Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 May 1957, p. 7

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Blackstock A team from Toronto and Peterboro led by Don Beatty,~Toronto Diocesan and President of 'AYiP.AZs came to Blackstock Anglican church last Mon. day night to instruct the local A.Y. P.A. in preparing for and conducting their meetings, The team gave in. structions on . Devotional exercises, « games, sing-songs and other activi- ties. 'At the close of the meeting the loeal A.Y.P.A. entertained with lunch and social time, : Six of the Anglican A.Y.P.A. are planning to attend the Annual Fes- tival of A.Y.P:A. in Orillia this week- end. Last week. the Teachers College students were teaching in 'Rural schools. Miss Joan Venning was in Orillia district and Mrs. Arnold Tay- lor at Yelverton. ¢ Dr. and Mrs. MeArthur and Ardis went to London Saturday and brought Betty home for some holidays, Betty wrote her final examinations last week. d Rev. and Mrs. P, Romeril and Den- nis spent a couple of days last week with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Gerald Hill, North Bay spent the week-end with his brother Cecil and Mrs, Hill, . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall and family, Tyrone, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and family. 11.16 a.m. in the Anglican at 11 am, Also spe- cial open session Mother's Day ser- vice in the United Sunday School at Congratulations to Mr. sno. Atchi- son, formerly of Lucknow, but this spring with Mr. Jno, Carnaghan, and Miss Mary Snowden, Darlington, who were married April 27 and this week have moved into a portion of the home with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden. Five members of the Girls Auxili- ary of the Anglican Churih were taken to Toronto by Church Warden Frank Staniland and wife on Saturday and attended: the 'Annual G.A. Festival at St. Clements church, North Toron- to. The five girls Eleanor Shemilt, Edna Shemilt, Audrey Van Ryswick, Prospect =~ Prospect church was the place for a pleasant evening on May lst, when Manchester W.A, were guests of Pros- pect W.A., Mrs. Harold Holtby pre- sided over the programme gnd wel- comed the visitors, including Rev. and Mrs, Braham, Mrs. Murray MacLaren and Mrs. Fred Jackson of Scugog Is- land. ' Following the motto, hymn and Lord's Prayer in unison, Miss Spencer read the scripture lesson. Mrs, Dear- born read the Lesson Thoughts on For- giveness, concluding with prayer, Mrs. Toombs entertained with a piano solo. Mrs. Les Smith introduced the guest speaker, an enthusiastic flower-lover, Mrs, Murray MacLaren. She brought spring flowers and plants ete. to portray various floral arrange- ments and display, Mrs. Clare Vern. on expressed our thanks to Mrs, Mac- Laren for her painstaking address, which was most interesting. Mrs, Burnsell Webster favored with a solo, Mrs. Toombs with a reading, and Mrs. Bruce Holtby and Mrs. Hor, ace Webster pan duet. The pro- gram concluded" with a hymn, Mrs. Murray Holtby presided over a short business period, expressing her thanks to everyone who had en- tertained. There were invitations from Kedron W.A., for May 15th at THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1975-7 7.30 p.m. and Greenbank W.A, for May 22nd at 8 p.m. Mrs. Burnsell Webster reported for the bazaar, which is to be held on May 20th at 3 p.m. The committees are as follows: Tea tables--Willa Holt- by, Kaye Smith, Olive Painter and Meta Holtby; Aprons-->Margaret Holt. by and Ruby Smith; Fancy Work-- Janet Vernon, Mrs. Mosienko; Candy --Helen Holtby; Baking--Roxie Web. ster, Jean Holtby, Mrs, Dearborn, Mrs. E. Diamond; Variety Table--Flossio Spencer, Mrs. F. Vernon. The meeting closed with Theme Song and benediction by our pastor. Everyone retired to the S.S. room where a delicious lunch was served by two groups--Kay Smith, Mrs. Dear- Jean and Margaret Holtby. On behalf of the visitors, Mrs. Caw. ker expressed their thanks for a very enjoyable evening. Miss Barbara Diamond and Miss Elaine Yeo were at their respective homes for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bacon and son of Greenbank, were with her parents on Sunday. Mr. John Bunker, of Goodwobd, at- tending Teacher's College, Toronvo, was a student teacher at Prospect School last week with Miss Una Sleep. He was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace Webster. born, Janet Vernon, Flossie Spencer, ' Francis Staniland and Ruth Prosser - obtained first class honors in. exam- a inations on Mission Study Book and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Spinks, Osha- The Congregational Social evening wa, visited Mrs, Ed. Darcy Sunday. of Anglican church which was planned for: Thursday has been changed until Friday evening, May 10th. _ W.A. of the United Church met in the Sunday School room Tuesday even. ing with the President presiding and 20 in attendance. Meeting opened by Theme Song and Lord's Prayer. Mrs, Neil Werry read the Scripture and an excellent paper on Mothers based on the example of Moses Mother. After the customery business and: 'seven thank 'you notes, the group leader, Mrs. Mervyn Graham then presided for the following program: Reading-- "Car Parking Problem" by Mrs. Ross Duff; Rev. Philip Romeril gave an address on "Color Prejudice" and af- ter singing of another hymn Rev. Romeril closed the meeting with prayer. A delicious lunch was ser- ved by the. group and a social time enjoyed. Women's: Institute met at the home of Mrs, Dalton Dorrell on Wednesday night. After the customery opening exercises Mrs. Arthur Bailey gave _ the Devotional paper on 'Religion and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, Kath- ryn and Carolyn, Port Credit were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, A goodly number of the Young Peo- ple attended the Y.P.U. Spring Con- vention in Port Perry United Church Saturday evening and Sunday. Rev.