Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Sep 1958, p. 7

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*a - r-3 Ti > RETA A ai I Cre oY ¥ Oh EFA AERA VA SRE LAE I > Ps 3 Aad! £75 44 (hates NT $i iA Fiori AA aia ei hi SME Sh aa ERM RY NERA BO hs tans a UA LT ---- A. WA hg hr ASE or FR IS a Sy THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1058-8 Men's Thursday Night Bowling hw loves sor of wan in bio at, | Weekly Newspaper Only Local Paper In doing this we hope to give teams t) » FIRST SECTI November 6th -- 7th week who are short players the equivalent in Ex lls Co : oN 7.00 p.m. of a 6 man team. Counting the five Advertis g p ert Te nvention September 25th -- First Week 1-2 Meteors > Whi Bangs highest scores. "No one can dispute that weekly Alley Ed By ks A eg Soto : newspapers are the only really local . . 34 7.00 pm, hgh gL Wor m---- _ Jand personal medium of mass-circu- >! 1--2 Archers - DeLuxe 1d Flore nl : - : lation in the country," Ted W. Kober, "3H 8--4 Midtown - Howard Motors 8--4 Goofers - Midtown G : d . Director of Marketing, Vickers & ] #4 Ser Metiors < Janine rl A a 00 Driver : Benson Ltd., Toronto, told the CWNA * H 1 9.00 p.m. a 3 > . delegates attending the 39th Weekly \ Kok , 1--2 Whiz Bangs - Carnegie November 13th -- 8th week Cinemascope producers and driving | Newspaper Convention. "In this lies ei 8--4 Black Jacks - Legionaires |: 7.00 p.m. instructors have one thing in com- | their real strenght - I | 5--6 Stars - Goofe i 1--2 Midtown - Stars ~ |mon. It's a general piece of advice LE ATE rs ld Se wR to customers . ... "Get the Big Pic. iy said t this personal leader- : ( October 2nd -- 2nd week Bl hr tore" A ship is the valid reason for the past 7.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m. 3 success of the weeklies, but .that it was a story that needed telling. "« 1--2 Whiz Bangs - Goofers 1--2 Black Jacks - Meteors Correct seeing is an acquired habit : S\ ® \ 3--4 Carnegie - Legionaires 3--4 Howard Motors - Carnegie |with motorists. The instinctive thing] "You have a real story to tell." Mr. : 6--6 Stars Eh Jacks 6--6 DeLuxe - Whiz Bangs with an inexperienced driver is to| Kober said. "Don't hide your light ' »! p.m, } BN 2 Abe a November 20th -- 9th week glue his eyes on the car or the strip funder a bushel." n of roadway immediately ahead. This] Mr. Kober said that subscribers to 8--4 DeLuxe - Howard Motors 7.00 p.m. is small-picture viewing, which leads | a weekly no doubt appreciated its im- 5--6" . 1--2 Juni » Mita Hgtenya 8--4 Hotes . Frid Motors to Jerky and unsure driving. portance, but advertisers who provi- WHEN YOU BUY COAL... October 9th -- 3rd week 5--6 Midtown - DeLuxe } ded the bulk of revenue to keep the . 7.00 pn. 3900 pon Smooth driving needs good timing, | paper going could, in most cases, only | can C0S oll mone | 1--2 Howard Motors - Legionaires is * 2 the Ontario Safety League points out. | guess at the latest readership, circu- y y : 8--4 Stars - Meteors egionaires | "lend Jeg aiags < i Good timing depends on good obser- | lation, ete. J * 5--8 Goofers - DeLuxe 5--6 - Carnegie - Black Jacks . '™"¢® That is, on recognition and| "Your subscribers may be aware, Don't just order coal--insist on 'blue coal': 9.00 p.m. - understanding of ALL the factors in | for instance, that certain editorials 'blue coal' is colour-marked for your 1--2 Carnegie - Midtown November 27th -- 10th week [a broad field that are liable to affect prevented passage of an unfair new heati isfacti . , 8--4 Whiz Bangs - Juniors 7.00 p.m. | the traffic situation. The convertible | bylaw or defeated an effective depu- guarantee of heating satisfaction. Order 'blue coal". 