Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 May 1958, p. 1

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' trees on their boulevard Satusday, Hydro-Blosttisegimmemn . $2.00 per year, Single Copy bc. ntly-.the Port Perry: 'Rod and Gun Club enjoyed an. evening: of howl- Perry. A camera tan made a record of the evening's fun and we show some of the pictures here. -- . "ry - wis < ~ <f Uni WAR ing oh plubleths 'arising out. of 'the acceler- - fated growth of the organization. The "| Hold Special Meeting The 'Majichester Community Credit |y "held a special directors' meet- ednesday,' May th, to discuss President; Murs: Hamer reported that Jy 'the eid of May. the Manchester of Work: In tris area. Credit Union' would have $100,000 at +The growth of the redit union is wonderful the presi- dent' said, and it points out the need 'apd the alertness of the people in the re 'district to hssessing the need and do- Lower row, left to right--Ott Ham- ilton, a strike,' Sam Naples. Top row--Art Brock, Ott Hamilton, Alec Thomson, Harlin Davey. Council To Es $30, Waterworks Debentures on July Ist 'Minutes of a regular meeting of Port Perry Council held in the Muni- cipal Office on Saturday, May 10th, 1958, at 10 am. = Present--Reeve J.-J. Gibson in the chair; and Councillors Arthur ex Frank Godley, hrving. F Boyd, Wm. T Harris. Minutes of 'a regular meeting" of April 26th were adopted as read, Business Arising out of minutes-- Councillor W. T. Harris reported on some changes being made in the mulch surfacing program due to some spots in roads which were proposed f£6r hard-surfacing. ting/of Trees-- The Chairman 'of Parks, Irving A. Boyd, reported on 'being able to obtain a supply of maple trees from Mr. F. Honey at a price. of $1.00 each and these trees. were: planted by. the Boy. Scouts "for: any . persons requésting May 10--More trees will be planted in the fall.. Issuing of Waterworks Debentures-- Council decided that these deben- tures be issued July 1st, 1958, payable over a twenty-year period and .at a rate of 6%. It was left with the Clerk to draw 'up the necessary By- Law and to advise the persons who requested some, of these Debentures, Report on Meeting of the ; Chamber of Commerce A joint meeting was arranged for Monday, May 12th, at 9.00 p.m. with the! Jhamber of Commerce, Members of the Village Council, and other in- terested persons re the laneways at the approaches of the Village Lot be- hind the Post.Office. Report on New Fire Alarm System-- Due' to Dial exchangé July. 6th, the Chairman of Fire 'Department, Arthur T. Cox, explained that letters of in- struction will. be posted up in conspic- uous places so that people will be able, to put in a fire alarm call in the proper manner. He stated further it will be necessary for the person tak- ing the call to obtain the name of the person phoning, the place from which the call is made, and where the fire is located. It was also. pointed. out that false alarms willhave fo be: in- cluded when new fire agreements are renewed and at the'present tifif 'Tajse: alarms will be treated as cells : Passing Accountg-=: The following. tints, yore order. ed paid: General Department Sidewalk Dept: jive Special program .... Street maintenance .... Welfare Dept. L...i... - hori $8,413.95 980,03 « 1,840.4 . 79B01.48 200.05 Wernens Property and Parks i... 148.99 Truck Account wa... «16.91 Waterworks Dept. .i.cfurns 6,217.18 Waterworks Dept., o.w. Re, ; *.26.06 669.28 i -. The Clerk was instructed tg" put a a {ais in th paper which reads as ollowa: a - of Ontario dated May 2, with question- -gides within the village of Port Perry request for reservations. AMES let NER Mh RY and Saturday, May 17th, 1968. Request granted. Request from Port Perry Boy Scout Association-- To hold tag day on the evening of Friday, May 28rd and Saturday, sy 24th. Request granted. Request for Culvert by Boy Scout Association © Council decided that the diteh on the south side of the Boy Scout build- ing down to the creek be tiled at the expense of the Corporation and that this matter was left for the attention of the Chairman of Streets. ....Request from Mr, Fred Brown to have eleven of twelve inch tile put in his ditch on Casimer street for which he is willing to pay for the tile. It was left for the Chairman of Street to have these tile put in. Lettér from Electric Service League aire re ampere installation® required for private dwellings Council decided to take no action on this 'questionaire at the present time. - ' Letter .from Municipal World Ltd. Re by-laws for prohibiting or rege lating the erection of signs or other advertising devices. This matter was held over pending additional informa- tion. ; Appointment of Special Parks