Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jan 1958, p. 5

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John Harper : ; Oct, David Murray Don' 'Durham Bill Mark, Fred Cox = Chris Dowson 1 Terry Adderly Glen Howsam Ricky Prentice Ea Ralph Ballard a : Feb, 15th-- - 10.30 am ve. b 11,16 am--~6 vs. 7 Eh Jan, 11th-- 9.00. am--b6 vs. 7 9.456 am. --6 vs. 8 ° 10.30 am--4 vs, 2 ~ : 11.16 a.m--8 vs. 1 WEA Jan. 18th-- Feb. 22nd-- 10.80, or Te V8, 1115 am--6 ve. b Jan. 25th-- : wa 2 9.00. a.m.--7 vs. 6 ik 9.46 a.m~--b va, 8. 10.80 a.m.--1 va.' 4 1115 a.m--3 8! 2 ~ March: 8th-- 2 OR o.. ; No. 2--Rangers (COACH--I, Take, G. Menon) Dale McNenly Brian G Gibson 1a . Bamy No. 3--Boston Bruins Ss Sil : " 'COACH--Q. Tummonds, D. McMillan "Rick : David 'Porter i" Hiky Sao Billy Beare 'Cha. 'Hastings ho Reader. 1a _Don,. McLaug lin Bob Lee 3 "Wayne Saunders Doug Edenburgh" 4 Tommy Hawkins Ricky Foster ~~ | Bob Cowleson Steve : Foster EF Billy Hall Gord McMillan. Ray Hillier | No. "Sono. Alt las EERE - (COAGH---R. MeNell) David: Durham | Lamy, MeNenly fi = Don McNenly 'Ross Edenburgh: 9.00 am. --4 vs, 1 9.45 a.m.--86 vs, 7 10,30 am.--2 vs, 8 11,16 am --8 vs. b 9.00 a.m.--6 vs. 8 . 9.46 am--3 va. hs Beil 10.30. am--b vs, 7 11,16 am--=-4-vs, 2. March 1st (4 points)-- . 9.00 a.m--4 vs. 8 & 946 am.--6 va. b 10.30 a.m.--2 vs. 1 11.16 am.--8 va. .7 9.00 am.--b vs, 8 9.46 am.--3 va. 2 : wx 10.30 a.m.--7 vs. 6 ; 11,16/a.m,--1 vs. 4 =2 BRL | family spent Christmas with Mrs, ; Centre. : Harlan Clark, '| a few days with Mr. 'and Mrs, Jeffrey recently. - : | Mrs. L. Wagner. :| Stacey; 2nd man, Mr. G. Taylor; Cons. e of Mr. and 'Mrs. r Christmas. Jeffrey, Port Perry, and Miss rjorie Bailey, Whitby, were at the Ce home of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Bailey and family for Christmas. . Mr, and Mrs. M. McConnell Holly and family at Hoiand Mr, and Mrs. Dave 'Knight and fam- ily of Sudbury; Mr, and Mrs. John 'Ansell and family, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Don Taylor, Oshawa were at | home with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and | Linda, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson, Victoria Corners and Mr. Alpine' Christie, Peterborough, spent Christmas -at the home of Mr. and "TMrs. Al, Christie, Mrs. McKercher spent Christmas | Day 'with Mr, and: Mrs: 'Holtby, at Prospect. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Skerratt and family, Toronto, visited 'at the, Medd's recently. Ey Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stewart and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Walker, Toronto, and 'Mr, and Mrs. Prince Albert, spent Mr. Ken Jeffrey; Parry Sound, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Boynton. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Leach spent the Christmas holiday with Mr, and Mrs. G. Leach and family, Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. R. Armstrong were with Mr. and Mrs. Gourlie and family : | for Christmas. Mr..and Mrs. Mooré¢ and Clarke with Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey on Sunday, On Friday, December 27th a Christ- mas Kuchre was held in Epsom P.S, Ten tables of euchre was played. The prize winners were: 1st lady Mrs. Marie Leach, 2nd lady Mrs, M. Bailey. Cons., Mrs. W. Rogers. - Door prize-- 1st man, Mr. H. Mr. O. Lane. Door prize, Mr. Chester Geer, Next party January 10. Every- one welcome. 3 * Mr. and Mrs. Rogers spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs, H. Kerry and 'boys. Mr. Floris of Elliot Lake spent Christmas with his family Mrs. Floris | and girls. We are sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Milbert Howsam at his home in Ottawa. 