Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Jan 1957, p. 4

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EEL TA Se bir] F OA SRER A < SER t 3 ' \ LE RANT, L2G Oy of ] k ' £3 5 $a! SAAR RAR TIA LEER SI RS NTE SARL TARA ILE : SLA RAI NUNEYT REN PRR SRY GAS ER RI alice wal Be ei aL Siete Lanka 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1957 : ing cough is suspected, the family will begin as "soon as possible". committee, said that the department ' Euchr . COMING EVENTS uc e physician should be called immediately, po hoards decision to start .the|of education will pay 90 percent of i OCAL hay EWS Saturday, January 12th, at 8.30 p.m. Isolation ; . "classes came in response to a request | teacher's salaries for the classes as in the Manchester Hall. Admission] The isolation period for the disease ¢. 4 social and educational sub-| well as supply text books. SEE a A ---- 60c. Lunch will be provided. Pro-|is twenty-one days from the onset of ii 0 set up by the mayor's em- Tr | Annual Euchre ceeds for Utica Hall. the disease. If other children in the ergency committee to aid Hungarian He also said that there are about 50 Cards of Thanks | THE CHURCHES = Sr J Plan to attend the euchre in aid of ' I would like to thank the out-of- not - had whooping cough, they are j most of them in the 20-30 age group. the Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Euchre quarantined for the same period of | Trustee 'M, McIntyre Hood, who is| About 40 more are expected over the town family who brought in our CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. |Fund of the LO.O.F. and Rebekah January 10, 1957, Thursday, at 8.30 Christmas dinner with the trimmings isolation of the patient. The infection,' also a member of the refugee sub-| week-end, hé said. ANGLICAN Lodges to be held in the Lodge Rooms Pa Euchre will be, held in the spread by direct contact, usually takes : : . - < and a parcel; also thanks to Scugog| Kev. K. W. Scott, LTh., Rector [on Friday, Jan. 18, 1957 at 8.30 pm. |, = Hall of the_Cagholic Church. about ten days to develop, but may Chapter 1.0.D.E. for the Christmas |Sunday, January 13-- 'ntertainment and Lunch to follow. Lunch served. ai.. take longer. . treats, etc. 9.30 a.m.--Morning Prayer and January 17 Protection Harvey Webster and family. sermon by the Rev, H. E. Pelletier J --_-- --_-- "The injections to prevent whooping Sr erirpro-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School i" - tl LC cough are usually given in combina- I woyld like to thank Dr. Kandel General Meeting Whooping Cough The Rod and Gun Club are holding : tion with diphtheria and tetanus tox-| and Dr. Dymond for their immediate| PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH oid. They should be given any time attention when called to my boy and] Rev. R. H. WyHe, B.A., Minister a general meeting in Port Perry High M yB D g School on January 10 at 8 p.m. Gen- a e an erous after three months of age, with boost. | also Dr. Sturgis. = My thanks to the Sunday, January 13-- ers during the second and third years, nurses and staff of the Community 10 a.m.--Sunday School eral business discussion on program for 19567. Whooping cough is especially d This provides protection in over 809% 1 is especia n- iy Memorial Hospital, Port Perry and 11 a.m.--The Problems of Life bing g ! y Can fof children. In the remaining 209%, also to the friends and neighbours who (4)--Calamity : gerous for infants and young children. if the disease is contracted, it is usu- sent fruit baskets and cards to Alfred. 7 p.m.