Constable "Council decided to make application for the appointment -of Mr. Fred Hodgson as special Constable for the | Village Parks. * Memo--Mrs,. E. Scriver PRY ap- preciate having the Corporation re- move or. replace the sidewalks which were broken when doing road-work on Rosa street last year. TE Memo--Mr. Edward Leahy request- ed a refund on his water account:for May and June as he moved from Chas. Housam property "April 80,.1958. - Request granted for $3.33, Letter from Mr. Fred' G, Lamb, County Weed Inspector stating that he would not advise the spraying of the weeds on the road- due to gardens, shrubs and lawns, etc. which might, be. destroyed, Filed, Letter from Ont, Municipal Asst re Diamond Jubilee Convention, Aug: 818t. to Sept. 8, 1958 at Ottawa with Filed. Letter from Physiciafis. Services Ine. to confirm afrangement recently an- nounced by Blue Cross to continue the existing Surgical, Obstetrical "and Medical in Hospial benefits and rates without charge. Request by Anglican Chureh Board for pérmission to.erect sign ats 'the corner of Queen and John Streets by "Anglican Church, The clerk was in- structed to acknowledge this request by stating that the Reeve and Council have no objection to a Church sign at the corner of Queen and and John Sts, They would however suggest that you arrange with Councillor Hatris for the location of the sigh, = . Dogs Running at Latge-- Work on a .Cub and Scout 'Mothers Auxiliary The Cub, and Scout Mothers Auxl- liary held their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, May 5, at the home of Mrs. Gorden Prentice, with 26 la- dies present. The meeting opened by everyone repeating the Scout Mothers' Promise. The new president, Mrs. Robert Walker welcomed all mem- bers and visitors, The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ralph Taylor. Three letters of appreciation were read from those who had been ill--Mrs. Betty Hockin, Alan Fulford and Ja- mie Porter. Mrs. Howard. Gibson gave her treasurer's report. Mrs. J. Cook, the sick convener and Mrs. G. Mark, sewing convener also reported on their work, Mrs. Edenborough reported from the Group Committee meeting that a new, camp site had been procured for the Cubs and Scouts. A lengthy discussion took place on prices of different menus for wed- dings. member of our group, offered her home for the next meeting on June 16. Members are asked to meet at the Post Office at 7.30 p.m. for transpor- tation offered by several of the ladies. The program committee for that evening will be Mrs. B. Pickard and Mrs. C. Reesor. The lunch committee is to be Mrs, G. Prentice, Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs. E. Kennedy. It was decided to purchase material for making more aprons for use at the scout hall. The property com- mittee was asked to purchase large water pitchers and dish drainers for the kitchen. Mrs. Les McDonald, banquet con- venor, led a discussion on plans for the next wedding and banquet at which the Scout Mothers are to cater. The meeting adjourned with the re- peating of the Scout Mizpah. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Reesor and Mrs, Taylor. pra < should be kept under restraint from May | 1st -to Sept. 30th. . Dogs found Fanning, at 'large 'may -be- impounded and duly prosecuted. This By-law will 'he strictly enforced by the Dog Controlled ~ of the Village of Port Perry." 4 : Zoning By-Law Discussed . Reeve J. J. Gibson brought. to the attention of Council the nged for a Zoning By-Law in order to protect residental areas from business con- cerns being established in their midst. This matter was left for the local Planning Board, to make a study of it. Letter from Tripp Construction Ltd. acknowledging the Corporation. letter of April 29th, 1968, and stating that they have been endeavouring to keep the dump looking respectable and-for the past few months have spent more machine time on thé dump than in previous years, With regard to the erection of :a building it is their Ine REE start wo provides tat dos) mars pot ikea Counell adjout Te 3 Huan PR CERRY 35 TA ret | drt tt Ting something about Mrs. Hedges of Oshawa, a former |. | the problem thorough the credit 'unien.: However, 1t was pointed out the primary objec- tive of the credit 'union was not to provide credit but- to encourage thrift and-in order to strengthen this aim a motion was passed unanimously that in all future loans a new member must have twenty percent of the amount he wishes to borrow on deposit in the credit union; : - It was' decided to call a members' etiing for, May 21 to fhrther discuss the credit union. The meeting will be held in the Myrtle hall and anyone interested in credit union will be wel- comed. Various questions were