'We extend sincere sym- pathy -to his wife Grace and family _| and relatives, nd success. pleasure of knowing and May 1958 bring to you - and yours a full measure of health iness, joy and gladness, : San, STORE le Feb. 1st-- = = te SIE Et he } ; i moe fi Lem BS Ty 1115 amet va LH AR BY am.--8 va. 6 - -- ve.s : ae 0 9.45 am--1 ve. 2 'Be fair to your Team ---- Be.on time. 10.30 am.--bB vs. 6 At ledst one half hour before game 11.16 a.m.--8 va, 4 | time. Best of Luck to All, | : a the. start of the Yo Year, we slip extend to you, friends and customers, Foc the traditional greetings of the sea- a2] 1 son, with thé extra warmth that comes y | i the i serving you. i, 'Brooklin, .spent Sunday with Mr. y Auction Sale d orch | ment, 2 } ot Xs | Loncession s, 13 ry on "| Number of metal drums, open tops, Wariwas received at Christmas a the sudden of Rev. W. H. Jenner at his home in Parry Sound. Mr. Jenner was Pastor "here some years ago. Mr. and Mrs, Mel, Lakey and Tams » Mrs, Rogers. "her. and Mrs, Ashton and family 27 Gibson in Tatridge, Extensive Auction sale' of modern sprayers and orchard etuln, LHC tractors, farm imple- ts, and a large quantity of house- furniture, antiques. On Lot 9, rboro Twp. on Fin- ast of Little's Road. trop rty a jr: SATURDAY, late J. 'yrrell -- on JAN. thy 1968. AN ~~ Farm Im ements & Orchard uipment MeCormick-Deering model 0S4 tractor' on rubber, good condition, complete McCormick-UDeering model OS6 tractor on- rubber, near ew, in perfest "condition, and complete. Above mentioned tractors are good, have never done any hard work, | McCormick-Deering 3 furrowed orch- ard tractor plow, ace bottom 8 New Holland automatic pick-up baler, ~ with Wisconsin motor driven, com- Dlstely overhauled, in good working 18 a M.H, seed rl) Grain binder. 1 hay rake Power take-off Cockshutt 7 "tt. mower, new op Tractor Trailer, 6 ft. mower 2 good 2 wheel rubber tired tractor trailers Snow Plow for 04 IHC tractor 6 inch drive. belt Brooder stove with Hoover 2 Brooder Houses 12 x 12 Bench vise, Power Emery Hahd power post drill complete Anvil, Forge Blacksmith Set pipe dies. No. of other tools 'Hay fork and draw Fope Steel land roller : Double mould Plow. ; 'Walking Plow Set farm scales, 1 Tbs: Set iron drag Moffat elects pail Te ater A large quantity of poultry equipment Fetal large piles of {alice ails arge quantity of apple woo % HD, electric motor Pile of 2 x 4 lumber Pile of 2 x 6 lumber Pile of 1 inch limber Oil drum with Number of 'stee vv posts Quantity of snow fence . Large ntmber of garden tools Other small tools not mentioned Pile of scrap iron ; Motor Vehicles & Orchard. Equipment. 1938 Cadillac sedan, good - 1963 Dodge stake body truck, low mileage and in perfect condition, i? 8 _ practically good as new 1950 Ford panel % ton truck, good forms and tubs for packing bushels of apples. Two, 4 id hand trucks for apples Beam power. orchard sprayer, 240 gal. "with wooden tank, 20 gal. per minute, complete with motor, This machine is real good. Beam power orchard sprayer, 240 gal. .metal tank, 20.gal. per minute, This machine is new; used very little Both .above. mentiotied sprayers are 'high pressure and in'perfect ex- ceptionally good condition. Orchard. duster . 6,000 (five thousand) 1-% bushel - boxes, good. Apple Grader Number of 6 gt. baskets Number of cartons for poly bags Number of apple picking baskets with covers Large number of ladders 2 .sets gmall scales. . Air compresser complete with motor for blowing up car or truck tires, ete, up to 40 lbs. Number of orchard pruning tools, ~such as snips, short and long handles: saws, etc. A large variety of orchard tools not mentioned - Household furniture & Effects 2 steel beds, springs and spring mattresses, 2 toilet sets Single brass bed, LE, and spring mattress. Antique bureau 3 washstands, some antique 3 ¢hests of drawers, 2 are antique - Number of antique kitchen chairs Small chest of drawers Dresser with washstand to match Welch dresser. ook Cases Large walnut wardrobe *-- Small chiffrobe.