Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Oct 1957, p. 6

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SRN FOTOS AER a ------ i ---------------- a ---- 6---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8rd, 1057 ------ ---- -- tn -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult _ .H., W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, ((nothing under 300 lbs) picked--up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER Phorle collect: Uxbridge 641, Woodville 82 r 11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 1968 'ei=10)""4\ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crewn Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1958 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT . © Haye your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry - Phone 451 September 26, 19567 Cattle and Hogs} i WLLL: '] CANADA ds TE BEsr "YESSED WOMEN IN THE WORLD... £ Jack Pargbfer Service Station Welding Electric and my PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 513 WANTED--Waitress for Barbecue, full time. Apply in person between 9 a.m, and 6 p.m. Haugen's Drive-In Manchester. T.F. - RIFLE SPECIALS: - : 3Q Calibre Precision Swiss, 12-shot lightning fast repeater, detachable magazine, only $16.96. Available as a Deluxe Sporter, only $22.60. 30-06 Winchester or Remington 6-shot re- peating Sporters only $32.60. Each fully guaranteed. Get yours now-- while supply lasts. We ship C.0.D. promptly. International Firearms Co. Ltd., 1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que. Oct. 10 FOR RENT---Smal] apartment, one room and kitchen with cupboards, all conveniences, Phone 195-r-14. Oct. 4 LARGE ROOM--furnished or un- furnished, for rent. Prefer ladies. Phone 129-W. Oct. 10 FOR SALE -- White enamel cook stove. Phone 129-W. Oct. 10 CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING Phone 206-W, Port Perry FOR SALE--Electric Refrigerator, 5.0 cubic ft. Good condition. $100. Phone afternoon and evenings, 70. - Oct. 10! | FOR RENT OR SALE--Store with 3-room apartment in Port Perry. For information phone 47. FOR SALE--Table turnips and po- tatoes at the farm or delivered in -Port Perry. Paul Diamond, Phone ROBERT G. ECKEL' Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year 'round. tf. ' Manchester Mrs. J. Torrens and son Kenneth of | Kingston spent a couple of weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. I. B. John- ston and family. i 114-r-8. FOR SALE -- Two jacket heaters, one for $6.00 and one for $10.00; also hot water radiator $8.00. Phone 460; or 289, FOR SALE -- Two calves suitable for vealing. Phone 477-r-3. a} woman wants work. Prefer family with children as mother's help. Live-in, Apply Box 19. | per bag. Phone '139-J. WANTED -- A barn 40' x 60' or, longer. Apply Box 18, Port Perry ar, FOR SALE---Coal and Wood Kit- chen Stove; bed with good ¢lean mat- tress and some bedroom furniture. Phone 99-r-22, FOR SALE--Pullets, Rhode, Island Red, ready-to-lay. Phone 107-r-12, | Port Perry. ny FOR SALE--Peterborough Boat and Evinrude Motor, Phove 1161-21 after 6 p.m. or on week-end. FOR SALE--Mouton Fur Coat in good condition. Size 18, $560.00 Mrs. A, Bathie, Phone 206-R. t.1. FOR SALE--Small oil space heat. er; medium oil space heater; Beatty electric washer. All in good condition. Reasonable. Phone 436-M. SPIRELLA Spirella garments are individually designed. Call-- MRS. HAZEL O'NEILL Port Perry Oct. 10 AUCTION SALES THURS,; OCTOBER 3--Giving Up Farming, Farm Rented, Auction Sale of 36 Beef Cattle, 2 Horses, Pigs, Fowl, New M.H. Tractor, Implements and Grain, the pxoperty of Leonard Gil- bank, Lot 10, Con, 2, Ops, 2 miles South of Elmtree Corner, Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 pm. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, SAT.,, OCTOBER 12 -- Giving up Farming, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Iniplements, Hay, Grain and; Pigs, M. H. No. 338 Tractor, nearly new, MH, Binder, nearly new, Ete., the.proper- ty of Bruce Osborne, Lot 13, Con. 12, Mariposa Twp., 8 miles north, 1 mile | west of Oakwood. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 pm. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., OCT. 10--Auction Sale of Hereford Cattle, Fowl, Car, Tractor and Implements, Furniture, Hay and Grain, the property of the Estate of the late George O. Mitchell, Lot 3, Con. 5, Verulam, 1 mile South of No. 36 Hwy-at Scotch Line Baptist Church. