Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Oct 1957, p. 6

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1957 / Welding v Electric and Acetylene PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT Whutever your insurance needs Phone 518 "may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON ; % re " Phone 41 Port Perry WIE WILEE Sone 0172 1 77% ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, ] Estimates given on all kinds ; of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs ((nothing under 300 lbs) picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER Jack Pargeter 'Service Station " ANY TYPE WINDOW CLEANED Storms put up -- business and residential. 1957. - 1 Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, RELIABLE WINDOW CLEANING vy t is 23r 5 Woodville 32 r 11 Box 21, Port Perry Star J oA Jig. 2520, day red i yd Oct, 31 ' Ed. Peconi july 30, 1958 FOR SALE -- DRY HARDWOOD; cheap. C. McGill, Union Ave., Port ---- Perry, Phone 400-W, Oct.81 CROWN "LIFE i INSURANCE COMPANY J FOR SALE--Body Hardwood, also Hard and soft wood slabs. 4' or re- sawed. Phone Bethany 87-r-33. Geo. Heaslip, Janetville, Oct.31 FOR SALE--Baby Astral Refriger- ator in good condition. Phone 565-R. Oct, 81 ho -- 3 : We . \ i STRAYED -- Holstein Heifer, 1% / y Consult the Crown Life Man years, mostly white, vaccinated and 4 marked. Strayed from lot 15, Con, 6, gh C E C. K I N G Reach Twp. Information please phone ? i 470-r-b. Nov. 7 AGENT DEALERS AND SALESMAN Naa - 5 Port Perry - Ontario Wanted to introduce a heat reclaim- ia! ing unit in your district. For further Tl particulars write Box 22, Port Perry va Star. Oct. 24 {3 ; - : a Dead Farm Stock | vorsimiing ia teeing on 20 Queen St. Apply I. A. Boyd. SX ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR 3) Picked up Promptly loin pl Ba yA For fastest service Phone collect | REN --Bed sitting room, kitchen and Ja Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 bath, opposite High School. Phone 421. Oct. 24 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. pl 4 FOR SALE -- Potatoes $1.26 at farm with bag. John Hooyer, Nestle- ton. Oct. 81 'Aug. 30, 1958 FOR SALE--Child's red three piece coat set. Phone 18-W. ROBERT G. ECKEL 3 |! FOR SALE--Wrought Iron Porch! Florist | Railing, 4 ft., 8 inches with one foot turn. Reasonable. Phone 118-r-22. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO FOR SALE -- Men's Skates, good Phone 190 condition, one pair 8% with tendon i guards, one pair size 7 with ankle Grower of cut mums year 'round.' straps. Can be seen at Star Office. tf tf. FOR SALE--Boys Hockey Skates, with tendon guards, size 9; nearly new $10.00. Apply Star Office. T.F. Good Gravel, efc. FOR SALE--Good storm door with : = "large size (30% x 1714") glass. Ap- PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE ply 435-R. in 8 Ne TR Y " » For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, } FOR SALE--Chrome set--table and washed sand and stone, also good four chairs, good condition, will sell loam. for less than half its cost. Phone 435J. gir SR, AT hh) hr a as AE CRS 2) STABLING FOR RENT---Stabling ! for 20 cattle, bedding supplied. Ap- ply Doug Mackie, Nestleton, Phone Blackstock 8-r-13 . | ! FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS or USED CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY | Contact GIFFEN TRUCK EQUIP- MENT LIMITED, 5461 Tol) Set Willowdale, Ont. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST ° POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST . Voter's Lists 1957, Municipality of « Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have 4 complied with section 9 of the Voters' } Lists Act and that I have posted upp at my office at Manchestef on the 23rd day of October, 1957 the lisk of all} persons entitled to voté¥in the said, Municipality at Municipal' Elgctionsd and that such list remains for their inspection, : 9 _ And I hereby call upon all voters? to take immediate proceedings to have! any errors or omissions corrected ac-% cording to law, the last day for mak-4 'ing appeal being the 6th day of Nov. GRANT CHRISTIE, 9 Clerk Township of Reach. iy) COURT OF REVISION * Oct. 31. sion for the Corporation of the Town- ship of Reach will be held in thet Township Hall, Manchester, on Mon-1 day, November 4th, 1957 at the hour} of 2 p.m. to hear and determine ap-« peals against the assessment roll ofs the Municipality of Reach Township for the year 1958 and any other mat-4 ters that may properly come before this court. Dated at Manchester this" 18h. day of October, 1957. . GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk, ® Township of Reach, : Ls] CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST ° POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST = Voters' Lists 