Dion Thresher, Im- £ plements, Fowl, Hay, Grain, Furni- |g ture, the property of Lloyd J. White & | § Son, Lot 22, Con. 6 Rear, Pickering | Twp., 1 mile West and 1 mile North | & Terms | 8 Sale at 12.80 | pm. Ralph Faulkner, Art Woods, | § of Brougham and No. 7 Hwy. Cash. No Reserve. Clerks. TED JACKSON, WALTER ATKINSON, Auctioneers | § Utica The W.A. will hold their meeting in the basement of the church on Thurs., March 12th. ' . Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell had the family home on Saturday evening |§ in honor of Mr. Mitchell's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sonley of Port Perry calling on Frank Kendall |} on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell and|$ Mrs. Ivan Gray attended the funeral }§ of Mrs. Charlie Armstrong in Whitby on Monday. Mr. Frank Wilkinson of Oshawa, at his home, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilkin- son over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutherland vi- sited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Connor of Brooklin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pugh of Port Perry at Mr. Frank Kendalls on Wed. evening. , Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Oshawa, visited at James Mitchells on Sunday. |} Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer and Ri- cky visited at Mr, Laurence Midgley's on Wednesday evening. REAL ESTATE Got a house to sell ... Call Mann & Martel Your local representative 0. J. Boe Seagrave, Ont... Phone Port Perry YU 5-2079 Member of Toronto Real Estate Board Free appraisal on Farms, Houses, Lots and Cottages. TF Jp-- oe * PALERMO BROTHERS ¢ World Famous Ifalian Musicians are coming to "TOWN HALL, UXBRIDGE at 8:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, MARCH 19 All proceeds to Uxbridge Cottage Hospital sponsored by the Uxbridge Youth for Christ. The Annual Meeting of the Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery ~~ will be held in the : PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY, Saturday, Mérch 14, 1959 at 2.80 p.m. Annual Report will be received. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Every plot owner is a member who is welcome and entitled to vote on all questions. GRANT CHRISTIE, NORMAN HEAYN, President. Sec'y-Treasurer. COUNTY OF ONTARIO os 0 00 0 0 es 0 0 pe) Tenders For Annual Supplies and. Services Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 pm. g Thursday, March 26th, for the supply of the following services and 25 materials: i (a) SERVICES 1. CRUSHED GRAVEL 8: Crush and haul approximately 50,000 cubic yards of gravel from § various pits throughout County. SL ; A certified cheque for $1000.00 payable to the Treasurer, County of Ontario must accompany tender. ' « Tenders to be submitted on forms supplied by County. SURFACE TREATING- } 3 For the supply and application of all materials and plant necessary & for the sdrface treatment of approximately 18 miles. Tenders to $ be submitted on County forms. SUPPLY AND APPLICATION OF BITUMINOUS MATERIALS For the supply and application of: . (a) Bituminous prime (b) Bituminous materials for road mix pavement Tenders to be submitted on County forms. (b) MATERIALS } Prices quoted for materials are to include delivery to any point within County, " 1. Al] types of bituminous materials for road improvement and maintenance. 2. Fencing materials--approx. 10,000 rods of wire fencing. Quote on both 8 and 9 strand fencing and steel fence posts. . Salt and Calcium Chloride. . Chemicals for weed and brush control. . Zone marking paint--approx. 1000.gals. . Paints for bridges, guide rails, eta. . Gasoline, Diesel Fuels, and Lubricants. 8. Mikcellaneous--snow fence and posts, signs, corrugated metal culverts, guide rail cable. County tender forms must be used for items 2, 6 and 7. 0.0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% oe 0% 8% a0 0% 0 470 4% 40 a $0 0% a0 oe ae 4% ute ata. fos'en este se ate Sto. suo ese so a a 0" DEERE EC 08080808080808C $OSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOROROSOPON 31 0 Pe 0 0% oo sues es ws ed 22232222 Further information and tender forms may be secured from the office of the undersigned. - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. \ R. E. SIMS, P. Engineer, Engineer, County of Ontario, County Buildings, -- Whitby, Ontario. oi '0, Na 0 0% oa a0 0 sn a0 Po 0a t's DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO . i. NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF CEDAR POSTS | SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. 8 58-3195 Separate sealed Bids marked Supply Contract No. 8 68-8195, will be received by the District Enginger, 188 Hope Street, North, Part Hope, Ontario, until. 12:00 p'clock Noon, E.8.TF, . TUESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1959 Specifications, Information to Bidders, Bid Forms and Bid Envelopes may he obtained from the District Engineer, at the above mentjoned address, Lowest or any Bid not necessarily accepted, Port Hope, Ontario, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS March 10, 1959, ONTARIO rd . Half Load Regulations Are in Force, on Ontario County & Suburban Roads EFFECTIVE MARCH 1st, to APRIL 80th, vehicle loads may not exceed the allowable loads given under Section 81, subsection 3 of The Highway Traffic Act. R. E, SIMS, B. A. Sec. County Engineer. SS LE