- 2 small tables 3 dressers. Desk 4 wooden beds, springs and mattresses 2 Tok chairs. - Couch ed, Small desk De dining room table 6 dining room chairs, rush bottoms, antique. Antique clock 2 breakfast nook benches with table Dingper gong. 4 Writing desks Antique sofa, 6 kitchen tables Several odd- chairs. Walnut table Several electric lamps 8 desks with book cases. Hanging bodk case Power lawn mower - Number of lawn chairs Frigidaire electric refrigerator | Corner cupboard Electric stove, heavy wiring Antique brass coffee percolator Dining room table Over-stuffed sofa Antique hook case and desk combingd "Revolviiig book case : Number of sectional book cases Nubilier of dis o, pruamenta, Jong antique, good pictures; electric Peatars, and a lot of useful articles and furniture hot mentioned. . Sale at 12.80 noon. Terms cash, No reserve. James Smith, Clerk. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, ; Auctioneers, Markham, Ont, phone 846 'Milliken, Ont. phone Axminster 8.5987 spent' Christmas with' Mr, and Mee; i |" Mothers" March" most parts. of the province, and the Ladies' Wednesday | Night Bowling DECEMBER 1th 5 Jeanne' Goode 814, Ruth Short 205, Kathy Hewitt 280, Bert Freelon 274, Beth Oke 249, Shirley Chilton 238, Helen Heard 237, 200, Mary Enge 225, June Armstrong 225. Marg. Edin- borough 223, Mary. MacGregor 222, 205, Norma Scott 212,204, Marion Geer, 203, Louise' Carnegie 201, Mary Sweetman 201, Marion Healey 200. High Single now held by Jeanne Goode with 814. 'High Triple now héld by Jeane Goode, with 314. ; Triples over 698-- ; Jeanne Goode .......oecoininnnn. 0698 Kathy Hewitt ... rn Beth Oke .,........... Helen Heard ...... REE nts606 PRIZE WINNERS FOR CHICKEN ROLL, 7 O'CLOCK-BOWLERS High Triple ..oovviivenna, Kathy Hewitt High Single ... Ruth Short Low Score cu... Evelyn Redman Most Strikes o.com. Helen Heard Hidden Triple ...........Barbara Griffen = Ruby Moore Hidden Singles ............ Norene Howes ! ; Elaine Bailey 9 O'CLOCK BOWLERS . Pio Resve and Coun i got safe sang. I of Scugog wish LE J Sunderlands - fo fo TPE | 3 licith [Eh oe 3 thelr support ig ats Hols of i ins a and fo take Fours Killers. 3 : Mosquitdes CLT TH CLL PITT Try . 12 Spitfires .. 11 MICABLEIB (ivitinnisiiinininsseinins =D = Helicopters coven. 4 5 Kittyhawks *..i.i, NRA | North Stars ... Pr 2 Over 200-- victim's condition can be improved through rehabilitation processes, and for whom no other exists," The problem of polio itself is still a major one for the March of Dimes, Mr." Whitaker explained, since over 11,000 persoms in the province have Source of help , been the victims of polio, and many of these need help to regain somo form of useful physical activity, "The Salk vaccine came too late for these people," he stated. "We're tackling a big job in taking on this new load," Mr. Whitaker stat- ed. "But we know that the people of Ontario want this problem solved, and through their help in the coming March of Dimes campaign, we'll be able to do the job." March of Dimes doctors perform the medical side of the program without fee whenever financial need exists, he explained. March of Dimes dollars are used to pay hospital costs, and to pay for physiotherapy and equipment and ap- pliances needed in the process of rve- habilitation. Home-makers are also provided for mothers during rehabili- Highy Triple ................Jeanne Goode High Single . Bert Hanlan Low Score eine. Audrey McNeil Most Strikes ............ Mary MacGregor Hidden Triples ............... Ruby Leask ; Joan McNab Hidden Singles ................ Joan Venning Marion Healey To Be Held Jan. 29 "The annual "Mothers' March" for the March of Dimes, in which an army of more than 100,000 Ontario mothers took part last year, will take place tation, he stated: | The March of Dimes conducts its medical program -through thirteen treatment centers. Patients are brought to the nearest clinic for exa- mination, assessment, and corrective procedures. Brince Alhert Prior to the holiday upper and lower school pupils were given a gen- erous party to set the tone of Christ- mas by their teachers Mrs. M. Hod- wing and Mr. Rzadkouski. A meal was given cach pupil plus oodles of treats. The exchanging of gifts marked a highlight to a happy time. between the hours of 7 and 8 p.m. on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 20th. Last year, in a single hour, almost $418,000.00 was raised to finance the rehabilitation of handicapped adults throughout the province. ¥, Would you like an evening out? Come to the school Friday night Jan. drd at 8 o'clock to see a lovely film, "Nature in God's Half Acre" a very worthwhile picture for young and old. IFollowed by "Chinese Auction" of a few mystery parcels, sponsored by the The campaign takes place at the same hour in communities large and: small, scattered from the Manitoba to the Quebec borders. 87 communi- ties participated last year. This year, new committees have been formed in number of "Mothers' Marches" will be well over 100. Almost every service club in the province is represented in the roster of clubs which have "joined the March of Dimes". Kinsmen and Kinettes; Rotary; Kiwanis; Lions; Jaycees and Jaycettes; Business and Professional Women's Clubs; B'Nai Brith; Odd- fellows and Rebekahs; 1.0.D.E,; Home and School Association; Beta Sigma Phi; Loyal Order of Moose; and many others. "All join forces to help the March of Dimes help the handicapped people of Ontario back to independent living," said Mr. W, Denis Whitaker, President of the Ontario March of '| Dimes. Mr. Whitaker explained that the basic purpose of the March of Dimes had been greatly enlarged during the past year. Previously, funds were used exclusively to provide rehabili- tation for those whose handicap had been caused by poliomyelitis. "Now, we're in a much wider field--rehabili- tation of those whose physical handi- cap has been caused by other condi- tions as well--accidents; congenital RED BARN /' GRAND 0' OPRE ~~ SHOW and DANCE Featuring WILMA LEE and STAN COOPER "also CAROL LEE COOPER and ~~ THE CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN Direct from WSM, Nashville, Tenn: Tuesday, January Tth, 8.00 p.m. Good Neighbours Service Club. No "admission, . During the, Yuletide holiday the majority of our folk enjoyed dinner i here and there, while 'other chose an- "other special day to be in company "with relatives or friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Love nad her mother, Mrs. Z. M. Jackson and Mrs. Beatty, of Port Ferry; Mr. and Mis. G. [unter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, Omemee; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance at the Birkett home gathering in Port Perry. Mr. I'vank Vickery, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock with Mr, and Mrs. L. Devitt, in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mar- tyn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Martyn joined the rest of the family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn, Scugog; Mi. Dan McTaggart with his brothers and others at Seagrave; Mr. and Mrs. IT. Jeffrey with her sister Mrs. G. Plaunt and Mr, Plaunt, at Reaboro. Mr. red McKey with the William Hea'yn family for Christmas dinner. Other gatherings included Mr. and Mrs, C.