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Discover how exciting a car can really be. For what could be more modern than the new deep-cradled Torsion-Aire suspension that achieves the sweetest riding, steadiest cornering and surest road-feel you've ever experienced! Or more exciting than an automatic transmission that starts you on your way through the modern magic of You're always a step ahead In cars of The Forward Look >> J006E THE BIG BEAUTIFUL BUY IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD! Dodge moves out front--with new Flight-Sweep 'S87 styling ... new Torslion-Alre Ride... new push- button Torque-Flite drive . . . new high-torque iso re YOU GET MORE IN A .# Total-Contact brakes | CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF OAMADA, LIMITED BEARE MOTORS LIMITED PHONE - 888 PORT PERRY 7 \ yy TITRE . [4 3 a -- £ ot District Churches } BCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Our Annual Congregational Meet- ings were very succesful, and the Re- ports very gratifying, Now that they are all over, we wonder why it is, that so few attend? It might pay the Church to spend more time on her preparations for these meetings, and not just blame the congregations for not attending. And yet, in the poli- tical realm, what a very small per- centage of citizens attend the meet- ings called for the election of Officers! And then when it is all over, what books could be written pro and con regarding what transpired! Not that we have heard any adverse criticism regarding what we did; but it is so easy for these meetings, both political and religious, to be domineered over by very few individuals. Only a very small percentage of the Russians be- long to the Communist Party, yet they rule that mighty nation. Here is hoping for a much larger percentage of representation at all political .and religious conventions. Many new faces will appear on our Church Boards. Four new Elders and four Stewards were elected from the 'Head', and one Indian Representative on each Board. We do not know definitely whether all elected will accept office, so we will withhold all names until a future date. There will be one Fi- nancial Statement for the Pastoral Charge, and we know that the picture will be sufficiently interesting to warrant giving our readers a general outline. The most outstanding news of the week, 13 the Meeting that took place at Prospect Church on Sunday after the Service. The time has come for us to do something at Prospect. A new heating plant is a MUST, and we need more room. We have a very fine group of children, {between 40 + and 60) and they must be taken into consideration. The Minister spoke about the great possibilities of estab- lishing ONE strong Protestant Church for that whole area. The Union on the Island has done wonders for the Church; and it was suggested that something similar could be accomp- lished in the Manchester-Prospect area. We could start with what we have, and utilize the present build- ings to the best advantage. We could all worship together as we are doin on the Island. A new Church coulc be created with a new name, and if deemed adviseable, a new building erected in time. The question that was left in the minds of the congre- gation, was whether as a congrega- tion, they. would be willing to enter such a union. If we can take one step at a time, we will eventually ar- rive, but we must make that first step before anything can happen. So in the very near future, a regular Congregational Meeting will be held in the Prospect Church, to consider the possibilities of entering a union with other United Churches in the area, for the creating of a strong Protestant Church. School, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 105717 In spite of the cold weather, our congregations at all three Churches were very good. The Island Church was about three-quarter full. The Scugog Choir sang "O lift your heads" and at Manchester Lucille Gray sang "Breathe on me breath of God". The Jupior Choir will meet at "Grace Church" on Thursday afternoon after .and will be fully robed on Sunday. The Juniors will be asked to sing at our next Regular Evening Service at'the "Head" which will be on Sunday February 3rd. We shall also have that evening Mr. Stouffer and his stringed quartette. The Sr, Choir on the Island will meet on Thursday at 8.30 p.m. [Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy. Start the day right with wor- ship, and you will derive new strength and inspiration to meet all our prob- lems during the week. Every Sun- day evening at 9.60 p.m. our Oshawa Presbytery is broadcasting over CKLB (1360 on your dial) a five minute "FRIENDLY CHAT". Please listen and write your best constructive opinidns to Rev. Alec Cowan, 169 Athol St. East, Oshawa. Blackstock Wo He Lo Mission met Tuesday af- ternoon with 16 children and two lea- ders present. Opened by 'repeating the Mission Band Purpose and the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. W. Pearce gave the Worship Story on "Love".Hymn, 'When Mothers of Salem' was sung. Judy Swain took 'up the. offering. Lorna Wright read the minutes and roll call. Mrs. Pearce read a letter from the Ferguson girls who are at- tending boarding School in Dondi, Angola. Elizabeth Thompson gave a reading "I wish" Jim Dayes played a piano solo "Minuet". Helen Swain gave a reading "A Wish". Mrs. Kyte told the story "Ke Sooni Helps Her Mother". Closed with "Jesus Bids us Shine" and the Benediction. After which a game was enjoyed. zs