Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Oct 1957, p. 16

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pL - os ah a Fe - "- Egy J NT SE v Sen g- C--O ---- Page 8--PORT PERRY STAR HISTORICAL and MEMORIAL EDITION CONGRATULATIONS We are pleased to add our good wishes to the many others for the Port Perry Star, on their 50th Anniversary. DOUPE'S STORE GROCERIES PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. Phone 485W. 0mm fo -- > ----- OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PORT PERRY STAR, and all good wishes for future success. CAUSEWAY LANES Frank Hastings, Prop. Phone 151-R Bowling Alleys Port Perry - We are pleased to join the many friends of the Port Perry Star in congratulations upon the oc- casion of their 50th Anniversary: FRANSSEN TAILORS Perry Street N. Port Perry PRSDABABSBNAARABSHASBSSAL TO THE PORT PERRY STAR te. ot ore ates Face tect td 2 RE TAT hE A 0 J oe E34 be 00,0 a AI ee eee ~ + CSO DPSS SSH upon attaining their 50th anniversary 4 0] : i i oH J : TRIPP'S | é . P24 " LI 4 Service Station and Snack Bar # _- SCUGOG ST. PORT PERRY. 3 ; TE TR I RR SS EE 5 2504 22 THE BALLARD LUMBER CO. Extends all good wishes to the Port Perry Star on the anniversary of 50 years in business. "John Ballard, Prop. Phone 280 . : 0 ! na * [J ¢ 4 1] * : We are pleased to extend our sincere congratulations and good wishes. 20002 *| first subscribers in Port. NEWS ITEMS of PAST 50 YEARS Ee The Year 1935 Reeve---W. M. Letcher, Council--H. R. Archer, J. E. Jack- son, R. M, Holtby, R. J. Harris. JAN.--By-law passed to grant fixed assessment for flour mill. Arthur Waridel, manager (Lake Scugog Mill. ing Co.) -- The railway question is discussed. FEB.--T. J. Widden sells out. -- H. W. Boynton opens butcher shop in Leonard Block. MARCH--H, W, Emmerson has mov- ed his office to his home on Bigelow St. Mr. Emmerson is an insurance agent, -- More discussion re the rail- way. -- Cephas Sleep announces a general insurance business in Purdy Block. -- H., H, Mulligan moves his barber shop to the Lawrence Block, premises lately vacated by T. J. Wid- den. MAY--The War Memorial Library is opened with colourful ceremony. Hon. H. A. Bruce, Lieut.-Gov. of Ontario and Mrs. Bruce assisted by-Maj. Gen. Jas. MacBrien perform the ceremony. Both gentlemen are former residents of Port Perry. Maj.-Gen. MacBrien flew in from Ottawa, landing on Lake Scugog. A Memorial niche and Book of Remembrance were an important part of the dedication ceremony. JUNE--Maj.-Gen, Jas. MacBrien, for- merly of Port Perry, is knighted. -- John Farmer sets up radio repair busi- ness, formerly with Hopkins and Far- mer in selling Delco plants as well as electrical and radio repair. -- Rem- ember the street dances on Queen in front of the post office? JULY--E. H. Purdy, J. P. passes, Had filled nearly all town offices at one time or another. } AUG.--Port Perry says "No" 400 to 271 regarding liquor outlets in Port. -- Jack-O-Lantern Dance Pavilion on Port Perry Beach. ' DEC.--Mrs. L. G. Hall opens a ladie ready-to-wear dept. in her millinery store. The Year 1936 JAN.--P. P. United Church celebrates Fifty Years. -- King George the Fifth is dead, Mon. Jan. 20. -- Board of Railway Commissioners order the a- bandonment of railway between Port Perry and Cresswell. That part be- tween Port and Whitby to be reha- bilitated and operated. : MARCH--Floods and Storms. Both buses are stuck in front of Peel's Farm. Worse conditions prevail at Pickering, Port Hope and Belleville. --Bellette Beauty Shop opens in Ven- "ture Tea Room. -- Mr. Thos. Graham, noted farmer of Scugog passes. APRIL -- Mr. Beverly Smallman ap- pointed Instructor of Biology at West- ern University, London. JULY -- Ben Smith saves six from burning boat on Lake Scugog. Mrs. Cephas Sleep and five persons from Toronto trapped in burning beat, res- cued by Ben. Smith with a punt who took four elderly people ashore, two ; | younger_ones swam part way and were picked up by cottagers.. AUGUST -- Harold Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards, drowns in Chalk Lake. -- Public meeting re road to Peterboro. Nothing really settled. -- J. F. McClintock Grocer sells out. SEPT. -- More about proposed high- way route to Peterboro. -- G. A. Pal- mer opens Groceteria in former Me- Clintock store.