Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Dec 1957, p. 2

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NT, ve A Cit " a Pe SERN, ER FATHER OF THREE 'Dear 'Anne Hirst: I am 28, and for three years - have been a lonely widower, My three children are aged four to nine. Recently I met a girl of 16, and we have fallen in lovc. Her parents are objecting stronz- _ ly, and I am not surprised they _ think her too young to under- stand what love means, and too inexperienced to take on the responsibilities of my house aud . thé children. But aren't there exceptions to rules? This girl is as mature as others I've known * who were 21; she is exceptional- ly well-balanced, and I tell you honestly 'that this conclusion 1s not wishful thinking. "I have explained to them ail that my housekeeper (a friend of my former wife) has. taken entire charge of the children and - housekeeping for two years. Tue girl' I love would have no re- sponsibilities unless "she wants them, and as her would cherish and. protect her. My reputation is solid, and I am well off. "What can I do to convince these nice people that their daughter would be happy with me? ONE LONELY MAN" BE FAIR "= A 16-year-old in love is husband I Takes Little Time Trim the tree with sparkling "jewels"--children will love this gay Christmas slipper! Jiffy knit thrifty, ideal gift. Pattern 843: chart, directions for child's sizes 4 through 12 included in pattern. Just rib- bing added to one flat piece! Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,, New To- - ronto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, yous NAME and ADDRESS. Two EREE Patterns as a gift to our readers--printed right in our 1957 Laura Wheeler Needle- craft Book. Dozens of other de- signs you'll want to order--ecasy fascinating handwork for your- self, your home, gifts, bazaar items, Send 25 cents for your copy of this book today! + usually most concerned with * the joyous prospect of wife- * hood, and apt to regard other + attending responsibilities light- * ly, Yet if this girl you love is * as mature as you believe, it is * not likely she would be con- * tent to.leave the entire care * of your children to your house- * keeper; she.would feel it part * of her duty as their stepmother * to assume some responsibili- ¥ ties. You say she already + knows the children, and they # all seem to feel a mutual af- + fection. (I wish I could have + printed all yolr letter.) * One way to prove to her * parents-that you are sincere is * to promise to wait uptil they " can give their full consent. (In * your state, she cannot marry * without * it for two years.) + While you hope they will allow * you to pursue the courtship, * if they prefer you will not see * her for at least another year. * During that time she would be * free to mingle again with * friends her age, and learn the * quality of her affection for * you. The waiting would prove, * too, whether what you feel is + really enduring or merely the + infatuation that a man your . * age' could readily feel for a * young girl. (After all, you met * her "recently.") * I believe such a proposal * would be unexpected by her # parents, and impress them with + your integrity. -It cannot help * but recommend you as a just * man, anxious above all for * their daughter's happiness. * Why not suggest it, and see * how they react? : * * * AWKWARD SITUATION "Dear Anne Hirst: I am nearly 17, and in love with a young man four years older. Lately he has- been dat- ing 'anether girl more often, though, and recently he gave her a diamond. But he ells me he isn't going to marry her! ~ "I've known him for two years and we .have had so much fun together. [- hear he is always fussing with her . .. yet he tells my friends he loves me, but all he has told me is that he is 'fond of me'. I am very confiised. "Since she is wearing his' ring I guess I'm crazy to ask your opinion--but what is it? WONDERING" * When a girl wears a diamond + it is taken for granted she is * engaged to the boy who gave * it. If he dates anyone else, « everyone feels he is double- * crossing his fiancee and it re- * fleets no credit on him nor on * the girl he dates; she appears * lo be so anxious for a beau + that she will go out with any- * one who asks her. * This girl evidently expects * to marry the boy, so why don't + you realize what unpleasant + gossip you are inviting? I do * not think you would be flat- * tered to know what his friends * (perhaps yours, too) are say- * ing. He wants to eat his cake + and have it; but so long as his « engagement -is accepted, he * owes his complete loyalty to * the girl he proposed to. * Better not see him at all. * ss . : Readers of this column are in- vited to bring their problems to Anne Hirst. Her common sense, her years of experience and her warm sympathy have helped thousands of troubled people to better lives. Write her freely, addressing her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. \ HE SEA OF MATRIMONY--Allowing neither time nor tide to Interfere with their marriage plans, Ulisse Milan and Teresa Greguoldo (centre, holding hands) were. wed in 'a floating ceremony by Father Don Bellini at Robigo, Italy. Thoi-- i. of acres in the area were inundated by a disastrous ' the Adriatic Sea and Po River. ' v , Babylon, wholly and comniented: | This New Age Of Wostders The launching of Sputnik II with its dog passenger has caused many Americans to won- der how a country in which the average person 'has few of the things we consider necesities could achieve this scientific mar- vel, History will show that many countries