it { Tome Es 'Blackstock Monday evening "the first ' Black. stock Guide Company met inthe Ree- rea + An election of Patrol leaders cwas- held by the Guides - as follows: 'Donns :MeLaughlin--Swallow Patrol} Verna :Harris---Blue 'Bird Pa- trol; 'Janice "Sadler --= Scarlet Tanger Patrol" + W.M.S! met 'at the home of' Mrs, ussel' Mountjoy Wednesday 'after. : oon with" fifteen ladies" and four Y children 'present. The President Mrs. Ernest Larmer 'opened' the meeting with a poem" "Four 'Lovely "Things". Mrs. Roy Taylor 'had charge of the Worship and after reading the Secrip- ture gave a fine paper on "Christ the " «@ Jlumble then Christ the Exalted". Roll was answered by a" suggestion on "How to Live Peaceably". Treasurer's report showed the fin: ances in veryigoodishape.. :Sevéral letters of thanks were read and three donations from interested members of the Church were gratefully received. Mra. John Camaghan presented the report of the nominating committee with slate of officers -as follows: President -- Mrs, 'Cecil Hill} Vice President--Mrs. Roy Taylor; Secre- tary=--Mrs." Russel' Mountjoy; Treas. urer'-- Mrs. Stuart Dorrell; Citizen- ship Sec'y--Mrs. Ralph Larmer; Ste- wartship Sec'y--Mrs. Lloyd Wright; Literature Sec'y--Mrs.. John Carnag- han; Community Friendship Sec'y-- Mrs. J. A. Johnston; Supply Secretary --Mrs. Jas. Henry; :Missionary Mon- thly: and «World 'Friends Sec'y--Mrs. Roy Taylor; C.G.IT. Leaders--Mrs. Roy McLaughlin; Mrs, P. Romeril + Ex- plorer Leaders--Mrs. Carl Adams and Mrs. F. Butt; Mission Band Mrs. Harold Kyte, Mrs. F. Butt (one more to be appointed). Baby Band--Mus. Arnold Taylor; Good Cheer convener --Mrs. Harold Martyn; Group leaders ~~Msds. Carl Wright, Fred Dayes, Ernest Larmer and Gordon Strong.' Mrs. Lloyd Wright gave an interest- ing account of the Study Book chap- ter "Japan of Yesterday"; Mrs. Stu- art Dorrell a reading "Why I accept- ed the Presidency of the:Temperance League" and Mrs. Ralph Larmer read "Remembrance Day Memorials", Af- ter the singing of another hymn and the Benediction lunch was served by the group. Mrs. R. Larmer expres- sed the thanks of the meeting to the hostess and all assisting. Prize winners at the Farmer's Un- fon -euchre party in the Community Hall Wednesday night were -- High lady, Mrs. Bruce Ashton; second, Mrs, Balfour Moore; High Gent, Mr. F. Hodgson of Port Perry; second, Mr. Bert Gibson; low lady, Mrs. Arthur Leighton; low gent, Balfour Moore. Prize winners at the euchre in the Parish Hall Thursday night sponsored by the men's club were--Ladies 1st, Mrs. Frank Staniland; second, Mrs. T. Langfeld; gents 1st, Mr. Carl Wright; second, Mr, T. Langfeld; door prize, Mrs. Thos, Smith. Sadie Hawkins Dance The Daisy Maes and Lil Abners of Cartwright gathered at the Recrea- tional Centre in Blackstock Friday evening, November 16th, for the An- by the High School. A "Dogpatch" atmosphere was created by several murals depicting the various comic strip characters. The highlight of the evening was the Sadie Hawkins Race, Diane Blair was the first to return with her catch--Alan Dayes, and as a result these two were united in marriage in an unique, ceremony performed by Mrs, Ralph "Marryin' Sam" Malcolm. The corsages, made by the girls and worn by the fellows were judged during the intermission. The prize winners were--Bernice Lar- mer for Larry Ashton's corsage and Joan Ross for Gerry Bruce's corsage. The prize for the best "Daisy Mae" costume was won by June Werry. The prize for the spot dance was won by Mr, and Mrs. Dave Wilson. Inter- mission entertainment was provided by Nicole Forest and Alan and Clif- ford 'Dayes. It being Youth Sunday in connec- tion with National Young People's Week, the service in the United church at 10 a.m., which wag well attended, was conducted by Glenn Larmer. The Scripture passages were led by Alan Daye and the prayers by Miss Joycé Graham. Miss Margaret Pellow; Osh- awa, President of the Presbytery Y.P,, who was introduced by Glenn Larmer, gave a very fine address on the Theme of the Week--"Freely ye have receiv- ed, freely give", stressing the fact '|.that we have been given the privilege of being servants of Jesus, and 'the vast number of opportunities we have of serving. The regular choir led the singing and rendered a special num- nual Sadie Hawkins Dance sponsored! ber. Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Den- nis spent a couple of days last week with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer spent a couple of days at St. Mary's and Mrs. McDougald returned with them for a few days visit, Sorry to report Terry Collins has a broken collar bone as the result of a collision while playing football. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staniland atten- ded the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs, Horace Tomlinson in Toronto Saturday, Nov, 9th. Mrs. J. R. Buckham and son 'Paul, New Liskeard are spending three weeks with her mother Mrs. R. H. Banks. Mr. Fred Waldon, Mr. 'and Mrs: Jack Waldon, Debby and Morrey, Tor- onto spent Monday the 11th with Mr, Jack and Mrs, Thos. Smith. Mrs, 'Osmond Wright is in Toronto with the Goldwin Faints, while Mrs, Faint is at the Royal. Mrs. Geo. Fowler visited Mr. and Mrs, Alvin McGill, Lindsay, on Wed- nesday. Miss Dianne Blair, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her grandmother Mrs. Geo. Fowler. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy spent Friday with Mrs. Cecil Ferguson at 'Newcastle. Mrs. W. Archer spent Thursday with the Elmer Archer's, Whitby. Mrs, Richard" VanCamp' spent a couple of days last week with her parents at Hilton. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Mrs. N. H. Marlow called ' Sunday p.m, on Mrs. R. G. Carruthers who is convalescing at the home of her sister in Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mountjoy, Jack and and Jill, Warkworth, visited the Harold Swains on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Staniland atten- THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1957-1 with their sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson near Co- bourg. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Rodman of Scugog were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Ashton and family. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ded the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Orr Venning -- On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tomlinson in Toronto on I Mrs. Sam Tomkinson and boys, West- Saturday, Nov. 9. Misses Margaret Pellow and Helen VanCamp spent the week.end with Mrs. W. W, VanCamp. Miss Sandra Ferguson spent the: week-end with her sisters Mr, and! Mrs. Geo, Dunbar and Denise, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong of Burnt River spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Ray McGill, Mrs. H. Hockin, Port Perry spent the week-end, with the Ivan Met} joys. ; Mrs. Jos. Forder, Nestleton; Mrs. Fred Bailey; Mrs. Howard Bailey and Miss Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. A. L.' Bailey; Mr, and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Blackstock; Mrs, Nasmith Henry and family, Janetville attended the wed- ding of Mr. Fred Burnie and Miss Ka. therine Dawson in Windsor Saturday and spent the week-end with friends there. Mrs. F. Bailey remained for a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Sandy Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janet- ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brad- burn and boys Sunday. Messrs. Jack Green and Bruce Ash- ton are attending Coynty Council in' Cobourg this week. | Msds. Norman Green, Gordon Brown and Austin Beacock spent Mondsgy Presenting the magnificent new OI RLS 7 5 ¢ \~F ZA H) - -- DraMATICALLY NEW: Chrysler's incredi- bly sleek, beautiful *58 design . . . with its long, graceful lines . . glamour-wrap bumpers . . . glistening new . distinctive new grille . . . smart dual headlamps . . . new parking lights... swank new interiors. T= STI. 4 (ogar EN : Ney rE i / beauty with a flery spirit Slip easily behind the wheel and you'll find Chrysler's new performance as ex- citing and flawless as its *58 styling and quality engineering. Chrysler's great whisper-quiet V-8 is a wonder of smooth, responsive power. Its ultramodern push- You are cordially invited to You're always a step ahead In cars of The Forward Look >> INNES MOTOR SALES (R.R. 4 PORT PERRY) ; PHONE 168 button automatics drive is a marvel of ease and convenience. And its smooth Torsion-AIRE Ride rivals velvet. examine and drive the new 58 Chrysler today. Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited on. On Tuesday--Mr. and Mrs. Wil. fred Martin, Oshawa. On Sunday-- Mr, Joe Thompson and son Wm.; Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Thompson, all of Oshawa. g Messrs. Roy an lin, Blackstock, Dean aughlin and Walt Pascoe, Oshawa formed a team which won third place in thy horse- shoe pitching contest at the Rpyal on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, Sunday and helped celebrate Mrs. Rahm's birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Don- na and Dennis visited her mother Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone, Sunday. Mrs. Jno. McKee and Mrs. Herman Wilson, Port Perry, celebrated their ibrthdays at the latters home Friday. Mis. McKee remained for a few days visit. The nieces and nephews of Mr, Frank Wright, a former resident of Cartwright have received word of his passing in St. Catherines hospital in his 90th year. O.N.O. met at the home of Mrs. Jean Kyte with 36 members and one guest. Roll was answered with a toy for the Salvation Army. Thank you notes were read. The O.N.O. members are going to sponsor an efficiency award for grade 9 for the first two honour students in that class. They will be presented with fountain pens. The club is to cater to the Federa- tion of Agriculture Banquet on Nov. 30 with a hot turkey dinner. A doll has been purchased by the 0.N.O. for the Doll Hospital Draw in Port Perry. On Dec. 7th the Club will entertain their husbands to a turkey banquet Iarold McLaugh-! {call is a Christmas Idea. ' catered to by one of the women's or- ganizations. This is the one occasion when a baby sister will have to be hired. The New Year's Dance will be played for by Johnny Shearing and his Orchestra this year. The O.N.O, is going to help finan- cially to get a boy scout group start- jed. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and her group and a social time enjoyed. The Christmas meeting will be at the home of Doreen Palk and the roll Service Club The Oct. meeting was held in the Church with 16 present. The devotional was followed by the roll call and the business was discus- sed. Collection was $4.00. A motion was made that we donate $5.00 to buy a doll for the Hospital Doll Festival. Plans were made to serve Tea at the W.A, Bazaar. A do- nation of $25.00 was given to the Port Perry Hockey Club. Don't forget this months roll call is to be answered by each member bringing a new member with them. A short program for Hallowe'en was had and a lovely lunch served by the committee. Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 Ibs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill Bony limbs ll out; ugly hol lows fill up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly "'bean-pole" look, T' veands who never could gain before are now proud of shapely, healthy-looking fig- pie they Hane isticy Tonic Tablets, fel: mild up body skinny because of poor appe- tite due to lack of iron, Improves of noarishinent; puts flesh on bare bones. In- creases pep. "Get-acquainted" size only 60¢ I'ry tenons Ostrex for jaw pots, pep, vim, vitor, this very day. At all i a4 yor or ; THE SPARK IN FLINT WOULD SLEEP FOREVER BUT FOR FRICTION. TERMS ARRANGED ON PORT PERRY may]l t.f. g JOHN BALLARD LUMBER SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50c., $1.00, $1.60 Plywood | Arborite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim Masonite, efc. HOME IMPROVEMENTS PHONE 280 i 7 / / t/ ( . jo vr WOW CANT 0 Nr : Convenient Planned No Cash required Budget Plan. The One-Stop Home available, " - . WAVE A WAND Make a Date to Renovate! Budget Purchase program 1 easily and quickly arranged. Shop at the sign of the Little Chief . . . Plans, ideas, materials, colors all easily Drop in or phone to-day . . . ~ 4 when you buy on Our Improvement Centre LL Budget Buy For As hg Low As $ 200 Monthly A REESOR Port Perry FUEL & LUMBER Phone 73 + X or A fn © i ak WN a 7, By or os wh 'i i is od