65--6 Black Jacks - Archers 1--2 Stars = Carnegie coming up fast behind . . . the flash- | ty-reeve, but when you fail to tell and get clean, safe, low-cost heat. 8--4 Goofers - Black Jacks 'ing red in the far distance .. . the |your association about it and through Don't be colour-blind when you buy coal. It pays October 16th oy i week 6--6 Whiz Bangs - Legionaires empty hei that may stop suddenly |it, we as advertisers, how can we to order 'blue coal', ; " ~~ 7.00 pm. 9.00 p.m. for a pick-up . . , the car waiting to [know of this outstanding local leader- i sam win 1--2 Black Jacks - Midtown 1--2 Meteors - Da Motors j Dock out of a driveway . . . dogs eye- [ship?" Mr. Kober DE "Hones, ' SS 8--4 Archers - Whiz Bangs 83--4 Midtown - Archers ing each other across the street and [word of your ability to mold public \ 6--6 Juniors - Carnegie 6--6 Juniors - DeLuxe considering a get-together . . . the new opinion never does filter through to R 9.00 pm. pavement marking just coming into |the advertisers." L & LUMBER 1-2 Sea - DeLuxe December 4th igi week {view behind the truck ahead that 1s| Other speakers on related subjects 3-- onaires Meteors 00 p.m. signalling a turn . . . the exhaust|were: .C. H. Watson Advertisin ie - : 3 or » A g PORT P . 5--8 Goofers - Howard Motors 1--2 Dedxee i Mieors from a parked car that may be pre-| Counsel to the Shoe Corporation of | BREY, ONTARIO YUkon 65-7951 "October 23rd -- bth week 3 'Howard Motors . Archers Jobing to pull out into the traffic Canada; Sid Johnson, Art Director, ) . 7.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m. ow. Rapid Grip & Batten Ltd.; Chuck STEADY CONTROLLED - 1-2 Goofers - Juniors 1--2 Whiz Bangs - Black Jacks This is the Big Picture. It cannot Bennett, Audit Bureau of Circulation. HEAT FROM YOUR 3--4 Blas Jacks - DeLuxe 3--4 Carnegle - Goofers be picked.up by a single glance, nor ® 0 LIVING ROOM ; 6--6 Legionaires - Midtown 5--6 Legionaires - Stars "|a steady focus. The eyes should . bl QC | | . } . - . y I' TEMP- D) 4) 9.00 p.m. Be move constantly, scanning the whole ue Oa . MASTER changes Furnace 1--2 Howard Motors - Whiz Bangs| DEC. 11th will be a Turkey Roll | traffic picture, to the sides and reas controls automatically. Saves 8--4 Archers - Stars as well as ahead. Everything should DON'T JUST ORDER COAL--INSIST ON 'blue coal' gn hn dt di 6--6 Meteors . Juniors y . . be seen, but nothing watched in sharp free demonstration. i ; : . . October 30th -- 6th week SOME RULE CHANGES-- detail. 7.00 p.m. . To even a team when forced to| The immediate control of every cay - 0 ? 1--2 Carnegie - Archers play short this season we will use (2) ,is governed primarily by the contact ' 8--4 Howard Motors - Stars Dummie scores of 140, to be used as between rubber and a few square in- -- 6--86 Goofers - Meteors follows: | ches of roadway. But the safety and RINT Inn 9.00 p.m. : When 6 men ona team and 65th man ' correct handling of every car {8 de- © 1-2 DeLuxe - Legionaires score with handicap is below 140, pendent mainly on the contact be- 8--4 Juniors - Black Jacks dummie to be counted in his stead. | tween the driver's mind "and traffic 6--6 Whiz Bangs - Midtown And when 4 men on a team (2)' conditions over a wide area; Anniversary Shees : Wabhasso : SPECIAL -- sub-standards, size i 81 x 100 $6.95 pair o Poe POP DDO EH NIAAA NANA A ON -ANN N O - O ORORSOXZINE POP EN ROI ) : p | $| Ontario County TB : $| Ontario County ; © @ am $| Association Meet @ @ o' al $|In Atherley F F S T | V b 4 The Duchess of Portland, Council |} ' ] : $ ; ® Chairman of the British Common- A 2 wealth TB Conference, held recently ~ 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in London, England, urged that scho- | larships be established in order to |¥ 9:30 a:m. t0 6:00 p.m. @ @ @ $ 4 $ 4 send leaders to the East to aid in the 5 ¢ | fight against tuberculosis. The Du- ¥ b 4 chess of Kent is the President of N. yg $ @ > 4 @ @ ® @ ® PILLOW SLIPS, 42 INCH 3 $1.49 Pair § A.P.T.