8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY "Sth, 1060 INSURANCE "Are your . Policies up-to-date? Whatever your: insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY he HOOEY'S PAINT and BODY SHOP Repairs, Painting & Body Work Phone YU 52113 dec 26-58 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. ~ Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up for disposal. 'WE BUY OLD HORBES FOR BLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 541, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi july80, 1959. | Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked wp Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 38-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Singer Sewing Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for - Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) ~~ Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY YUkon 56-2211 tfl- GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN + §i General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUkon 5-2841 Port Perry Eg Jan. 81/69 APEX Il SERVICE _ Television & Badio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 | Leslie McDonald, Service Man. Aug. 80, 1969 Garnet ¥. Gray, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.80 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Every day except Tuesday " Phone 100 for Appointment South from Post Office Uxbridge, Ontario May 16/69 BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Saturday's at 9 a.m, to 12 noon, At residence, Caleb St. Port Perry. Phone YUkon 5.2127 Apr. 2/69 REAL ESTATE Margaret Ballard BROKER LISTINGS WANTED Farms, houses, vacant land, etc: Phone 124 Sunderland, Ont. June 30/69 "Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPEN COMPRESSION WORK . 500 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Phone RA. 8-6947 Apr. 2/59 Special Service FOR THE PEOPLE OF PORT PERRY Fresh Baked Goods Just phone, ask what we -have, make your choice and your order will be delivered free. Jackson's Pastries PHONE: YU 5-2362 APARTMENT FOR RENT--Heated, two bed rooms, living room, kitchen and bath. Ground floor, separate en- trance. John Ballard, YU 65-7946. BACHELOR APARTMENT for 'rent--Heat and water supplied. Fur- nished or not. Separate entrance. Opposite High School. Possession Feb. 1st. Phone YU 65-2195. T.F. FOR SALE -- Bridgewall kitchen stove, with water front and reservoir; also new roast oven, Westinghouse, Phone YU 65-2568. FOR SALE---38 pc. Boy's winter outfit mid-blue, size b yrs. Excellent condition, YU 65-2289. FOR SALE--Amplifier and speaker. Apply Box 15, Port Perry Star. B Jan. 16. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT Consisting of 4 large bright rooms, 2 bedrooms, modern bathroom, large dining room & kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, living room with closet. Separate entrance. Easily heated. Conveniently located in Port Perry. Now available. Write Box 14, Port Perry Star or phone YU Bb. 2381 during day. T.F. FOR RENT--Lakeview Apartment, Modern apartment consisting of liv- Mar, 6/69 Dr. Stephen P. Kandel ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and utility room. Phone YU 56-2478, ' T.F. 1 3 v4 is pleased to announce, commencing January 1st, 1959, "for your personal convenience office visits will be by APPOINTMENT | Kindly telephone YUkon 65-7301 during business hours YUkon 65-2246, Nights and A it jan 4 Holidays. be WISHING EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR ~| Owner may have same by proving Rate--38¢c. per word, Minimum charge 60c. -- to logal advertisers 2- YU 5.2881 WANTED -- play pen and chrome high chair. YU-5-2169. BALED HAY FOR SALE--Apply James Janson, Greenbank, Phone Uxbridge 92-r-21. 4 property of Gordon Shunk, Port Perry. property and paying expenses. Phone YU 656-7687. . HOUSE FOR RENT--In Port Perry, immediate possession. Phone YU 6- 21728. FOR SALE--Heavy duty Robbins- Myers 1% H.P. electric motor, new. Blackstock phone 84-J. FOR SALE--OI) space heater with blower. YU 5-2896. FOR SALE--Miniature Poodle Pups, Black, . 2% months old, Champion stock. Mrs. A. C. Bathie, YU 65-2192, Jan. 22. FOR SALE--APPLES--Macs, Spys, Cortland. 60c. a bushel and up. Keith Mark, YU 56-2304. Auction Sale FOUND--2 hounds strayed to the| brated the festive season in Bowman: | at Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. D. Mac- Kinnon and family of Lucknow, Mr." and Mrs. Orval Stinson and family of Chesley spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, M. Bruce and family. Mr. and Mrs, A. Moon and Clifford spent, Christmas in Toronto and Mr, Harold Moon, Mr. and Mrs, J. Lake and family and Mr, S. Lake, Sr., of To- ronto spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs, A. Moon. . 2 Miss 'Marion Martyn and Miss M. Martyn of Prince Albert spent a few days during the holidays with their aunt Mrs. B. Wanamaker, Mr. and Mrs.