Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Oct 1957, p. 4

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¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8rd, 1957 Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all relatives, friends, neighbours, clergymen, nurses and Doctors for many cards, flowers and the kindness shown me during my re- cent.stay in the Community Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Wilmott Walker. » Mere words are inadequate to ex- press our gratitude to each.and every- one who has helped us through these days of, sorrow, with beautiful flow- ers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness, We can only say "Thank you so much". Mis. Malcolm McMillan and family. We would like to express our grati- tude to our friends, relatives and neighbours for their flowers, kindness and cards of sympathy sent during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Pastor Delaney. 'Mildred and Roy Hope. My most sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the flow- ers and many acts of kindness during my wife's illness and for their flow- érs, cards of sympathy, and the many things brought to the house after her passing. With special thanks to Pas- tor P. Delaney, Dr. Kandel and Mus. Storry. : Charles Mills, . Sincere thanks to my friends, rela- tives and neighbours for the cards and gifts sent to me during my recent stay in Community Memorial Hospi- tal, Port Perry. 1 also wish to thank the nurses and staff and Dr. S. P. Kandel. Don Lane. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all friends and neighbours and relatives for catds, flowers and fruit.- Special thanks to Dr. Grant, Dr, Baldwin and Dr. Stocks, the nurses and nurses aides of Ward 3A for their kindness to me during my stay in the Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs. Viola Hoskin. Thank You The executive of the Port Perry Hockey Club would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. L Myers and the Rink Board and all those who helped in any way to promote the success of our hockey club. The 1956-57 Executive Announcement Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bonnell wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miriam Evelyn, to Murray M. Winacott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Winacott, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place on Saturday, November 2nd at the United Church, Prince Albert, Ont. ' In Memoriam STEELE--In loving memory of a dear husband, William A. Stecle(Will) who passed away suddenly Sept. 26th, 1956. Hark a solemn bell is ringing All through the night, } Thou, my love, art heavenward winged Home through the night. Earthly dust from off thee shaken, Soul immortal thou shalt waken, With thy last dim journey taken Home through the night. You left sweet memories to blossom, Bearing fruit for years to come: Thou art with Christ and Christ with me, In Him united still are we. Lovingly remembered by wife Gladys. KING -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Barbara King, who died October 1st, 19564 and our father, Al- fred King, who passed away Dec, 3rd, 1947. Always remembered. --Family. Have you ordered your extra copies of our Historical and Memorial Edition? 15c. each. i -------- a} BALLET -- TAP -- BATON Register for the Fall term at the Port Perry High School, Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12.00 noon, * Phone Oshawa, RA 65-6122 ~ oct8 LOCAL NEWS C HURC H OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Sunday, October 6-- Rev. E. W. Fuller 11 a.m.--Holy Communion Harvest Thanksgiving Service | \v $3 bh § 54 Aa o yd % A TRG EE IRAE, Rh hp sain io ag SRA we eg el wa LE ACAVE Nad RAN COMING EVENTS ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D, Armstrong, B. A., D, D. Sunday, October 6th-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School, Special Rally Day Service. ents are especially invited. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship. Sunday, Oct. 13th-- 101st Anniversary Services at 11.00 am. and 7.00 p.m. Detailed announcement next week, Par- > The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D., Minister Sunday, October 6th-- 9.15 am.--Prospect Church, 10.16 a.m.--Manchester Church. 11.00 am,--Scugog "Head" S. S. 11.15 a.m.--Scugog "Grace" 7.30 p.m.--Scugog "Head" This is World Communion Sunday, Our first evening Service for the Sea- son will be at the Head Church. Mr. Anniversary Service Prince Albert United Church will be '(held on Sunday, Oct. 6 at 2.80 p.m. Rev. Lintead, formerly of Moorefield who is taking Rev. Wylie's pastorate will be the speaker. Oct. 8 Anniversary Services and Turkey Supper Anniversary services in Utica Unit- ed Church on Sunday, Oct. 6th at 2.80 p.m. Rev. Ralph E. King of Graven- hurst, the speaker. Special music, TURKEY SUPPER will be served on Sat., Oct. 12th in the church base- ment. Adults $1.26, children under 12, 7T6c., pre-school children, free. Oct. 8 Annual Bazaar Watch for the Annual Bazaar under the auspices of the Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, on Saturday, Nov. 23rd. : * Oct. 8 A Public Meeting is to be held at Stouffer and his stringed quartette | the Public Library, Monday, Oct. 7th will play. Come and worship with us. } PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 6th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Worship Service This will be the first service in charge of Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A, BD. