4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 19569 This week there are student teach-|. ers at the Head School, Scugog. Mrs. Herman Midgley and Miss McEachern THE CHURCHES MELA we paid pr are both Port Perry residents, Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey wish to thank their friends and relatives for all gifts, cards and good wishes on their recent anniversary. Card of Thanks I would like to thank the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry; special thanks] to Drs. Kandel and Sturgis for the wonderful care received during my recent operation; also to my friends for the lovely cards. Anne Wallace. Card of Thanks We want to thank all the friends and neighbours for the lovely farewell gifts of end table and table lamp pre- sented to us as we moved away from our home on Scugog Island. Mr, and Mrs. H. Barry. In Memoriam PALMER--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas Palmer, who passed away March 11, 1950. ET VY Years have passed, we miss him so, Never shall his memory fade. Thoughts of love will always go To the place where he is laid. Ever lovingly remembered by his wife and family. ORDER BAR-B-Q CHICKEN AT TAYLOR'S, ONLY $1.99 | HELP YOUR RED CROSS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev, E. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th, Rector Sunday, March 16th-- 11.80 a.m.--Holy Communion Wednesday, March 18th-- 10 a.m.--Holy Communion 8 p.m.--Evensong 2 § 8ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERJAN CHURCH Rev. B. Simpson Black, B.A., B.D. Interim Moderator Sunday, March 15th-- 10-a.m.--Morning Service 11 a.m.--Sunday School 1 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.~--Sunday School for Nur- sery, Beginners, Kindergarten, and Primary Classes. 11 a.n.--Morning Worship. & The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. Sunday, March 16th-- 10.16 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Head S.S. 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m.--Prospect Church. 8 March 18th Hockey Come One! Come All! Port Perry Memorial Arena. Proceeds from this night in aid of 'Kistowel Fund. 2 House League Games. This is the last of this leagues games. EVERYTHING 100% OMINION GUARANTEED AT SAVE ON BRIGHTS SPECIAL Tomato Juice ........... 45 1.00 SAVE 6¢ AT TIME OF PURCHASE SPECIAL York Peanut Butter . ..... o>" 39 EASY TO PEEL SPECIAL Jaffa Oranges ........... voen 03 SPECIAL large 29° heads No. 1 Lettuce, FLORIDA No. 1, 96's Grapefruit, 10-55 + SAVE 2¢ ON SPECIAL Kraft Dinner ...........27« 29 THIS WEEK'S MARGARINE FEATURE SPECIAL Tulip Margarine ....... 27s 49° GOLD SEAL, FANCY | SPECIAL Sockeye Salmon ....... 27m 95 BURN'S or JUBILEE SPECIAL Pure Pork Sausage ...... 1 49 BURN"S Lb. | Polish Sausage 59° Average 3; 1b. Average Bi Se. | ment Monster Bingo J Monday night, March 16th, 1059, at 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa. 20-- $20. games; 6--$30, games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Door Prizes.' Admission $1.00. Bingo and Suit Draw The Lions Club of Port Perry will hold a Bingo at 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 21 in the Port Perry Public School. The draw for the Easter Suit will be made at this time. All proceeds in aid of Lions Club Charity Work. Friday Night Jamboree Dancing to Radio Artists Chuck Fortune and Band from Toronto Pa- lace Pier. [Features Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil Exton; Chuck Fortune Quartette and guests every. Friday night. Admission 76e. Red Barn, Oshawa. T.F. St. Patrick's Tea AND BAKE SALKE in the base- of St. John's Presbyterian St. Patrick's Euchre Of the C. P. & T. committee will be held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall on Saturday, March 14th at 8.80 p.m., sharp. Door and Euchre prizes (fowl). Lunch. Admission b60c. per