Ladies' Monday Night Bowling Standing: MOIS cviiniiiinmrmisnimmimmstntionn 24 Spiders ......... well Caterpillars nano 21 CrREBhOPDOLS imine 20 HorhRels ouuiniidsaniniiminmmg 20 ADE ii iunibrniisisiiio is assim 19 Termites ..... Mosquitoes . Bees .......... . BEERIBS "oii tiniiieiinniismisisssiriisnins 16 Crickets ,.... Butterflies High Singles--Marion Lawrence 251. High Triple--Marion Lawrence 654. " Most Blows--Olive Honey Over 200--Mary Amell 204, Marg. Sweetman 224, Marion Lawrence 251, 220, Alma Cox 224, Elsie Pogue 202, 212, Irene Heyes 207. Ladies' Wednesday Night Bowling Team Points Total taken Jets iii 2 20 Spitfires -........ 7 20 Sunderlands ... 5 19 North Stars ... we Db 19 Helicopters .....covieeriininens b 17 Kitty Hawks . 5 17 Hurricanes .. 2 16 Flyers ......... b 11 Mosquitoes .. 2 9 Lancasters .. 2 7 Mustangs .... 0 *~q + Bombers i... 2 6 High Single--Marion Healey 273 High Triples--Audrey DeNure 630, Beth Oke 613 Singles--Marion Healey 273, Joy Hull 425, Beth Oke 235, Ruth Short 229, Jeanne Goode 226, Donna VanCamp 226, Audrey DeNure 224, 211, Bert Freelon 221, Louise Carnegie 202, 231, Eleanor Cawker 217, Myrtle Prentice 215, Marge Jackson 210, Marge Lowcock 208, Shirley Newman 208, Carol Morrow 207, Joyce Emmer- son 205, Doris Howsam 204, Noreen Howes 204, Betty Beare 204, 200, Mabel Cook 202, Joy Ballard 200, Men's Bowling League CAINEEIL wri rninressissisesssssssssniens 28 LRRION "civivipsitnisinpisaiivivinsiiesingin 26 DeLux .... Stars ws Whiz Bangs .....iniinminne 19 Howsam "Fitz Johns FIYEIS tic unismssniissminirmrarmisiin Legionaires High Score--B. Williams .. High Triple--I. Boyd Over 200--G. Sweetman 241, I. Boyd 226, 263; F. Olsen 250, F, Hastings 262, J. Beckett 230, B. Williams 255. Blackstock (Continued from Page 4) son, Miss Pat Hoskin and Mrs. Edward Darcy are all in hospitals, but glad to LEP PPP PPT PE PY PPP P PPT) '| say they are progressing favourably. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff and children left on Monday for Florida and other points South. Prize winners at the L.0.B.A. euchre Tuesday night were: Mrs. Les Mount- joy, Mr. Percy VanCamp. Door prize Mr. Fred Cowling. At the W.I. Euchre Friday night the winner were Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Mrs. Carl Wright." 1st and 2nd; and Mr. Fred Hodgson and Mr, Asselstine for gents 1st and 2nd. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. B. Jongsma and to Mr. and Mrs: Scott MacKeen on the arrival of daughters. Gordie Malcolm entertained four little boy friends Friday celebrating his fouth birthday. ' Nancy Staniland entertained a few girls Thursday evening on the occasion of her tenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kyte spent Wednesday and Thursday in Toronto and attended the Holstein Convention in the Royal York. Mrs. George Fowler, Oshawa, stayed with the Kyte children. = Mrs. Cook, Brooklin and Mrs. Robson, of Toronto, with the 'Malcolm children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin spent Sunday afternoon with her mother Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, Ivan and Mary, Miss Barbara Silk spent the week-end with the Roy Fergusons. Glad to report Bill Ferguson was well enough to come home. Mrs. Clarence Marlow was taken to hospital Monday. We trust she may have a speedy recovery. Mrs. Oakley Carley, of Whitby, and Mrs. R. 6G. Carruthers of Toronto, spent a couple of days with Mr, C. Marlow. : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston and family, Harmony were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker, Sea- grave, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent of Windsor, Mrs. James Vincent of To- ronto, and Mr. Bob Smith, of Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with Messrs Chas. and Oliver Smith. Miss Gertrude Henry spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ford, Roberta, Mrs, Ford Sr., were Sunday LY J Le visitors with the Henrys and Griffins. Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Leask, Taunton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and family, Mrs. Bert Smith, Toronto, is spend- ing a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr, Dever. Ont. Hog Producers Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association was held in the Town Hall, Beaverton, Friday, January 26th. The meeting started at 10,30 a.m. with around 100 farmers in attendance. President, Geo. Gowan- lock, Atherly, was in charge of the meeting, - The highlight of the meeting was an address by Mr. Chas. McInnes, Presi- dent of the Provincial Hog Producers' Association. In his address, Mr, Me- Innes, emphasized the importance of quality in the production of hogs. He outlined the work that has been done by the Ontario Hog Producers' Asso- ciation in regard to the Voluntary Direction of hogs to the open market. He stated that 509% of the Ontario County hogs were now being sold on the open market. He also made re- ference to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada. This rul- ing was. favourable to the present marketing legislation in Ontario. Mrs. John Hamer, South Ontario Federation of 'Agriculture, spoke on the work of that organization. She outlined the many projects sponsored by the Federation of Agriculture such as Co-op Insurance, Hospitalization, Medical Services, Credit Unions, ete. She asked for the co-operation of gll farmers in supporting the Federation of Agriculture, The lucky door prize of a pure-bred - Monarch, Richelieu Phaeton Sedan KING + SIZE NEW, LONGER 122" WHEELBASE FOR A TRULY BIG-CAR RIDE COMPLETELY NEW BODY~4" LOWER, ROAD TO ROOF, WITH 2" MORE HEADROOM % DESIGNED FOR TOMORROW~--OVER 24% MORE Vv GLASS AREA FOR WIDER, SAFER VISIBILITY ALL NEW 7-POSITION KEYBOARD CONTROL Vv FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ALL-NEW AIR-BORNE RIDE INTRODUCES V NEW COMFORT AND SAFETY " MORE LEG, HIP AND SHOULDER ROOM FOR STRETCH-OUT LUXURY COMFORT for KING-SIZE V-8 POWER WITH FULL-ACTION . V RESPONSE AND IMPROVED ECONOMY TWO SERIES OF FINE CARS-- VV LUXURIOUS RICHELIEU AND LUCERNE ON DISPLAY NOW -- outside and inside / Bigger all over! Bigger all through! Dh: other fine cars to follow. (Ceriain features tllustrated or mentioned are "Standard On toms models, optional at extra cost on others.) - This is the year of complete change in Monarch. Look at the distinctive fluted rear fenders--the unique V-angle taillights. This is design for tomorrow, blazing a new trail Monarch's new 7-position Keyhoard Control starts the engine, releases the brake, selects drive, low, neutral, park , and reverse for the smoothest automatic driving yet. This is "the longest, widest Monarch of all time--with a completely new body. And bumper to bumper, road to roof it's fired with -- - the spirit of the future! Come --see for yourself] Your Ford Monarch dealer invites you to SEE IT ! SIZE IT UPJ MANCHES PHONE 512 ARAGE a ET li SOCEFS ERR SRE: SERRE SR RSA SEA SAE RSS Yorkshire gilt donated by Milton Pegg of Claremont, was won by Keith Ry- nard, Sunderland, Mr. Armour