Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Jan 1958, p. 4

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Sard mb a A So rir a Se x At aA UR ; = Gow EAT SE ther for Paul and Ann, " FRI & SAT. QE ------ 'Notice ARE OF 'BANTAM, Card of Thanks -ity to thank my friends and neigh- +. wish" to thank Dr. * nurses for special attention I receive Birth FAA RM IAS TELAT yan i 4-THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1958 LTE LEE 10 ASST 54 Sadi 1 FA % HE MA UFR AY LOCAL N (EWS ALL HOCKEY PLAYERS WHO MIDGET AND JUVENILE AGE, WHO ARE NOT PLAYING HOCKEY PLEASE COME TO THE ARENA THIS SATURDAY AT 1.00 P.M. SO THAT THEY CAN 'BE PUT ON A TEAM. THE PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB In Memoriam SULMAN-~In loving memory of a dear father who passed away Jan. 13, 19565, Always a smile instead of a frown; Always a hand when one was down; Always so true, thoughtful and kind, Wonderful memories he left behind. Ever remembered by son Peter and daughter-in-law Mayrene. Card of Thanks Our heartfelt thanks are extended to all our'neighbours, friends and re-. latives for their many acts of kind- ness and beautiful floral tributes dur- ing our recent sudden bereavement of a dear husband and father, "7 Mrs. Clifford Ward, Elsie, Gordon and Lillian, " I'would like to take this opportun- bours for cards, fruit and flowers sent -to me while in hospital, Also 1 Rennie and the) © James Owen. HADDEN--Helen and Don wish to announce the arrival of Brian James, on Jan. 7, 1958, at Community Mem- orial Hospital, Port Perry. A bro- NORMAN WISDOM in A Hilarious English Comedy "Up in the World" Plus TONY PERKINS, in "The Lonely Man" Last show starts at 8:30 MON.-WED. JAN. 20-22 FRANK SINATRA, and MITZI GAYNOR, in "The Joker is Wild" Adult Entertainment 0) JANUARY 17-18 Feb, 6 THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) ; Rev: E. W. Fuller, B.A, LTh, Rector Sunday Jan. 19th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School te . 7 p.m. Evening Prayer, ~~ : ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. Simpson Black, B.A., B.D. - Interim Moderator Sunday Jan. 19th-- 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.--Divine Worship, 1 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, Minister Sunday Jan. 19th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School Anniversary Services Rev, ¥. H. Joblin, B.A, B.D,, of Westboro United Church, Ottawa will preach at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. 'The Choir of Rogers Memorial Pres- byterian Church, Toronto, under the direction of Mr. Alan Reesor will assist in the evening service, | The United Church of 'Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. Sunday Jan. 19th-- 10.156 a,m.--Scugog Church \ 11.156 a.m.--Scugog "Head". S.S. 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1,156 p.m.--Prospect Church Come and worship with us. bids you welcome. Christ 1D PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. Walter H. Crawford Sunday Jan. 19th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday S¢hool _ 11 a.m.--Morning Worship p.m.--Evangelistic Service {Vednesday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples = Come and Worship with us. q THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshaws 1360 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec. 26-R7 CAUSEWAY BOWLING / ~ LANES Friday Nite Doubles «|starts at p.m. sharp Open Bowling 'il 9 oclock Everyone welcome. RE BALLET --< TAP -- BATON Register for the Winter term at the Port Perry High School, Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12.00 noon, Phone Oshawa, RA 65-6122 STE Groceries - | © DOUPE S GENERAL STORE PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. full line of "Fresh and Cooked Meats : ALWAYS IN STOCK OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery. Phone 45W Frozen Food | H. Edenborough Monday | mas cards. 'ernor of Ontario and the Legislative Coming Evenis Monster Bingo Monday, Night, Jan. 20th, 19568 at 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa. 20-- $20. games; 6---$80. games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Door Prizes, . Admission $1.00, Euchre * The Port Perry Lions Club will hold a euchre in the Port 'Perry Public School on Friday, January 24th. More particulars later. Proceeds for Lions charitable work. Se Euchre On January 18th at 8 p.m. in the Scout Hall, Proceeds in aid of the building fund, Travelogue in Color "Alaska Bound" presented by Lil and Bert Phippen of Toronto and Port Sydney and also Comic Hat Fa- shion Show sponsored by the May- belle - Rebekah - Lodge at the "Port Perry Public School on Friday, Jan. 17th at-8 p.m, Admission Adults .60c. Children 26c. Jan, 16 The Cub and Scout. Mothers' Auxi- liary will be held at the home of Mrs. evening, January 20 at 8 o'clock. - Please at- tend and start the New Year right. Also fetch along all your old Christ: 2 - Notice . Take notice that the Municipal Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry has petitioned to the Lieutenant. Gov- Assembly of the Province of Ontario for a Private Bill to authorize the ts- sie of debentures for the amount of $30,000.00 to cover an expenditure of $29,300.00 incurred in exploration for a well site, well development and test- ing to provide an additional water supply to the Village of Port Perry and