Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Mar 1958, p. 8

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Ad POA hs A EE Ey saa SRT ! "THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 13th, 1958 8 "im TRY ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS . . . w» OP SUEY LOAVES made fresh each day. Week-End Specials "St. Patrick Day Layer Cake" 22 Choc. and Half White) "Pumpkin Pie and Tarts" _ GERROW'S BAKERY : 8 PHONE 32W - G.M. GERROW 8 NE CB EE wee Sy United Church W.M.S. The March meeting of the after- noon - Auxiliary was held Tuesday, March 11th. Mrs, R. Peel's group in charge. A Wm Mrs. Leask the president opened meeting with a reading and prayer. Mrs. Colbear reported for birth- days and Christian Stewardship and announced our new Missionary for prayer. Miss Grace King, Smoby Lake, Alberta. VFS a A | when they were defeated by Belleville front row: Miss Georgia Brock, coach; | chinson; Sharon Haugen; Carol A reading "Helpful to Dally. Life" S P Cot fage Rolls : 5c : 1b : LN : by Mrs, S. McMillan followed with eo; ! sid hd EARS IY, . . A game and won 53-36. The second| Several enthusiasiasts, with Miss prayer. Port Perry High School Senior Girls were the COSSA Sr. "B" final- ists in Peterborough last Saturday School for the Deaf in the finals. Pictured above are the PPHS Sr. Girls basketball team, left to right, Irene Ptomely; Alice Williams; Ina Kiezebrink; Carol Espie; Mary Lou- ise Pickard. Back row: Ruby Hut- Beare; Gloria Hastings; Pat Asling; Mary Lou Robertson; absent when picture was taken, Carol Huntley. Hilltop Herald game was with Albert College, Belle- ville and though members were tired Brock, will go to' the arena after school on Tuesday. Bob Carnegie and Honeydale W.I. Mrs. Linstead who braved the storms to attend the Oshawa Pres- byterial last month gave an inter- esting report of morning and after- noon session, In absence of Mrs. Peel, Mrs. S. Ploughman took charge of meeting. The theme of programme "Everything by Prayer". Scripture reading and prayer was given by Mrs. Plough- man, Mrs. S. Cawker and Mrs. Kennedy | EA / CAWKER BROS. York Brand Cod Fillets... 2%. Braising Ribs Beef ..........3%. Ib. 1b. ' or ~ i 2 6" fA by Darlene Christie and even sick, the team outplayed Al-| Gary Edgar will be there to assist| Thirty-five members and friends of favored with 4 lovely. duet, " When : : : ; HE Th it t at the school on the | Pert College and chalked up a final | with rules, coaching--and picking up | the Honeydale W.I. met on Thursday, 1, Survey Vie. wondrang Cross™ FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING fie hill thie i bosses of basketball, | Score of 48-21 to win the C.0.8.8.A.| pieces. March 6th, at 1.16 p.m. in the Parish| Mrs. Reynolds spoke on work of UNTIL 11 O CLOCK ; 3 ae On S " Yoo two buses of plavers and | Championship. Goodness knows what the outcome | Hall. A delicious luncheon was served | Bible Society and told of Bible So- PHONE 29 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY | it : n Saturday two buse play Congratulations to both teams for | will be. R by Mrs. George Bell and group,|ciety meeting in Port Perry when a spectators went to Barrie for the final games. The girls played at Central Collegiate and the boys played in the North Collegiate. The girls played with Lakefield the first game and won 83-30: The final game, however, they didn't prove strong enough for the team of deaf mute girls from Belleville, and lost 42-24. } going as far as they did, playing with great effort and fine sportsmanship. Thursday, March 6, team II (C. Boulanger) won vs. II (E. Benchop) in basketball. They're at it again! The girls are out to take man's hockey game away from man, Well, anyway, if they don't take it away altogether, it won't be On Thursday evening, March 6, the Variety Night was held in the audi- torium and was very well attended. Everyone enjoyed the musical pro- gram, consisting of the school band and an instrumental group, musical selections by two choral groups, dance numbers, piano solo, a reading and the play, a farce, entitled "Nellie McNab" The boys played Bancroft the first recognizable when they get it back. under the direction of Miss McCully. fi 4 SAVE 11 SAVE 2 2c (a) A decisi de to b . . fe off Deal -- Giant Pkg. Beehive Ta fasts abies Da tie for MAE t ie, Goumy of Qriph H EAR RINSO SOAP - . - 69¢c CORN SYRUP 2 Lb. Tin 29¢ the Unitarian Service, for Korea, Mrs. | tho municipal building in Beaverton . DR VIPOND Manin Leof -- I har free with 2 SAVE llc L. Honey to look after purchasing the| on March 12th, 1958 at 9.30 a.m.