put to the president regarding slow paying mem- bers and delinquent loans. Mrs. Hamer said that there were no -de- linquent loans and if there were any which proved that no effort was be- steps would be taken to bring them in line. It was also pointed out that some of the members who the public not in the credit union have called undesirable have turned out to be most valuable credit union members. Per- haps all they needed was a chance to get their affairs on a solid footing, which is the purpose of the credit union towards its members and its community." Blue Ray Chapter Entertains Past Matrons & Patrons One of the socia] highlights of Blue special evening held last Thursday, when the past matrons and past pat- rons of the Chapter were honoured, and entertained. A splendid representation of mem- bers and guests were present to take part in this happy event. The regular meeting was held prior to this celebration and was opened in the usual' procedure by the worthy matron and her staff of officers. In the absence of the patron, Elgin Hutchinson, the chair was capably. filled by the associate patron, James Sandison and several other members capably filled other stations where the officers were absent. Various Chap- ters were represented among which were, Laurel, Ontario, Whitby: and Fidelity. A warm welcome was extended to the presiding matron and patron, of Ontario Chapter, Pickering and matrons and patrons of Blue Ray Chapter, who were all invited to the East and given full honours. The business session was carried out in record time. Splendid reports were received from the standing commit- tees. The sick and sunshine conveners, Margaret Carnegie, and Marian Sandi- son were happy to report that the members and relatives who have been on the sick list are steadily improving and it was pleased to hear that past matron Margaret Hood is now home from 'hospital and getting along as well as can be expected, « The Bene-- volent Convener; Mabel Chapman, had | "ari "outstanding" report regarding the 'dessert luncheon and Court Whist. bus trip to Buffalo. Several invita- tions were read and aecepted among which Were Scarborough and River- court Chapters. An invitation from past . matron, Meta Moore, of Sun- beams Chapter, to hold our annual -pienic at her summer cottage was well received and accepted, for some time in June. The closing. ceremonies were carried out with the Worthy Matron giving the Farewéll. Immediately after, the past matrons and past patrons of Blue in"the West, where they were greetéd 'dison and escorted to the East by the | Conduetrass, Margaret Carnegie and sD ACTS ALE VEL EE a a. Spd, Rolie cvs bs RL AY aT IN a tn nL BR 4 5 SR Py and report to membérs the growth of | ing made téward repayment stern | Ray Chapter No. 238, O.E.S., was the ' special greeting extended to the past: 'by. the Associate Matron, Marjan San- | re Credit Union » Me Associate Conductress = Jessie Slater. In the line-up were past mat- rons Myrtle: Palmer, Helen Colbear, Mildred Jeffrey, Mabel Chapman, Jeanne Dymond, Jessie Kspie, Mar- gurel -Cornish and Margaret Jeffrey; Past Patrons Leonard Colbear, and Dr. M. B. Dymond. Bach officer was presented with a small bouquet in emblematic colors of the Order by the Star Points after receiving a con- gratulatory address from the Worthy Matron, Ethel Nottingham. This im- pressive ceremony was brought to a close with the Benediction by Alma 'Reesor who took the place of the Chaplain, Mildred Wilson, was absent. Others taking part were Ann Levin- son, Mabel Chapmaan, Emma Cook, Doris Nottingham and Pearl Gerrow, Karel Espie, guest soloist and her "* companist, Marie Taylor. The Entertainment Committee, con- vened by Adelia White and Doris Not- tingham prepared a delightful pro- gram with the following ssstainges, , taking part: Jack Nottingham, piano eosin } selections, Sail on' Silv"y Moon and Rock and Roll Waltz, Eugene Sandi- gon--Spanish Guitar and vocalizing Je numbers Fraulein and. Daisy. Danny Reesor -- singing, The Whole | Wide World in His Hands and Won- "derful Time Up Cheney accompanied | Dave Mosienko, The contests were won by Myrtle | Palmer, P.M,, and Dr. M. B. Dymond, PP, and the Tie: Contest caused a good deal of merriment. y The Lucky Door Prize was won by Danny Reesor and the Draw for the two chickens were won by Helen Col- bear, Blue Ray, and Clare Balsdon, ; Ontario Chapter. | | - The attractively arranged banquet | table was loaded down with delectable dainties prepared by the refreshment commitee under the capable super- . . i » vision of the convener, Olive Ormiston. The officers and committees re- | Past Patrons Night are grateful to this a successful party and a special 'thank you'Ts extended to the