i i \. )) ® ) ® ~-- Wotten, Carol Frets Cartwright Central Public School Promotion Report _ Promoted from Grade 1 to Grade 2-- Archer, Robert Bonnetta, Guy Buschlen, Scott Carnaghan, Russell Cartwright, Terry ~ Colbear, John Cousins, Keith Forest, Denise Gordon, Diane Hutchinson, Lillian : .Larmer, John Malcolm, Marquis Mappin, Paul MoCormick, Michael - McCoy, Harold McKay, "Edward Redmond, Ronnie Rohrer, Barry Rohrer, Gary Romeril, Dennis * Snooks, Wendy Stinson, Nancy 'Warren, Jeannette Williamson, Tommy trecom.) Wolfe, Bryan PHYLLIS MITCHUIL (teacher) Promoted from Grade 1 to Grade 2-- Almas, Diane ; Campbell, Karen Collins, Randy Malcolm, Bonnie Taylor, Dianne Thompson, Billy Wright, Lois Grade 2 to Grade 3-- Argue, Allen * Brown, Beverley Colley, Lynda Edgerton, Donna Fallis, Linda Hutchinson, Patsy Malcolm, Vernon --. Porrill, Danny Rohrer, Douglas Saint, Isabel Schwartz, Leonard Williamson, Douglas _ Savinae, Clarry (Recom.) Shemilt, Harry (Recom.) D. VENNING (teacher) Promoted from Grade 2 to Grade 8-- Sharon Archer Nancy Arscott Dennis Ashton Doris Ashton Clarence Asselstine Linda Butt Gail Bonnetta George . Downey . 'Donna Gay Joan' Horton * . Sandra Judson _ 'Virginia Mackie Bonnie MacLeod Judith Mountjoy » Bobby McLaughlin UES of Patsy Wilson Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4-- Marilyn Adams Linda Almas Marian Argue Douglas Asselstine " Dennis Bridgett Patricia Colley Carole Forest Kenny Gibson Robert Kyte Gail Malcolm Bernice Mappin Jo Ann MacLeod Garry Redmond Linda Rohrer \ J. VENNING (teacher) Promoted from Grade III to Grade IV Frances Frayer Bill Ross Joan Wotten Donald Gray 2, = Denise Malcolm George Hicks Mary Lou McCormick Lucille Beacock Bobby Colbear ye "Glenn Bonnetta Michael Aracott - Billy Watson Warren Rohrer Robert (Redmond Promoted from Grade IV to Grade V Cheryl McCormick Ray Bradburn Margaret Carnaghan Lloyd Trewin Marlene Tomechiskin Patricia Wotten Nadia Schwartz Donald Saunders France Forest Billy Hutchinson Judy Cochrane Denis McLaughlin Brian Mountjoy 'Douglas Metcalf JUNE ARMSTRONG (tenho) Promoted to Grade 5-- Betty Bradburn James Carnaghan- Terry Collins Nancy Dorrell Sharon Larmer Ronnie Martyn Maxine McKee Judith Swain Elizabeth Thompson Sheila Tomchishin Lorna Wright Margaret Argue Ivan Bradburn Donald Brown Bill Colbear Dorothy Downey Pina Duivesteyn . Cheryl Forest Betty Hjcks Joan Lansing' David Mackie Shirley McCoy Ronnie Minshall Joan Suggitt Helen Swain Fred Taylor Carol Warner Barbara Wilson MRS. MOUNTJOY (teacher) Grade VI to Grade VIiI-- Bradburn, Marion 'Clements, Brian Downey, Donna Kyte, Floyd Lansing, Lorne Malcolm, Brenda Oliver, Verva Prosser, Dennis Taylor, Alice Grade V to Grade Vi-- Ballingall, Dave Cartwright, Tommy v : ) Sed ARERR ATER a a AIA SARLAVI AVAL EG Sa - Cousins, John Dayes, Jim De Jong, Shirley Firlet, Eleanor . Gay, Dorothy Kyte, Lynda