person, Mar12 Turkey Supper Blackstock United Church W.A. will hold a Turkey Supper in the Recreaton Centre on March 18th. Sittings at 4.380, 6 and 7 o'clock. Adults $1.60 and children 76e¢. Euchre At Utica Hall, on Saturday, March 14, at 8:00 p.m. Prizes and lunch. Admission 650c. per person. Puck Passers If you missed the House-League finals last Wednesday, March 11th, you should try your best to see the last game March 18th. This will end the two game total goal finals. From what we saw in the semi- final this should be just as fast and maybe more exciting. The boys real- ly give their all. Have you bought your draw ticket for March 26th. This will be the last for this season and we want the hock- ey club to finish on top this year.' So it is up to you -- you and you-- See you at the House League Hockey. Tickets available from any coach or Howard Motors. Ask for Harvey Hall. Also hockey game races, broomball game, Uxbridge men vs, Port Perry men, draws and ete. Ladies' Wednesday Night Bowling MARCH 4th-- BpHEITes vu nmwiiniinios 7 Mustangs .........connn. 7 North Stars .......eeennnnn 6 HUITIANos «nmin 6 PIVOTS .unisirmmiisismisnnetisissrivivs 6 Sunderlands .........coeieireinireninnnns 4 Kittyhawks ......ccocvereriinnirerennnns 8 MosguOea. cumunuimmnnmismmms 2 Jota icin iiiinanirrigum . 2 BOMUEEIS ...ooviviiiiiiiisisessisesens 1 Lanclters .....covvevennerssnsssnsens 0 Helicopters ._..oumsmmummaission. 4 Scores over 210--M, Prentice 300, M. = MacGregor 267, B. Oke 248, 221; J. Lb. Ballard 237, 8. Devitt 286, E. Bailey PRE-DRESSED 286, N. Howsam 226, 210; M. Mac- Master 224, L. Mark 217, G. Tayl SAVE 4¢ ON RICHMELLO SPECIAL Peril ing By ot n 16 Oz, ¢ Triples over 600--B. Oke 869, M. Pren. Salad Dressing .......... 500" 20 || oso Ou HEINZ NEW - SPECIAL 11 Oz. HR AN OAR A AN IR RRA FH ATE hi pa Coming Events | Minor Hockey News After 14 weeks of house league we finally arrived at the semi-final stage, Wed., March 4th had two very fine games in the pro league to decide the two finalists to be held March 11 and 18th. i Hawkes, coached by Mike Stephens, beat out Howard Hall's Telco's by one to none. Garry Jackson, aided by Wayne Rowntree and Rodney Locke, turned the trick, but Telcos put up a terrific battle and went down giving their all and best. The second was a real upset, Har- most of the season were beaten by until they tied the score and went on to win in exciting overtime, Rangers' The Bruins' Bob Lee scored, then with only 16 seconds Dale Beare tied the game aided by Roger Pickard in the third over-time. Graham Powell end- ed the game, But all agreed it was the best game of the year. © We shall see, On Saturday morning March 7 to decide the two finalists for the Wednesday, March 11th. But only 1 team came out victorious. The all- Ralph Taylor beat Brian Fulford's and 'Howard Chapman's -Detroit team 2-0. Big gun for the all-stars, 'Russell Stephens scored both goals, one alone, the other aided by Ricky Ballard. The all-stars will meet the winner Monday night's relay of the second game which ended in a 1 t6 1 tie. Harry Short and Ross Sweetman's Leafs on goal by Ray Hillier were forced into the second by Scott Rollo of Canadiens, getting his goal with only 16 seconds or less remain- ing. Geo. Sebben coached Canadiens. Monday night's game after five minutes of overtime the Leafs came up with a one nothing game. |, vey Hall's Rangers who led the league Gord Mark's Bruins who did not stop Barry Beare put his team up 2 goals. ' stars coached by Doug Hillier and | Prince Albert On Sunday at 8. 