--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth named chairman of United. Church Presbytery. DEC. -- 40th Anniversary of Green- bank United Church. -- King Edward VIII abdicates. -- Christmas Fair largely attended. Tons of poultry sold. The Year 1937 Reeve--W. M. Letcher. . Council--J. R. Baird, Geo. HH. Brid- ger, R. M. Holtby, J. E. Jackson. JAN.--Reeve Letcher elected Ward- en of Ontario County. FEB. -- Joe Sisson crawls to safety with broken hip, after fall into grain bin at P. P. elevator. MARCH---J. F. McClintock is still in seed business. Previously sold gro- cery to G. A. Palmer. APRIL--L. A. Kock and Son build- ing contractors. -- G. M. strike at 2 | Oshawa affects local business, % | MAY--King Geo. VI Coronation cele- brated. -- Telephone History recalls 1866 lists only business phones, there were no residential phones. S. E. Allison, $2 | drug; Ont. Bank, A. Ross & Sons and TRIPP CONSTRUCTION PORT PERRY PHONE 392W W. J. Trounce & Co. flour mill were the first to have telephones, -- In 1887 ten phones are listed and only one, a doctor, is a residence. | JUNE--Railway from Port to Manilla is to be torn up. -- The Modern Fruit i and Vegetable Market, Anthony Car- uso, prop. seems to have become the 5 Green Grocery Store with R. Wake- ford, prop. JULY--Blackstock United Church ce- lebrates 50th Anniversary. -- be. to $1.00 store. -- Smith Ladies Shop sells out. . . SEPT.--Port Perry Drygoods opens for business (Levingon). -- Discuss delay in building Prov. Hwy. link, Port Perry to Peterboro. Mass meet- ing in Town Hall. NOV. -- Lions Club 'formed. H, G. Hutcheson, P. G. Morrison, sponsors. DEC. -- McDonald Motors robbed of car and parts, -- Chief Wm. Nesbitt passes, Constable since 1917. ¢ The Year 1938 Reeve--W. M. Letcher > JAN.--The Green Grocery closed 'un- til spring. ' FEB.--J. F. McClintock moves his seed business to Myrtle Stat. -- Carp get into Lake Scugog. MARCH--Sir Jas. MacBrien Passes in 60th Year (March 5b). -- Chiro- practors of America to erect memor- ial to David Palmer, founder. Town donate site at lakeside park. -- Mid- get Hockey Team said to win Cham- pionship in Provincial playdowns. APRIL--For some reason the Midget teams were required to play another game before being allowed the title and the local team lost out. Champ- ionship went to Paris. -- «Albert Snowden, buys out Gordon Sweetman Garage. MAY -- Certain sections of sidewalk being ripped up for Bell Telephone conduit. Hydro and Telephone poles to be removed from business section of Queen St. Pavement to be widen- ed. APRIL, -- Port Perry Fruit Market opens in former Green Grocery Store. JULY--Palmer Memorial Park dedi- cated on July 28th. Special programs at Lakeside Park. . Autos from all states in the Union and all parts of Canada made up the motorcade of Chiropractors who came to dedication of Memorial to Daniel David Palmer founder of Chiropractic. Heavy rain spoiled>much of the planned program. SEPT. -- Elizabeth Symes, graduate nurse, disappears from her home, Bogus doctor believed to have offered her a position in Timmins. OCT.--Road Construction contract to Peterboro said cancelled. 40 affected municipalities to meet in Port Perry. NOV.--Prof. A. G. Christie of John Hopkins university, formerly of Man- chester, elected President of Ameri- can Society of Mechanical engineers, 1939. -- Improvement is made. in con- veying the water past the back of the United Church, through the new ce- ment culvert on Queen St. and past the Bowling Green. -- A new water tank is being erected at a cost of $1700. 20 feet high and 26 feet in diameter. -- The bogus doctor was arrested in Oregon and extradicted 'to Canada to face charges of fraud. His woman companion was not charged. ~ The Year 1939 Reeve--W. M. Letcher. Council--F. E. Reesor, R. M. Holt- by, J. R. Baird, Geo. Bridger . JAN.--A leading citizen of Pt. Perry laid to rest, Jas. Lucas.. FEB.--Celebrate 71 years of married life. