Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jun 1958, p. 4

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4 < 1 i ~ SEER SEY 4 yi ha h ES iL AVA BASRA PRL MAN AAN = NR RAY DH SANA SEAR 4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 - LOCAL Mr. D. L. "Crozier 1 was Slocted as| " Seal Sale Chairman at the Annual meeting of the Ontario County T.B, Association. The following were elected as Directors: Mrs. D. L. Crozier, Mr. G. MacDonald, Mrs. Paul Diamond and Mrs. Sam Cawker, Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Santer of Port Perry announce the engagement of their daughter Diane Virginia to Mr. Douglas Hénry Hogg, son' of Mrs, Hogg and the late Mr. J. A. Hogg of " Westhill. The marriage will 'take place at the Church of the Ascension, | Port Perry at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 28th, 1068. Birth BAIRD--Jim and Mary Baird are pleased to announce the arrival of a daughter Cynthia Wynne, 6 lbs, 14 ozs., a sister for Sharon and Janet, on June Tth at Oshawa General Hos- pital. Both well. Card of Thanks We wish to thank friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness also for flowers and the care of the children in our recent sad be- reavement in the loss of our son, Johnny. Special thanks to Rev. J. K. Braham for his helpful words. Mel and Mary Cannon, Scugog Island. Card of Thanks We wish to take this opportunity to say a very sincere "Thank you" to the many friends and neighbours for kindly messages, cards and gifts on the occasion of our Golden Wed- ding Anniversary. Maude and Frank Crosier. In Memoriam COCHRANE -- In memory of a faithful wife and mother, Pearl H. Cochrane, who passed away, June I) ; Rs Ee Ba A RS tn rl 1956. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind. For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. If all this world were ours to give, We'd give it, yes and more, To see the face of our loved one, Come smiling through the door. Ever remembered by her husband and family. Greenbank Fidelis Class The regular monthly meeting of the Greénbank Fidelis Class was held Wed- nesday evening, June 4th at the home of Jean Hunter. Quiet music opened the devotional and Helen Thomson read the call to worship. Hymn "Take 'My Life" was sung, followed with prayer by Helen Thomson. The Scripture reading was taken by Rachel McMillan and Jean Hunter gave a reading called "What is that in thine hand". Ida Empringham read the story and Iva Phoenix read a poem. Hymn 498 "More Love to Thee" was sung closing the devotional part of the meeting. The president took over the meeting. Thirty mem- bers were present. This being the final meeting of the summer season there was very little business to at- tend to. The social part of the even- ing opened with several contests by Helen Thomson. After lunch was served, a lovely mirror was presented to Mrs, Chapin. Muriel Taylor thank- ed Mrs. Chapin for all the kind and helpful things she has done for us all. Mrs. Chapin thanked the class and expressed her regret on leaving this community. We al will miss both Mr. and Mrs. Chapin very much and wish them the best of health and hap- piness in their new home. NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) - 5 Sunday, June 15th-- 11.80 a.m.--Holy. Communion and Special Children's . Service. ST. JOHN'S . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. Simpson Black, B.A., B.D. Interim Moderater Friday June 18th,-- 7.30 p.m.--Preparatory Service "Sunday, June 15th-- i 10 a.m.--Divine Worship. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed, 11 a.m.--Sabbath School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, Minister Sunday, June 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School & 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, and Jr. Sunday School The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev, J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D, Sunday, June 15th-- J! 9.16 a.m--Prospect Church i 10.16 a.m.