-- . po Glanie Lent -- har free wi same, ic f di : "H lvz DEODORANT SOAP 4 rr 34c MARGA RINE 2.47 (b) The sum of $16.00 was voted to] Salas. Invitation extonded ty Kove BROUGHAM Lbs. c the Junior Homemakers' Club, to help | and members of Council. AVE 20c SAVE 4c defray expenses, for the Spring Unit,| The Village Assessors was instruc- MARCH 13 2~n'z - "xtra Shiny - Extra Tough Allins Fancy -- 20-o0z. tin entitled, "The Supper Club." ted to attend. UXBRIDGE HYL WAX Ping T9%¢ APPLESAUCE - 2 For 33c (¢) Five dollars was voted to help Letter from J. M. Robertson, Sec'y MARCH 20 wri [save ze to odie rn | SO Biol VA 4 Lipton's . . Birthday convener, Mrs. Leahy, was | of the 1958 Conf f Canadi KRAFT DINNERS 2 Pige 23c Green Pea SOUP 2 For 27c voted money for sian, with' which lls at Pomagrndy Frugniy MARCH 27 SAVE 6c SAVE 2¢ to carry on her work. Money was al-| The Clerk was instructed to inform Hebel | Kraft -- 8-0z. jar . Lipton's so given to the District Director, to| Mr. Ed. Weeden, building inspector, of i Fe CHEEZ WHIZ - - - 3lc| Tomato Vegetable Soup 2 rr 25¢ Soler expanses of Hin. so Mithalin, J) the yiesitig: Bnd state thay ir lie al. DR. C. H. VIPOND Dowson's Food Marke ED & WHITE SAVE 1lc Brunswick == 14 tins SARDINES 10 for 8c SAVE 4c Heinz Cooked -- 15-0z. tin SPAGHETTI 2 for 2Q¢ 7% FRUIT & VEGETABLES '0 Urown ¥ancy -- 3 lb. poly bag MCINTOSH or SPY APPLES 35¢ Golden Ripe Cuban -- Extra large size PINEAPPLES - Large Heads - Snow White -- Cello wrapped CAULIFLOWER - Tasty CARROTS - - - Zestful, fresh strawberry RHUBARB - . . 2 ror 59¢ ea. 37C - New Spring -- 20-0z. cello bag ww. 19¢ 2 vor 25¢ 10th, in- the Parish Hall. Members| questing a sidewalk next to her pro- . ' [a : Fresh -- Rib End - 3 - 4 1b Sweet Pickled - Peamealed please note Hangs of date. Hs perty on Bigelow. * To be taken up world's greatest peacemaker as | -- -3 - . TT Lb. resident reminds conveners to have | at later date. Pork Loin co AGE ROLLS 3c their reports ready to send to the| F. Godley reported on recut for leader. 49. Ib. 39¢ ROAST 0b. Tenderloin End - - Swift's Premium Smoked Hockless "Fully Cooked PICNICS 1» 53c Swift's Sliced Rindless Eversweet BACON t». ru. 63¢ Swift's -- Sliced or Piece ww. 33¢ Premium BOLOGNA Free Delivery . Port Perry Mesdames Day, Sandison, Chapman and Cawker.. The table was quite at- tractive in the St. Patrick's Day theme. The meeting opened with singing the Institute Ode, followed by repeat- ing the Mary Stewart Collect in uni- son. The president, Mrs. Paul Dia- mond, graciously welcomed the mem- bers and visitors, Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary, Mrs. N. Williams, and approved. Owing to absence of Treasurer, a full financial statement was not given. Communi- cations and bills, relative to new busi- ness, were attended to. Standing committee conveners re- porting were: Mrs. Moase, Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. Bell, Home Economics and Health; Mrs. Hill, Community Activities and Public Relations; Mrs. S. Cawker, Flower & Fruit; Mrs. S. Ploughman, Junior Homemakers' Club, The Roll Call--"The different uses of Salt" brought many interesting re- ponses, from the members. Mrs. S. Cawker reported on the Dis- trict Executive meeting held at Brook- lin, Monday, March 8rd. The District Annual will be held at Claremont United Church this year, tenative date, May 22nd. The District decided to apply for a one day course, entitled "The Work Shop' offered by the De- partment of Agriculture, Extension Branch, Home Economics Service, to instruct conveners who are compiling Tweedsmuir Histories, The date and District Annual. The following items of business were dealt with: The annual meeting of Honeydale Branch, in the form of a pot luck luncheon, will be held Thursday, April District Secretary, immediately fol- lowing the meeting. She also-apks, that they have their programmes, for the coming year, in readiness, for the Branch Executive meeting, which will be held shortly. Triennial Conference of the Associated County Women of the World, held in Ceylon last summer. We were also privileged to meet Mrs. Gordon May- nard, Unionville, Sec.