Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 May 1957, p. 4

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ERX ATH AE RE FRR TVR ARS PY 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 80th, 19567 . woes ey Receives Honour Award F. Alan Reesor of Port Perry, gra- duating student in Music, University of Toronto, will receive an Honour Award of the Students' Administra- tive Council at the garden party fol- lowing Thursday afternoon's Convoca- tion ceremony. President Sidney Smith will present the awards to 28 students who have contributed most to the undergraduate life of the Uni- versity as a whole. Alan Reesor was chairman of the S.A.C. Music Committee, and S.A.C. representative in 1956-67; was a mem. ber of the U. of T. Chorus for three years, and president, 1966-56; was assistant musical director and choral coach for the Finian's Rainbow pro- duction; and was chairman of the Faculty of Music Undergraduate As- sociation. Notice POLIO VACCINE NOTICE Pre-School and children up to 19 not attending school who have already had ONE SHOT will receive the SE- COND on the following dates: Please all come in the order you were taken for the first. ISLAND--Pre school for 2nd shot at the Centre School on Wednesday, June 5th at 9.30 a.m. PORT PERRY---In-the basement of Port Perry Library, Tuesday, June 11th. Those living on the North side of Queen St. from 9 a.m. to 10.30 am. Those on the south side from 10.30 to 12 noon. SCHOOL SECTIONS (pre-School _ for 2nd shot) belonging to Shirley, Cedar Creek, Prospect, Chalk Lake, Utica, Manchester, Prince Albert, come to Manchester Hall, Wednesday, June 12th from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. THOSE (pre. school for 2nd shot) belonging to School Sections Epsom, Bethesda, Victoria Corners, Marsh Hill, Saintfield, Greenbank, Seagrave, Bethel, Yellow, come to Manchester Hall Wednesday, June 12th from 1.30 pm. to 3 pm. June 6. Announcement Mr. and Mrs, Clarence L. Fralick of Scugog Island will be at home to their relatives and friends on Wednesday, June 12th, 19567, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. "Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Victor Willes of Port "Perry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Amy Mildred, to Bruce Henry Miller, son of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Miller, Sunderland, Ontario. The marriage to take place at Port Perry United Church on June 15th. at 3 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th, Rector Sunday, June 2nd-- Fre 3 @nabad dsl wid AN 'R" COMING EVENTS Piano Recital A short piano recital by the pupils of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, A.T.CM., R.M.T., will be held in the United 11.00 a.m.-- Service of Confirmation | Church on Friday Evening, June 7th, The Rt. Rev, G. B. Snell, M.A Ph.D,; D.D., Toronto. : 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School "1 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev, B. D. Armstrong, B. A., D. D. Friday, May 31st, 8,00 p.m.-- Preparatory Service Sunday, June 2nd-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Sacrament of Lord's Supper wil be dispensed. 1 Please note time of Services. »| at 8.00 o'clock sharp. Everyone is wel- Suffragan Bishop of | come. No admission Hlesion enavge. UNITED Ad be SUNDAY SCHOOL Anniversary Sunday, June 2nd at 2.30 p.m. | Mr. Ken Heron of Ashburn and 'Waterloo College, formerly of Myrtle, student for the PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, June 2nd-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 a.m, Evening Service at 7.00 p.m. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D, Minister Sunday, June 2nd-- 9.156 a.m.--Prospect Church. 10.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 11.00 a.m.--Scugog "Head" S. S. 7.30 p.m.--Scugog "Head" Church, worship with us. | 11.15 a.m.--Scugog "Grace" Church You are cordially invited to come and ministry, will be guest speaker, Special Music by the Children's Choir. Come and let us worship together, S. S. Anniversary in Prince Albert Chufch on Sunday, June 2 at 2.30 pm. Mr. Stephen Saywell of Oshawa will be the speaker. Special music, All are welcome. LIONS! CHANGE OF HOUR ~ Will those Lions who are planning to join the calvacade to the Peterboro J Parade on Sunday please note that the bus with the band will leave the High School not later than 1.30 p.m. Please be on hand in plenty of time, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, June 2nd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School (Sunday S¢hool Picnic June 26th) 11 a.m.