ruled by dictators have achieved projects which aston- ished the rest of the world. The ancient world had its seven won- ders, including the P¥rdmids of Egypt, the Hanging- Gardens of the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Diana'at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Hali- carnassus, the Colossus at Rhodes and the Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria, These were built mainly with slave labor in countries which were under a small group of the elite as is Soviet Russia today. Countries which, like our own, are ruled by the will of the ma- jority demand that the day-to- day needs of the people be served first. Countries like the Soviet Union and the countries which produced the seven won- ders of the ancient world, put the wises of the elite class of dicta- tors ahead of the needs of ho majority. We give the average every opportunity to advance himself, economically as well as spiritually." The present regime in Russia teaches that' the indi- vidual exists only to serve the whole, as the ant exists to serve the anthill. Under their dictatorship, the Russians can direct their re- sources towards a few selected FEATHERED FINERY -- Painstak- ing work of many months on the part of Mrs. Ruby Richard- son resulted i this tiny sample 0 of glamor Made from feathers shed by her pet parakeet over the years, the dress won Mrs. Richardson a 50-dollar bond in a national doll-dressing coniest- sponsored by the National Dressing Insti- tute in connection with the March of Dimes. goals without regard to the broader needs of the _people. They can, for. instance, dictate what courses students will take ard what occupations they enter. Here a stuflent is free to choose his training and his life work. So the Russians are able. to surpass us in thé training of kcientists to produce modern marvels like Sputniks. The production of modern wonders does not necessarily ad- vance the happiness and well- being of a people any more than _the production of the seven won-. "ders of the ancient world pro- -moted the happiness and well- "being of the people who were kept in poverty in order to fin- ance the production of those wonders. We must convince the world that it is better to maintain a so- ciety of free individuals than 1» produce a regimented society in which dictators can direct te energies of the people into the production of Sputniks. We must warn the world of the danger to humanity that muy 'e in directing man's energie: towards scientific pros ress and Wways from spiritual progress, - Even the Communis ts mus! he ccnvinced somehow that civil zation. is jeojardized when man's piogress in mechanical things, outstrips his spiritual develon- ment. Hollywood (Calif) Citizen-News, NOT FAIR Sitting at home, having a quict cvening, were two spinster sis- ters. Suddenly one looked up from the paper she was readin: "Thete's an article here telling of the death of -a woman's third husband." She's had all of them cremated." "Isn't that lite for you?" said the other." "Some of us can't even get one husband, while others have husbands ta burn" person . "I was going--to -say- thing for dolls. . "she was. at TOGETHER AGAIN--Ethel Merman, left, and Ginger Rogers, who started in show business together about 28 years ago, team' up here to help the victims of hemophilia. The stars give it their all in a duet at a fund- -raising party of the Hemophilia Foundation, £ A APP - HRON ICLES ZGINGERFARM 4 Gwendoline b , Clarke Don't ever. under-cstimate the - power of a. baby! You thought "woman". didn't you? Well, a woman is something tn Le reckoned with too -- bul the power of a'woman is as nothing compared: with the power of .a baby. One small infant can throw a monkey- wrench as effectively as a plum- ber. I am finding that out more and more, Frow now on when I make any plans I shail quali- fy them by saying -- "Unless a baby, either male or female, shall mterfere with my plans". Events, past. present and future, bear me out. I have already told you about having grandson Eddie here for just over a month; jow wa postponed so many thi gs "un- til after Eddie had gdne home". After Eddie, bless his mischiev- ous little soul, finally went home, we felt free to come and go as we pleased. We could --- say yes _or-no_to any invitation -- and as you know, I went to the W.I. Convention. The follow- ing Wednesday 1 had promised to be at our local branch meet. ing to hear 'he delegate give her report. But that's where the first baby interruption came in. A neighbour received a sudden emergency call to a Toronto hos- pitai . . . would I look after her baby until she returned. Well, her mission was greater than mine so I baby-sat until four o'clock. I took a quick run down to the 'Hall afterwards and heard the last five minutes of the dele - gate's report and also presented my apologies. 'hat same. right Joy. phoned .