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, October 6th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples Come and Worship with us. 9 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1850 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec. 26-R7 CAUSEWAY BOWLIN LANE Port Perry Open Bowling Friday and Sat. at 8 p.m. This meeting is for all ci- tizens of Port Perry interested in ob- taining a negative decision in the forth coming local option vote, Euchres The {first Euchre of the season spon. sored by the Epsom Community Club will be held in Epsom Public School on Friday, Oct. 4th and then every other week during the season. Ladies please provide. Rod and Gun Club A meeting of the Port Perry Rod and Gun Club will be held on Thurs- day, Oct. 3 at 8 o'clock in the rooms above Brock's Department Store. A full discussion of the fall and winter program, so please be on hand to pass on your ideas and suggestions. Anniversary Services Myrtle United Church extends an invitation to you to attend their Anni- versary Services on Sunday, Oct. 6th, 1957. Rev. W. G. Berry, B.A. B.D. will be the guest speaker at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Special music. Prince Albert Mr. J. Griffin once more capably occupied the pulpit on Sunday morn- ing. Please strive to join us next Sunday afternoon at 2.30 for the anniversary service conducted by Rev. Mr. Lin: stead. Special music arranged; As Sunday School all joined in sing- ing birthday greetings to Supt. Mr. F. Vickery who contributed his dues in the new church. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson are stay- ing at the Hunter place while Mr, and Mrs. G. Hunter are enjoying a holiday in Haliburton district and other east- ern sections, Mr. and "Mrs. G. Plaunt oy two 3 children, Reaboro, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs, H, Jeffrey and family. Wedding bells are ringing again. Mr. Roy Dunn, of Edmonton, Alta., was in the village last week calling on old acquaintances and neighbours. It is 64 years sinoe Roy left here where he had lived with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Dunn, where Mr. and Mrs, W. Martyn now reside. One Sunday recently Mr. F Vickery, Mr. and Mrs, L. Beacock and sons en- joyed a fowl dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs, L. Devitt and two chil- dren in Oshawa. - This gathering was in honour of grandpa's birthday when '| the five® grandchildren gave him a gift, too. Mr. and Mrs, R. Stark and daughter of Uxbridge, spent a day with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. N: Wilson and family. Mrs. Stanton with friends enjoyed a lovely trip to Algonquin Park, etc., on Sunday. On Saturday night some of us were privileged to see pictures on screen taken by Miss L. Stanton on a recent trip as far as Victoria, B.C. These pictures included some of the beauti- ful Lake Louise; ete. ; The funeral of Mrs. Jonas Smith was held on Thursday from the Port Perry Funeral Parlours and conducted by Rev. J. K. Braham. Mrs. Smith lay in a profusion of flowers, which she was a great lover of, During the service Mr. Braham commented, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith planted a garden". Callers and customers enjoyed viewing these flowers. In paying our tribute to Mrs. Smith we would like to say how very pleas ant she was, and a kind word to all , we think this little verse fitting: "With the kiss of the sun for pardon, and the song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth." Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and' Mrs. Ben Smith and family in their bereavement. Utica Anniversary services in Utica United Church, Sunday, October 6th at 2,30 p.m. Minister: Rev. Ralph E. King, B.A., of Gravenhurst United Church. Music by Mrs. Colby's Boys' Choir. Organist Mrs. Jean Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Harper visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson of Taunton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Parkin and son, Mr. Otter and Mrs. H. Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mj] on Sunday. i Mrs. R. Grani spent two diye in Toronto this past week. Mrs. Ackney was visited on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Prizeman of Toronto. It was nice to see Mrs, Jarndahl out from Toronto this week-end. ! Kay Philips was home from Oshawa Hospital, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson visited Mrs, R. W, Thompson at Brooklin and on Sunday, were visited by Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrison of Mount 'Albert. Mr. and Mrs. D. Geer visited Mr. | and Mrs. H. Strong on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer and Mr. and Mrs. D. Prentice had an enjoyable trip through Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. They stopped at Elliot Lake and returned home via United States crossing at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H, Grills of Columbus, had tea with Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker on Sunday. Mrs. Walker visited Mrs. McMaster at Uxbridge one day last week. - : Dont' forget the Home Baking sale, to aid Utica Communify