Pd Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on Friday, May 31st 19567. BIRTH-- =u BRUNTON David and Edna (nee Walker) Brunton are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son, Richard, in Community Memorial Hospital, Port ~Perry, on Wednesday, June 12th, 19567, 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THU RSDAY, JUNE 18th; 1967 "LOCAL Amazing Results AMAZING RESULTS OBTAINED FROM USING "NA-CHURS" LIQUID FERTILIZER vr. John Bonsma, R.R, No. 3 Burke- n, Ontario, had 16 acres of Fall Rye with "Na-Churs" 10-20-10 Liquid Fertilizer at the rate of one and a half gullons to the acre. By actual weight check this crop increaed fours and three-quarter tons of Green Feed in three weeks; being prayed on May 16th and cut for Silo on June bth, A check strip left unsprayed in the ticld proved the value of using this outstanding Liquid Fertilizer. This crop had one hundred and sixty -12-10 dry Fertilizer ap- plied at seeding time and was pas- tured off last Fall. To see the wonderful results of this achievement, the farmers may see the samples of the Rye on display in the windows of the Ted Jackson lLin- plement Shop. Take Notice Fucsday, June 11, 1957, As of the date the undersigned has no connection with Port Perry Feen Town and shall not be respon- sible for any actions of this ¢lub from this date forward, James D, Taylor. Births BATHIE--Dr. and Mrs. A. Bathie to announce the birth of pray ed pounds of 2 above further are happy their daughter, Correction Greenbank We regret a line dropped out of an of Greenbank news last week making it appear that Mr. and Mrs. Hooper were guests at a dinner party in Oshawa. [It should have read that Mr. and Mrs, Iverett Hooper left for the west coast on Sunday and that Mr. and Mrs. Will Somerville were entertained by their family at a din- ner party in Oshawa on -Sunday, the occasion being their thirtieth wedding anniversary. We are sorry to have caused confusion, item Robina Louise, at the! N EWS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. H, E. Peltetier, B.A. Minister Sunday, June 16th--Trinity Sunday 11 a.m.--Service and Sermon Rev. H. E. Pelletier, L.Th, 11 a.m.--Sunday School. 4 [2 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D, D. Sunday, June 16th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship Baptismal Service. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, June 16th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 a.m, Evening Service at 7.00 p.m. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister-- Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D, Sunday, June 16th-- 9.15 a.m.--Prospect Church 10.15 a.m.--Manchester Church 10.16 a.m. Scugog "Head" S. S. 11.15 a.m.--Scugog Church. We give you one and all a cordial in- vitation to come and worship with us this "I'ather's Day" Sunday. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, BA, Minister Sunday, June 16th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Mr. Jack Griffen - No Evening Service THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY. Ikev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor . Sunday, June 16th-- » 10 a.m. --Sunday School * 11 a.m.--~Morning Worship « 7 pan.--Lvangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples o Everyone Welcome a THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio "Station CKLB, Oshawa 1350 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.08 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec. 26-87 T. B. Association Mr. D, L. Crozier, R.R.3, Port Perry, was installed as President of the On- tario County TB Association at the Annual Meeting, held in Oshawa. Also attending were Mr. Grant MacDonald, director, Mrs, MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Whitby. DECORAT 'at Pine Grove there will be NO However, it is intended conditions, year. as Decoration Day, and ask a avail themselves of the opp on Sunday, June 16th." 5 a Ee The Board of Directors have decided, owing to changing Sunday, June 16th departed friends by placing flowers in the Cemetery as usual ION DAY v Cemetery MEMORIAL SERVICE this to set aside 11 plot owners and friends to wtunity to remember their We Carry a Con OPIN EVERY NIGHT until 9 | y- - Er -------- Sa -------- DGUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario Grocaties Fresh Meats, Vegetables, also Frozen Foods, Sunbeam