Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 May 1958, p. 6

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ete - > SIH S35 STN ----t Le -- 0) ~~ = : S55 = 6~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1958 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are . your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ROOFING OF ALL KINDS + Kavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work, EARL WALLACE ) Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi July 80, 1958 Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1958 Singer Sewing Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY, Phone 61 & tfl i ------., Good Gravel, Eic. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good Sand, Gravel Excavating, Backfilling, Top Soil, ete. ROSS SANDISON R.R. 4, Port Perry . Phone 121-r-b. TF a Gardens Ploughed No Garden Too Small Trees and Shrubs Pruned. General Garden Work H.T. Morris Phone 222, Port Perry August 28/68 RH Gil hv el GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor 'F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen Telephone 94 Port Perry July 31/68 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 June 12/68 AJ MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE IN THIS AREA APPLY TO: CUSTOM HOLDINGS LIMITED % Jones & Greer, Barristers & Solicitors 66 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario, Telephone RA. 65-3526. tf. Freeport Silos "Better by years of experience" The exclusive Cor- rugated Wet Cast, Vibrated Stave end matched and steam curved gives even hoop bearing. Con- cave convex sides equalizes. stave pressure at any silo diameter. A tower of strength, just ask the man who owns one. WILFRED EVANS Uxbridge R. R. 3 _Phone Uxbridge 150-r-12. TF Robert G. Eckel loam. CALL 322-W. Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry, Ontario June 6 / 1958 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR WANTED Ranch land, Farms, Homes, Commercial, Summer Properties. MRS. MARGARET BALLARD Phone 124, Sunderland, Ont. Rep Olive Howe Broker. Sept. 26/58 Hardwood » Cuttings Clean and Dry $10.00 per truck load delivered. Call Oshawa -- ticulars, price, ete. Perry Star Co. Ltd. RA. 65-1526. May 22 Florist Brooklin, Phone 190 Cut flowers the year 'round. Evergreen & nursery stock Custom planting if desired. WANTED--A ride from Port Perry to the South Plant Body Shop. Day shift at present. Port Perry Star. Apply Box 48, WANTED--Modern Bungalow with all conveniences, by retired couple. Good location and surroundings. Cash. Replies - confidential. Give full par- Box 49, Port FOR SALE--Electric heatef; pro- pane gas camp stove; floor loom; wall cupboard; dining room table. 130-r-2, Phone CI Pasture for Beat Cattle to pasture for the summer, Phone Port Perry 127-r-22, TF. WANTED -- Live Poultry, Best prices paid. = M, Flatt, Bethany R, R. 1, Telephone 7-r-18, collect. June26 FOR SALE--Used Boats, Motors, and Life Jackets, Apply to Mrs. Ruth Kight, Phone 872-R. May 22 FOR RENT--3 large rooms. Adults. All conveniences, garden space, Rea- sonable rent. Phone Howard May, 196-r-14. : . AYON COSMETICS has openings in rural area around Port. Perry, Manchester and Seagravé for a cap- able woman interested in earning ex- cellent commission in her spare time. Car necessary. Write or phone in evening RU 2-7667, Miss E. Outer- bridge, 42 Saranac Blvd, Toronto 19, Ontario. . May 22 FOR SALE -- Want a home site skirting the town of Port Perry? We have several lovely lots high and dry, 76 x 200. Full cash price $460.00 per lot. See Mrs. Margaret Ballard, Sunderland, Phone 124. Rep, for Olive. Howe, Broker. May 29 ,FOR RENT--8 room house, modern conveniences and garden. Phone 624-W. TF FOR RENT--Lakeview Apartments. Beautiful new 2-bedroom apartment overlooking the lake and park. Com- plete with modern kitchen and bath- room.Phone 288-W, ' TF FOR SALE--M. H, Forage Clipper with corn binder, grass and bag heads, blower pipes and belt; also Mercury Dump Truck 'with forage racks. Hardware for two forage wagons. N. R. Lamont, Brechin; phone 9-r-12. May 16 FOR SALE--Hip Roof Barn, 22x32' in good condition. Phone 