Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Jan 1959, p. 6

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BRN NE ER TS ET = b, 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th, 10569 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ---- ' INSURANCE Garnet V. Gray, 0.D. Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs v may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn EP. Allen | YUkon 5-2341 Port Perry Jan. 81/569 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, I'stimates given on all kinds of work. WALLACE Ont. APEX IN SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 5-2282 EARL Port Perry Leslie McDonald, Service Man Mar, 65/569 Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 19569. P 4 Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED---ANIMALS Picked up Promptly ior fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1959 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble startsr™ 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 Jan. 14/60 REAL ESTATE Margaret Ballard BROKER LISTINGS WANTED Farms, houses, vacant land, etc. 0 Phone 121 or 49 Sunderland, Ont. June 30/59 OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Every day except Tuesday Phone 100 for Appointment South from Post Office Uxbridge, Ontario May 16/59 BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Saturday's at 9 a.m, to 12 noon. At residence, Caleb St. Port Perry. Phone YUkon §5-2127 Apr. 2/69 Ted Veenhof 'WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPEN COMPRESSOR WORK 500 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Phone RA 8-6974 Apr, 2/69 pe Singer Sewing = YEAST A kd Fi HEE S tS BLAS ARVANA ALY Rate--3¢. per word, Minimum charge 60c. -- to local advertisers / » ESULys | VU 5-2331 i na Easter Tours ) Book now for Easter Tours and cruises. ) Will accept bookings now to |County Mixed 'Quartet Again Best (In County | na England and the Continent by air or steamship. » ~ F. G. Croshy Travel agent, Uxbridge Phone 128 or 290-W Feb.26/69 pr ww Ww. PERSONAL WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- vitalize thousands past 40. Only 60c. At all druggists. FOR RENT--Lakeview Apartment. Modern apartment consisting of liv- ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroon & utility room. Also apart- ment with one bedroom, Phone YU 5-2478. T.F. FOR RENT--In Port Perry, newly decorated apartment. 4 rooms plus bath and laundryroom. Phone Sun- derland - 93-r-3. e.o.w.t.f. Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. "for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY YUkon -5-2211 tfl -- ~ Announcement I wish to announce that I will be doing servicing and minor repairs at the: SUPBRTEST SERVICE STA- TION, NESTLETON, Ontario. V. Siebarth Apples for Sale Crisp and juicy, delicious McIntosh. Special at $1.25 Bus. No. 1 McIntosh at $2.50 per bushel GARNET PORTER Oshawa Road At TA Hwy. FOR RENT -- House, new, unfur- nished, 5 rooms, city conveniences. Hwy. 12, 2 miles north of Manchester. Phone YU. 5-2248 or YU. 65-7645. FOR SALE -- McClary Coal and Lakeview Orchards! APARTMENT FOR RENT--Heat~ ed, two bedrooms, living room, kit- chen and bath. Ground floor, separ- ate entrance. John Ballard, YU b- 7945. TF ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT Consisting of 4 large bright rooms. 2 bedrooms, modern bathroom, large | dining room & kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, living room with closet. Separate entrance. Easily heated. Conveniently located in Port Perry. Now available. Write Box 14, Port Perry Star or phone YU b- 2331 during day. T.F. FOR SALE --5 roomed house on Allan St, Port Perry, 3 bedrooms, sitting room, kitchen with cupboards, hydro, garden and tool shed. Price $4,900. Phone YU 5-2072. WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best prices paid. M. Flett, Bethany R.R. 1, Telephone 7-r-18 collect, apr.16 FOR SALE -- Holstein Cow, due; 400 bales of straw. Lloyd Fawns. YU. 65-2726. FOR SALE--1952 DeLuxe Pontian. Sacrifice. YU. 5-2033. FOR SALE--Quantity of baled hay, mixed. Phone YU. 5-2659. AVON CALLING $$$ can be yours. Earn $2.00 or more an hour representing Avon Cos- metics only a few hours daily. Write or phone between 8-9 a.m. Miss E. Outerbridge RU 2-7567, 42 Saranac Blvd., Toronto 19, Ont. Wood stove with reservoir and warm- ing oven. Frank Thompson, R.R, 1, Ashburn. Phone Brooklin 618-r-21, may COURTESY NOW IS THE TIME TO DO THAT INSIDE REPAIR JOB FREE ESTIMATE _ PHONE 'TO-DAY } LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER C0. LTD. SERVICE ..YUkon 5-739] Free Chain Saw Anyone purchasing a new I.H.L. Pioneer Chain Saw from us between Jan. 1st, 1959 and April 1st, 1959 is eligible to win a new saw. The hold- er of the lucky ticket will receive ab- solutely free a new Model R.A. Pion- eer saw. This draw will be made only from the sales of the undersigned be- tween the above dates. Trades will be accepted. on- any make or- model. Draw will be made at 9 p.m., April 3rd, 1959 at our store. , Oliver Beach & Son Uxbridge, Ontario. Phone 111-W i Auction Sale SATURDAY, FEB. 21st -- Auction Sale of Angus cattle, sheep, hens, tretor, implements, hay, grain and furniture the property of the Meligsa Archer Thompson Estate, Lot 21, Con. 4, Cartwright Twp. 6 miles east of Blackstock, Sale at 11 a.m. Furni- ture will be sold first. Terms Cash. Ted Spencely, Wm. Weldon, clerks. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. March 26/59! Again this year the Ontario County , Junior Farmers brought honour to the county at, the annual conference of the Ontario Junior Farmers' Associa- tion held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Saturday; January 10th, 19569. 1 The members of the mixed quartet, i Jeanine Werry, Roberta Baird, Hugh Baird and Grant Spencer topped their class with two selections 'Lonesome i Valley" and "Ma Little Banjo." The adjudicator Mr. Laungton Bird com- mented favourably on their perform- ance. | . | The Choir under the capable direction of Mrs. Elsie Dobson, of Uxbridge, and accompanied by Miss Gloria Hastings "of Port Perry, was highly complinient- "ed by the adjudicator Dr. Leslie Bell for their polished performance. His remarks included praise for their sen- sitive and impressive finale. The choir festival was non competitive. choirs from Middlesex, Huron, Well- ington and South Simcoe also took part in the festival. There were 27 contestants in the Public Speaking Competition. Each contestant delivered a ten minute pre- pared address, followed by a 3 minute , impromptu speech. Frank Barkey of Claremont, represented Ontario Coun- ty and made a very creditable showing. Howard Herrle, St. Agatha, R.R. No. 1, Waterloo County, was the winner. His topic was "We are a Fortunate People." Around 900 rural young people at- tended the conference, of this number . 237 actually took part in one or more sections of the programme. "The | § Dairy Princess Competition to be Held in Ontario County in 1959 The Ontario "Milk Producers' Co- Ordination Board in co-operation with the Canadian National Exhibition and The Telegram has announced that they will again sponsor the Dairy Queen Competition at the 1959 C.N.E. In last year's competition 46 coun- ties sent along their Dairy Princesses to seek the coveted award "Dairy Queen" of Ontario. For the first time last year the winner was award- ed an expenses paid trip to Europe and this award will be given again in 1969, © There are numerous other prizes to bé awarded to the winner and the runner-up. Again this year there will be an Ontario County Dairy Princess Com- petition to select the girl to be the 1959 Dairy Princess of Ont. County. Farm girls between 17 and 26 years of age on or before the first day of the CNE, married or single, are eligi- Hle to compete. The contestant must ither live on a farm which regularly produces milk or cream or must have lived on such farm until the comple- tion of her school education, Girls entering the Ontario County Competition. will receive instruction and codching prior to competing. There will be prizes awarded to all contestants. - A' Dairy Princess Committee has been appointed, to receive applications and to make preparations for the county competition.' This committee met in the Department of Agriculture | 'Office, Uxbridge, on: Monday, Janu- 'ary 19th. / y Bert Pearson, R. No. 2, Uxbridge, was named chairman and Alvin Blad- es, Assistant Agricultural Represen- tative, Uxbridge, was named secre- © Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Borisk and Gail, Miss Betty Handel and Mr. Howard Han- , ford all of Toronto, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Handel. Mr. and Mrs, Swinson and family of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Banks. ! Master Gene Erickson had appen- j ditties operation Wednesday. All ! wish him a speedy recovery. ! Two student teachers are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ellicott and _are teaching at Pine Grove School. Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Evans spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Hart visted Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Talbert i Evans. ) { Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie are spending some time with their daugh- ter Mr. and Mrs. John Rice of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Hart spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Elli- cott. . Cedar Creek Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett and Ivan of Raglan were last Monday evening visitors at the Spencer home. Master Neil Holtby celebrated his fifth birthday on January 22, Miss Carol Larocque had a birth- day party on Saturday evening for her friend, John Philips, of Uxbridge. Miss Flossie Spencer attended a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy, Raglan, on Sat- urday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell of Port Perry. It was for their 20th wedding anniversary. The rela- tives gave them a case of silverware. Miss Doreen Cummings and Mrs. Albert Trick and children of Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. land Mrs. Bruce Cummings. - ~ Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, SCIENCE IN YOUR LIFE Sore Throat Salved Scholarly A. E. Housman once wrote that his poetry "sprang chief- ly from physical causes, such as a relaxed sore throat." Few of us could rival Housman's literary style, but a waning sore throat often evokes in us at least a poetic sigh of relief. Yoursorethroat may show up as ® one of the most annoying symp- toms of the com- mon cold. It can also be a separate infection caused by a variety of bacteria. A par- ticularly vicious type of infection is the commonly-termed "strep" throat caused by streptococcus germs. .- Although the common cold so far remains intractable, science fortu- nately has developed some effective remedies against throat infections. Doctors use antibiotics routinely in treating the "strep" throat. Drug stores now sell antibiotics in the form of candy-like lozenges. These orange-flavored Candettes attack invading microbes and ease throat pain. Saline i are helpful in washing out by-products of throat infection, ® Because respiratory infections are spread by coughing and sneezing, many attempts have been made to keep germs from floating in the air. Ultraviolet light and medicated vapor sprays have been used. till, respiratory diseases, includ- ing sore throat and the common cold, cost the U.S. a staggering two bil- lion dollars annually. Other esti- mates place the toll as high as five "billion. A recent study of illness among employees of a major petro- leum company revealed that respira- > tory ailments account for over half _ "of the absences. « Although sore throat may herald only a common cold, medical special-. ists warn that it may also tip off the onset of a more serious disease, If symptoms hang on or keep coming Gerald Stinson and family at Kedron. back, you should consult your doctor. is out of control! ' ~ "or other slippery surfaces. The pumping locking or skidding of the wheels. If the __STOPPING ON ICE AND SNOW -- SAFELY = Pumping rapidly on the brake is the safe way to stop on ice revents continuous wheels lock, your car tary of the committee. Mr, Howard Hooper, Ontario Coun- ty Convenor, Ontario Milk Producers' Co-Ordination Board, was present to explain the details and answer ques- tions regarding the county competi- tion. : The next meeting of the Dairy Princess Committee will be on Wed- nesday, April 16th in the Department of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge. The deadline for receiving applications will be April 10th, ' : Ontario County farm girls who are interested in the competition are ask- ed to contact any member of the Dairy Princess Committee. The committe members are: Bert Pearson, Uxbridge, R. 2, (Chairman) Alvin Blades, Ass't Agricultural 5 Rep., Uxbridge, (Secretary) 5 - Larry Doble, Uxbridge, R. 8- - ° p ; Mrs. Patricia Hill, Port Perry * Wm, Nesbitt, Brooklin, R¢'1 Charles Broughton, Whitby Gordon Rynard, Zephyr Lloyd 'Stanley, Brooklin, R. 1 H. L. Fair, Agricultural Rep., Uxbridge ; Ron Werry, Oshawa, R. 1 Jeanne Alsop, Cannington, R. 2 Allan Lishman, Pickering George McLaughlin, Beaverton Norman Hogg, Uxbridge Ari LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE Closed Saturday at 6.00 p.m. until further notice W. N. WILLIAMS ... rrererernrennenenenne. YU 5-2173 Teens YU 5-2258 sree iene cesses ennseeness ~~ Vv } 1959 LICENCES ~ NOW ON SALE | AVOID LAST MINUTE RUSH §: Get Your License Now! Remember your Insurance certificate is NECESSARY when you obtain your license plates. 'REESOR FUEL & LUMBER OFFICE AT SCUGOG and WATER STS. (opposite Bowling Alley) ' ~ everyday living, "Yes, Doctor...Wednesday will be fine!" "=> When it's time to have the dentist check = daughter's teeth, Mrs. Smith naturally reaches for the telephone, that helpful "member-of-the- family" with the habit of getting things done. When you look back over your day, it's some- times surprising to realize in just how many little ways the telephone has helped you... how it adds so much convenience and comfort to THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA

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