Bread and Cakes CLOSED ON TUESDAY at 1.30 P.M. Y plete Line of : p.m. For Free Delivery Phone 485 w 0 A | AD GAR EAR FORA TRAIL IAN RAR HAS ROTI IS A Ey FMP AeA COMING EVENTS apring Recital by pupils of Harvey Dance Academy Friday, June 14, at 8 p.m, PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Bake Sale The annual Bake Sale of Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E. will take place in front of the Library on Friday, June 14th at 5 p.m, Bake Sale The Eastern Star will hold its Annual Bake Sale at the Palmer Memorial Park (across from the theatre) on Friday, June 28th at 4.30 p.m, Harness Racing At Alexandra Park, Oshawa, 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 16th. At Blackstock Recreational Centre, June 21st at 8.30 p.m., sponsored by High School. Music by Hillbilly Ramblers. Admission 76c. each. $1.00 per couple. Home Baking Sale The Ladies Aid of St. gaa Pres- byterian Church are holding a Home- made Baking Sale on Friday after- noon, June 28th in front of the church. Sale begins at 4.30 p.m. June 20 Baby Band Picnic The Baby Band of the Port Perry United Church will hold its annual picnic at Birdseye Center Park on Thursday, June 20th from 38 to 5 p.m. Mothers please bring own cup and sandwiches or cookies. . - Gala Night The Lions Club are planing a Gala Night with dancing, bingo, ete. in the Memorial Arena on July 17th. Keep this date open for an for gh evening of fun, Bake Sale The Annual Bake Sale (convened by Mrs. S. Cawker's group) of the United Church W.A. will be held on Saturday, June 29th at 10 a.m. on the Church Lawn. June 27 [n Memoriam COCHRANE -- In memory of a faithful wife, Pearl Harriét Cochrane, who died, June 11, 1956, Years of working, little of play, Plagued with sickness the most of the way; In silence she suffered, In patience she bore, Till God called her home to suffer no more. She would not wish for sorrow, She would not wish for tears, But just to be remembered Throughout the passing years. Those are the memories she left behind. Sadly missed. COCHRANE -- In memory of our Grandma who left us, June 11, 1956. Oh, how patient in thy suffering When no hand could give thee ease, God the helper of the helpless Saw thy pain and gave thee peace. Always remembered by the grandchildren, Garnet. COCHRANE"-In loving memory "of our Mother, Pearl Harriet, who pass- ed away June 11, 1956. Oft we think of you, dear mother, And our hearts are filled with pain. Oh, this earth would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. A year has 3wiftly passed away, But still we don't forget, . } For in the hearts that loved you best Your memory lingers yet, ' Sadly missed and Jovingly remembered by the family. GARVEY -- In loving memory of Frank Garvey, who died June 11, 1956, Beyond the years the soul shall find That endless peace for which it pined; For light appears. And to the eyes that once were blind Their sight shall some all unconfined Beyond the years. iver remembered by wife Agnes. Decoration Service at Pine Grove Cemetery on Saturday evening, June 16, at 7.00 p.m. - Special invitation to our local Le- gion members. Cars will leave the Library at 7.00 p.m. LO.D.E, -mem- bers are asked to attend. Oshawa Pre Preshytery W. A. Hold Executive Meeting Soft Piano music played by Mrs. Harold Lemon preceded the meeting of about 30 members of the executive of the Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Assoc. held in Northminster Church. Mrs. E. D. Cornish, president, conduct- ed the business which included form- ing committees for the work of the forth-coming year. Mrs, Rex Harper was in charge of the devotional period for the day and had Miss Millicent Luke of the Simcoe Street Church and Mrs. Harry Blakely of the King St. United Church to assist her. Mrs. Frank Black read the correspondence which included the answers from members of parliament in reply to letters requesting that the sale of beer in Grocery Stores be made illegal. It was suggested by Mrs. W. C. Ives that Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins, president of the W.M.S. Presbyterial be appoint- ed member of the W.A. Presbytery Executive. This suggestion was un- animously accepted. The president reported on her recent attendance at Dominion Council. She said that Mrs, V. W. Kinsman in her address at the meeting had said there were 6100 W.A.'S in Canada making a total mem- bership