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 pm. Wm. Weldon & Torrance Robertson, clerks. "TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. HOUSEWORK WANTED -- Young THURS., OCT. '17--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of Good Shorthorn Cattle, 2 Horses, Pigs, Tractor, Implements, |: Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of the Estate of the Late Harry V. Arm- strong, Lot 12, Con. 13, Manvers, just East of No. 36 Highway, 8 miles South of Lindsay. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 J pan, Ted Spenceley, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | MON., OCT. 14th--Auction Sale of Cattle, Truck Car, M. H. Trattor, Im- , plements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of the Estate of the late Nor- man J. Moase, Lot 12, Con. A, Mari- posa, at Port Hoover, 6 miles South of Little Britain. Terms Cash, sale at 1,00 pm. Wm. Weldon Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., OCT. 17th -- Giving Up Farming, Auction Sale of 52 Scotch Shorthorn Cattle, Hay, Grain, Pigs, Case Tractor Model 'L', Case Thresh- ing Machine (nearly new). the pro- FOR SALE--Table Potatoes at $1.50 ; i perty of Herb Bagshaw, Lot 5, Con. 1 10, Brock, 1 mile South, 8 miles West of Derryville. Terms Cash, sale at "1.00 pm. No reserve. Geo. Edwards and Earl Innis, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. devotional paper on "God's Care of His Own." A good deal of business was deal with especially concerning the bazaar which is to be held October 20th, The President, Mrs. Warner Brown read a poem. Mrs, Earl Brad- burn, group leader, presided for the program. Mrs. Gordon Strong rend- ered a piano solo. Rev. P. Romeril gave a brief talk on Education of the Illiterate and showed a film on the work of Dr. Lauback in Africa. Mrs. Bradburn expressed the thanks of the meeting to hostess and all assisting. Lunch was served by the group and a social time spent by the 80 ladies and one gentleman present. The couples club met Wednesday night. Games were organizéd by Stuart and Helen Dorrell were played, followed by a discussion on the aims and organization of the club, Officers were elected--Presidents, Harold and Jean Kyte; Secretaries, Jim and Dorothy Marlow; Treasurers, Ralph and Peggy Larmer. After a lovely buffet luncheon was partaken of Rev. P. Romeral conducted the. closing de- votional period, The Explorers held their election of officers at their meeting on Thursday after school with these elected: Chief Explorer, Janice Byers; Keeper of the Log, Patricia Adams; Keeper of the Treasurer, Cheryl Medcalf. Adams conducted the devotional. The girls -purpose doing the full, out door exploration this year., Following officers were elected at the C.G.I.T. meeting Friday evening: 'President, Elaine Mountjoy; secretary, Lorraine Dayes; treasurer, Donna Mc- Laughlin, These girls have commenced sewing. On Saturday, Oct. 6th the C.G.I.T. and the Explorers hope to spend the afternoon at Cream of Barley camp, Bowmanville. Sorry to say M. A. Sgro, high school teacher, was ill all last week. Tues- day. his mother and brother Nicholas visited him at Mrs. W: W. VanCamps and Wednesday evening took him home to Toronto. Glad te know he is able to be back to work this week. Mrs. Rich. Bowles taught in his place. Blackstock Central Public School was honoured with a visit from Dr. R. Fenwick, director of music for ele- mentary Schools in Ontario, on Fri- day afternoon. from North Darlington, Manvers and' Cartwright gathered to 'meet him and enjoyed his address on "The Import- ance of Music in the Public School and how to improve it". Dr. Fenwick was well pleased with our school. Mrs. I. Thompson taught two days last week for Miss Joan Venning who was ill with, pleurisy. Mr. John Romeril, Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston, gave a fine sermon on "Growth of the Spirit" taking as his text: "When I became a man I put off childish things". Mrs. H. Kyte in her pleasing manner sang "Then Sings My Soul." Rally Day service was observed in the United Church on Sundayvmorn- ing. The general rally program was carried out with a couple of extra numbers. Lorna Wright and Dennis Ashton recited the story of the Apostles and Judy Cochrane and Brian Mountjoy the Ten Commandments. Mrs. Richar Bowles \told the story, "The First Gudst" in avery pleasing manner which a j The A.Y.P.A. held their re-organizatign service in the Parish Hall on Mok{lay evening, September 23rd) Lawrenge McLaugh- lin was elected presideht; Eleanor Shemelt, secretary; and |Larry Ash- ton, treasurer. They