1957, Municipality of © Scugog, County of Ontario. * Notice is hereby given that I have' complied with section 9 of the Voters" Lists Act and that I have posted up] a my office at Brooklin on the 21st] day of October, 1957, the list of all] persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that- such list remains for their inspection. : ¥ And I hereby call upon all voters toy take immediate proceeding to haved any errors or omissions corrected ac-{ cording to law, the last day for mak-4 ing appeal being the 6th day of Nov.,d 1967. . Dated this 21st day of October,d 1967. Oct. 314 RALPH MILNER, ° Clerk of Township of Scugog.t LN AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1957-- Important Auction Sale of 38 head of registered, accredited herd of Jefsey cattle, Dione threshing machine, span of horses, milking machine and cooler, CALL 322-W LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -- Two | . - ! pure bred Guernsey Cows, maternal Ellsworth Kennedy sisters, 6 yrs. old, fresh 10 weeks; 2 yrs. old due now. Dams record, 12860 | Port Perry Ontario Dee. 12, 1957. Mackie, Nestleton. Phorie Blackstock | Ibs. milk, 621 lbs. fat at 3 years. Doug 8-r-13. EPTIC TANKS il S ANKS | Custom Built x ~ | Terms cash. No reserve. Farm Sold. also mixed grain. On lot 22, Broken Front, Pickering Twp., on Liverpool Road South, 2 miles West of Pickering Village, 1 mile South of Kingston Rd. (Frenchman's Bay).. Property of R. W. Balsdon. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. J Sewell. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Terms Take notice that the Court of rail - cleaned by Furniture PUMP EQUIPMENT Light furniture and built-in cabinets. SAT., OCT. 26th--Farm Sold, Auc- Have your tank checked now before 'working samples on display at Prince | io), Sale of Farm Stock, Holstein trouble starts. 24 hour service Albert. For information call George Cattle, Implements, Hay, Pigs, - the | | . Nichols, Pr ined Albert, Nov. 7 property of Richard Bartley and Son, REG. ARMSTRONG WORK WANTED--Married woman | Lot 3, Con. 9, Brock Iv, 2 es Port Perry Phone 451 | wants work of any type. Phone | South of Wilfrid or 3 m es pai a1 Jan. 19, 1958 | 470-r-4, Port Perry. 3 miles West of Sunderland. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Bob Weir, Clerk. | cE eR Ea = == REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. | BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING |. [ : SAT., NOV. 9th--Auction Sale of valuable real estate, apartment dwel- I TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK lings with store front, all conveniences, } ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING oil heating, at Milliken, Ont, on Ken- nedy Rd. palso household furniture, SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL new electric refrigerator, near new FREE ESTIMATES---by Hour or Contract. television set, good china, dishes, odd | . dishes, glassware, gatage tools and 5 equipment, pots, pans, etc. Real es- | TRIPP . CONSTRUCTION tate sold subject to reserve bid. House- | hold goods and other articles, terms; LIMITED cash, No reserve, Property belong- I ing to the estate of the late Mrs, Wm, i Phone 392W (Office) A. Timbers. Sale at 2 p.m. Reaidence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. A US ete Auction Sales WED., 'NOV. 6th--Auction sale of household furniture, piano, sewing ma- chine, one heavy duty bicycle, and another man's bicycle, electric paint sprayer, 2 English-made heavy duty air rifles, electric stove, odd teols, dishes, etc.,, at Prentice's Auction rooms, Franklin House, Markham, Ont. Property belonging to the estate of the late Harvey Wideman, estate of R. MacPherson, and property of John No reserve, KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. cash. TL ian -- Paid Advertisement -- Children clamor and cry for things which if given endanger their lives and all around them.. Some people never seem to grow up so we are com- pelled to say NO with an X. Citizens League. Utica Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Trimble and son, of Windsor, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Mrs. Alan' Wilbur of Taunton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilbur, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell, and supper with Mr. and Mrs. Parkin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Holt, of Elliot Lake, were week-end guests of Mr.' and Mrs. B. Mitchell. i We are sorry to hear that Mrs. [Jarndohl is sick with her second at- Christ Memorial Anglican Church, tack of the flu. Mr. and Mr P. Goslin have moved into MacDonald's house. | Bert Mitchell is travelling arBund these days, Sudbury this past Satur- day and Buffalo on Tuesday. Mrs. Grani and son were home from Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Redman