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willard. APRIL -- Public Works Department has approved appropriation of $15,- 000. for water front improvement at Port Perry. Negotiations: made by Mr. W. M. Bowes with cooperation of W. H. Moore, M.P. All local labor to be used. -- Ross Bailey, 17 yr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Cartwright killed instantly while at- tempting to adjust mechanism of dump truck. The sudden releasing of the box crushed him. -- Special train to take folk to Toronto to see the King and Queen. A day never to be forgotten by those who went. (last trip for Nip'n Tuck.) JUNE---Pcel Bros. were able to meet rush orders to supply 100 capons for the Royal Train. -- Prof. Graham Christie, John Hopking University, receives honourary degree Doctor of Engineering, in recognition of his work in steam power production. -- J. K. Lawrence of Myrtle has invent- ed and built a composite snew and hydroplane. Carries 4 passengers and pilot. Passed by Department of Transport. AUG.--Prof. A. G. Christie, receives further honours. He has been elect- ed honourary Life Member of the Bri- tish Institute of Mechanical Engin- eers. ; SEPT. -- Britain and' France declare war against Germany. -- Canada to organize two overseas divisions. --E. G. Michell wishes to announce that he has purchased the Port Perry Coal Yard from W. G. W. Pyatt and has effected an amalgamation with the Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. Ltd. Offices will be in the same place as occupied by P. P. Coal Yard. --Dr. David Archer died Sept. 20. OCT. -- Airplane slip and other im- provements at waterfront well under way. -- Hwy. TA has been newly sur- faced from Port to Taylor's corners. NOV.--Mr. M. T. Beare receives ap- pointment with Allis Chalmers Rum- ley Co. Ltd. of Toronto. His head- quarters will be Hanover. The Year 1940 Reeve--W. M. Letcher. Council--H. R. Archer, Grant Ger- row, R. M. Holtby, J. E. Jackson. JAN. --J. E. Elliott, Cadmus Store keeper, killed in auto accident. -- A. W. S. Greer, Lawyer, opens office in Blong Blk. -- Donald Beer is open- ing an insurance office in the Blong Blk. -- Mr. Orr Browne has taken the Imperial Oil Station in. Port Hope. FEB. -- White Kitchen Restaurant. 4Cc. meals. -- Henshaw Transport. MARCH -- Miss Catherine Allison, daughter of Mrs. S. E. Allison, has presented the Soldiers Memorial Lib- rary with eighty volumes of current literature. Miss Allison is Supt. of General Hosp., Winnona, Minnesota. MARCH---Port Perry Lions Team win Eastern Ont. Juvenile Title. Hockey. APRIL--The Lake Scugog Fish and Game Ass'n formed. MAY--Dr. J. D. Berry, formerly re- sident of Port Perry, recently of Wil- lowdale, dies in 78th year, -- Birdseye Center Cabin Park, E. G. Michell, proprietor, opened for tourists, -- Wing Com. Geo. R. Howsam, former- ly of Port Perry, has. been appointed Senior -Staff Officer No. 4 Training Command, Regina. -- The Royal Cafe, Percy Densham, prop. Later became the Devon Restaurant. MAY--Port Perry Farm Bureau or- ganized to promote better farming and farming conditions. -- Mr. Dennis McKinzey has been appointed Ford Dealer, Manchester. -- b4th Anniver- sary and re-dedication services of the United Church. The re-built pipe organ and chimes presented by 8S. Jeffrey and Frank Courtice. JUNE--Port Perry Cheese Factory opening on June 10. Milton Goode, prop. -- Announce all able-bodied men up to 45 to be conscripted for home defense, except 'those in vital indus- try. -- Mr. A. W. S. Greer announces Frank R. Gee, barrister, will be as- sociated with him in Port Perry. JULY--Geo. Brewer of Toronto hauls in 2314 1h, Muskie. -- open air church services at Palmer Memorial Park, Sunday evenings. -- Volunteer Civil Guard formed. J. E. Jackson, O.C. AUG.--National Registration, every- one over 16 yrs. -- John W. Crozier, former Port Perry Solicitor, passes in Guelph, -- "Bill" Hayes, 12 yr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes, Port Perry, with parents in Ottawa has chance meeting with the Earl of Ath- lone and Princes Alice and Princess Juliana and their party. -- Yacht Club formed sometime in this year. NOV.--Argue's Grocery. -- Ross Mec- Lean, radio repair. -- Criklewood Dining Room. H DEC.--F. E. Reesor Lumber and Coal is joined by son F. Gordon Reesor. (Continued on Page Niiie) \ Doctor, The Honourable M. B. Dymond and Family 5 (Minister of Reform Institutions) 1907 - 1957 Q Doctor, The Honourable Herbert A. Bruce, former Lieut.