| P. Romeril was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart, Mar- jorie and Dale, Bowmanville with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Oshawa. Mrs. Ida Taylor and Mrs. Velva Bailey spent Sunday p.m. with Mrs. Malcolm Emmerson, Nestleton. Sympathy is extended to Miss Ethel Thompson on the passing of her bro- ther. Mr, Henry Thompson in Port Perry Hospital Friday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden-on the birth of a son. Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Lynda, .Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoidge and boys. Mrs. Ira Argue returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Argue, Bowman- 'were granted special badges, SEE ONTARIO The nurse is saving regularly for a vacation trip The father is saving for the things a growing child will need Nurse and father both agree that some things 3 Als $} Go 131. 1 Relies Wag answered 15:13 : | are too important to leave to chance. So, y 2 ladies with "Name of a vegetable we ville visited his sister Mrs. Jno. McKee / like most Canadians, each.uses a chartered bank ; use to-day". Motto for the day was Sunday. tT 1 h for planned saving, making regular deposits ] "Most People spend more time going . Mrs. Thos. Smith, Mr. Jack Smith : ave a _~10 accomplish a definite purpose. around problems than it would take and Mr. Joe Avery were Sunday CS ; ; to solve them". Next meeting is to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pas- ; . : , Your own savings plan may be a short-term, / J ; take the form of a bus trip to Bramp- coe, Solina. ob : ' modest-one -- maybe a vacation trip, or new yi ton with other calls enroute. Misses Nora Venning and Borah Know Ovitanio Butt - an account -- an drapes for, the living rom. Of your gonl 5 Nancy Dorrell rendered a piano hn 5. vin iy Weak-gn PROCEED . -may be long-range, like providing more i So ie are by Ole "Misses Rages Vorning, alberta Free- ONTARIO TRAVEL. : A security, greater comfort and independence 4 ent en ign lin, Irene Emmerson and Aleta Steele 737 Parliament Bidgs. Toronto f r 3 in for you and your family. :. medion -Association of Consumers. Sbove Py trip to-Buftalo over th] sume FREE ad d purpose 0 S Vv g But whatever use you find for the money you yi A fruit and vegetable contest proved WE Cn Hami A . save, you'll always be glad you saved it! : very interesting to all. It was de- , os in Hamtum a Nome Co et a he cided to send a donation to the Port a a Address. ™ ave of a ban Perry Hompiser Po. Draw, Yameti Mr, Ernie Roth, Woodville, conduct- Post Office. . i Way served hy tm gToOD, ed a fine teniperance service in the Tie rIe Poti wont Sh Trach SPAN ; . "7 Made. Gilbert Maslow, Jno. Reh, United Church Sunday am. © en Span Caton, tar THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Velva Bailey and Thos. Smith attend- Next Sunday special Family Day i J ! i ed the District executive meeting of garyices repared by the Ontario Coun. 1 - P Women's Institutes at Maple Grove, i) of Christian Education will be held . } } ° 3 Tuesday p.m. in the United Church at 10 a.m. and ~~ / ; og I~ | i r : 7 All yeor 'round com. fort , o + in ony Sove A 10 13% of pout soting east. | climete. Open or close , . with fingertip previvre. Meet the demonds of modern home design. Nicholson Weatherproof Windows, with the permanent build-in weatherstripping, are your answer to the problem of higher heating costs. All 'round metal weatherstripping seals out drafts and cold. Precision manufacture insures a snug-filting, easy operating window that willinot vibrate. Call around today and we'll give you the whole obligation of course. PHONE 78 *; story on Nicholson Weatherproof Windows . .. no REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY Vigor Oil Co. Ltd. Fuel Oil 173-10 cents per gal. Carrying capacities from 3% ton to 90,000 Ibs GEW 1 It's a fact . . . GMC trucks are designed in the widest possible range of carrying capaci- ties to fit thém to any job. These sturdy GMC frames and axles can really take it . + » 80 whatever load. you have to carry -- haul it better with a GMC! Widest range of power plants! Whether the job you do calls for a husky 6" or the extra power of a big V8, GMC's compléte line of engines provide the stamina OR 5 standard and 3 arfomatie transmissions The-most complete range of transmissions in the industry . . . including two brand-new 5-speed standard shifts, as well as 'Power- . glide, Hydra-Matic and Powermatic. Add. "GMC's selection of multi-speed axles and you can shift any load . . . anywhere! All the features plus dozens of exclusives Extra strength in frames and axles. . . extra styling in cabs, inside or out . . . extra comfort and convenience for your operators tho only line that covers he whole field . FYOUREN I FOR PROFT | Makers fry / erect terteni PRN @ sw : 1 { 1s. --all tt dd up t h, truck for : A : Stove Oil 21 cents per gal. ine red iy || pir ts mh ut A on . diesels in mind, too. , your books to boot. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUS T-- RY For Delivery Phone | -- | Osh RA. 51109 BC | PORT PERRY PHONE 57W ERAN ' RSA \ wd i a 3 f i! 4 i as a

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