wi be meeting every second Monday. On Friday night the A.Y.P.A. en- joyed a wiener roast at the farm of Mr. George Wolfe. Mrs. casion of Brian Wolfe's sixth birthday. Mr. Roy Turner spent. the week-end with "Lions" at Burnt River. Mrs, Turner and children, and, Misa Joyce Venning at Coe. Hill. Lorrane re, mained for a week, My, and Mrs. Righard VanCamp spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Morrow, at Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy, and family visited her brothers Walter and Gordon Manning, near Owen Sound on Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Eric Chaperlin. and family, Don Mills, spgnt the week-end at the Rectory clearing the garden, etc., before Canon and Mrs, Chaperlin return home this week. We are happy to hear Mrs, Chaperlin is progressing favorably after her eye surgery. Mrs. W. W. VanCamp spent. the week-end with her daughter Mable in Toronto., Mr. Gordon Paisley spent the week- end at his home in Dunnyille. Mrs. W. Archer and, Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Martyn called on. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowerman at Wilfred Bowman's at Enfield, on Sunday, when they were celebrating their 60th wedding anni- versary.. The, congratulations of 'all friends in this community is extended |' to them, Sympathy is extended the members -of..the. Elford family on the sudden passing of their brother-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Drinkle of Bowmaan- ville went to Elmvale on Friday in- tending to be guests at a weddipg on Saturday. But a, few minutes after their arrival Friday Mr. Drinkle dropped depd. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dayes, Mr, and Mrs. Reg, Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray, Mrs. L.- Adams, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Mr .and Mrs. Malcolm Elford visited at the parlors in Elmvale Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Allan. Beacock and the Adams attended the funeral Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grace, Glen and Elaine, Beaverton, were Sunday visit- ors. of W. Archers. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dayes and family attended a shower at Mrs. L. Adams' at Bowmanville, Saturday night in honour of Miss Lorna Cochrane who is to be married to Mr. Sam Adams, October 19th. Some fifty teachers : Mr. and 'Mrs. Garnet Wright and Hazel of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Gibson, Didsbury, Alta.; Mrs. John VanCamp, Midland, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder. lst. JOHN'S W.A., BLACKSTOCK: The September meeting .of St. John's W.A. of St. John's Church, Blackstock was in charge of the president and had an attendance df seventeen members. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were given and approved. The corresponding sec'y said that she had. received 'a letter from Canon Chaperlin. thanking, the members for the "Get Well" card, to Mrs. Chaperlin' during her stay in hospital where she had under gone 3 serious eye operation. All are pleased to know she, is doing so well and that she hopes to be home soon. Mrs. Me- Arthur kindly offered: to look after the order list for church calendars. for 1958, A motion was carried to have!' our annual turkey supper Oct. 23rd. Final arrangements for it are to. be made at the next W.A. meeting. The roll call was answered with a fine dis- play of new articles to be included in the fall bale. It was decided to have a quilting in the Parish Hall on Wed- nesday of this week and also pack the bale. Owing tq the, late hour. the Study Book chapter. was, left. over. until, the October meeting. The_pxesident. closed the meeting with prayer and Junch was 'served by group 2 with Mrs. H, Bailey Plywood Arhorite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim Masonite, efc. TERMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS JOHN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE '280- SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOP8--50¢., mayl tf. SEFORE A MAN CAN £ uP AND FIND HIMSELF FAMOUS HE. MUST WAKE UPANO FIND HIMSELF. $1.00, $1:50 WEEK-END 'HOURS ARE LEISURE -HOURS.. Just phone us . . . We'll be happy to advise you . . Pldns.. . Materials: . . Estimates . . and even arrange for expert workmanship. Convenient Budget Terms. NO. CASH REQUIRED. Phone 'to-day for - Information, Budget Buy 4 No For As Low Cash As Sond Monthly Required REESOR FUEL & LUMBER: PORT PERRY PHONE 173 WORK WANTED--Stephen Perk- E. W. Crosier spent ins, living at east entrance to the with his parents en cemetery, Prince Albert, route to their new home at Spragge. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DeNure, Peterboro, Monday call- ers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson. convener, WR A Mr. and Mrs. several days BLACKSTOCK spent a couple of days with Mr. and{ wELI, ATTENDED ip ; CIDER ground in Utica. For in- Ji Cp Fi : Le Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach, Eunice and (ion Dhone 106-r-4. Oct. 10 | Wo He Lo Mission Band met Tuesday | , ig RQ Wye Se0ars, Doltell Tse finior armers . tp Susan; is, and Mrs. Theo. Stevens | afternoon with Lorna Wright presid- ie une on 5 p : oh Jim and Walter were at the former's ! OR SALE--Building lot facing on ing and Nancy Dorrell acting as sec, or arn ntar > nd B ft ONTARIO CQUNTY,: JUNIOR { i Yih cottage in Haliburton for the weekend.--Queen St. Apply 1. As Boyd. and 19 children present. The Mission Mr. Finlay Sutherland, of Bancroft,| FARMER CHURCH SERVICE | Mrs. J. Millér was in Oshawa on Band hymn was sung and Purpose br age. oy WN Friday evening attending a shower for the bride-to-be of her grandson Mr. Wayland Miller .Drew. WANTED TO RENT--In or near village of Port Perry, a house of 4 rooms or more, Phone 151-J. Oct.17 BULLDOZING ROOT and ROCK RAKE TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES-by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION > LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J EXCAVATING FOR LAND CLEARING repeated, Mrs, Hill gave the worship talk from "The Earth is the Lord's Those who took the program were Cheryl McCormick, Brian Mountjoy, Sharon Larmer, Elizebeth Thompson, Ronald Martyn and Mrs. Kyte.. The meeting closed with hymn and the Mission Band Benediction. The Brownies held their first meet- ing of the season on Monday night when all the mothers were invited. Eight new members joined and sev- eral of the last years Brownies joined the Guides. A resume of last years work also the executive's work was given. Mrs. Thos. Buttery, of Bow- manville, district Commissioner was present and gave an addresss on the work of each group. After the meeting lunch was served and a social half hour spent, The W.A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Herb. Swain on Tuesday evening, After the opening exercises Mrs, W. Archer gave the . Mesdames J. A. McArthur, Howard Bailey, Thos. Smith, John Hamilton, Frank Staniland, Thos. Langford, Jos, Forder, J. Carter, W. Graham. and Miss Eva Parr attended the Anglican Deanery in Harwood on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright spent a few days with friends in Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry, Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. R. Ford, who went to the city with them on Fri- day and Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Ford, Jr. Y and Roberta brought her home, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston have returned home after spending some time at their son's home in Belleville, Mrs. A. L. Bailey, John Beacock, E. Bradburn and Robert Brown atteneded jury in Cobourg, A Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and boys were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harry McLaughlin and Lawrence on the oc- Mus. Carl. Wright. Mr. David Barrie, President of the| Provincial Junior Farmer Association, was the guest speaker at the 12th An- nual. Ontario. County Junior Farmer |: 'Church Service on Sunday, September 22nd. The service was held in the United Church; Beaverton. The topic for his sermon was "Steps Ordered by God"; it was .a real inspiration for |. the Junior; Farmers and their friends who attended. Mr. Maustyn McKnight, Uxbridge, President. of sthe Ontario County Jr. Farmers Association, was in charge of the service. Mr, Bert Pearson, Ux- bridge, Vice-President, 'read the serip- ture lesson. Two anthems, Verdant Meadows and All Praise to Thee My Lord 'This Night, were sung by the Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir under the direction of Mrs: Elsie.Dobaon.. The Annual Church Service is one| of the outstanding Junior Farmer projects carried on each year, "It's good 'to 'hear your voice agatn, Sth!" Someone yow love would love to lear your voice... telephone tonight* > THE BELL TELREPHONR LGOMPANY. OR CANADA *Long Distance bargain, rates v= nights after 6 and all day Sunday \d. No, 57-107 SP-LD -- 2 cols, x 100 lines @

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