--The Life of Jesus Many cases occur in infants of six ally a milder case Mrs. Vera Webster. (2)--His sense of humour Brid e and Court months of age or less and most deaths (The above information is published g from whooping cough before three |; pamphlet form by the Department ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Whist years of age. In older children, while of National Health and Welfare). appreciation to our many relatives, Minister: the disease may not be so severe, there } A combined Bridge and Court Whist '® still the long dawn out convalescen- friends and neighbours for the kind-|- Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A, D. D. |in the Parish Hall of the Church of ness and sympathy shown us in the Sunday, January 13-- co ce with its nights of difficult cough- i . the Ascension, on FRIDAY, FEB. 1, Ne nis Plan Classes for loss of a beloved husband and father, 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School at 8 p.m. under the auspices of the i Russell Hood. We especially wish to] 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship Evening Guild. Admission 50c. Re- The main symptom is a dry per- Refugees thank Rev. K. J. Braham and Rev. R. freshments, prizes. Everyone wel-| sistent cough ending in a whoop which H. Wylie for their consoling words, all | |, PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH | €o™¢ jandl | may go on for weeks and weeks. The the donors of the many beautiful coughing may be accompanied by vo- floral offerings, the pallbearers and Pastor: Paul Delaney u miting resulting in loss of food and the McDermott-Panabaker - Funeral | Sunday, January 13-- Notice loss of weight. It may then be ne- - Christmas Trees will be picked up| cessary to give the child frequent on TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1957. [light meals. Whooping cough is very rt ' & SKEETER! RUE " vey Jy Whe a 14 In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and SERVES ME RIGHT! WHAT 4 OOF: I WAS TO INTRODUCE HER TO PEE -WEE) =, CALL ME UP = SOON! yt! At it's1957 inaugural meeting yest: he wo RUS x py lig wr cal A erday, the Oshawa Board of Education | «ti, (YOU TONIGHT! ESPNS Si ro decided to set up basic English classes a SUT for newly-arrived imigrants, mostly in, Vly 10-7 dis Home for their kind efficient-manage- Hungarian refugees., ! Sunday School at 10 a.m. ment of the services. : Morning Service at 11 a.m, George L. Roberts, Oshawa Colleg- i Mrs. Russell Hood and family. | yeping Service at 7.00 p.m. Please be sure to have your tree out. contagious and a frequent complica-|iate and Vocational Institute acting 71 ee, : Lloyd Fawns. tion is pneumonia. Whenever whoop-' principal, will set the classes up. They Bl] | --We i 2) 3 . . ~ HOOR:- We Wid, 0 xpress our] oo wiiiiodl Glinrch of Cava : : : aa sincere thanks and appreciation to our SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE } : ) = ' GL RY Minister--Rev. J. K. Braham ° M.A, B.D.' 10.15 a.m.--Scugog Church (Grace) Church and Sunday School 11 a.m.--Scugog Church (Head) Sunday School = 11.15 a.m.--Manchester Church" "Church and Sunday School 1.15 p.m.--Prospect Church Church and Sunday School "It is a good thing to give Praise unto the Lord; for Praise is comely." Come and worship and reinforce your The family of the Late Mrs. R. D. precept by example. 7 Woon wish to express their sincere ap- preciation to the many friends and PENTECOSTAL CHURCH . . . , neighbours for their many kindnesses [ "The Twentieth Century Church with and thoughtfulness during the years. relatives, friends and neighbours for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful flowers, dur- ing our recent bereavement. Herbert, Everett and Kathleen. I would like at this time to express our sincere thanks to all who in any way remembered the staff of the Com- munity Memorial Hospital during the Holiday Season. (Mrs.) Kathleen M. Hook, . Superintendent. PRESENTING... the car that makes yesterday seem years ago! Pies | the First Century Message" Aid A special thanks to Rev. R. H. Wylie,] Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor . . / . Lo ADH Dr. Kandel and the Nursing Staff at| Sunday, January 13-- : 3 it ... the Hospital. (Signed) Harold and 10 a.m.--Sunday School. : 5 Marion Woon and her sisters Mrs. 11 a.m.--Morning 'Worship : na Alvin Bruce (Edith), Laura and Hazel Pe yy $Y ( )s 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service ! {3 Mark. Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer & praise service | 11 - le Fri, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples " XY Dea th ) A Warm Welcome Awaits You. } WN | i COURTICE, Francis Edward, B.A. F : . Se Sc.--At G. and M. hospital, Colling- armers ik wood, on Friday, January 4, 1957, " = f= d Wi h JANN Ha Francis Edward Courtice, B.A.Se., he- Dissatisfie it 3 \ En a ) : { : . ; loved husband of Emma Young Cour- ko : \ - : WINN : Sg " i tice. Resting at the Clare Trott fun- The Price of Beef - } \& ; ys : 2 D2 \'g NF ' he & RE 3 i . 2 » / \x 1a vO) A We , por? / eral home, Collingwood, until Monda : . : R ! y Farmers in Ontario County general- noon. Funeral service in Trinity | ) essing dissatisfaction with United church on Monday afternoon, |'Y #F¢ ¢Xpressing di the price they are being offered by the January 7, 19567, at 2 o'clock. Inter- ; 3 I ly 0 fer packers for beef. On the other hand ! ' they feel the price offered for pigs is reasonable, particularly. when they were getting $33 per hundredweight last November, | The price on pigs slipped off to $30 : : Gi : 3 CHRISTIE--Mac and Joan Christie | per hundredweight during the Christ- J pA. . ¥ ; NS RAN are happy to announce the birth of a| mas turkey eating season. However, : % : 7 OVE son on January 10, 1957, at the Com- |it is firming again to about $31. ar Beef is another "matter, Farmers 3 AN munity Memorial Hospital, Port ' '" Perry. oe feel that at present prices of approx- imately 20 cents per pound for. top beef, 18 to 18% cents for the run of \ 2 A : beef, they are likely to get their cost # ] Introducing the most modern of all driving advances... V4) out of bringing the animal to market. we Causeway Lanes ; ] - - Torsion-Aire Ride i \ \ WATER SHORTAGE Fal PORT PERRY The water situation in the area fie stretching from Oshawa along the lake |= 4 OPEN BOWLING to the Rouge river to a depth of six to eight miles, is causing many farmers 2 either to lead their cattle to the near- Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday J Nights est free water or haul water to the barns. : Lynn Fair, district agricultural re- presentative for Ontario county stated: ' '. "This condition exists every winter but this is unusually severe this year owing to a drier than average fall be- fore freeze up. DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Onfario A Complete line of Meats, Groceries, and Sunbeam Bread and Cakes, | School Supplies | o ~~ For Free Delivery Phone 405 w EE ---- De Soto for '57 is no ordinary car! It's so excitingly new, so distine- tively modern that it outdates everything else in its field! For here is styling so vividly tuned to the excétement # modern living that vou feel drawn to it instinc- tively. And, of course, that's only the beginning! De Soto for '57 hae a totally new suspension system . .. a new; lower centre of gravity . . . a new 3-speed push-button Torque-Flite transmission . . . and the most powerful new V-8 engines in De Soto history. See, drive and price the '67 De Soto now. You won't be satisfied with anything less! CHRYBLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED «+. and here's just a hint of some of the OTHER exciting De Soto features for '57! ® New! 'I'wo great series --Firedome, Fireflite . . . 9 exciting models! ® New! [light-Sweep 67 styling-- longer, lower, distinctively different! ® New! Two high-powered V-8 engines, the biggest powerhouses in De Soto history! ® New! Bigger wrap-around windshield, more vision area at sides and rear/ too! ® New! ® New! Interior styling! @ New! "Super-soft" tires have more air volume for softer ride. ~Wide-sweep windshield wipers! New DeSoto 'levels' around corners like a sports car, with- out sway . .. smooths and flattens: the bumps for the greatest ride on wheels! You're always a step ahead in cars of the Forward Look Yom BEARE MOTORS LIMITED PHONE 888 New DeSoto comes to a # smooth, even stop without ) annoying '"'nose-dive". Anti- brake, dive mountings elimi- / nate usual forward pitch, PORT PERRY

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