and family had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M. Geer. | Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stone. ) Congraulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer on their 35th wedding anniver- sary. A surprise fowl dinner was prepared for them by their family. ,| Sixteen attended and gifts presented. Mr. and Mrs. George Till of Green-' bank, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Philp. | Mr. A. Hagerman, of Locust Hill, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Philp. ' Mr. Russell Harper and Mr. and Mrs. F. Kendall were visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Harper of Ashburn on Sun- day. | Leach's birthday. end with relatives at Magnetawan. -- Paid Advertisement --- THESE ARE THE FACTS Don't listen to false and, mislead- ing statements being circulated in some quarters. Beverage rooms are not 'on' the ballot and they definately calinot ¢ome into Port Perry as 'a result of this vote.: Manchester Billy Thompson, Brantford, spent the recent holiday with his grand-| parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Munro. Mrs. Munro returned to - Brantford with Billy for a short visit. The 'flu has visited quite 'a number of homes in the locality. The school has remained open. : We are glad to report Mr. and Mrs, Walter Taylor are able to leave New- market hospital after their car ac- cident and are convalesceing at her home here, Mr. Alex. Hewitt, Carnarvon is spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs. A. Roach and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Espie, of Port Perry, entertained her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leach to a turkey din- ner on Sunday in honour of Mrs. Cedar Creel Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richard (Bud) Kemp who were married -on Saturday afternoon in Oshawa. The bride was the former Margaret Ann Taylor. A shower for the bride-to-be was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kemp, parents of the groom. i R Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Blain and Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood and family were Friday evening supper guests of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George. Ronnie Larocque spent the week- The flu has been making its rounds. Most families have had it. : Mr. and Mrs, Clair Eaves of Queens- ville were Sunday tea guests of the Spencer family. Don't listen to false and mislead- ing statements being circulated in some quarters. Beverage rooms are not on the ballot and they definately cannot come into Port Perry as a result of this vote. -- Paid Advertisement -- THESE ARE THE FACTS How 10 [=~] ' AND FITTING dation fof Develops {5s foduction in ture. mix it with the proper amount ey INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION The following formula has proven successful-- 100 Ibs. MASTER DAI 200 lbs. YOUR OWN GRAIN 300-1bs. 16% DAIRY.RATIQN Iiring your grain to us and let us grind it and thoroughly FOR OCTOBER ONLY 1 FREE BAG WITH EACH TON ORDER MASTER FEEDS, PHONE 1 U Plywood E MASTER OF A TRADE WILL SUPPORT MANY, MASTER OF SIX WILL NOT SUPPORT HIMSELF. iz. Arborite 1E Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim Masonite, efc." RMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS JOHN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE 280 SPECIAL 'SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50c.,, $1.00, $1.50 mayl t.f. Many Homes are Out of Date: Many need repairs : "Many, many more are overcrowded! A convenient Budget purchase ... . an economical planned repayment program . . . h and the roof repair job you so badly- need is finished, or perhaps it's an extra room, whatever the need, a reasonable monthly in- stalment will enable you to enjoy it NOW. A ~ Budget Buy For As _ Low As $ 2000 Monthly REESOR FUEL & L ~ Port Perry jg UMBER 'Phone 73 OBO OPOBOBOPOPOPOPO 4% 0% 4% WATER STREET Dealer for AB Oed> ORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT International Harvester Company FARM EQUIPMENT @ Complete Line of Farm Machinery eo Phone 513 Arc and Acetylene Welding After Hours Phone 392W RY 24% CONCENTRATE of Master 24% Concentrate PORT PERRY Comfort yes -- but beauty too! [AOVERTISED IN| JOHN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY WINDOWS AND DOORS © 22 EXCITING COLOURS © DAKED ENAMEL FINISH © MADE OF ALCAN ALUMINUM © SEL STORING COMBINATIONS © PREMIUM GLASS, SCREENS NASH WINDOWS AND DOORS ARE MADE BY THE KOOLVENT AWNING PEOPLE OF OSHAWA, CANADA MATCHING STORM-SCREEN in fOloUL. PHONE 280 A i A eA te A ESE hr bes ors AE Sr anal aA mg ed ETT Sara a i btn hm rig TRE a - a he 51 FX) eer PEAY Se / aa PA rte raid oe' an il BE Bel tll =

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