talented entertainers who put on such a won- derful performance. Guide & Scout News Mr. Roy Scott of Seagrave has of- fered Port Perry Guides and Scouts the use of several acres of land with- , out charge for a camp site. Mr. Scott | feels that he can make this land a- , vailable to us as long as he lives (as he does not anticipate changes in the ! future which would affect his deci- | sion. We. can in small measure show tour gratitude for Mr. Scott's kindness by respecting his property, fences, 'gates, ete., and also his personal pri- vacy. Please instruct your children in this respect. We have for a number of "years en- joyed the use of Mr. Don Crozier's land at Stephenson's Point. Our children no doubt cherish many ex- citing memories of camping there. Guide and Scout fathers help is »e- quired for the moving of buildings and equipment to the new camp site. Most "of our Leaders and Group Committee- men worked Saturday so your help would be gratefully received. If you can help please contact S. Ploughman or Howard Hall for time and place of meeting. The Guides, Scouts and Cubs are holding a "Buy a Block' Tag Day on Friday and Saturday, May 23 & 24. The Cubs will be tagging the homes and the Guides and Scouts will be tdown Town Friday night and all day i Saturday. Your Group Committee. Members were asked to contact Jessie Robertson 'if interested in taking a' Returns from [] Germany Mr. W. Grant Real, son of Mrs, Wm. Real, of Port Perry,, has just returned from a sojourn of several months in Germany where he hag been on duty for the Canadian Air Force. Mr. Real has been on the teaching staff in connection with the Canadian Forces. Before returning home, Mrs. Real joined . her husband, and théy had a' holiday travelling in Germany, Switz- 'Ray Chapter: were invited to assemble | erland, France, Belgium and other European countries, Mr. and Mrs. turned to their home in London, Ont,, i where Grant is stationed. . PORT PERRY CITIZEN Buys Business In Peterborough Mr. Donald Milne, of Port Perry, has purchased the manufacturing de- partment of the Great West Saddlery Co., in Peterboro, and has'taken over the business. This business was form- erly the B. F. Ackerman establish- ment, with a record of 85 years con- tinuous business, Mr. Milne will be manufacturing all kinds of leather goods--harness, horse collars, small luggage and other articles. The Great West Saddlery will con- tinue the wholesale part of the busi- ness, Mur. Milne will also do some re- tail business, when his new building "approved and ordered 'sealed. This by-law appointed Mr. R. sponsible for this Past Matrons and) I'all those who did their share to make' is completed, We wish him every success in his new venture, The family will continue to live in Port Perry for the -present. Cartwright Council Hews The regular monthly meeting of the Cartwright Township Council was held on the above date in the Town Hall, all members present and Reeve Ashton in the chair. In the absence of the Clerk, it was moved by C. McLaughlin, seconded by A. Gibson, that Mr. R. J. Dilling act as clerk. Carried. . By-law No. 1033 was then read the first time to appoint an acting Clerk: treasurer-tax-collector. On motion of Bert Gibson, seconded by M. VanCamp the By-law was given its second read- ing, and on motion of M, VanCamp, seconded by Bert Gibson, was given its third and final reading and declared signed and J. Dilling to act until a clerk could be appointed. CN - - Special Bowling On Thursday, - <May 16th at Cause- way Lanes the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Legion are holding a night of bowling from 7 to 11 p.m. Cash prizes. All proceeds for the Legion Bypilding Fund. Bowl three games for $1.00. Everyone welcome. Mr. Frank Hastings has kindly don- ated the use of his alleys and supply- ing the pin boys in order to help boost our building fund. Come and enjoy an evening of bowling. Another Small House Fire The local Fire Brigade were called out last Thursday when neighbours noticed signs of a fire in the home of Miss Kate Orchard on Queen St. It was a bit difficult to locate the source of the blaze but was finally found to be in the wall of the house in the cellar. This fire was right across the road from the home of Mr. C. C. Kellet, where a fire had been put out the week previous. Miss Orchard was not at home at the time. Local Pastor Graduates Mr, Paul Delaney of Port Perry re- ceived his graduation diploma at a ceremony held in Trinity United Church, Toronto, on Tuesday, May 6. Mr. Delaney is a graduate of the To- ronto Baptist Seminary and has also received his degree of Bachelor of Theology. Three carloads of mem- bers of the Port Perry Baptist Church travelled to Toronto to