--Manchester Church | 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Church. l We give you one and all a very cor- dial invitation to come and worship with us. This will be Father's Day. Religious Education Rally In Port Perry High School, Tues- day evening, June 3, the schools of Ashburn, Chalk Lake, Manchester, Prince Albert and Utica held their annual rally under the direction of their supervisor in" Religious Educa- tion, Rev, C. R. Nelson, of Oshawa. The program proved most interest- ing, and depicted the enjoyment and the knowledge of the Bible that the pupils have derived from Mr. Nel- son's weekly visits to our schools. Choruses. learned in class, recitation in unison of memory verses, and a quiz on Bible stories demonstrated that lessons taught had been lessons learned. The pupils responded well. to the quiz on the Treasure Chest ses. Using the flannelgraph, Mr. Nelson continued his regular course of Bible study with another story from the Old Testament, In the Sword Drill, the representa- tives of Coronation, Cedar Creek, Ashburn, Chalk Lake, Manchester, Prince Albert and Utica engaged in three, fast and exciting rounds. We would congratulate Eva Goodhand of Coronation School, who was the suc- cessful contestant and whose skill won the coveted banner for her school. Each contestant was presented with a prize, The teachers and parents would sing their appreciation to Mr. Nelson for the sincere and effective service | that he is giving to our schools, PRINCE ALBE Regular 41c¢, INSTANT VI-TONE, 1 Ib. | ou . DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE MARGENE. ovo siymommssprissinsihis PET INSTANT MILK ....... YORK BEANS and WEINERS, 20 oz. .. FANCY COHOE RED BREAST SALMON OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS - ; L For Free Delivery Phone 485W | RT, ONTARIO i coeressssessesssessseessesssseen 3200 AB. | OOO 1 3 2 for 77c. Door Prizes. ARR A MERE, CF ACRE SRE Cr SAT Rn Raman Gi HN Coming Events Monster Bingo Monday night, June 16th, 1968; at 8 p.m, in the Red Barn, Oshawa, 20-- $20. games; 6--$80, games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Admission - $1.00. Friday Night Jamboree Dancing to Radio Artists Chuck Fortune and Band from l'oronto Pa- lace Pler. Features Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil Exton; Chuck Fortune Quartette and guests every Friday night. Admission 76c. Red Barn, Oshawa. T.F. Home Baking Sale Friday, June 13th on the Library Lawn at 3 p.m. sponsored by the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. , June 12 At Utica Hall on Saturday, June 14th. Music by the Melodeers. Ad- mission 7bc. per person, Annual Recital The Senior Piano Pupils of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, A.T.C.M., RMT. will present their annual recital in the United Church on Friday evening, June 18th. Also on the program will be vocal solos by Mrs, John Dobson and Master Craig Eadie, and organ solos by Robert Rowland. There will be no admission charge and everyone is cordially invited. ~ June 12 Come! Listen! Laugh! The Oe Players will present their Play "The Arrival of Kitty" in the Seagrave United Church on Thufs- day, June 19th at 8.80 p.m. This is tops in a comedy play.' Admission 50c., children 26c. Mrs. W. Keen, Pres. of W. A. June 12 Anniversary Services Of Greenbank United Church will be held on Sunday, June 22, 1958 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. S. J. Hillier of Brooklin in the morning and Rev. E. S. Linstead of Port Perry in the evening. ) Junel9 / Boy Scout that provided clues for memory ver-! Mackenzie, Scugog 1, Seugog 2, and | Seagrave Schools, as well as those of | like to join with the pupils in expres-! Paper Drive On Wednesday evening, June 26th, 1958. Please have papers tied and out by 6.00 p.m. Junel9 Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary The Cub and Scout Mothers Auxi- liary will hold their meeting on Mon- day, evening, June 16, at the home (of a former member, Mrs. Hedge, in Oshawa. Members are asked to meet at the Post Office at 7.30 p.m. for transportation By cars. Junel2 BN ku | Sweetman"s Taxi | Courteous Drivers --_ --All passengers insured. "Service with that personal touch" Phone 4w for service day or night Eo , LIVE BETTER Electrically wi with an..ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Be a nt " . ETL ITE 13 TA £3 3 PIVEN SIE RL :] WAY RS W. I. Annual DISTRICT ANNUAL MEET HELD BY W.L (Continued from page 1) There will be a tent at the Plowing match at Crysler in Stormont County on October 7-10. W.I, Holiday Week at OAC, Guelph will be Held July 14- 18. 