of 212,636 and that the money raised in the previous year had ex- ceeded $4,895,000.00. Mrs. Cornish urged members to attend these meet- ings whenever possible. Plans were made in part for the fall Rally which will be held in Albert Street Church late jn October. Mrs. Harry Blakely president of the King St. W.A. was made delegate to the Conference which will nieet in Cannington on September. Afternoon tea was ser- ved by members of the Northminster W.A. during the meeting. Scugog News Grace Church W.A. met last Wed- nesday afternoon at the Church, Hilda Lamont read the Scripture and Mrs. Braham read a story entitled "Mir- ror To Today", Mrs, Doug. Aldred led in a very amusing game, Next meeting roll call is a verse of Secrip- ture beginning with "E", Plans are materializing for our ba- zaar on July 24th, Committees are formed and the work underway. On Friday afternoon ladies of Grace Church held an "Iris Tea" at the home of Mrs. Edna McLaren, A very en- Y | jovabie afternoon, with a penny sale and a delicious lunch. McLaren for the use of her home and garden, to all the ladies who helped, and all the visitors. © The afternoon was a big success. Thanks to Mrs. | Oshawa, will preside. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick on Wednesday June 12, on the occasion of their 60th wedding an- niversary. 2 Mrs. Douglas Aldred, Beverly and Marie left on Tuesday evening via T.C.A. for the west. Her parents will celebrate their 60th wedding anniver- sary the end of June. Sunday evening, the elders of our circuit were ordained, and stewards installed "into office. Rev. Braham officiated at a very impressive service. The Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. T. Redman led in song. Next Wednesday evening is the An- nual meeting of the Scugog Home and School Association, Mrs, Staples of Everyone most welcome, Meeting to be held at the Centre School at 8,30 p.m, Choir practice for the male choir on Thursday evening at the church, practors, A Career As A Chiropractor There is a world-wide demand to-day for more chiro- Chiropractic is the second largest and fastest growing of the healing professions, The well-balanced 4-year course of study leading to graduation as a Doctor of Chiropractic includes many sub- jects among which are: anatomy, physiology, X-ray, diete- tics, pathology, diagnosis and chiropractic technique. -- TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1957 lendar and other information on application to Registrar Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5, Ontario Greenbank United Church 1 60th ANNIVERSARY June 23rd, 1957 MORNING SERVICE, 11 a.mu.......oo..o..... REV. KENNETH LEE EVEN. SERVICE 7.30 p.m.--REV. G. K. MEMILIAN B.A, B.D. ALL CORDIALLY INVITED « ! Surprise car of the pear! Monarch Is more than new. It's a completely different car for '57, so much bigger with a new longer wheelbase, more interior spaciousness than ever before--with added luxury everywhere. You have to see it-- and price it--to realize how much more car it gives you for your fine-car dollar! You get more imaginative styling--sleek, clean styling for tomorrow that makes today's other cars look old-fashioned. You get the newest ideas, like Kayboard Control, teamed with Monarch's liquid- Success car in ils field / smooth automatic transmission. You command the most modern V-8 performance--with superb han- dling ease and a rock-steady ride that's engineered for solid comfort all the way. No wonder Monarch is selling so fast , . . as fast as Canadians drive it, and compare it for value, Arrange your demonstration today. Thrill to the big surprises a new Monarch has in store for you when you drive and price the car that's fired with the spirlt of the future | (Cersata reatures tiusirated or mentioned ar 'Standard' on some models, opitenal af ears cost on others.) extra length, extra width and vernight it outgrew its price tag ! Joos Monarch belongs. Where a fine car matters. . Back the ATTACK against TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS \ Richelieu Phaeton Sedan Enter the big Ford-Monarch "SALES JAMBOREE" Contest. ey PRESS ns eens SA 4 Your Monarey, dealey Cordially Mojstes You tp MNjoy q demonstratiyy, drige n the Surprise Car of the ye =the all.y14,, Monarcy, i Fired with the spirit of the future. . Monarch ' 15 glamorous new cars to be given away! See your Ford-Monarch Dealer y %