attend the graduation exercises. Among Winners of The minutes of the previous meet Golden Milestone ing were read and on motion of Bert Gibson and seconded by M. VanCamp were received and declared. Mr. Turner and Mr. Frazer, of Caesarea, then approached the Coun- : cil and made some worthy suggestions as to snow plowing and sanding in their district next winter, and made an inquiry as to the quality of oil be- ing used on the road, and were in- formed that it wasn't oil, but of an asphalt nature, which would remain sticky for a couple of days and then be all right. | Mr. D. Johns then made an inquiry as to trespass on his property and the matter was turned over to the Reeve to check with the fence viewers and the solicitor. Messrs. Marlow and Wright were then heard and an agreement wa: made as to the Council's preference to the method of the Boards handling of the Debentures in presenting their requisition in this years rates. Moved by C. McLaughlin, seconded by Bert Gibson that the dump on Mr. Geo. Wolfe's property be closed, filled over and fenced under the super- vision of the Road Superintendent, and the Road Superintendent to check into the condition of the other Twp. dumps and clean up where necessary. Moved by Bert Gibson, seconded by C. McLaughlin that tenders be called for the collection of garbage as form- erly from Shingle Landing to St. Christopher's road inclusive, said tend- ers to be in by 16th of May. The report of the road inspection committee was presented and after being examined by Council was adopted. Moved by Bert Gibson, seconded by _C. McLaughlin that Mr, Lloyd Pas- sant, R.R. 1, Burketon, be appointed Weed Inspector at a salary of $60.00. Moved by Bert Gibson, seconded by M. VanCamp that the Road Accounts of $3,213.78 and General Accounts of $1,087.76 be paid. Moved by C. McLaughlin, seconded by M. VanCamp that Mr. E. Sues make the necessary alterations in the 1957 Assessment Roll as agreed. Moved by C. McLaughlin, seconded by M. VanCamp that an advertisement be placed for one issue in the Port Perry 'Star, and Canadian Statesman, and two issues of the Oshawa Times (9-12) stating that applications would , be received up to 6.00 p.m. the 15th of May for the position of Clerk- Treasurer-Tax Collector, said applica- tion to state age, qualifications and salary expected for a five day week. Moved by C. McLaughlin, seconded [by M. VanCamp that the standard Real have now re. wage for road labour be set at $1.00, There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11.45, file... AR em PA 3 a f Arnold Roach and Mr. Contest Some local families were made happy when they recently received a telegram that they were among the prize winners of the General Motors j Golden Milestone Contest. Mr. Clay- | ton Love is in the top 23 and he and "Mrs. Love have been invited to at- tend the banquet on May 21st. Mr. Glen Hill were ' notified that they were within the 500 prize winners. The exact posi- tion and the prize that they won will not be known until the night of the banquet when the winners will be i announced. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. Twenty-Six members of the After- noon Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of United Church met Tuesday, May 13th. In absence of President the Vice-Pres. Mrs. S. Grif- fen presided. Mrs. Griffen opened meeting with a hymn and prayer then called for secretary's reports. Mrs. W. Thomp- son reported for Christian Citizenship. Mrs. Z. Jackson read a letter from Miss Hazel Reesor a missionary In Nigeria, W. Africa. Mrs. DeNure's group took charge of meeting at close of business ses- sion with Mrs. Colbear conducting the devotional -- Her theme "What the Lord required of me" Miss E. Harris reviewed the 5th chapter of study book "Cross & Crisis in Japan"--"The Church taking Root in Society" ---- Miss Harris always makes the Study - period interesting and her review of Christian Educa- tion, Ministry of Healing and Relief was closely followed." We in Canada are proud of our educational system but were amazed to learn -18 million children attend public school in Ja- pan, 4 million high school anid half a million attend universities compared to 3,600,000 attendance in all schools in Canada. . Ministry of healing by doctors and minsters care were '100,000 blind. Now the Christian Churches have set their hand to the plow to assist Japanese farmers. The Motto of the International Christian University in Japan is "Ser- vice to God and Man in Spirit of Jesus Christ". It is truly lived among Christians in Japan, Meeting closed with mizpah Bene- diction and a social time was enjoyed with Mrs. DgNure's group serving tea, :

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