--Morning- Worship 1 No Evening Service | Further particulars of parade are found elsewhere in this paper. Bake Sale THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY" Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor « - Sunday, June 2nd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School * 11 a.m.--Morning Worship « 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service - Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples* Everyone Welcome THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1360 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.03 "We need our Church-- : our Church needs us." Dec. 26-87 i Death COLLINS, Ella - at Killaloe Ont. on May 28, 1957. Ella McConnell wife of the late Wesley Collins and dear mother of Harold, Crystal Beach. Ont, in her 71st. year. Resting at the Chap- el of McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Thurs. at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetary. CADET MR. JOHN HALF BAND DEMONSTRATION By the Port Perry High School Under the direction of HOUR DISPLAY in. DOWN TOWN BUSINESS SECTION, on FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 31st 7.30 P.M. Sponsored by the Ret tail Merchants Section of the Chamber of Commerce BAND JEFFORD y S. N. GRIFFIN, Chairman Merchants' Committee. 14th at 6 p.m. Bake Sale Annual Bake Memorial Park pm, Birth ity Hospital on Sunday, May 19, 1957. § * 3 ! ; 3 trodes ida cb atgind $ 5a guiatyio bis Bleed vibe Wer vgs § The annual Bake Sale of Scugog | Chapter, L.O.D.E. will take place in|§ front of the Library on Friday, June | The Eastern Star will hold its | Sale at the Palmer |$ (across from the |% theatre) on Friday, June 28th at 4.30 | §¥ Mr.'and Mrs. Ross Smalley (nee |g Marilyn Gibson) are happy to an-|§ nounce the arrival of a daughter, |¥ Ileen Marion, at Port Perry Commun- | x Ld - % K " \ 4 ami L0.D.E. The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E. will be held in the home of Misses Harris on Monday, June 3rd, at 2.30 p.m. The Susie Sorabji Chapter of Uxbridge will be guests at this meeting. Thank You Special thanks to Dr. Rennie, the nurses and staff of the Port Perry Hospital and to those who visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats during my recent illness. Mrs. Ed. Harris. Card of Thanks I wish to say "Thank You" to Dr. Dymond, to the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, to friends and neighbours and to each and everyone who showed kindness to me in so many ways during my illness. To all I express my sincerest appre- ciation and thanks. Margaret Wright Obituary MRS. S. J. KENNEDY The death -occurred on Tuesday, May 14th, 1957, of Mary (Minnie) Urquhart, beloved wife of the Samuel J. Kennedy, in her 84th year, at her home in Cannington, Mrs. Kennedy was born in Scott Township, daughter of the late Donald Urquhart, a pioneer settler from In- FA Eh «USN SELIG | Jack Ross and Fracis McNab of Can- . 5 i » Fig Bid ibis Ralf 4m Hl AN da laa . verness, Scotland and for many years an elder in Leaskdale Presbyterian Church, Her mother was Lucy Christie of Reach Township. After her mar- riage on April 10th, 1899, Mrs. Ken- nedy came with her husband to live on lot 21, 4th concession of Brock where she resided until two years ago when they moved to Cannington, The funeral service was held on Thursday, May 16th in the R, Summer- feldt and Sons Funeral Chapel and was conducted by Mr. Bruce Will, B.A. of Knox Presbyterian Church of which Mrs, Kennedy was a devout member, Left to mourn her loss, are her hus- band; three daughters, Donalda, Mrs. E. M, Shier) of Belleville, Jean C. of Toronto, Reta, (Mrs. George Ross) of Brampton and a son S. M. Kennedy of Kingston, The late Erskine Urqu- art Kennedy, eldest of the family, an invalid predeceased his mother in 1931. Interment was made at The Ne- croplis, Brock township. The pall- bearers were Messrs, Lloyd Lambert, nington, Howard Kennedy, Uxbridge, John