W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Leith" Byers Wednesday afternoon with. 15 ladies and 9 children present. President opened with a poem. Stand- ing at the Portal was sung. Murs. Cecil Hill gave the Worship "Looking For- ward in pe" Phillipians 3--13-16, and offered prayer. Roll call was an. swered with a New Year thought, membership fee, and report of books read and calls made. Seven thank you notes were read, Treasurer and Secretary gave interesting reports. Mrs. Fred Dayes presided for the fol- lowing program. Mrs. J. Carnaghan gave the Study Book Chapter, "New Roads in Burma" Mrs. Dalton Dorrell a paper on "Peace"; Doris Griffin a piano Solo; Mrs. Jas. Henry a read- ing "A Happy New Year". Meeting closed with a hymn and Benediction after which lunch was served by group and hostess. ed at the Farmer's Union party on Wednesday evening--winners were-- Ladies 1st, Mrs. Arthur Leighton; 2nd Mrs. Sid Brayley, Scugog; Ladies con- -- A GOO DRIVER IF YOU DRIVE WHEN TIRED Driving a car when you are tired is a danger- ous highway habit. You cannot drive safely in modern traffic if your reflexes are slow and your eyes are half closed. If you feel weary--pull off the road and take a rest. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS ? DEPARIMENT OF HIGHWAYS--ONTARIOQ 'There were 9 tables of euchre play solation Mrs. Hector Shortridge. The Gent's 1st--Mr. Doug Mackie; 2nd-- Mrs. Bruce Ashton; consolation My. Fred Hodgson, Port Perry. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Ernest King also to Mr. and Mrs. ters. Mr, gnd Mrs. Roy Taylor spent Fri- day. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa, The Annual meeting of the District Orange Lodge was held in Blackstock Tuesday night with all Lodges rep- resented. Following officers were elected: Dist. Master--John Wilson, Tyrone. Dist. Dep. Mastor--Lorne McKee, Devitts Dist. Chaplin--Leslie Brooks, Tyrone. Rec. Sec.--Geo. Wolfe, Blackstock Financial See,--Herb Swain, Treasurer--Henry Thompson (com- mencing his 30th year in this office. Marshall--Wesley Taylor, Tyrone Lecturer--Wm. Wallace, Tyrone Dep. Lecturer---Brenton McCulliugh, Tyrone . Auditors--Carl Wright, Blackstock Wesley Taylor, Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grass Gene- va Park spent Friday with her parv- ents Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Bowman. Miks Ruth Marlow, Toronto spent Mrs. Wallace Marlow. ) = Miss Phyllis Strong, Messrs Allan and Clifford Dayes attended a camp re-union meeting in Millbrooke Satur- day. Mrs. Jack Purdy and Miss Sonya, Mrs. Geo. Proutt and Miss -Doreen Van Camp, Toronto spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and Richard. : The January meeting of the O.N.O. was held at the home of Noreen Mal- colm Thursday evening. Jessie Gun- ter reported on the Christmas box which was packed and delivered to a needy fidmily, also money for this family was donated by the T.B. Asso. Club. The March of Dimes to be held Jan. 31st was reported on by Norma Wolfe. Committee to look after this _Fdith McLaughlin, Jessie Gunter and Norma Wolfe. : Report of nominating committee was given by Dorothy Marlow as follows-- President--Eileen McLaughlin; Vice- President- --1st--Shirley Turner; 2nd Jessie Bailey; 3rd -- Elaine Bailey; Secretary -- Dorothy Forder; Treas.-- Jean McLaughlin; Fruit and Flower Committee--Vera Asselstine and Flo- rence Colling; Press Sec. -- Doreen Palk. Roll was answered with a New Year's resolution. Club decided to have a Valentine Dance, Feb, 15th with Ted Coss sup- plying the music. A combined skat- ing and card party for the husbands and wives is to be held soon. A new member Lynne Davey joined the Club. Meeting ended with a game of Bingo using members names, in- stead of numbers. A lovely buffet luncheon brought an enjoyable meeting to an end. Next meeting to be at the home of Kathleen Dorrell. Miss Marion McDougald, Oshawa, was week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frnest Larmer and Glenn. Prospect The January meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Byron Holthy on Thursday evening the 10th. Margaret Holtby conducted the De- votional period and read the lesson thoughts. Janet Vernon read the Scripture. Flossie Spencer concluded with prayer. Readings, with New Year's tlieme, wére given by- garet and Meta Holtby and Flossie Spencer. Jean and Tot Holtby won the Name Contest by Janet Vernon. The President, Tot Holtby, conduct- ed the business session. Janet read the minutes of the December meeting and the January Executive meeting. The various projects suggested for 1957 were discussed. Ten dollars were voted to the Hospital for Sick ,Chil- dren, Toronto. A pleasant social hour followed, when the hostess, assisted by.Janet and Flossie, served a delicious lunch. The February meeting is invited to the home of Mrs. J. Mosienko. The group in charge is Mesdames Willa Holtby, Marion Webster and Bella Diamond, Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Borsk, Miss Gail Borsk and friend Mr. A. Hanford and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Handel and boys visited the week-end with Mr. and Mr.a A, Handel. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of Pinedalo Tuesday evening. Sorry to hear Mr. Clark has pneumonia, Mr. Geo. Rice and Mr. John Syrer of Toronto visited Saturday with Mr, and Mra, Charlie Gourlis, Walter Wright on the birth of daugh- a few days last week with Mr. and : cintion and several members of ONO - Mar- -------- re anos A gin SX EE Ry EE OE i bo Su PP fgile eA LS GW AINE 7 Tv rg 3 a