Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Jan 1957, p. 6

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a. 354. Phone 128 or 290-W. Office Phone 523-W :: Uxbridge Solicitors for the Administratrix, | Mrs. Reta Burnham; VOLKSWAGEN L DEAD SI OCK at Howard Shier's. _' No Service - Teacher--Mus. Alan Martyn; 8st.-- . ~ Charge. Mar. 14, 1957. || 24 Hours Service -- 7 Days a Week 2 : Ni Tan oy K Aupsod; Phmary a ; i p00 Ibs. or over from $1. to $5. N C d RONG IAL dal) Grog : d Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, - FP romgieind ns 9:35.00 otice to re 1tors Miss Linda Fralick, Mrs. J. Maynard; ales an ervice picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone nything under 500 lbs. picked up : Junior Girls' Teacher--Mrs. Cecil F collect : B SALE Pain we F f Char Apr.10 '57 | IN THE ESTATE OF JEAN GOODE, | Junior Girls' Teacher--Mrs. ecil Fra- . collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge| FOR SALE--Pair of skates in good ree o Arge p DECEASED lick; Asst.--Miss Marjorie Milner; . U2-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, | condition with tendon guards, size 8%; a ~e-- AR > iy y : 3 . Woodville 32 r 11. " also pair size 7 and hockey equipment, All persons having claims against uti wid a fh Be PHONE 331 PORT PRERY . Send May be seen at Star Office, the Estate of Jean Goode, late of the | lick; Asst--Mr. Alan Martyn. ; : Ad) ED. | ECON, aT} Male Help Village of Port Perry, in the County | , very delightful program and the RON. LOWCOCK, Prop. rgyle Jul gy 0 = of Ontario, Married Woman, who died promotion of several of the children to ' Ln ' '| FOR SALE -- Quantity of mixed Ww d on or about the 10th day-of December, | older classes made the evening a suc- Baled Hay and Mixed Grain. Apply anfe A.D., 1956, are hereby notified to cess. 0 . Frank Diamond, Myrtle Station. v tp learn ul a send to the undersigned on: or before| - So i R 0 0 F I N G - [Phone 199-113, Port Perry. hb mo ne Sey the 31st day of January, A.D., 1957, Sag cis Sug Ss Aosgan + y 2 ae o start. i 3 i i i their January meeting - fs . ® full particulars of their claims. Im-|tion will ho y A J, 9 : Q : - OF ALL KINDS License M WANTED - Poneton Han -- Sick Benefits -- mediately after the said date the as-|at the Centre School next Wednesday 4 2) Kas estroughing, Asphalt Siding deeiise ] echanic with tools, for he ¢ nsbrance Plan for Hos- sets of the said deceased will be dis-| evening, with the guest speaker com- Tyo »a\ estrouy nung, + Sphalt 5 Bm ogressive General Motors Dealer in pitalization, Surgical and Medical tributed among the parties entitled | ing from Toronto branch of the Junior ® {is --Lstimates given on all kinds Uxbridge. Health Insurance, Pension || Benefits--Life Insurance. -- Do. : g| Red Cross. All parents and friends ® pa : ; . f work R . . a thereto, having regard only to claims ! ' { 2) ol work. Plan, ete. Apply Service Manager, minion Stores Ltd. is the fastest of which they shall then have notice. |are Welcome. Lunch committee is-- : : i EARL WALLACE phone Uxbridge 232, -- .. "| § growing Grocery Chain in Canada DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this Mrs, Percy Jeffrey, Mrs. James May- ') Ti ® ® i! Port Perry u today -- Coast to Coast. Apply || ogy), day "of December, A.D., 1956. fia; hes Orval Heayn, Mrs. Earl : 5 --- : Waitr ess DOMINION STORES LTD. , eran mm Roy dae : pa | ) For night work only. Apply in lf t.f. Port Perry, Ont., Phone 345 ox $ Poth. Perry, Pntari, Grace United Church W.A. will hold . '. 2 Seplic Tanks person. Taylor's Restaurant, Port : : Jan Seltors for the above Estate. their first meeting of the year this Fuel Oil 16Y2 cenis per gal. 4 of Perry, iia week with the following ladies™ih of- . R . * Cleaned by rp : . : : i fice for the new term: President-- . 3 | J SALE--Orders r STRICT o . 3 LT 3 . ica- i ; vy +] PUMP EQUIPMENT and poles sy MO ng Diet ict REPEESERTATIVE ' Auction Sale ls preson Stove 0il 20 10 cenis per gal. i 8. ? -r-d, . : --Mrs, ; oe : . ] "THE SURE WAY" FOR SALE Dm ST The oldest and largest complete* THURS. JAN. 24th -- Farm Sold, | Mrs. Dave Moore; Asietanto Mrs, : & 21 Hour Service Shiatos on . a LL od is 'igure liquid fertilizer company is expand-+ Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle, John Ray Fralick; Treasurer--Mrs. John : 3 IRWIN DeGEER Rag : Pe ot ine "4 [ing and has openings for men who can ¢ Deere Tractor, Implements, Hogs, Hay Burnham; Pianists--Mrs, King, Mrs. . 4 ! Dalton Road, Sutton -- ithe selldirect to farmers. Product na-+& Grain, the property of Clair thea; Jackson, Mrs. Tetlow. = For Delivery Phone i A I'hone 231 It HOUSE FOR RENT--6 room house | tionally advertized. We are building «Lot 13, Con. 8, Ops Twp., on 7 Hwy., . . 