Meek and Dr. Malcolm Urquhart of Toronto. . Sails for Ireland Mrs. Thos. Druean of Seagrave, Ont. left Monday evening, May 27, 1967 for six weeks vacation to her home in Ireland, after an absence of 37 years. She leaves Montreal on the new modern ship 'Empress of Britain' and returns on the sister ship 'Em- press of England'. Mrs. Lenore McMillan an old time friend and neighbour presented her with a leather bound "Diary. Book" entitled "My Trip" also a pen. We all wish her "Bon Voyage" and a safe return. . Sir Anthony and Lady Eden are re- turning to England on the same boat. v ALTERATIONS FOR YOUR TAILORING NEEDS DROP IN AND SEE US. Franssen Tailor Shop PORT PERRY NEED A NEW SUIT or COAT? We have just remodelled our shop -- We also have new Fitting Rooms. Custom Tailoring MEN'S and WOMEN'S SUITS and COATS, MEN'S-PANTS. A SPECIALTY BOP OBOBOPONOEOPOBOEOEOSOSSEOEOEOBOBOBOBOBOBIBISO ee a a Oe OO 0 A 0 0 Sa A 0s Fo Se a ae 0 a0 PHONE 588 Great Chapler Meet In Port Perry The Great Chapter of the Oshawa Deanery met in the Church of Ascen- sion in Port Perry last week. Men throughout the Deanery as well as lay members to Synod were present. Arctic Authority Evensong took place at 6.30 'pom. 7) followed by supper. Guest speaker was the Rev. George Nicholson, rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby. The Rev. Mr. Nicholson is possibly one of the most widely tra- velled Priests. For eleven years he served as missionary to the Eskimo and is one man who has covered the entire Arctic region, * His excellent address was illustrated by. film which is one of the finest obtainable of the great region to the North. Superior Propane Lid., Call J. K. BELL, Dist. Rep., Amherst 1-4086 or Maple 97 GAS RANGE with New Fash Automatic lighting. Here Is a range be proud oF" hl Vi hap ig fi Hci Srinens i do 9 hat cledied info any tchen -- Is ive wide, but has an . Check the eatures then come in and over this Findlay Gas R -- we'll be glad fo demonsirates oEcon-o-matic lnstentanocns automatic top burner Ignition o Full white porcelain enamel fiskeh - o Full porcolala enamelled oven o Ono gant, three standard simmeg save lop hurners o Automatic oven heat seatrel Avallablo with satomatis oven ignition e=hodel 2102 Maple Lea PHONE 29 (238080008 / CAWKER BROS. York Frozen Orange Juice, 2 tins 25c. York Frozen Sirawherries, pkg. 35. Home Cured Corned Beef . ...1h. 45¢. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY ~ DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario We Carry a Complete Line of : Groceries, Fresh Meas, Vegetables, .also Frozen Foods, Sunbeam Bread and Cakes OPEN EVERY NIGHT until 9 p.m, CLOSED ON TUESDAY at 1.30 P.M. For Free Delivery Phone 485 w -- monnecu Shed 01 Mesrioned a4 Sued. Iv oprronal 81 #100 cont d VISIT OR PHONE SEUSS SOP SOUT Sey DOs. © Fairlane 500 Town Victoria iE E Its North Americas fastest seller! Flats--a classic demonstration, unequalled in automotive history. Indeed, Ford leads in the kind of performance (SIX or V-8) that takes nothin' from nobody Right from the start, Ford has set the 1957 sales pace. Since the new cars were first introduced Ford has consistently outsold every other car in North America. Sales figures quoted in leading automotive newspapers and journals give conclusive evidence of Ford's leadership. No wonder the new kind of Ford is setting new records. Ford leads in styling-- .the kind of styling that's designed to last, because its long, low, "'sculptured look" expresses elegance and good taste, Even standing still, the new kind of Ford looks as though it's goj~ ~ places in a hurry. And while we' re talking about GO, we'd and the kind of ride (Even-Keel Ride) that makes every road feel airstrip smooth! leader in style--in motorists want most . Pilot ee in motorists' preferénce . , . the winner Come ih, dive a wihhert... FORD S, and youll fake nothin from nobody / Back the ATTACK against TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS CEP vour FORD RONARCH DEALER TODAY! You owe it to yourself to take ten exciting minutes to experience the sheer fun of driving the car that's new all the way through. . . the car that's the undisputed . the things Canadian + « the new kind of Ford. [St] ~

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