'Last year 148 members attended the Holiday. There are 976 Tweedmuir History books in the making. - There are 2636 transferable and 434 non-transferable life members in Ontarid. The stand- ing committee convenership for com- unity activities and public relations has been discontinued. - There will be a booth at the Royal Winter Fair, There are 1472 branches with a membership of 40,478 in Ontario, Three hundred and forty layettes have been sent in for Arab refugee babies. Branches were asked to send Maynard for the FWIO project. Mrs. Morrison of Beaverton, district president of .Ontario north was:intro- duced by Mrs, Heron and she spoke on the Institute work and hoped branches could join forces to start a scholarship for the districts. ; Home economist for junior activi- ties, Miss Wilda Gordon, Newmarket, told of junior work in this district. There are now four home-making clubs in Ontario south at Altona, Brougham, Brooklin and Port Perry. Mrs. Honey in her report of the Naw tional Conference held in Ottawa, said that 438 members attended the con- ference. It was a very interesting and successful event, Mrs. Farren presented the prizes to the winners of the quilt block project. First prize was won by Brougham WI and second prize by Clarement WI It was decided the discontinue the idea of an In Memoriam Book and each branch will have a book of its own, Mrs. Roberts of Whitby reported on a museum for this district. Members would like to keep the muséum a WI project and a committee was appofnt- ed to attend a county council meeting for advice and help, committee to be: Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. McCool, Mrs. Evans, Mrs, Gray. Mrs. May Brown spoke on hospital insurance for residents of Ontario. More information may be secured from McLean. Mrs. Farren conducted the election of officers. The results were as fol- lows: Past president, Mrs, Wm. A. Heron, Brooklin; president, Mrs. L. Honey, RR 1, Port Perry; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Wm: A, Brown, RR 1, Locust Hill; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, Sam. Cawker, Port Perry; secretary-treas,, Mrs. R. Pepper, 11 Edward street, Ajax; district delegate, Mrs. Paul Diamond, Port Perry; alternate, Mrs. W. Moase, Port Perry; Federation Re- presentative, Mrs. F, M. Holliday, Brooklin; alternate, Mrs, L.. Honey, RR 1 Port Perry; Federation of Agri- culture, Mrs. G. Hill, RR 1, Port Perry. Conveners of standing committees: Agriculture and 'Canadian Industries, Mars. C. Gibson, RR 1, Nestleton; Cit- izenship and Education, Mrs. M, Elli- cott, R.R. 1, Locust Hill; Home Eco- nomics and Health, Mrs. Edgar Evans. R.R. 2 Claremont; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. E. Carruth- ers, RR 2, Claremont; resolution, Mrs. W. A. Heron, Brooklin; public rela- tions representative, Mrs. T. J. Wheel- er, RR 1, Pickering; chairman of nom- inating committee, Mrs. A. Lishman, RR 1, Pickering; represéntative on area convention committee, Mrs. W. A. Heron, Brooklin; auditors, Mrs. H Hutcheson, Ajax; Mrs, F. Bunting, Ajax. their 256 cents per member to Mrs.' Honour Certificates And Pins Awarded FOUR PROVINCIAL HONOR CERTIFICATES AND PINS i AWARDED AT HOMEMAKING CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY 'Tea biscuits were'the order of the day at the Ontario County 4-H Home- making Club Achievement Day for the "Supper" Club", held at Brock District High School, 'Cannington, on Saturday, May 81st. One hundred and twelve girls represented eleven clubs in the county. Miss Wilda Gordon, Ontario County Home Economist was in charge of the day; and was assisted by Mrs, C. Mann, Peterborough, Mrs. R. Jeffrey of Frontenae, Leeds and Grenville, and Mrs, Jenipher Ritchie of Carleton, Dundas and Russell. Each girl exhibited four tea bis- cuits of her own making and also her Record Book. The morning activity | included menu judging and placing a tea biscuit class. Each girl was asked to support her judgment of the tea biscuits with oral reasons, A third activity was to plan suitable supper menus, each for a different season of the year. Six clubs presented exhibits with a