3 June 16, 1957 fon highway in village 'of Raglan, | factories in stratégic-locations. This 3 miles South E. of Lindsay. Terms| Please try SSA. ata] the eninge Vp o : Newly decorated, one child welcome, | industry is new, progressive, with un- { Cash, sale at 1.00 pm. Wm. Weldon, | gational meeting on Thuy Shei h RA 5-1109 5 'Reference required. Phone Brooklin | limited possibilities & proven results. y Clerk, : at Grace Church, Choir practice will S awa . ys, 6271-12. Jan, 17| Agricultural background necessary. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | follow. : i i i ie' man we want is looking for an Loy Wood } opportunity of earning from $3,000. } } . oo 4 } to $8,000. a year, with a chance of f i : (3 Som Kim Maplo| \uilding it for more. Men selected b FOR FINE PRINTING a / 42 $10.00 . $20.00 . $24.00 will be sent to our main office and } Price per cord, plus delivery, cut in plant for complete training and given } } {: Comal, he Crown Lie Han 2 $18.00 per cord, plus delivery. starting period. All correspondence PROGRAMS X ! 'rank Hoskin, Phone 2, Blackstock. strictly confidential. Write, giving - ¥ : : er! LETTERHEADS A GC F C K I N G3 full particulars and experience. Per-1 = We Build js 1 UU, FOR SALE sonal interview will be arranged. BOOKLETS 7 AGENT : Girls Skates, size 3, White, $2.00 Apply to E. McLachlan, Vice-Presi- . HOMES, Large and 4] Boys Skates, size 7, black, $2.00 dent, "Na-Churs" Plant Food Co.s FOLDERS bel: : y Port Perry - Ontario Girls Skates, size 5, white, $4.00 (Canada) Ltd, 2 Langarth St. i : pS : Small g i practically new, London, Ont. Jan, 24 67. "BILLHEA oe y | Girls Skates, size 5%, white, $2.00 and buildings of all kinds \) Girls Skates, size 6, black, $1.00 3 Samat Tad dhl SESS ACH FRASER ATS SAR TSAR ERS Eh SNS lanai de in MAA CAE A 80 IN Tb ld dcboon ods an da his eb tis Le a hoe Mills ie 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1967 BUSINESS DIRECTORY « RL) INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance ueeds © may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON . Phone 41 Port Perry DkR.J BRB LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON tOver Telephone Office) Wanted fo Buy Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. ) H. M. Kyte, Blackstock 2A Bill's Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE TO ALL " MAKES and MODELS . LS "33 RANA SEV set Ee Tah, id . , . # a Selinady - FOR Quien - Lo For Sale 1956 DELUXE CHEVROLET-- 4600 miles, new car condition, 2- tone (Tourquois & Ivory) direction- al signals, undercoated, standard transmission, air conditioning heat- Notice to Creditors And Others Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Georgina Myrle Wilson, late of the Township of Reacly, in the County of Ontario, are required to send full particulars of such clainis Scugog The service at Head Memorial Church last Sunday evening was very inspiration to all for the year ahead. Our thanks to ladies of the Head W.A. who helped with cleaning the church 50 beautifully for the week-end. well attended and was a wonderful |. =} a Annual Meeting PORT, PERRY, REACH and SCUGOG AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in the Port Perry Public Library, orl PERDY Lp Le er, clock. Straight sale or will'|to the undersigned, solicitors for the ( . PONY DE B X . ONTARIO DOMESTIC and y i af . executors on or before the 16th day| 'he Farm Forum group are dis- at 2:00 p.m. on Uthice Hours -- 10 aa. to § p.m. COMMERCIAL take tadedu.. Wil finaney it we. | 08 1057, after which date the | cussing "Pari d Prices" "hones: Office 68W. Res. 68) cessary. Apply to Bill Harrison, 91 danuarY 4 808 Whig) 08 € [cussing "Parity Income and Prices", Electrical and . : Jan. 10th 66 Simcoe St. 8,, | Mr, and Mrs. C. Graham. Anyone in- | ; ar Mecha ical Re v S Real Estate 7 Oshawa, Ontario. | terested in this subject is most wel. . Presentation of Annual Report, Election of Officers. 1 pall LOST--Black and white and tan come to attend and join in the dis- i Everyone Welcome. to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY,| WE HAVE BUYERS! female fox hound. Phone Brooklin " - cussion, adi ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A WE NE 3p y 627-r-2, collect. I rown, . N GC d * ae 3 Sieh Monn ¢ROFEENES) ct toy town, Ragin) NORGE 10 LreAIROXS [7 ™ 0. coins returned nome] | ARMOUR McMILLAN, FRED LAMB, SPECIALTY. Houses -- Farms -- Small Holdings Jan, 17 m : President Sec'y-Treasurer METAL LATHE WORK. 'List now with our IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY jon Sunday after spending a few days : lent. y LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC Greenbank, Ont. have same by calling at the Police|the Estate of Henry Davis, late of ) i ~~ WELDING. Phone Port Perry 247-r-2 Station and paying expenses. , the Township of (Reach, in the Twp. a oi Siady iss retina h N i of Reach, in the County of Ontario : : ) CAUSLEY MACHINE Hitt gs GqTaLoeuR Retired Faznier who died on or about the holidays with Mr. 