-Love-and family who joined a family get-together at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Art Brock, Port Perry. Mi. and Mrs. Jack Simons, Picker- ing, and Miss. Edna Vance, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance on the holiday. Mr. and Mrs, I, Middleton and sons 'OSHAWA conditions; or other causes where the Mrs, Wm, Dickinson, Smith, Toronto, Mrs." Ro My. N. Shunk, all gathered with Ben Smith with their daughter Mr. and Mys, and Mrs. Murrin, Toronto, Miss Gail Hodgins, Sgt. Terry and Mrs. Hod- gins, all "assembled with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins; Mr. and Mrs. Don Leslie with his relatives at Milton; Mr, and Mrs, I; Bond, Mrs. Brown, Sr., Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Wagg, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. A, Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fear had his mother Murs. Fear, and Miss Fear of Toronto, and Mrs. Teel of Whitby Mr. and Mrs. Jas. . Davidson, Jr., had her brother Mr. and Mrs. St. Martin, of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mae- Donald, Miss Kay Martin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. Raines, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, R. Sweetman, Port Perry, and their families; also Miss Marleen Stone, Seagrave, and Doupe brothers. THe relatives who spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacock and and Mrs. L. Beacock, Glenn and baby Gordon, of Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Beacock, Janetville, Mrs, M. Tarvig, Miss O. Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cole all of Oshawa, Mrs. Wm. Somerville spent Christ- mas week with relatives in Whitb for Christmas dinner. was held in the evening of December 18th at the home of Mrs, L. Beacock with a very good attendance. Mrs. McKerihan presided. Carols" opened the meeting, ible reading was taken by Mrs, B. Stith, and the topic, "Sent Forth to Service" by Mrs. Linstead, A tribute was ex- pressed in 'the loss of a much loved and respected member Mrs. G. R. Smith, who we will remember kindly as being so willing and unstintingly in whatever she was requested to do. The kitchen committee reported 4 new gadgets purchased, Christmas fruit baskets were discussed. We were pleased.tg have a letter from Mrs. R. Wylie, telling" o}_thétr activities, etc. The gift of a table Wit ed with thanks from Mrs. g Chureh vestibule, which will be useful for flowers, ete. Quilting are in order after the New Year. Pot Luck or open suppers for January and February. "rogram consisted of a very suitable breading, "Is Christinas real or com- mercialized 7" by Mrs. Beacock, and a humorous reading "The Week-end past Christmas" by Mrs, B. Smith. The meeting closed with hymn "0_Come All Ye Fa aithfuk n.- Group oye serve Lunch, Scugog All members of the Council and School Board were returned to office at the Nomination meeting on Friday, December 26th. The Head W.A. will be held at the parsonage on the afternoon of Jan. 8th, since ~ Mrs. Braham was. kind enough to offer her home for the meeting. This is the annual meeting with_the installation of new officers for the next two years, so all mem- bers please, try to attend, in arder to know your new groups and group leaders. AE: The Head Sunday School was well filled last Sunday, and the attendance prizes and Christmas candies were given to the children. We are pleased to note that most of the community recovered." We 'hope this .is the last occurrecne for. many months, and wish to all a Happy and Healthy New Year, * Ruction Sale SAT, JAN, 18th---Auetion Sale of 25 Shorthorns, Hay, Pigs, | Milking Machine, et W. R. Stevens, I church Twp., 2 and Mrs, Ross Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. S. Garvey, Doncaster; Mr. boys were the grandmother, Mrs. W.' Beacock, Mr. and Mrs J. Beacock, Mr, * Mr. Arthur Bond with (678 Toyles in: The Christmas meeting of the Ww, A. 4 The singing of Beacock for the : who were ill with flu and colds have * ag ei

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