--National Association Preven- tion of Tuberculosis. "Anniversary" sheets wenn wich ugon! | Mrs. M. E. Lunau, Oakville, spoke of her visit to this Conference, at a | | meeting of the Ontario .County TB |} ¢ | Association held at Fern Cottage, b 4 Atherley. She said that in Jamaica &' with 1% million population, 409 have & tuberculosis. In Ceylon, TB suffer- @ ers are given monthly payments to & help allay their fears and food parcels $ ® @ ® ® > $ @ ® Colored Slips $2.25 Pair f} Family Sheets PLAIN, size 81 x 100, $6.95 pair § Hemstitched $7.95 pair 3 Na, > are given to encourage them to have treatment. In Borneo, 6509 of the hospital beds are filled with tubercu- losis patients, In Cyprus, TB is a very unpopular disease; TH ufferers are social outcasts unable to mix with A.W. Rundle Garden Centre 1015 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario © Free Exhibits and Displays Candy Stripes ~~ SHEETS 9.75 PAIR ------ They're guaranteed for ----f§ 7 years -- with a guarantee | certificate enclosed in each package! Namib BY others and filled with fears for their You'll love these pure white, Superior Qualit 9 5 'jobs and family. They have no de- sheets with the smooth texture, Packaged singly PULL ON SLIPS, $2.10 pair B finite Christmas Seal campaign here | § for convenience, in all standard sizes; the 5 advertised size is the true size after hemming| Blankets, Nylon, $5.95 New Wallpaper for 1959 i : SEE THESE NEW PAPERS. A NEW SEVERAL COLORS HIGH IN STYLING and COLOUR, and Seals are sold all the year round i | in cinemas, night clubs and cabarets, 4 ete. : * A TB Association was formed four | § years ago in Ghana, comprised of na- |g tive chiefs and government officials. 4 i The spread of disease here is very ra- 5 pid, the incidence rate being caused | § }) 9» ® Free Movies on Gardening and Landscaping br wsenmingen, ai voces | WOO| Blankets, 14.95, 19.95 | reotorme: { g jing. Theré is more tuberculosis here +} ' ) , than in any country in the world and | § PRE-PASTED ® Free Lucky Draws oo © Free Refreshmenis © Free Parking 'Professor Niagara and many other Garden they have no TB hospitals or specia- | lized nurses. They are asking for | aid from the other Commonwealth |¥ countries. ¥ The directors of the Ontario County | Tuberculosis Association found the |¥ | speaker most inspiring and it was |§ clear to all that our fight against tu- | berculosis is not confined to our own |g County or our own Cotintry. iy Bedspr eads 9.95 and 5.25 PLASTIC COATED NEW PANEL EFFECTS ARE VERY Pillows $4.95 pair ATTRACTIVE Hn a Vinyl Tile for all rooms Sandran Stainless Vinyl | n : ' During the business session of the 4 NEW ARMSTRONG EXCELON VINYL ALL SIZES UP TO 14 feet x 15 feet, Experts will be there to answer your questions. | sponsor either a pate or tuberculin | TILES. All Colours 18c. Each Square yard $1.69 | testing programme in any school In i ! the County, 1f desired by the Medical Ey Officer of Health in that municipality, ¥ Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Crozier, Scugog, 5 y | directors, attanded thin meeting. Ho A A A AAA Anne \: 1) D Everybody Welcome RAN hagas ida RR a Cr 40 SA I

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