a ST SWOT CAIN Ay poe: " a Logs 8-THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER £21, 1967 Eastern Star News Blue Ray Chapter, 238, 0.E.8. were entertained by the retiring Worthy Matron, Margaret Jeffrey, and the re- tiring: Worthy Patron Leonard Col- bear at the last meeting of their term od from the Worthy Magron and | Story of ovis Wey ses] 1) au of office Patron to the officers and members | Heayn, Thank you cards were read be NE : for their splendid co-operation and|from Mr, F. Dowson, and a donation I'he meeting was carried out in re- support received during their term of | to our work was received from Mrs gular form; but owing to illness, sev- : bers of the Chapter. | Matron. were given by the treasurer, the sick The Sick and Sunshine Conde ers The meeting was closed in regular committee, and Rita Rodman gave the Margaret Carnegie and Ethel Notting- | form after which everyone sat down Hospital report. Our W,A. has been ham, had a lengthy list regarding the 'to a sumptuous banquet. Past Patron credited with the sewing of 27 bundle health of memebrs and families, We | Hugh Espie did the honours in extend. covers for the hospital. . Membera wish for them a speedy recovery and ing a vote of thanks to our hosts for| were asked to donate their towels and to those bereaved we extend our sin- | entertaining the Chapter in such ai face cloths, and there were several cere sympathy. royal fashion, draw sheets given out to the members Splendid reports were received from to be hemmed. It was voted that we all the 'committees and the seeretary's | give 10 dollars to the Doll Festival annual report and the treasurer's fin- Scugog Ww. A. for the Hospital which will be held on ancial statement were well received, Dec. 14th. We are planning to hold At the close of the business session, The November meeting of the Head our monthly Pot Luck Supper on Nov. _ Past WE Margaret Cornish, on be- W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. 20th. It was decided that we give half of Blue Ray Chapter, presented the Worthy Matron, Margaret Jeffrey, a sterling silver baby spoon to honor the birth of her wee daughter, Paul Lois, who was born early in October. Words of appreciation were extend- kd office and gifts were extended to the eral offices had to be filled by mem- officers and conveners by the Worthy Earl Reader on Nov. 18th, with 19 members present. After the opening hymn "Faith of our Fathers", Mr, Braham led in prayer. Marion Carter read the Scripture lesson, and the Gordon Collins. The roll call was an- swered by short readings. Reports DAIPY TARMER2 OF CAMADA 2 409 Lwwion Sucet, Toronto . " 7 Free! Marle Fraser's new Butter recipes. Write today » SWIFT'S PREM 12-0z. tin LUNCHEON MEAT 37c CHASE & SANBORN - 250 off 6-oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE 1.19 \ HEINZ "Fresh Pack" 15-0z. bot. TOMATO KETCHUP 29c FIVE ROSES - All Purpose - 5-1b, bag ROAST b &5c Fresh Cut -- Lean, Meaty Swift's Fresh -- Picnic Portion Full Cut Swift's Fresh Pork Butt PORK BUTT CHOPS - wn 48c Swift's Eversweet 1-1b. 67 Pork Shoulder b 3c ROAST . phe RINDLESS BACON - - 5-1b, bag Florida Oranges FOR SALADS -- FOR COOKING Swift's Premium 1-Ib. eelle FLOUR - - - 36c|FRANKS - - . . . SIMONIZ 1-b, tin ii FRUIT & VEGETABLES BURSTING WITH JUICE -- Jumbo Size LUSCIOUS, STIMULATING -- Extra Lge, 180 size B.C. Anjou Pears 4for25¢ PASTE WAX - - 79 BONUS - Silverware Pack - Gf. pkg. DETERGENT 79 FEATURES Swift's IRISH STEW dlc 15-03, tin ____ 8 flor U0 Swift's BEEF STEW 16-02, tin _____ % for §8e Swift's CHOPPED BEEF, 18-ex, tin 37¢ Swift's CHOPPED HAM, 12-o0s, tin 4Te Heinz COOKED SPAGHETTI Frozen Foods 15-0, tin 8 for 81le Green Ca bbage