-- eA = Sew RE o EES SN SHR y oN ve LEA 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1058 Blaclzstock + February meeting of the W,A. of | the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Archer Tues- day afternoon with twenty-four la- dies in attendance. Mrs. S. Van- Camp read the Scripture and gave a paper on "The choice of the Cross" concluding with the reading of the Poem "My Lord and I" as a prayer, Roll call "Why I like to come to W. A." was well answered. Several thank you notes were read. Consid- erable business was dealt with in re- gard to the Hot Turkey supper which W.A. purpose serving in the Recrea- tion Centre, Wednesday, March 19th. | Mrs. Cecil Gibson presided for the | read a' sprogramme. Mrs. Archer paper 'Why Protestants go to church'. Mrs. Fred Cowling read 'The Faithful Few' and a "Cloth" contest was en- joyed while lunch was being prepared. The Lodge room. was filled Wed- nesday for the euchre sponsored by Carl Wright, high Lady; Mr. Chas. Smith high Gent and Miss Cora Cro- zier door prize, The Couples Club met in the Sun- day School room Wednesday evening with fifty present including visitors from Solina and Nestleton. Mr. Richard Bowles introduced Mr. Gordon Paisley to the Club, who was guest speaker and led a discussion on "The Problems of Rural Secondary Schools", tions were asked, discussed and an- swered. Various interesting games followed. Lunch was served. Clos- ing devotions led by Harold Kyte 'and Ralph Larmer. Altogether a very interesting evening was spent, St. John's W.A. St. John's W.A. met in the Parish hall, on Thursday, Feb. 27, with 10 members and one visitor present. The meeting was post-poned one week later than the usual date, due to blocked roads. Unfortunately the weather on the later date prevented Quite a number of ques-: the 'usual way, with a hymn followed by the passage of scripture, read by Miss Parr, and the Litany and Mem- bers prayer, The minutes of the Jan. meeting were read and adopted and reports were heard from the various commit- tees. Correspondence was read by Mrs. T. Smith, and reports of Cards sent out and. received were given. A discussion was held on the advis- ability of each member being given a set sum of money from the W.A. funds to be used as "Talent Money", each member to use said sum during Lent and double -it or triple it In some nianner and to report back at, the meeting . after Easter, giving an' account of how they 'put their "Tal- ents" to work. It was decided to accept an invita-: tion from Mrs, John Scott to set up the small "Quilt, the top of which was donated by an anonymous giver, in Mrs. Scott's home some time "within the next two week, and quilt it. It was decided to hold a bake Sale Mrs. Hamilton welcomed our lone visitor, Mrs, Beacock and expressed the wish that she would come again goon. At the closing of the business por- tion, a lovely lunch was enjoyed, ser- ved by group III, with Mrs. George Staniland convening, After closing prayers by Canon Chapperlin, Mus. Graham gave a very interesting reading, entitled "The - Beginning of the W.AY ' Sympathy is. extended Mrs, Em-. merton, Nestleton and Mrs. G. Col- lins, Scugog, on the death of their sister Miss May Noon of Toronto. Although roads and weather were poor on Thursday night, a very good crowd turned out to the concert pre- sented by Rooms 8 and 4 of the Cen- tral Public School. All who attend- ed considered it well worth the trou- ble of getting there, Program consisted of Choruses, re- citations, Drills, playlets, songs, duets "s8te. The pink rose" rope drill des- erves special mention, also the. Nut the L.0.B.A. Twelve tables were quite a number of the members from in the Town Hall on Saturday, Mar. Cracker Suite. played. Prize winners were Mrs. attending. The meeting opened in 15, at 11 O'Clock. Gréat cledit. ds "due the teachers: = -- Miss June Armstrong and Mrs. Ivan . : Mountjoy for the planning, training 4 and making the beautiful costumes, Famous the wold ov... also to all the children for the able manner in which they presented their different parts. On Friday and Saturday nights the high School, under the direction of 'Mr. Gordon Paisley presented their play "The Minx from Missouri" the Community hall to well filled et houses. All the characters did their parts well, also the musical numbers by the quartette, making a very. plea- sant evening's entertainment. After Saturday night's entertain- ment Mr, Paisley and Mrs, W. W. Marie Fraser's VanCamp entertained thie group at ng A. X . the latter' 5 home. Send today) _ DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA On Friday Roy Ferguson noticed - 409 Huron Street, Toronto some unusual article floating around Of all leading makes... (CAEL priced cars puilt in Canada| You're always a step ahead ' in cars of The Forward Look , What's your pleasure -- hardtop, sedan, two-door, four-door? Get one in a new Plymouth at the lowest price of any leading Canadian car. | Tad Dak 'n8 You'll find a new, and simply terrific 68 Plymouth not only p 2 for costs you less, but gives you more! Plymouth gives you the fresh new beauty of modern Silver- Dart styling . . . the convenience of push-button Torque-Flite %, [moll . . automatic drive . . . and new velvety- -quiet performance, too, with your choice of the big 313-cubic-inch ky V-8 or newly improved, extra-thrifty Six. and o (owifc - And when it comes to ride, Plymouth's '68 Torsion-AIRE is Lup Ln unequalled, even by systems that cost at least $150 extra! Stop by and test-drive a '68 Plymouth this week. Check price, , trade-in, and terms. Check Plymouth' 8 careful craftsmanship. PL YMOUTH QUALI TY 1S HIGHEST EVEN THOUGH PRICES ARE LOWEST