-- would I look after Ross while the hairdresser's. Without *a second thought | agreed. Afterwards I remembe:- ed I had promised to take some ladies to a church meeting -- W.A. -- next day. It was a luncheon meeting and I expected to be back by three so Partner thought he could fill infor au hour. He did! Luckily I wasn't late In fact I came in a little ahead of time. Partner was walk ing the floor with Ross and had been for fifteen minutes. If he sat down or stopped walking Ross raised his voice, I took over and for an hour the little rascal was a perfect lamb, played on the floor as contented as -could be, When he seemed tired I put him in his cot and off he went fo sleep. I think the real trouble was that Ross doesn't see ton much of his father and so isn't used to being handled by.a man. _ However Partner survived and I'm glad 1 went to that meeting because the timing was a lithe unusual. Instead - of meeting . at two o'clock the members agreed {o meet at noon, each taking her own lunch, the hostess providing tea and coffee By this means the meeting' closed at two-thirty and the members were able to gefhome before there was much heavy--traffic and while -it 'was still light, I thought: it was an excellent idea to pass along -- one that might appeal to the W.I, as farmers' wives are always en to get home before chore time. Tpo often women stay away _from_ meetings because they are afraid of 'getting 'home late: And now back to more baby entanglements. Partner has had a suitcase packed for two weeks "ready for a visit to Horning's Mills. The situation is this: Our friends up north are prospectiva grandparents, 'As soon as the ex- pected baby arrives the proud -father is taking Partner up north to stay with grandfather and on. the return trip bringing grandma back to look after his other two children until after the mother and new baby have returned from the hospital. I hope I've made that clear! However, the baby was two weeks late in arriving so three families were definitely on edge, none being able to make any definite plans to do anything or go anywhere. So I repeat -- never under-esti- male the power of a 'baby -- born or unborn. Tonight Bob and Joy have gone lo the Royal Winter Fair. They would have taken us along too but . . well, somebody had to stay home and baby-sit.- Our turn will come later. If the weather remains favourable Partner and I hope to have a day at the Fair before he goes * north. Incidentally that little trip has been postponed for a few -days so grandma can stay longer after the baby gets home. Speaking of farms last Friday Partner and 1 paid a visit to Ginger Farm. At least we went passed it and noticed great earth- moving machines were at work. It was too muddy to drive in ~{--but from what we could see it--{~ won't be too long before Ginger Farm as we know it will cease to exist The buildings are still there but after awhile they will be completely dwarfed by a 27- foot grade that is creeping closer , day by day However, next year ® Modern Etiquette . . . by Roberta Lee ~ Q. If for some reason -- social or business -- a family has had its 'name legally changed, how should friends and acquaintances be informed of this? ' A. The quickest way is to mail out formal an- nouncements: "Mr. and Mrs. John Stoningham announce that by permission of the court they and their children have taken the family name of Stone." Q. Is it proper to name the sec- ond son "junior" for his father, or is this title always supposed to be conferred on the oldest son? A. The "junior" in a family need not be the first son, Q. Is it necessary that all the men stand at a dinner table until all the women have been seated? A. Yes, Q. When signing her name to a business letter, must an un- married woman use "Miss" in front of her name? A. Yes; but the "Miss" should be enclosed in parentheses, as, * (Miss) Patricia S. Moore. A mar- ried woman:should abide by this rule, too. ~ Q. Should a girl discard her engagement ring when her flance dies? A. She may wear it for so long as she likes. This may be for all her life, or it may be that in time she will fall in love with some- one else and replace it with an- other ring. Q. When a man Vrings a guest to his home and presents him .to his wife, does she make use of the customary acknowledgement, "How do you do"? + A, In this instance, it is better if the wife shows .a little "more cordiality and adds, "I am very . glad to see you," or some such similar expression. nd simplest - new Printed Pattern, we shall have a little bit of Ginger Farm at Halfway House -- from the bulbs that we brought along with --~-us.-But oh _d~ar, there's a big gap between now and spring, isn't there? ISSUE 6% -- 1957 spring-flowering Weel Sew-Thrifty . PRINTED PATTERN = J umper with companion blouse - -- or figure - flattering dress. You'll love the versatility of this Note its smart double - breasted padi - easy 6-gore skirt. Printed Pattern 4846: Missen 'Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, Size. . 16 jumper 4%. yards 35-inch naps blouse 2% yards 35-inch fabrie. Printed directions on each pat- tern part, Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (404) (stamps cannot be accepted, ups postal note for safety) for this pattern. Please print ip ; ~SI1ZE;--N-AME, ADDRES. STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE avs Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., Ne Toronto, Ont. HER WEDDING DAY -- Cecile Dionne, 23, and her husband, . Phillipe Langlols, 26, are shown leaving the church after thelr marriage ceremony in Corbeil, Ontario. The town 'is not far from where the happy bride and her four sisters were born. - WORLD'S SAFEST AUTOMOBILE-The Rev. Alfred Juliano, Roman Catholic priest and student of _. fine arts at. Yale University, sits at the wheel of his "Aurora", Father Juliano cals it the: world's safest 'autom obile", of a grill, a laminated glass bady- and floor and a tinted transparent roof. The. created a great stir in New York, after taking almost 10 hours to-"make the run from Bran- It features a front-end air scoo a car- he designed himself. 'instead ream-car ford, Conn, narally a two-hour trip. A clog ged fuel line omibuied to 15 breakdowns on the way, jl RAN I XE Sor rend TM ~~ --

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