ea. 1 3 € | Rose Brana TROPIOAL CONSERVE 16-02, jar ° SARAN WRAP, 25 ft. roll ______ 80¢ TASTY, TOULEIANA -- Large bunches Pard DOG FOOD, 15-0. tin : tor 1.00 J 1 SHORTENING - 8-1b, {in plus Green Onions 2 for 2.3. | ms Saou - tn ot ee - Fillet of Sole, 12-02. pkg. 38c Birds Eye Brussel Sprouts, 10-0z. pkg. sic Strawberries, 15-0z. pkg. 3c Libby's Fresh Water Pickerel - Bass - Perch, 12-0z. pkg. 49c Jwson 'S 4 SE Fie iio Phone 91 3 #3 5 be Free Delivery food Market $26 for the M. and M. Fund from the W. A. and The Sunday School. Also i the sum of $10 was voted to be sent |te the school for Retarded Children in Oshawa. The program consisted of a reading by Marion Carter "A Home"; Joyce Heayn read "The Old Dinner Bell". Mr. Braham gave a very entertaining talk on "The Seven Lamps". Ruth gave a contest on November which was won by Betty Reader. Our pre- sident, Myrtle Manns, closed the meet- ing with the W, A. benediction. Lunch was served by Ruth Heayn's group. Next month we will be exchanging our gifts as usual (50c. price limit). The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Clarence Carter on the death of her father, Mr. E. Trew of Oshawa on Nov. 16th. Town Council Minutes of a meeting of the Court of Revision held in the Municipal Of- fice, on Tuesday November 5, 19567 at 7.80 pm. PRESENT--Councillors W. T, Har- ris, Arthur Cox, Irving Boyd, County Assessor, Gordon Hepditch, and local + Assessor J. F. Raines, ' PURPOSE of meeting -- To deal with one appeal and six adjustments. The Members of the Court of Re- vision, each took the oath as required before deciding the appeals. Irving A. Boyd be appointed as chair- man. Carried. The Chairman declared the Court open for appeals. Appeal No, 1 of Mr, W. J. Carnegie --that the acreage of pt. lot 187 should be 8% acres and not 4% acres as shown on the assessment notice and that the assessment be adjusted ac- cordingly. It was moved and seconded that appeal No. 1 against Roll No, 1179 be allowed and that the assessment on the land be $350. and further that the description should read 3% acres. It was moved and seconded that Mr. | Carried, Appeal No. 2 of Mr, Victor F. Gill- son stating that he has moved to a new location at lots 75, 76 on north side of Queen Street and will not be using the premises at pt. 63 on south side of Queen Street, It was moved and seconded that appeal No. 2 against Roll No. 1073 be allowed and that business assessment in the amount of $550. be cancelled and further that the assessors be di- rected to make a supplementary as- sessment pursuant to Sec. 61A of the Assessment Act. Carried. Appeal No. 3 of Miss Audrey Kent, that lots 12, 13, 14 Beech Street of proposed subdivision, have been sold to Mr, George Parry and would like assessment on land adjusted accord- ingly. It was moved and seconded that ap- peal No. 3 against Roll No. 127 be allowed and the assessment on the land be reduced $50.00 and further the assessor be directed to make an as- sessment against Mr. George Parry, having regard for Section 61A of the assessment Act in the amount of $276 and that the description should read for this parcel 180 ft. Carried. Appeal No. 4 of Mr, Edward Leahy that he has sold his property to Mr. Charles Howsam and the Business Assessment of $100. should be taken off as there will be no Golf Course for 1968. It was moved and seconded that ap- peal No. 4 be allowed and that th¢ Business assessment against Edward Leahy be cancelled and further that the assessor enter the land affected as farm lands and against Charles Howsam, Carried. Appeal No. 6 of Mrs. Ruth Kight that they will not be in the boat busi- ness in 1968 and would like the busi- "ness assessment of $100. be taken off the roll. . It was moved and seconded that ap- peal No. 6 be alléwed and that the Business assessment against Mrs, Ruth Kight be cancelled and faraer) E that the lands affected be classed as residential lands, Carried. Appeal No. 6 of Mr, Philip Saunders re E. Pt. lot 47, house partly destroy- ed by fire and sold to Mr, Oivend Haugen. It was moved and seconded that ap- peal No, 6 be allowed and that the property formerly owned by Mr, Phi. lip Saunders be given an abatement of $52.96 on his 1957 taxes when paid pursuant to S. 12, in that he suffered a loss by fire E. pt. lot 87. Carried, Appeal No. 7.of Mrs. Joy Ballard, having sold Pt. of lot 91 to Mr, Carl Bagg and Mrs. Dona Bagg and that the garage and a parcel of land 28' by 126' was retained for business pur- poses. It was moved and seconded that ap- peal No. 7 be allowed and that the assessor enter into the roll against Mrs. Joy Ballard on the E, 28' by 8. 126' of lot 91 the sum of $100, on the land, and $300 on the buildings and further against John Ballard be en- tered a business assessment for $200. and that the lands so offered be listed as Commercial Lands and it is fur. ther resolved that the lands of Carl Bagg nad his wife Dona Bagg as joint tenants, be also assessed in the am- ounts of $200. on the land and $1260 on the buildings, Carried. EEX - L PHONE 32W AE A, OW IS THE TIME TO BUY OR ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE LAIN, ALMOND ICED, Week-End Specials "HONEY CREME LAYER CAKE" GERROW'S BAKERY ICED and DECORATED "COFFEE ROLL" G. M. GERROW. I 0 0 0 OD X oF PHONE 29 CAWKER BROS. raising Ribs ..............lb. 35c. Prime Rib Roasts ...........1b. 5c. Daisy Bacon ............Ib. pkg. 3c. Oysters in Stock FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY transmission of all time. smoothly, thrillingly . . a Million Ways It started with the use of more aluminum than ever before . . . and went on from there. in new Flight Pitch Dynaflow *--the most advanced automatic pid y Aircraft principles that culminated Maybe you've felt smooth transmissions before. But take it from us--you have never in all your born days known anything like this Buick's Flight Pitch Dynaflow! This one switches the pitch a million ways -- automatically, card brings you a new nimbleness-- and the solid satisfaction of a new standard of Buick quality. Guest-drive the glamorous B-58 Buick today. * Flight Pitch Dynaflow standard on Limited and Roadmaster 75, optional o extra cost on other Series. Air-Poise Suspension optional al extra cost on all Series When Better Automobiles Are Bulit Buleck Will Bulld Them THE AIR BORN _; A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE esse vsesss PITCH sess FLIGHT -- last word in wheels on . . Ll . . Sa assea viet, Born of more Aircraft Principles than any other car yet built - and now you can Switch the Pitch DYNAFLOW® travel with your the ground oa L] LJ ° ° ° LJ seed? ~ > New Face of Fashlon--From the new Dynastar Grille to the exciting rear tall towers, this Is the!look of flight on wheels. New Alr-Cooled Aluminum Front Brakes --WIth 48 radial fins, these powerful aluminum brakes give more positive stopping: (Standard on most models.) New B-12000 Engine --As advanced as today's fuels will let auto engineers go--with new brilliantly responsive power. New Miracle Ride Plus Buick Alr-Polse Suspension®*-- Here's the new marvel of aride on 4 columns of air. Levelest, smoothest, most luxurious ride you've ever known, SEE THE PATRICE MUNSEL SHOW, Alternate friday Nights, CBC.TV J . B-58 BUICK Port Perry PORT "MOTORS PERRY ba of § SO gt IS i Nps HIE PIEEEARS IE TAP OTBIG RES PSD 2 SRE ea AS CR ¥ 3 uw EE Yor, id ot oe