'and Ms, doe SHOP unarecs of Properties for e WANTED -- A personable young ? Dowson, and visiting many friends in Oct. 1, 1956 ' TT Limited Realtors job. $1.60 ber hour average, See undersigned on or before the 31st day Mr. Jack Barry has also left for . PORT PERRY MOTORS 0 d Si k S 3: 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto My, Kitchen, Emmerson Motel any | of January, A.D., 1957, full particulars | Alberta having spent Christmas and ; ea 0c ervice Apr. 26 t..| Weekday night, between 7 & 9. of their claims. Immediately aftor |the New Year holiday with his par- i removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor- onto im. 3-3636. Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 81, 19566 PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 697. Local Representative HOWARD McMILLAN Write Head Office J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS AIR... LAND... SEA Information, Reservation, Tickets, Air Lines, Railways, Steamships, - Hotels, Tours, Cruises. Consult -F. G. Travel P.O. Box Crosby Agency, Uxbridge, Ont, 12" lengths. Also some mixed wood ( Dead Farm Stock "ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS l | { iirls Skates, size 4%, black, $1.00 Phone 456 r 13, Port Perry ; Picked up Promptly I For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 { 500 bales of hay. FOR SALE---400 bales of straw and Phone 171-r-3, MARGWILI, FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. good condition. FOR SALE -- Mouton fur coat in Size 16. Phone 206R Aug. 30, 1957 Mrs. A. Bathie. a ee, Joy Te -- TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES---by Hour or Contract. { Phone 50 during day or 564 after Dec. 150 Bix, -------- ----. FOUND---Man's watch. Owner may man with car for pleasant outdoor Wane DEAD & CRIPPLED ANIMALS Highest Prices Paid G. R. ELSON estate's assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to the claims that then have been received. JONES & GREER, DAVIS, DECEASED: All persons having claims against the 8th day of December, A.D., 1956, are hereby notified to send to the the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. : * DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 20th day of December, A.D., 1956, : GREER and KELLY, Barristers, &c., Port Perry, Ontario, Jan. 10th personal help and supervision during Real Estate J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Limited Realtors 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto PORT PERRY : 7 room house and garage apd sun room in Town of Port'Perry. Oil furnace, 2 piece bath. Possession in Phone Port Perry 247-r-2. When computed on a man-hour basis farming is nearly four times as haz- ardous as all industrial occupations, according to a survey conducted at the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment during the month of January. The group met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, S. Rodman last Monday evening and next week will meet at the home of in Toronto where six members of her 1amily now reside. the district, ents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Barry. On Sunday evening last, Grace United Church held their annual Sun- day School promotions, and the new slate of officers for the year are as follows: Supt.--Mr, Maurice Fralick; Asst. Supt.--Mr:. Alan Martyn; Sec.-Treas. --DMrs, Douglas Aldred; Cradle Roll-- and at low tost to you, Fine Printing for Every Need No matter whether you'er contemplating a big advertising campaign or ordering a new supply of letterheads, you can depend on us to deliver a top-notch, "carefully planned and executed printing job promptly, : THE PORT PERRY STAR WAY. ® % 'Monday, January 21st, 1957 BUSINESS: Located at Sweetman's Service Station AUTHORIZED PAINT : mwa | - = 30 days. Situated on paved road 3 A : close to High Scaool, Public School and Church. To close estate, cash : S Company Lid. | BULLDOZING - EXCAVA IN will buy this good home cheap. A d Vv e r i i S e PHONE 240 W Contact: H. MeMILLAN, Greenbank, H PORT PERRY i ONT. Repairs and Remodelling Good Materials and Workmanship . Guaranteed. OUR HOUSE DESIGNING SERVICE IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Lake Scugog Lumber va bv 3 Be 2 ov moony PLYWOOD M WALL BOARDS Station, Farmers in soil conservation dis- tricts last year converted more than TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892) Port Perry Star Company Lid. PORT PERRY Check Your Lahel! : Please take a glance at the label on your paper now. It 1.3 million acres of cropland to grass shows the month and the year to which your subseription is aiid trees, docording to 3 SinALY ve: paid. The subscription rate is only $2.00 per year in leased by the U, 8, Department of advance, Agriculture, - : : PHONE 60

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