McCoy, Harley McKee, Leah McLaughlin, Donald McLeod, Glenna Mountjoy, Raymond Rohrer, Carol ; Rohrer, Kenneth Shemilt, Mavis N Staniland, Nancy Swain, Ralph Tooley, Billie Wotten, David Mrs. O. HEASLIP (teacher) Grage VII to Grade VIII-- Bradburn, Donald Byers, Jim Gay, John Gibson, Anne Gibson, Bruce Gilbank, Carl Lawrence, Sylvia Rahm, Paul Rohrer, Leona Swain, Donald Grade VI to Grade VII-- Adams, Patricia Argue, Floyd Beacock, Bruce Blyth, Cargl Bradburn, Mary Bruce, Robert Byers, Janice - Cousins, Robin Dean, Joan Metcalfe, Cheryl Rahm, Carol Watson, Bobby MR. CAMPBELL (teacher) . Grade VII to Grade VIII-- Dayes, Lorraine Sadler, Janice McLaughlin, Donna Venning, Linda Mountjoy, Yvonne _ Saunders, Leonard - Harris, Verna Gay, Peter Staniland, Brian Kyte, David supplement \ EVERYBODY WILL BE JIALING AFTER 3:01 A.M. SUNDAY, JULY 6th in PORT PERRY NEXT SUNDAY is the day when DIAL SERVICE comes-to PORT PERRY, With dial service, new "two-letter five-figure" numbers become effective. numbers include YUkon 5 and FOUR FIGURES Al] new numbers are contained in the pink, The new you received. Please, start using this supplement next Sunday. prety So So Pa WE Set Sm Seme W et Se GE ES te Se Sm Se -- Tm. Se -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Vd Sot Sot Wont Sonnet nd" Sg Nt ents oe] On Local Calls, only 4 figures need be - The full number--two letters and five figures -- must be used on all long dialed. distance calls. We hope you'll like your fast, new ser- : vice--and that it will make your telephone more useful and valuable than ever before. J. W. LOWERY, Manager BH COMPANY OF CANADA TR Bor RA iit ep Aa fois. Frog RR TSE BREDA teen ym Grade VIII to Grade IX-- Frayer, Ian Prosser, Shirley Frayer, Douglas Judson, Lorraine Van Camp, Arthur Hoskin, Larry Swain, Jim Mackie, Laurel Mountjoy, Elaine Judson, Judy Oliver, Marlyn Bradburn, Joan Shemilt, Edna Mantel, Piet Gilbank, Lloyd Gilbank, Shirley . Cousins, Katherine Buschlen, Helen Kozub, Carol Bowers, Ralph N. J. BAILEY (teacher) Cartwright High School Results Grade Nine Results-- Names are listed in the order of standing in the final exams. Subjects -|jects in brackets indicate failures. 1st Class Honours-- Bernice Larmer Nicole Forest Roberta Mackie 2nd Class Honours-- Bill Bruce Shirley Snooks Doris Griffin Gerald Bruce Shirley Dean Larry Mackie Beth Strong 3rd Class Honours-- Joan Ross Harry Wiersma (Lit.) Clem Wilson (Lit.) Glenda ,Wilson June Werry (Lat., Math.) THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 8rd, 1988-5 Grade Ten Results-- Names are listed in the order of standing in the final exams. Subjects in brackets indicate failures. 1st Class Honours-- Lawrence Butt Margaret Hooey Frances Staniland Ardis MacArthur 2nd Class Honours-- Alan Asselstine Credit-- Ann (Redmond (Lit,, 8. 