-Governor of Ontario, who officially opened the present Public Memorial Library, was a native of Port Perry. Letters from Friends stand against intemperance. Perry as it was fifty yéars ago. forty years. tured into their first schools. to Washburn's Island, L ground on Perry Street, good homes. ated by Mr. H. Mulligan. at 7am. 1 Queén Elizabeth visited Toronto. Dear Folks: educational meetings. atigated by Mr, and Former Citizens : Prince Albert, August, 1957. Ag a citizen of Port Perry district, I consider it an honour to extend my congratulations to the Staff of the Port Perry Star for its faithful and competent service during the ten years since the passing of the owner and editor, Mr. Samuel Farmer. The present staff and directors, including Mr. and Mrs. Mac Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Boyd, Mf. George Davey, Mr. Archie Farmer, Mr. Bill Harrison, Mr. Bruce Beare and Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer, has maintained the high standards, exemplified by the former editor, who had no room in his paper for anything disparaging or harmful to character. is being continued by his family in their publication of the Star. : As a most worthy citizen, Mr, Farmer was always firm in his : We who knew him well for many years shall never forget his services to the United Church in which he held many high offices throughout the years. A It gives me pleasure to relate a few of my memories of Port pr At that time Mr. Farmer took over the printing business and was owner and editor for over That same benevolent spirit 1. The old white brick school (Public and High) on the hill, was built in the early seventies and destroyed by fire in April 1926. One room in this school was occupied during the fall term, : by the "Modelites", who received teacher-training ere they ven- & 2. The old Crandella excursion and passenger boat, operated by "Commodore" Orande] on trips from Port Perry and Caesarea ndsay and other places.' 3. Mr. William Leonard's photograph gallery. How often have we paused to view his display of fine pictures! is now owned and occupied by Mrs. Margaret Real. front windows full of lovely plants which. attract the attention of passers-by as did the Leonard photos of yesteryear. 4. Mr. A. W. Allin's blacksmith shop with its large wooden carving of a race-horse above the door. appeared and has been replaced with Mr. Franssen's tailor shop. 5. The Red Apple Evaporator. present Boy Scout Hall a few rods from the children's new play- This house She has the This building has dis- This was situated near the 6. The old skating rink which half a century ago was a pleasure spot for some of present day senior citizens, located where the -Bert MacGregor's and the Wm. Chapman's now enjoy their . 7. In the olden days, two grocery stores in Port Perry stood opposite to each other on Main St. is now transformed into a barber shop and beauty parlor, oper- d I Mr: William Willard and son Harry were their fellow grocers across the street where to-day the Beare Bros. are operating a very extensive moter business. ; 8. Several years ago, the old Baptist Church on the hill, was removed and taken to the Fair Grounds to replace the "Crystal Palace" which had previously been destroyed by fire. new church has been erected to replace the former one, 9. The old "Nip and Tuck" train, which for many decades ran from' Lindsay to Whitby, roused Port Perry citizens each day It made its last run on the day that King George VI and "Nip and Tuck" conveyed Sf Mr. "Tommy" Widden's store A smaller Port Perryites to see the royal guests in the summer of 1939, Now, in conclusion, let me again congratulate the Farme family on the excellent success in their "co-operative venture", Wishing you continued success for many future years. Yours sincerely, . GC. V. Lukon's n * av Aug, 20, 1957. Memories about Port Perry and its wonderful people linger with me and will always be cherished. Among vivid ones are those of the days when the bus trip from Toronto to Port Perry shared with Mr. Samuel Farmer, who was returning home f . Our discussions ranged far and wide, iN- Farmer, whose interests included many facets i from the W, C. T. U. (of which Mrs, Farmer was a loyal member), | politics, education, history----especially local history. : It was a privilege to share his thoughts and ideas, this fiftieth anniversary of the Port Perry Star, I join the com- pany of home town folks in congratulating the Marmer family for carrying on in the tradition of "Sam Farmer", So, on Bess Crozier, \ oo a | |

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