- B. Wanamaker, Neil and Billie, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Wana- maker of Pprt Perry visited Christmas Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, I. L. Scott of King City. i Mr. and Mrs, H, Sweetman and Neil, of Courtice visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, B. Wanamaker, : Mrs. Osborne and- Mr. Bruce Os- borne of Cannington, Mr, and Mrs. H. Drinkwater and daughter of Peter- boro spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Stone and family, | Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Ellis, Mr, and Mrs, G. V. Ellis and family, Toronto, and Mrs. Barnes of Sherbrooke, Que., spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J, Barnes. : Mr. and Mrs. Andy MacTaggart and Mr. Norman Palmer of Sonya enjoyed / ] WED., JAN. 21st--Auction Sale of Cattle, horses, threshing machine, implements and potatoes the property of David Prentice, lot'1, Con, 6, Reach Twp., 2 miles west of Epsom. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. Isaac Catherwood, clerk. "TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. ' 1 Seagrave dent Mr. Glen Wanamaker acting as from the various departments were read. The secretary reported an aver- over tlle previous year. There were 46 regular S.S. sessions and five spe- cial Sundays, namely Mothers' Day, Rally Day, two Anniversary Sundays and White Gift Sunday, as well as two holiday Sundays. The treasurer's report was very en- couraging with $429 receipts for year and expenses $369. A white gift Sun- day on Dec. 6 was held and collection of $13.76 going to the Fred Victor Mission. ** A donation of $75.00 was paid to the Board of Stewards to help pay for fuel and light. The nursery department showed 22 children on the roll. The missionary superintendent reported that $1.93 had been paid to make the M. and M. givings to $60.00 from the S.S. The election of officers was held resulting as follows: Superintendent, Mr. Glen Wana- maker; Assistant Supt., Mr. Clifford Short; Secretaries, Neil Wanamaker and Douglas McMillan; Sec.-Treasurer, Mrs. E. Clements; Nursery Supt., Mrs. B. Dowson; Miss. Supt. Mr, Morley Bruce; Pianists, Mrs. Tobin and Mrs, Keen, Teachers: Bible Class, Mrs. E, Clements, Mrs. Eagleson, Miss Frise; Young' Peoples, Mr, G. Wanamaker, Mrs. Nodwell, Mr. C. Bhort; Inter- mediates, Mr. M..Bruce and Mrs. B. Wanamaker; Junior Girls, Mrs, E. Butt and Mrs, A. Crosier; Junior Boys, Mrs. A. Bruce and Mrs. J. Tobin; Primary, Mrs. G. Wanamaker and Mrs. C. Short. = Anniversary Sunday was discussed and Mr. McNeil, Glen Wana- maker and Morley Bruce be a commit- tee- to- procure- a spéaker and make necessary arrangements, motioh of adjournment was passed and meeting closed with prayer by the superinten- dent. Mr, and Mrs. O. J. Boe left on Fri- day to spend the winter in Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe and family of Peterborg, Mrs. Couch of Port Perry, Mrs. Adams and Miss P. Adams of Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Dow- son and family of Port Pérry spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, O. J. Boe, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds, Mrs. Me- Millan spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. M, McMillan of Port Perry. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds joined in the Christmas gathering at home of Mr. snd Mrs. G. Cherrie of Beugog. ARE : Mr, and Mrs. A. Bruce and Miss Marjorie Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruce and family, spent Christmas, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E, Plough- man in Port Perry. On Friday Mr. The annual meeting of the Sunday | py who spent Christmas at the School was held in the S.S. room on, bo hom Mr. W.M Tuesday evening with the Superinten-! Rah 8 Were Mp. Wi Moon, Mv. chairman. Minutes of meeting of 1957 were reviewed and adopted. Reports. age attendance of 57, a small increase noo vears w ; Mr, and Mrs. Grant Butt of Whitby, Glen Wilson were with Mr. and Mrs. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, J. Mac-; 'Taggart, -- Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace and. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wallace, of: Bolton, ' Mr, and Mrs. Roy Moon of Raglan, jalso Mr. and Mrs. Ken Billingham of « Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W, Keen during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobin and fam- ily of Greenbank, Mr, and Mrs. Denny Tobin of Oshawa were with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jobin for New Years. and Mrs. W. Keen and Brian, Miss P. Keen and Mr. B. Standish, Mr, and Mrs. J. Tobin, Frankie and Moureen, and Mrs, D. Tobin of Oshawa. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryant and Mr, and Mrs. M. Behair of Port Perry spent ith Mr. and Mrs. E. Cle- ments, and Mr. Glen Wilson were with Mr. E. Butt for Christmas. Mr-"and Mrs. H. Baglesqon spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs W. Tris- tram of Scorboro, ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mosse gnd sons were with Mr. and Mrs. Reg 'Moase and family of Toronto. Prince Albert The glow of Christmas has faded to a memory, but the New Year has been ushered in with a welcome. Saturday night, Dec. 27, some 60 invited couples commenced to arrive at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn and family who welcomed and shared in a typical Yultide party. When one's coat was put aside she or he were asked to sign the "guest Book" after which each home was en- titled to a "1959 Martyn Calendar", which was appreciated. Those who relaxed in the living-room admired the gay tree, at the same time par- took of sing-song, carols, old favour- ites, ete, accompanied at the plano by Mrs. L. Hunter, Mrs. S. Hunter and Mr. J. Bweetman. In another room others felt free to exercise in dancing to appropriate tunes. Cards fans played progressive Euchre with high lady--Mrs. R. Rey- nolds; high gent--Mr. R. Reynolds; low lady--Mrs., W. Vance; low man-- Mr. R. Tetlow; most lone hands-- Mrs. M, Pugh. ' The singing of birthday greetings to Mrs. (Rev.) Braham and Mrs. L. Beacock was sung prior to all being ushered into the dining-room where on the table lay turkey, meats, sal- ads, rolls, waiting to be picked up by hungry folk -- the cafeteria style suited everyone. ~~ Finally in the we hours all made their way home. Again we repeat, thank-you Katherine and Allen for the generosity of your hospitality. A syrprise chicken dinner was ser- ved at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Don Leslie on Monday evening, Dec. 29th; in honoor of her mother Mrs. B. Smith and other members of the fa- mily. . : The following folk held dinners dur, ing the holiday: Mr. and Mrs. L. Hun- ters 'had his parents Mr. and . Mrs, Alvin Hunter, Mr. and Mrs,'G. Huon. ters, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heayns, parents Mr. and Mrs. Win, J. Martyn, ville 'at the home of Mrs. R. Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyns, Mr, F, Summers, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wana- maker, Seagrave and Mr. and Mrs, Ron 'Wanamaker, |: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Skelding had their family Mr. and Mrs. J. Skelding, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. W. Skeldings, Newtonville, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Skeld- ing, Bowmanville. Mr, and Mrs. L. Beacocks and Mr. F. Vickery had Mr. and Mrs, L. De- vitts, Miss A. Strickland, Oshawa. Mrs, C. Luke had 'her son Mr, and Mrs, M. Lukes of Hamilton a couple of days. ' Mr, and Mrs. W, Vanle had Mr. and Mrs. J. Simins of Pickering and Miss E. Vance, Toronto remained a week. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy had her parents Mr. and Mrs, Les. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickinsons, Toronto, Murs. Robt. Jackson and Mr. N. Shunk. Mr, and Mrs. C. Love had her mo- ther Mrs. Z. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Brock, Miss G. Brock, Mr, Wm. Brock, Mr. and Mrs, H. Hall, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Jackson and son Stan, Union, N, Y. Mrs. Wm, Brown had Mr, M. Sleep, Miss U. Sleep, Seagrave, and Mr. Dan McTaggart. Mr, and Mrs. Art Browns had Mr. and Mrs, L. Bond and all members of family called during the day. > Mr. and Mrs, H. Hodgins had their family Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins, Mr. and 'Mrs. Murrin, Miss G. Hodgins all of Toronto; Miss Mary Lyn Hodgins and two friends Miss Lois Knowles, N. Scotia and Miss Dorothy Coles of Dawson, Man. These latter three girls are at present taking a brief training in "Fighter Control Opera- tor Course" at Clinton, Success to the girls. ' +. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt plus other village relatives joined ahout seventy other "Lee kin" at the new Oddfellows. Hall, Brooklin. Report a lovely time with all festive goodies." Mr. and Mrs, L. Hunters have had their son Mr. J. L. Hunter, Uplands, snd friend Miss Gwen Whitaker, of Ohio for a few days. ] Mr, and Mrs. Alyin Hunter had Mr. and Mra. W. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Isles and son of Haliburton and Miss D. Webb and Mr. P. Thain of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Davidson had Mr. and Mrs. Calder and Mrs, Ryan of Agincourt. Mrs, M. Case had her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Bond, Miss V, Bond and Mr. L. Bond of Toronto. : Mr. & Mrs. C. Newnhams had their son My. and Mrs. A. Newnham and son of Shirley. : i L Mr. and Mrs, Postill have had his mother Mrs, C. Postjll, Markham, for a conple of weeks. WN 'Mr, and Mys. J. Doupes had My. B. Raines, Miss M. Stone, Beagrave and Miss B. Masters of Manchester. Others who were entertained else- where: Mr. and Mrs, I. Doyles with his parents at Finch; Mr. and Mrs. A, Martyns with her sister Mr. and Mrs, R. Haydons, Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. R. Butson with others at Mr. and Mrs. Pughs at his brothers, Scarboro; Mr, and Mrs. F. Fletchers