8.) Elinor Shemilt : Leslie Asselstine (Lit.) Helen McLeod (Lit. S. 8.) ~ Peter Van der Heul (Lat.) Grade Eleven Results-- Sylvia Kozub--Eng. Comp. 2nd; Eng Lit. C; French 1st; Latin 1st; Hist. C; Geog. C; Alg, 8rd. Winnifred Schwartz--Eng. Comp. 1st; Eng. Lit. 2nd; French 2nd; Latin 2nd; Hist. 2nd; Alg. C; Phys. 2nd. Larry Ashton--Eng. Comp 1st; Eng. Lit, 2nd; French 1st; Latin 1st; Hist. 2nd; Alg. 2nd; Phs. 1st. Clifford Dayes--French 10 C. John Feddema--Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 1st; French 1st; Latin 1st; Hist. 1st; Alg. 1st; Phys, 1st. Barry Fisher -- Eng. Lit. C; Eng, Comp. C; French C; Hist. C; Geog. 3rd; Alg. C; Phys. 2nd. Jack Swain--Eng, Comp. 1st; Eng. Lit 1st; French 1st; Latin 1st; Hist. 1st; Alg. 1st; Phys. 1st, Lloyd Wilson--Eng. Comp. 2nd; Eng. Lit. 8rd; French 2nd; Latin 1st; Hist. 8rd; Alg. C; Phys. 1st, Gehald Asselstine-- Eng. Comp. C; Geog. C. Grade Twelve Results-- Sandra Ferguson -- Eng. Comp. 1st; Eng. Lit. Ist; Lat. 8rd; Hist. 1st; Geog. 1st. Gloria Sadler--Eng. Comp. 2nd; Eng. Lit. 2nd; Latin 3rd; Hist. 1st; Geom. 1st; Phys. 2nd, Suzanne Schwartz -- Eng. Comp: C; Credit-- " Jopie Diuvesteyn (Lit, S. S.) Margaret Goodson (Lit., S. S.) Gerald Brown (Lit, Comp.) " Geom. 8rd; Phys, 8rd. Aileen Van Camp--Eng. Comp. 8rd; Eng. Lit. C; Latin 1st; Hist. 3rd; , | Andrews; Epsom School Results (in alphabetic order) Grade 9 -- "Allen Andrews, Patsy Bailey, Frank Millman, Ross Prentice, Glenn Wilbur, Keith Wilson. Grade 7 -- Tom Andrews, Albert Millman, Helen Munro, Ross Munro. Grade 6--Linda Andrews, Frances Joana Layiolette, Millman, Stephen Payne, Gradé 5--Larry Brown, Lynda eis Jewel Dawn MacCannell, Betty. Munro, Denise Payne, Martha Yager, Harry Zylstra, i Grade 4 -- Bobby Andrews, Karen '| Geer, Billy Jordan, Betfy Medd. Grade 3--Jean Andrews, Jeff Bail- 'I'ey, Trudy Brawn, Dianne Card, Joyce Wilson, Floyd Wilson, Gosse Zylstra. Grade 2 -- Billy Brown, Brenda Payne, Kenny Millman, Carol Wilson, Betty Wilson, Ada Yager, Spelling prizes -- Jean Andrews, Betty Medd, Jewel Dawn MacCannell, Frances Andrews, Helen Munro and Ross Prentice. School activities for the year in- cluded a trip to Toronto and a picnic at Geneva Park. Ross Prentice and Patsy Bailey were our representatives at the Bible School Rally held in Ux- bridge, The School's senior choir sang at the Sunday School Convention in the Epsom Church, Mrs. Vivian Wilbur, Teacher. Sweetman's Taxi Courteous Drivers -- =~ /_.~~ --AIll passengers insured. "Service with that personal touch" YUkon 5-2162 for service day or night Geog. 1st; Geom. 1st. 8s gALstITIte, nn ENT ARAN S ARRAS RRR AWEBROCK DEPARTM STORE 5% 3% o% 0 0" rio esto o% 5% o% ots. are the choice 22080808080 080808 2808090 plain hemmed or hemstitched. pretty coral "Muslin" package! WABASSO SHEETS These Economy Quality sheets and ¥ pillow cases are specifically designed for oA + everyday, family use! 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