member of the club giving a three minute comment. "Tea Biscuits and Variations" was the topic presented by the Altona Amateur Cooks with Marion Betz as commentator; Udney Busy Bees North with Cecelia Mec- Carthy as commentator 'and also by a new club, Brooklin Happy Circle. Sandra Campbell was the speaker. Rathburn Country Cooks chose "Ways of Serving Fruits" and Margaret Gray gave the comment. "Salads" was the name of the Sunderland Salty Stitch Club's presentation with Annie May Cragg as commentator. The Beaverton Busy Bees presented "Tea Biscuits and Variations", .with Helen Morrison giving the comment. Demonstrations nd skits were pre- sented by five clubs. All members of the Bethesda Blue Belles took part in "Food Guide for Health". "Table Setting and Service for the Farm Family" was presented by five mem- bers of the Udney Busy Bees South. Brougham Merry Mixers all took part in "Let's Make Tea Biscuits", and Janet McTavish and Lois Noble presented the same topic for the Qua- ker Hill Club. "Food Makes A Dif- ference" was the topic presented by nine members of Scugog Junior Home- makers. "The Supper Club" was the twelfth Homemaking Club completed by four girls in Ontario County. Provincial Honor Certificates and pins were pre- sented to Elizabeth Alsop, Beaverton; Elva Stearman, Mrs. Alma Maynard and Betty Noble, all of the Quaker Hill Club, County Honor Certificates and Pins were presented to girls completing six Homemaking Club Projects as follows: Mary Ellen Hill, Gail Gray, Beaverton; Linda Bagshaw, Daphne Eades, Sunderland; Marie Finn, Kar- en Anne Morgan and Meada Speiran of Udney North: Forty-three Certificates of Achie- vement was presented to girls com- pleting an even number of projects. Each member, leader and assistant leader received a silver 4-H Home- making Club spoon. : Special Announcements included the naming of the four Homemaking club girls to represent Ontario. at the Provincial Girls' Conferénce. These gisls are Janet McTavish, Quaker Hill; Roberta McElroy, Beaverton; Saturday, LIONS CLUB Ll Drive -in Bingo June 14th ho at74p.m. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE $1,200.00 in prizes Marie Gray, Rathburn; and Gail Mar- tin, Udney. The conference will be held the last week of June at the O. A.C., Gulph, where two hundred girls will meet to dissuss mutual problems, be entertained and learn. "The fall Homemaking Club Project club dealing with the selection of meat cuts, cooking procedures and making the most of less tender cuts of meat. The will be "Meat in the Menu", a food » God aia [3 held in September. Anyone interested in this work is partment of Agriculture Office, Ux- welcome to contact the Ontario De- bridge. Leaders' Training School will be y ii Painting Have your painting done by experienced painters NO JOB TOO LARGE or TOO SMALL. - Workmanship and Material Guaranteed Satisfactory. AL ELLIS PHONE BLACKSTOCK 93W - Bo oA LL Lo aL 1 BL BB . B. . . .BBBOBOBL0.00.00 TOVPOPVOVPOTVVOPPPIVIOVOIPIPITVOVTOVIPIIIIVIIVIIIVIIVIIIVIOITIITET ds NION Pickles SAVE 2¢.0ON : : SPECIAL = . ] Heinz Spaghetti........2 5. 3 SAVE 3¢ ON PURITAN SPECIAL Beef Stew ............ 24% T% "SAVE 3¢ ON MITCHELL'S SPECIAL Apple Sauce ..........2% 3% | SAVE 2¢ ON CULVERHOUSE . ~ SPECIAL Cream Corn ............ 23% 3% SAVE 3¢ ON SPECIAL Kraft Dinner ...........272. 29 | COMBINATION PACK © SPECIAL Heinz Mustard $9. All a F Picnic Relish 1:0 For 55 Pantry Shelf 150. " © Jar Only SPECIAL SAVING at time of Purchase: SPECIAL Shirriff Grape Jelly ... 2:9 47 Bayview Tuna Fish ..... 20 2I' "SAVE 2¢ ON SPECIAL Shredded Wheat .. IARI, & TRE © 4 SAVE 2¢ ON KRAFT SPECIAL Cheez Whiz ............. 1° 5} WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ONLY : 'Howe Candies ........ 2 FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPT. FRESH! RIPE! NO.1 SPECIAL Subject to Change Tomatoes + + « According to Market Price 23 The Following SPECIALS are for Monday, T 'JUNE 16.1718 ONLY 7 Tuesday, Wed. REDPATH WHITE Granulated Sugar... SPECIAL -49° SAVE ON Breakfast Bacon ...... One Lb OUR GUARANTEE as ple Honing Values Effective at Your Port Perry Until Saturday, June 14 14th. Dominion Store Dominion Stores Li Port Perry oe

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