incidental expense thereto, The entire debenture debt of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Port Perry as' of December 31st, 19567 was $404,000.00. The amount of the rateable proper- ty of the Municipality according..to the last revised assessment roll »f the Corporation is $1,639,189.00. J. J, Gibson, Reeve. John F. Raines, Clerk-Treas. Feb. 20, 1968 Junior Farmer News The County Association will hold its annual meeting in Port Perry High School on Saturday afternoon, Janu- ary 18th, 1958. There will be a ban- quet after in the Manchester Church at 6.30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The Port Perry Junior Farmers have elected their executive for 1958: Past President--Wesley Johnson President--Bill Stewart 1st Vice-President--Hugh Dobson 2nd Vice-President--Jim Aird Sec.-Treasurer--Jerry Emm The executive met and planned the January meeting. This will be on Tues,, January 28th in the Port Perry High School at 8.830 p.m. A good pro- gramme {is planned and lunch will be served. The speaker at this meeting will be Mr, Alvin Blades who is the new assistant Agriculture representa- tive for the county who will assist with club work during the year. IN PERSON La "LOU 2 and, the : TWIN PINE MOUNTAINEERS AE STARS OF Radio - Record - TV UE Hh also the i ! A GOLDEN VALLEY - : "BOYS . ; CKTR, RADIO DANCING 9.00 TILL 12.30 RED BARN OSHAWA FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 ADMISSION $1.00 'of 'Sunday School | Approve Legal | Outlels | On Wednesday, Jan, 16th the ville age of Millbrook voted in favor of both a Brewers Warehouse and Liquor Store outlet, The vote was fairly heavy and approx, 67% were in favor Wi Se "* _ with the legal outlets. The campaign for the outlets was conducted by the businessmen of the Village. Lad Nix - Blackstock The United "Church congregational meeting was held in' the Sunday School room on Monday, Jan. 6. After the opening hymn, and Seripture read- ing, and prayer by the Pastor; a few words of appreciation were extended to the Stewards, Elders, Treasurers for their faithfulness to their work, and their regular attendance at Sun- day morning services, Secretary Jim Marlow read the minutes of the last annual meeting. The Mission Band report as prepared by Mrs, C. Hill and read by Rev. Mr. Romeril showed that after the $25.00 allocation had been sent to Presbytery, $45. 00 was sent to Rev, Merrill Fer- guson, Angola, to assist in the educa- tion of African girls. Ralph Larmer; 'Superintendent, of Sunday School, gave a fine report of the work of the Sunday School. Mrs. Cecil Gibson, Missionary Treas. orrted $244.00 raised. Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, the Treas. of the W.A. gave a splendid itemized statement of how money was raised and spent in the W.A, Mrs, W. 'rcher, secretary, reported on the meetings and attendance. «Mrs. Stewart Dorrell, Treas. of W. M.S. reported the allocation of $200 had been met and some help given the Explorers and C.G.I.T. Donna Mc- Laughlin reported for the newly or- ganized C.G.LT. Church Treasurer Ivan McLaughlin and envelope Steward Percy VanCamp 'Cecil Hill. réported that $1100 had been: raised for the renovation , and the Bud- | get treasury was in good shape. The Stewards and the committee for building fund were re-elected and later asked to proceed with plans for the eXtaeion of the Sunday Schoo! room. Rev. Mr, Romeril reported that Alay Dayes would lead the Cigma C group. ; New hymn books are to be pur- chased and notice board brought up to date. 5 'The congregation expressed their thanks to Rev. and Romeril for their work during the past year. The Wo-He- Lo Mission" Band met in the Sunday School room, Tuesday with thirteen children and the three leaders present. Meeting opened by all repeating the Lord's Prayer, sing- ing "See the Little Sparrows" and re- peating the Mission Band Purpose. Judy Mountjoy took up 'the offering while Mrs, Glenn Larmer played Hear the Pennies Dropping, . Mrs. Kyte gave the 'worship. Sharon Larmer read 'Thanks be to God'. Helen Swain read the minutes and roll call, 'Lorna Wright gave a reading, "The Man and the Donkey". Linda Butt recited "Who is this", Mrs. Kyte read the Study Book chapter, "At Grandfather's Farm." The meeting closed with a hymn and the Benediction. - Mrs. Butt then led in some enjoyable games. The W:M.S. of the United Church met at the Parsonage on Wednesday afternoon with 18; ladies and 7 'chil- dren, 1 gent present. ~ Mrs. Ernest Larmer opened the meeting 'with a pgem, "Jesus Directs' Thee. After the singing of "Standing at the Por- tals" Rev. Romeril gave the Devotion- al on Paul's first missionary journey and conducted the Installation of the 1968: officers. "Mrs. Larmer, retiring President, thanked all for their co- operation during her. four years of office and read a letter from Mrs. Hut- ton of Rockford, and then handed over the meeting to the new president, Mrs, Some plans were made for the World's Day of Prayer and for ob- taining the material for the bale to be sent to Indian residential. school in Northern. Manitoga. Eight notes of | was given in a most interesting n ner by Mrs, Gordon Strong and thanks for fruit received by ill were read, Mrs. Fred Dayés presided for | " the program as follows: = A paper, "The New Year 19568" by Mrs. Rus-|p sell Mountjoy, chapter 8 "Re Building on Old Foundation" of the