Hall, on Fri- day, Octdber 4th in Beare Motors showroom at 8 p.m, ET Ea T iS | Z = EH 1 g fod 7 SIRES ZS ITZ (REZ TEETER TZ ST Al ARREST ESS AT TIES ETE RI ZR IITIHIE [ES IES ZEIT RA MINES TN 3 Regarding Our Special Edition It has been decided that all our subscribers whose label reads November 56 or a later date will receive One Copy of the special historical and memorial edition without addi- For any others the charge will be 16¢. copy. Wh re TE 4 ati he 3a 35 As we have received so many letters and so much material for this issue we: find that we will not be able to have it ready before the first week in October, able to put it in the mail about the 4th of October. We expect to be SS SS TS Ontario County Health Unit The Ontario County Health Unit which started operations in the area on July 1st, under the direction of Dr. W. Eric MacBean, has recently moved to its new centre in the build- ing formerly occupied by the .Post Office in Pickering Village. This building has been completely facilities for a team of one Medical retarial assistance. Equipment, office and professional, complete. A 2-line telephone service, together with an office inter-communi- 'which are already being received. Activities during July and August Not unnaturally, the bulk of unit's health measures, As a comparison for the future, however, it may be of interest that, during the first two months of opera- tion, the division of sanitation made over three hundred and fifty visits. Three hundred and thirty-one home visits were made by the public health nurses and the well-baby clinics have been restarted in Ajax and Uxbridge. 'Objectives and Services Planned Public Health Nursing. At present the unit employs four full-time quali- fied Public Health Nurses, Miss Helen McCaul, Miss Alma Svanbergs, Miss Alice Percy, and Mrs. Agnes Mac- Donald, who work under the direction of Miss Margaret Atkinson, who came to Pickering after b years as a nursing supervisor with the Health Unit at Cornwall, Our nursing programme includes: 1. Home visiting for a wide variety of causes, such as prental and post- natal cases, infant welfare, maternal and infant boarding homes, communi- cable disease, crippled children, Tuber- culosis. ; f 2. Clinics. Child health conferences which will include immunisation are planned in all the municipalities in our territory. A major part of the im- mediate programme in this respect will be the completion of the poliomye- litis vaccination course which was started last winter. This will be given priority, even if it must be done at the cost of delay in organizing the regular nursing conferences. renovated to provide office space and | &™* Officer, six nurses, two sanitary in- 2 spectors together with necessary sec- 8 is being installed and should soon be |B cation system has been installed to i deal with the heavy volume of calls ¥ work during the first month of opera- | § tion has been concerned very largely | with details of organization, engage- | & ment of staff; liason with other offi- | cials in the area, and the establish- $2 ment of policies and plans, rather than | # with the execution of direct public |" At pre-|§ i sent we have held three 'poliomyelitis clinics. i 8. Schools. ~ The unit provides Public Health services for all public schools in our area with whom we have entered into agreement, Environmental Sanitation The generalized programme in san- itation to be carried out by two quali- fied sanitary inspectors under the direction of the Medical Officer of Health, Chief Sanitary Inspector is Mr, John Robson who has had four- teen years of experience in this field. Their range of work will include the supervision of food sanitation, garbage dissposal, sewage disposal systems, swimming pools, water sup- plies, school sanitation, together with many other matters relating to public health. At an early opportunity we plan a complete sanitary survey of the whole area covered »y the Health Unit, y PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT WATER STREET Dealer for . International Harvester Company FARM EQUIPMENT ® Complete Line of Phone 513 Farm Machinery © " Arc'and-Acetylene Welding After Hours Phone 392W (We use soft Phone 554 Phoebe's Beauty Parlour QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY Announces SPECIAL {SPECIAL -- OIL COLD WAVE, $8.50 (Including Personality Styling) water only) This Week 'YORK SPICED BEEF ...... KLICK LE PT PPT PTT OP. MAPLE LEAF MINCE MEAT, 28 OF i ...46e. Ssritisnsaiiist BL YORK PUMPKIN, 28 oz. ........... RINSO DETERGENT, 5c. OFF REGULAR PRICE | N EVENINGS--CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS. JOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Onfario For Free Delivery Phone 485 w 4) missisisesirriresresersersreniy. JOT 39¢, -- * en00®®%0e, Fe (x) -e oN ese \ ing rbr 1De DRIVE Ss - ve Satur ay\ - Wadnsaasly, \ 5 'THE QUEEN IN OTTAWA' CBC TV and Radio locations re DRivgSe sl - i Twenty-five television cameras and [to Ottawa Oct. 12 to 16th, into mil- 27 radio pickups will be used in bring- | lions of homes across Canada. This ing the pageantry of the royal visit|sketch map of Ottawa shows the routes the royal party will follow on each day, points positions at which CBC cameras and commentators will be leocated. J interest, and the

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