8. Miss Beth Hun- ter deposited her birthday money. Mr. and Mrs. Forster are holiday- ing in Florida temperatures. Mr, and Mrs. Liscum and Allen vi- sited friends in Barrie recently, Mr. and Mrs, M. Pugh and family spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gostick of Claremont. Mr, and Mrs, Les. Beacock attended the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary of their cousin Mr, and Mrs, E. San- derson (nee Ferguson) of Galt, held at the home of the daughter Mr. and Mrs. M, Schick of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs, B. Smith accompanied Mr, and Mrs. G. Hunter to Fenelon Falls, also visited Mr. and Mrs, Thompson, Thursday night marked the annual "Open House" held in the Area and the older school house. The many fond parents and interested friends who roamed the classrooms were gi- ven a feeling of welcome by the tea- chers of each grade. A neat display 'of every pupil's notebooks, a sh of artistic handi, craft, plus a liberal exhibit of attrac- tive modern art. This occasion also provided an opportunity for parent to discuss mutual problems with the teacher pertaining to son or daughter. We who attended appreciate the time and effort spent by. the teach- - ing staff and students in providing the educational evening amid a friend- ly atmosphere, Finally a delicious plate of lunch & coffee served by Grade 8. pupils. UXBRIDGE AREA OFFICE NOW Ontario Hydro Provides \ FREE INSTALLATION Automatic Hot Water Heaters A COMPLETE RANGE OF GLASS LINED AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS NOW AVAILABLE ON A LOW FLAT RATE MONTHLY RENTAL FOR ONTARIO HYDRO RURAL CUSTOMERS.: Free Electrical and Plumbing Connections. Free Service. You may now enjoy an abundance of hot water for your famiy needs for-as little as HYDRO BILL. - CALL OR WRITE TO Ontario Hydro P.O. BOX 306 $4.30 per month on your PHONE UXBRIDGE 143 DW A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 22-00RHRTP |, Here is the best hardtop value in Canada . . . with all the space and grace of a convertible ... now available to you at - ever-popular Laurentian prices. : Look at that rear window--almost 12 square feet of glass. The windshield sweeps further to the sides and high into the roof.. . . lets you see approaching overhead lights and signs easily, as though you were in a convertible. And the thrill of driving is just as comparable! With windows up or down you can drive refreshed, surrounded by the-whole, visible, glorious outdoors, ANEW bE gm - Pontiac! THE LAURENTIAN SPORT COUPE Take it for a run in the country or around the block. Enjoy the ride and the pride that is standard in Pontiac. Then you'll know, other car! that for your money there just isn't any i 'The new Laurentian Sport Coupe brings you all the wonders you've waited for! - Built-to-last Body by Fisher o Magic-Mirror finish Up to 66% longer brake life » 6 improved, economical V8 engines o * Canada's most powerful six-cylinder engine « 7 more cubic feet of trunk spaces Vista-Lounge interiors » Aero-Frame chassis ¢ Improved transmissions and suspensions e Distinctive 1 4 Hot Catsup 21 FREE SILVERWARE IN MOTHER PARKER'S -- Special TeaBags................o00 70 All merchandise sold at your Dominfon Store ia OUR GUARANTEE nconditionany guaranteed to give you 100 per cent. Z satisfaction. VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR PORT PERRY DOMINION ARNE WEEK ENDING MARCH 14th : : ) 30a. an i. -- . -- ,e PE BRT pi - -------- BE i a---- . 2 n J 3 : : tm ------------ ic i wo A Abe A nH A $n a i Si 0 Sia aidihag So g . i ee tha rtinl hl Ee tii SA BL i dis ---- - Go 8 " " i « > ! 3 . - Fal by dd by ap ys A ARI tm y ' - v z - 7 es 7 ' Lge 5% yy . " FF ", N abe 3 "3 7 AUT : ) 5 e 3 ra 1 " hs 44 ; A AN : 4] : ; i v : rd 1 ~ - » INV 3 Ep ; 4 v 7 5 ? : fy ; | A § / Fl ' , X, iS AS fa 2 FY LL a "3 >» Fl -» See the Laurentian Sport Coupe at your Pontiac dealer's, DRE RN Sr SS Bottles Twin Grille styling. Open Bowling FRIDAY--T7 to 9 p.m, SATURDAY-- 7 to 11 p.m. Family Doubles, Friday--9 to 11 Oni OW tur PONTUAG odors 'Bob PORT PERRY Everyone Welcome Causeway Bowling Lanes = LY Archer Motors YU 56-2462 2 O