627-r-12, Brooklin, May16 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of John W. Holdershaw, Deceased All persons having claims against ticularly described as follows: . "IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO TO WIT: Under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out ot the County Court of the County of Ontario, to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Albert Every & Muriel Every, I have seized and taken under Execution and will offer for sale by Public Auction, in my office in the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on Monday, June 9th, 1068, at 2 O'clock in the after- noon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Albert Every and Muriel Every, to, in. and out of the following lands, namely: "In the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario and being bounded on the north by Scugog St. and on the west by Arrow Street, as shown on a plan of part of the Vill- age of Port Perry known as Sexton, Major and Hurd Plan, part of Town- ship lot No. 18 in the bth Concession of the Township of Reach, more par- Com- mencing at a point on the Northerly limit of the said 6th Concession, dis- tant "easterly 881.48 feet from the North-west angle of the east half % said Township Lot No, 18; TE south 16° east along the easterly limit of Arrow street 185 feet; thence north 74° east 146.62 feet; thence north 16° west 166 feet to the north- erly limit of said Township lot No. 18, thence westerly along the said northerly limit 146,62 feet to the place of commencement." Subject to mortgage." Arthur Welsh, Sheriff, Vigor Oil Co. Lid. PRICES REDUCED ON PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE OIL coeur 206. Per Gallon FUEL OIL ...cocccooommurrnrsr rennin 176, gallon FOR DELIVERY PHONE Oshawa RA. 51109 Pett ttt LL 550000000000000004004 The representatives 9 the "Na- Churs" Plant Food Company Ltd., of London, Ont,, arranged a special afternoon and evening session of in- struction to enlighten the Sales Re- presentatives and the spray men as to the best methods of applying liquid fertilizer for = Foliage Feeding, * on Thursday of last week. This meeting was held in the Emmerson Motel. District Sales Manager Charles H. Reesor, for Ontario County, was happy to welcome approximately 40 Sales Representatives and Spray men from Beaverton, Peterborough, Port % J SINGER SEWING MACHINE SPECIAL MAY SALE Brand new Round Bobbin Reverse Stitch beautiful Console model, only $12.96 down or $129.95 full price. This week and next only. SINGER SEWING CENTRE . 14 Ontario St, Oshawa In Port Perry Phone 61, the "Crest Hardware. A Singer representative will call, may22 AUCTION SALES SAT, MAY 17 -- Auction Sale of Modern and Antique Furniture; the property of Mrs. Rhoda Rogers Es- tate, Lot 21, Con. 11, Mariposa, 2% miles north of No. 7 Hwy., at Taylor's Corners. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Austioioer. MON., MAY 19--Giving Up Farm- ing, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Tractor, Imple- ments, Hay & Grain, the property of Gordon C, Stinson, Lot 22, Con. 8, Cartwright, 4 miles South-east of Blackstock. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 "Na-Churs" Plant Food Co. Holds Meeting in Port Perry Oshawa, - Whitby, Pickering, Hope, Newmarket 'and the surrounding locality. : The guests speakers were _Vice- President Mr, McLachlan and Mr. P. Harington, Canadian Sales Manager, of the "Na-Churs" Plant Food Co., | Ltd., of London, During the sessions, colored films were shown depicting the advantages of proper procedure for using the product on all farm crops, including fruits and vegetables. Some splendid results from using the product proper- ly were on display. An open discus- sion period was held to enable the men to obtain full information in regard to the eorrect way of spraying crops for best results. Between sessions a Barbecued chicken dinnér was served to the guests at Haugen's Drive-in, this gave the men a better SppoTIURy. to get acquainted. WE BUILD HOMES -- Large and Small and buildings of all kinds Repairs and Good Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. Our House Designing Service / Port Perry, Ontario is at your disposal. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER J Remodelling lo. Wesley Sweet, Clerk Dine 20W the Estate of John W. Holdershaw, | June b County of Ontario." |p-m. Wesley Sweet, Clerk. : ; late of the Village of Greenbank, in TED. JACKSON, Auctioneer. the County of Ontario, Township of : n Reach, Retired Farmer, who died on . How well » or about the 12th day of April, A.D, d ; : 1958, are hereby notified to send to O you know oy mo Hu 7 Sa, Een 0 LL woe nn nn uw alt the undersigned on or before the 16th ONTARIO* # #8 BEB BAER 8 # 8 Ba day of June, 1958, full particulars of 3 a - mE their claims." Immediately after the Check your knowledge by y : ™ ceased will be distributed among the =, parties entitled thereto, having re- nn YOU and YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND By gard only to claims of which they Hr Ry i == the GRAND OPENING of the = DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, i . this 6th day of May, 1958, a GREER AND KELLY, = NEW PURINA a Barristers, &ec., wom 8 oo Port Perry, Ont. = : : " Solicitors for the above Estate. .» w Hl T BY, Oo N T. S AT u R DAY, M AY 31 Se May 22. i g £37 8 However well you know nn Official Opening by Hon. Leslie Frost, Premier of Ontario on Ontario, you'll enjoy getting Teachers Wanted to know it better. Make a mu Free Parking from 9 a.m. Mill Tours from 10 a.m. Lunch from 11 to 12 on - point this year of exploring pn " J. 2% bE xe Port Perry Public School Board re- its highways and byways, Rup au 8 oe, es he etn eeu Hear These Headliners! a 1 Qualified full-time teacher, lady vacationing at one of its or gentleman for grade III & IV, or mvoderiv Toso Ike .| possibly a Senior Grade if teacher so ' _ desires. the Rideau Lakes district 1 Part-Time qualified teacher to 'shown above. Take the first } teach three and sometimes four half- step now, by filling out and ' days per week in Grade VIII. Part- mailing the coupon below. Time teacher may also do supply ; } teaching in the school. + -KINOW ; Salary schedule in effect. Allow- : ance for experience; Annual incre- ONTARIO ments. Apply stating qualifications, BETTER experience, and name of last inspec- tor to Mr. Norman Heayn, Sec'y of | [----------------------=--=-- - Public School Board, Port Perry, Ont. . BE? PARLIAMENT BLDGS., - * ° TORONTO, ONTARIO . FOR SALE -- Bicycle, C.C.M., 8 Send FREE Literature and Road Map. 2 : aa gebrs, AL condition. Phong S00W. 1 } ] MINNIE PEARL HANK SNOW _ BRUCE SMITH May 22 TN: ci ac Grand Ole Opry favorite, "Western" singing star of M.C. of the CJBC morning Eb Address covers and one of the funniest. stage, screen and radio, with show, HToas and Jamboree", FOR SALE -- Heintzman Upright ' his Rainbow Ranch Boys. Piano in good condition. = Will sell Pest hice RA A , bh Tens d cheap for quick sale. ~ Phone Ux- "ion. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister . bridge 883-r21. | be------o pes re o Top Entertainment! ® Free Chicken Barbecue -- e Tour One of Canada's Most Modern Mills A dvertisin a Rates "® Study Poultry, Stock, Equipment, Building Exhibits i : t : i Free -- while they last Commencing with the first of June, 19568 we are changing § | A SS 0 b C 0 y last. our advertising rates to local advertisers to bring them more § DMI i | y Ti KET NLY Ask us for yours in line with others. This is particularly true of the classi- i fied and coming events, ete. which are as follows,-- : : " 8¢ per word per. issue, minimum of 50c. Classified dis- § PORT PERRY H ATCHERY - play ads., 62c. per column inch. Box number charge 15¢ § J extra.. Coming Events, Cards of Thanks, Announcements, i mn P 0 ' 30 words or less for 50¢., extra words 3¢ each. In Memoriam i Port erry ; nt. minimum charge for 40 words or less 60¢., extra words at 3¢ § TT each. 10% discount if paid within 10 days. : : ; Other rates upon application. - or ii fhe Purina Dealer Nearest; you } THE PORT PERRY STAR COMPANY LIMITED TE rr SAE Td Tar Apart # rnin BY pom FER Ral AT EN EX FARIA ALFRISEALY Sere EE i us, -- "wr V2 J 2 Te

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