Study Book. The "Cross and Crisis of Japan Byers-gave two short poems "Time" and "Improvement", and Mrs, Hill read a letter by Dr, Frank Lauback on "Our Party': Mrs. Dayes thanked Mrs. Romeril for the use of her home and all who had assisted on program, A hymn was sung and Mrs, Ernest Larmer closed the meeting with pray. er after which lunch was served byl the hostess and the group. We would like to extend our con- gratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Ewart Leask, Solina, 'on the birth of a little daughter and to Mr. and Mrs, Allan Rahm, Port Perry. on the birth of a son. A John Deere demonstration of the new bale ejector was presented by Mr, Gordon Sweetman, of Seagrave, and Mr. Ernie Cavano, of Pontypool,' in the Recreation Centré on Wednesday' afternoon and evening, A fairly good crowd attended. Four films were shown at each session and lunch of coffee, and doughnuts served. Fol- lowing were winners of lucky door prizes--in the afternoon Mr, Murray Holtby, Manchester received an elec- tric perculator, and Mr. Ernie Ward, of Millbrook, a steam iron. + i In the evening Mr. Bill Abbott who is working for Mr. Merrill VanCamp, received an electric fry-pan and Mr. Cecil Fralick, Scugog, an electric tea kettle, | Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, Winnipeg, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carnaghan and family on Wednesday, The Women's Institute 'met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Palk on Wed: nesday evening with 20 ladies present. With the President, Mrs. L. Thomp- son, presided over the meeting and opened with the Ode and Collect. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs, Percy VanCamp. Considerable 'busi- ness was dealt with, The next card party to be held the:first Friday in February. Roll call was 'What hobby you have chosen for your old age". as shown by Mrs, R, interesting address {in connection with it given by Mrs. Pewdess, secretary of T.B, Associa- tion for Durham and Northumberland. positive re T.B. Bowles and a ve This was followec by. 8 nn ion, After thanks had b to the speaker, and all taking En the meeting was closed with the "Queen" and lunch was'. served by the hostess and jhe group in charge with Mrs. F [Staniland convener, = The O.N.0 Club. The January meeting of the O.N. Club 'was held at the home of Aileen Snooks with 82 members present and President Aileen MeLaughlin in the chair. Business left over from 1957 was dealt with, This consisted of the March of Dimes Campaign which the O.N.O. is conducting again this year, Gwen Ballingal is in charge. It was decided the girls will cover the same areas as they did last year. We hope that our readers will again wel- come the girls when they call.® The response last year was wonderful and we are loping the 1968 campaign will be even better. The ladies, of the 0.N.O. will be calling 'on you anytime between now and January 29. As the area is so large and widespread that we find the one night suggested for 'the March does not give enough time to complete all the calls. The president then called for the: financial report of 1957, which was submitted, and showed that 1967 had been a very successsful year. The nominating committee present- ed the new slate of officers as fol- lows: ' President, Mrs. Florence Col- lins;- Secretary, Mrs," Norma .Van- Camp; Treasurer, Mrs. Rena Butt; Fruit and Flowers, Mrs, Wilma Van- Camp; Press 'Secretary, Mrs, 'Gwen Ballingal, - The new president then took over for the remainder of the meeting and final - plans were made for "the ' Donland's Dairy Banquet which is to be held January 14. It was also decided to hold a St. Valen- (Continued on page 5) 4250 LBS. QVW. TO 65,000 LBS. B.OW.--~ BUILT TouaheR FOR TOUGHEST 108s Ghrysior Corporation of Canada, mod These handaose 1088 FARGO POWER- MASTERS introduce brand-new stand- ~ ards of cost-cutting performance...safer, easier operation, .. big-load strength... and style that does a A public relations job for you, too! 3 Whi fs nwriess that makes sense all the way. For example, Fargo's new high-performance . V-8 engines. They're bigger, more: powerful. Yet they're designed with exclusive Power- Dome combustion--to reach the most economical level of truck operation ever. You'll find Fargo Sixes thrifty and power-packed, too. To match these work-horse engines, there are rugged new chassis components to permit -bigger recommended loads, and bigger brakes for safer, quicker stops. [3 There' s new prestige-building style, too, in the - ¥ 'Make sure you get all this newness in your new truck ! beautiful Sweptside 100 model and throughout - the line--inside and outside. A new Fargo safety-centre steering wheel. A~new Fargo dual headlamp system that casts light up to \ w Re j 76 feet farther for safer night-time hauls. New. Easy-Shift Manual Transmission or push-button LoadFlite automatic drive is 'available on light-duty Fargo models. New on Sweptside 100, and standard D100 models--rearsprings that automatically adjust tension to varying load weights. You get a smooth, passenger-car ride whether truck is loaded or empty. Rea Now Sure-Grip Differential assures better . traction, prevents wheelspin on ice or snow. You Jot more of the future with EE MEE easier INNES MOTOR SALES PHONE 168 - (RR, 4 PORT PERRY) Nara FARGO PEAS Ww.

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