Every single item that goes into a new or quality sin nsive' ¢ ars, Yet Plymouth prices are the lowest! UHR YsLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED w Plymouth is carefully checked . livery step of the manufac turing process is quality con- led, too. The result is a level of excellence you expect only in . QUALITY TBuUILT to the highest standards of automotive craftsmanship INNES MOTOR SALES PHONE 168 (R.R. 4 PORT PERRY) Watch Climax -- Shower of Stars evéry Thursday night on TV--check your local programme fisting for time and channel in the field west of their houge. Up- on examination it was found to be the remains of a weather balloon and the parachute trailing a Radiosonde unit, Walter Wright, who has had a great deal of experience in radio te- chnology informs©ug this is. an instru- ment sent up by the weather service and from which our "daily radio re- ports are gathered. Walter tells us 'these instruments are sent wp twice daily, tH Joan-Elford, Port Perry; spent the week-end with Lorraine Dayes. : Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson' and family, Yelverton, visited Wednes- day evening with the Walter Wrights. Sympathy is extended Mr. Fred John's, Caesarea, on the death of his sister Migs Lou in Port Perry Hosp!- ' tal Monday night, Sorry Mr. Geo. Blythe was quite ill all last week, but glad to know he i= improvine and hopes to be back to the store shortly. Mrs. Blythe came up and kept store. Allan Dayes has been transferred from Bowmanville to Oshawa Branch of Bank of Commerce, Allan and Lorraine Dayes and Joan Elford, Port Perry assisted. in the musical entertainment of Enniskillen Junior Choir concert Saturday night. Mrs. MacDougald, St. Mary's is visiting her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson, Yel- verton, spent Tuesday with the Wal- ter Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb, Lake- view, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry and took 'Donald, who has been two weeks with his grandparents, home, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and girls visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Stinson, Yelverton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargeter and Donna, who have just returned from a months holiday in Florida, visited the Mervyn Graham's Sunday, and took Billy, who spent the month with his grandparents, home. : Mr. Jack VanCamp visited the Say- well's, Oshawa, Sunday. On Tues- day Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell and Margaret, Misses Helen and Ma- bel VanCamp expect" to leave for Florida. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Donna and Dennis, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy and family, Long Sault; Mrs. Edith Mur- phy Tyrone; Mr. Albert Murphy and Garry, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Mew and Jane, Toronto spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Austin Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggitt, Port Perry, visited the funeral home in Toronto where an Uncle Mr. Wm. McMullen |- is resting, and after were supper 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rud Heaslip. Mr. Mervin Roe Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn VanCamp and 'Biily, were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and Arthur. fireenhank W.A. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the Church hasement on Tuesday, Feb. 25th. Mrs. E. Gibson presided for the devotional part of the meeting. Hymn "Praise the Lord Ye Heaven's Adore Him" wag sung, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The serip- ture.lesson was read by Mrs. Thaxter. Mrs. Geo. Rahm gave the lesson thoughts. The topic "Continuing Witness" was taken by Mrs. M. Raines. The devotional closed with Hymn "Blest be the tie that binds," followed by prayer by Mrs. Gibson. The business part of the meeting opened by the singing of the theme song. Our president" Mrs. Geo. Beare thanked the group in charge for their devotional and welcomed the members and visitors to the meeting. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Bay- lis reported a balance of $377.27 in'] the treasury. The visiting committee reported 3 calls. A: bus trip to tour the General Motors is being planned for the near future. It was decided to. have a community turkey supper and "social evening on Mar. 19th, The meeting closed with prayer by the president. "Lunch was served to 23 members, 2 visitors and 4 children. 'blue coal', See you get much more heat ur money! Finish out the season with 'blue coal', Feel how ~-- = much more heat 'blue coal' delivers for your money, : You'll discover why more people insist on this famous deep- -mined coal than any other hard coal. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY ob PHONE 73 "blue g coal' OW-COST. HEAT Let these help you to. Planned Saving 1 PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT / Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Account. A quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight. The low service charges are pre-paid. Your cancelled cheques are on file if you need them. 2 SAVINGS ACCOUNT -- Keep your Savings Account for saving. Add to it every pay. As your balance grows you'll gain peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at our nearest bromch now. THE CANADIAN BANK OF 'COMMERCE - 770 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU N-108C Port Perry Branch, J. R. Helm, Myr. V Business Opportunity ~ In Port Perry, Greenbank, and Surrounding District - ~ Complete Line of Farm Machinery Apply to "Cockshutt Farm Equipment Co. Ltd. ~~ BOX 34, PORT PERRY STAR > on For Pattieviary mare