-Treasurer of F.W.1.O. and(Mrs. Clark of Whitby, who accompanied' Miss Eadie. Mrs, Diamond requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Brooklin W.I, for their kind invitation, (continued on page b) place of meeting to be arranged at the. film "The Bible" was given, Mrs, O. Jeffrey feviewed Tithe "Enlarging Borders" from Study book Cross & Crisis in Japan. Mrs, Ploughman closed meeting with pray- er. Mrs, Peel's group served tea. : ] Town Council (Continued from page 1) Proclamation-- from friendly relationships among the business competitiors, between our village and the surrounding area and other communities across Canada, be- tween employer and employee, and whereas this community can benefit conditions, more tourists, civic im- provements, more jobs, better facili- ties for education, health and recrea- tion, Whereas the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organiza- tion of citizens enabling us all to work together to achieve the above goals and generally to improve business, to build a better community and to de- velop better citizenship in our com- munity, our province and our country, me, do hereby proclaim civic support for Chamber of Commerce Week be- ing observed nationally, April 13-19, and call on all citizens to lend their interest, support and co-operation in making this observance successful in every way. The Clerk was instructed to have the above proclamation put in the local paper as requested. Letter from G. D. Hepditch, County Assessor and stating that the next tends the Council will Arrange for his expenses. Memo from. Mrs. Wm. Nelson re- Boys Scout Building Fund. Reeve Gibson reported on the lease to the Port Perry Boy Scout Ass'n. Council could see no objection enter- ing un agreement with Boy Scout Ass'n. matter was left to next meeting. Deed for part of lots 61 62 fronting 72 and part of lot 71 fronting on the north side of Mary Street from Crown Assets Disposal Corporation, The above deed was left to be check- ed and 'then registered, if found in order. $14.91 was passed. ho. ran -- AA RANA RAR ARI Whereas this community can benefit from new industries, good business |$ I by virture of the powers vested in|" J. J. GIBSON, Reeve on south side of Queen Street, and Lot |. SKATING Public Skating Community Memorial Arena, Port Perry, Fri., March 14 81010 p.m. | I 00 oreo ne sa eee oa es onto teste en tne tote sets ess Ser ey | PEARSON FOR PRIME MINISTER VIPOND | FOR ONTARIO RIDING oe SERED... I. Vote Liberal and give Canada the 2. Combat unemployment hy immedi- L ate fax reduction of $400,000,000. . | 8. Vote Liberal for reduced income H : 9 Jn 3 > Members of Honeydale: W.I. enjoy-| Letter from Auto Electric Service 9 FROZEN Lihnys Frovew $sawhereies 19.08 pa. ig ed a bus trip to Brooklin, recently, tating a price of $63.25 for servicing . faxes. § Libby's Frozen Green Peas, 12 oz. pkg. 21c Feb. 26, to hear Miss Florence Eadie | power lawn mower. | | FOODS Birds Eye Frozen Baby Lima Beans, 12 oz. pkg. dlc give her. "Travelogue" on Ceylon. 8She| Memo -- 1968 Road Estimates By- 4. Vote Liberal and abolish once fax was one of five delegates, from the| Law: maxiraum construction $3,500; Province of Ontario to attend the 8th| maximum maintenance: $6,800. This on cars. : ' 0 J { wi LIBERAL vw: VIPOND A Well-Qualified Candidate For ; ; Ontario Riding . } o Published by the ONTARIO RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Membership fee in GB.ME.A. of| Js SOR LR HR, RG EN

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