with her bro- ther Mr, and Mrs, Ken Ryder, Isling- ton; Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgroves with her brother Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey of Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs, N. Wil- sons at her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Per- kins with Mr, J. Hopes; Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacocks joined rest of family at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacocks, Nestle- ton; Mr, and Mra. L. Hunter and Nola with Mr. and Mrs, M. VanCamp ga- thering at Blackstock. Friday night Jan. 8rd Miss' Beth Hunter did not allow 1059 to slide in unnoticed. Beth entertained about twenty H. 8. pupils (majority of her grade) to a holiday party. Her par- ents - home was alive with colorful atreamers' effectively looped here and there, delicate" balloons hung in con- spieuous places, What did they do? Indulged in exciting contests, games galore -- prizes awarded to winning folk--yes, the dancing proved popular past-time, Then that certain hour arrived==lunch;, fcescream-and-all- the frills ended a happy get-to-gether. As we say "Never a dull moment", The December meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held earlier, being on the evening of the 17th, at the home of Mrs, Snelgrove. Mrs. McKerihan presided, and -the meeting opened by"singing Christmas Carols, The Scripture from Luke 2, was read by Mys, Allen Martyn, apd the Lesson Tople hy Mrs. Pugh. Mrs. A. Robertson ably told the Christmas story. We were pleased to have re- ceived a Christmas message from Rev. R. H. and Mrs, Wylie, and which was and Mrs. M. Bruce and family cele- " Me. aiid Mrs, B. Martyn had his tn' . ; ' read by the secretary, Aint p~ and Mrs. R. Bweetman, Mr. and Mrs, E. Wagg, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. M.| ~ Fruit and Flower committee reports ed one fruit basket and one card sent. Following a Missionary discussion a mation carried we send $26 to the Fred Victor mission for Christmas. Four. visits reported. - Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs, G. Hunter to be nominating committee for elec- tion of officers at-wext meeting. More Carols sung and' the Mizpah Benedic- tion closed the last meeting for 1958. For program, we enjoyed piano duets by Mrs. Snelgrove and Mrs. Hunter. Contests were led by Mrs. H, Jeffrey and Mrs. Snelgrove of Group 8, which afterward served lunch. Now we wish to say thank you for $2 donation to our W.A. from two kind friends. F. and F, committee reported sending of 4 Christmas re- membrances. : hei Jr. Homemakers Six and Seven Meetings The sixth meeting of this unit was held in the home of Mrs. Geo. Samells on December 22nd. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of "Joy to the World" which was followed by the Lord's Prayer repeat- ed in unison.' ; ; The minutes ofthe last meeting were read and adopted, - Before the roll call was taken, Mrs, Samells gave a review on liver.. Then the roll call "One Good Reason-for Us- ing Liver" was answered by each of the girls. Our Secretary, Joanne, read letters received from Miss Gordon. A motion was made that each girl should bring a quarter to meeting eight to cover ex- penses, We retired to the kitehen where the girls demonstrated the making of meat' loaf. Mrs. Samells went over the cuts of meat and how to cook them, The meeting closed with the 4-H pledge MEETING SEVEN a SN : The seventh meeting of the unit "Meat in the Menu" was 'held in the home of Mrs. Samells on December 22. (This was a two-part meeting). The meeting was opened by the singing of "Silent Night" which was followed by the Lord's Prayer, repeat- ed inu fon $o Lo The minutes were read and adopted. "The roll call "Plan a menu for one day" was answered by each of the girls. The menus were discussed. "We retired to the kitchen for a din- ner of meat loaf and rice with barba- cue sauce. It was decided that Gloria should give the comment on our exhibit at Achievement Day.. Mrs. Samells gave a talk on the cuts of pork and how they are cooked. The roll call and home assignments were given. : January at Mrs. Ploughman's. The meeting was closed with the 4-H pledge, RAC RTINT .. ad PLAIN DRESSES YU 5-2542 ~~ MOTOR CITY CLEANERS : Announce New Cleaning Prices IN NONE SRL. NSEC a $1.16 2-piece SUITS ......c.ceuet AA, rr tersiecingainls $1.16 SLACKS, PANTS, and PLAIN SKIRTS ............ ..60 For Free Pick-up and Delivery, call Elizabeth Shoppe PORT PERRY TE OPISOED OEP VED OI OS # £ VV | Phones: 363J Scar, AT 2-0961 dec24/59 od ol dks sd ch gid CHAS 'A. BRADLEY & SON Decorating Contractors INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wall Papering a Specialty Brooklin, Ont. wa, Whitby MO 8:3559 - ps . 3 h ~ Port Perry, Ontario y/ CORBECTIO Our Telephone Number is Yu. sma Please change number on Yellow. Phone Advertising Sheet sent out | by mail. LAKE §CUG0G. LUMBER tA ~ Phang YUkon 6-7301 em Ed The next meeting is the 17th of