McMillan extended a vote of thanks to the Gamebridge and to the speakers and all others who had worked to make the meeting a success. . The election of officers and directors resulted as follows: Honorary President Beaverton No. 3. President--Geo. Gowanlock, Atherley Ist Vice--Anson Gerrow, Port Perry 2nd Vice--Frank Davis, Brechin Secretary--Earl Howsam, Uxbridge Treasurer--Alex. Johns, Port Perry Auditor--Armour McMillan, Seagrave 1967 Directors. Township Chair- AERA, ROXY THEATRE ~ Uxbridge FRIDAY and SATUR FEBRUARY 8-9, Duncan Wallace also Wi ofas MONDAY apd TUESDAY] Technicolor WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13-14 JOHN DEREK, iy The Leather Saint Farm Forum for the splendid lunch |- THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1975 Ads Tp Fh REY FAREREA Se SURATRE TIPE RETR SER NF PRPS neg "Ee RE men: Mara--Grant Windatt, Game- bridge; Rama--Geo, Gowanlock, Ath- erley; Thorah--T, Harrison, Beaver- ton; Brock=-- K. Rynard, Sunderland; Scott---Gordon Rynard, Zephyr; Reach Keith Howsam, Uxbridge; Uxbridge Gordon Ewen, Uxbridge; Scugog-- Anson Gerrow, Port Perry; E. Whitby Walter Groat, Oshawa; Whitby, H. Down, Brooklin; Pickering Edgar Ward, Claremont, ® The following official delegates were appointed to attend the Annual Hog Producers' Meetings in Toronto early in March. Geo. Gowanlock, Atherley; Grant Windott, Gamebridge; Tom Harrison, Beaverton; Arthur Case, Zephyr; A. Johns, Port Perry; E. Ward, Clare- mont; Stuart Ball, Uxbridge; Anson Gerrow, Port Perry. The following alternate delegates were also appointed: Wm. Heron," Blackwater; Walter Groat, Taunton: H. Down, Brooklin; F. Hockley! Ux- bridge; J. IL. MceDanald, Atherley; ©. Hewitt,, Beaverton; Alex. Schneider, Claremont; Keith How-an, Uxbridge TOWNSHIP OF REACH | for a Furnace fo the Municipal feavrege-ttSTANCHCSTOT wit be received by the undersigned up till February 16th, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Grant Christie, Clerk, $ R.R.4, Port Perry. PORT (all coloured band) Dancing 9.30 to 12.30 2 Dress--Optional SRARARKRRR CE0P0R00 00 fos e te 0 a a e gto os estos 7 yr. guarantee, 81x 100 $6.95 : Pillow Slips, $1.50 Large Stock Foote testes ns on ns en ns on ng es" Prices. and up. SH ete stn soe te ge Tee 5, teste e see nn mo 0 ut uu PORT PERRY 2908080008008 0808 > LOR DASAMSA ARNINARA tet te : JWABASSO SHEETS DACK SHOE FOR MEN All lines available at city Complete assort- ment of sizes. Prices $15.00 $16.95, $17.95 and $25.00 "SPRING BALL ort Perry Public School CY McLEAN and HIS ORCHE Admission $2.50 per couple PERRY LIONS CLUB ANNUAL Auditorium STRA TF phir pair i RE Sa i 0 ---- N-- RRS JSR Phone Perry, Port v LIN 4° 0 (AAA AR ARXAAXRRXXXRARX KAR RKRARKIRCX RRR CIR RR rrr "NT STOR! Celebrate Wabasso's 50th Birthday § -- buy your supply of "Anniversay" NEW DRESSES $2.98, $3.98, $4.95, $5.95 Very nice styles and good Linoleum Tile 10c and 12c. WALLPAPER New patterns in complete range, 25¢. roll to 98c. roll La AE AE oN --sheetsaaday! Yom per-onal Guarantee Certificate is enclosed in cach package. Note these features: packaged : k, : singly for ednvenience, and the advertised size is the true <ize after hemming | API F IL I I I TTI II I I ee RE RE RE EE EE EE EE ETT ETS ERIE RE EE EE . Saat Secs sist Std dt siesta dd SS Sith ELE SLE LE SLR 202 20 AE ME AE WM NA A BE A A 0 2 a of DE A SE SAE ACRES NR NAMM AAA AIA ARAFAT quality er ee FT eT - 43 Ontario A AOBOBOR EES RE > Faster' { LESS AAAS BANARAS SAAS ARS AS AS AAA RASS ARARS AS ASAAS SARS ANAS ARAN