SRE SLE NR IRS 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1956 Epsom There was seventeen tables of euchre at the school Friday night with prizes going to ladies 1st--Mr., R. Jurnham; 2nd--Mrs. Dorothy Thom- son; Con.--Mrs. R. Phillips. Gents 1st--Mr. E. Storry; 2nd--Mr, George Harper; Con.--Mur, Wm. Brown, Lucky -- - -- ---- draws were won by Miss Jean Taylor and Mr, C. Geer. The evening closed with a dance to the very enjoyable music provided by Mr. and Mrs. Rog- ers apd Mr. D, Prentice. Next party will be held Dec. 28th at Epsom, An invitation is extended to all to attend the euchre and dance to be held Sat., Dec. 22nd at Manchester hall, in aid of Utica Hall Building Fund. Mr, and Mrs, Herman Kerry enter- tained Mr. Newman our student min- ister on Sunday, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Rogers were Mr. and Mis. Hugh Rogers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rogers and family all of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Kerry. Mr. and Mrs. James Redman and Rr Ee & A We Je i 3 NR ALI ry ¥ Graa. Zlump and Tender PORK Swif('s Brookficld Puré PORK SAUSAGE Dutch Lunch . Swift's D7 | Quality Meats | TURKEYS ATTRACTIVELY PRICED COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS POULTRY Swift's Premium -- Fully Cooked -- Either End RONELESS SMOKED "HAMS Swift's Premium -- Fully Cooked »-- Fruited SHOULDERS Lb. SALAMI CHUBS =» BRAUNSCHWEIGER CHRISTMAS -- Oven Ready or Regular Dressed Mixed Nuis All BRAZILS - PECANS . " WALNUTS - FILBERTS Weights ALMONDS | from 4 \ fus all 0 0 w. 49¢ Brazil Nuis Extra Meaty uv. 49¢ wn. 19¢ 63c 1-1b. bag 'MEAT - = 45¢ 65¢ Lies 3 Christmas Candies Chocolate French Drops, Cut Rock, Creams, Hard Mix, Creams and Jells Cello pkg. ka. 33C- Creams and Jells 2-1b. cello pkg. en. 59 Jelly Wreaths 22-1b. cello pkg. 99 Large Oranges doz.37c doz 47 Cranberries 1b. pkg. 19¢ sweet Potatoes 31bs25c Jumbo 2 poly bags 15¢ Sunday with Mr, children of Port Perry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer, Carol and Doug. on Sunday. The December meeting of the Wo- man's Association will be held in the form of a special Christmas program. Mrs. MacKercher is spending some time visiting with Miss Annie Stew- art at Oshawa. Miss Ruby Wilson who is a mis- sionary in Nigeria has returned home for a visit, Mrs. Gordon spent a few days last week in Oshawa visiting with her daughter Mrs, John Moore. Congratulations to Mr, and Mra. Lawrence Evans nee Olive Wilson on the arrival of a baby son, - The Christmas concert will be held this Thursday, Dee, 20th. Mr. C. Farrow of Oshawa visited and Mrs. G. Jeffery. Prince Albert The correspondent at this season wishes the staff and readers of the Port Perry Star the following: May the radiant Christmas season, Bring its beauties, rich and true And surround- all your homes With peace and' joy To last the whole year through, Our minister delivered a fitting ser- mon on Sunday, "Preparing for Christmas". Everyone enjoyed Mr. Wylie's thoughts. Miss Marion Martyn and Miss Beth Hunter recently read the theme story at Sunday School. Next Sunday, White Gift Service will be observed. You children and adults please bring along a tin of soup or a jelly powder wrapped in white paper to be transported to Victor Mission, Toronto, shall be appreciated. Mrs. Pearl Pogue, of Whitby, visited a couple of days with Mrs, Somerville last week, 'Mr, and Mrs. M. Luke, Paul and Robert, of Hamilton, were with: Mrs. C. Luke over the week end. Members and visitors of "Good Neighbours Service Club" met at the home of Ilene Pugh. The president, Olive Brown, presided at the opening exercises and business items. A sum of twenty-five dollars was voted in aid of new heating system of the Port Perry Scout hall. - Two Christmas re- membrances to be purchased and given previous to December 26. A few members decided to form a group to sing carols in the town hospital cor- ridors one evening. Fresh social ac- tivity was discussed for January. The meeting closed with repeating the Mizpah benediction. A variety program of contests, stunts and bingo was enjoyed under the committee of Doris Jeffrey, Pat Love, Florence Smith, and Grace Bea- cock. Many received little prizes. All were! pleased when finally the ex- AR ir A aad, SE VIR AS Sai ie A A a A ah Se al Jed ls SE TT Rad RA a Pe oh RRR L JN ET he chang of gifts provided a few minutes of merriment for our annual Christ- mas party. We all admit over in- dulging in a lovely lunch and coffee served to all, Many folk will be interested to learn in. Toronto on Sunday. Don't forget the ochre and dance | cakes. in Manchester Hall, Saturday, Dee. |lunch free. Cards at 8.30 p.m. 22nd. Proceeds in ald of Utica Hall Building Fund. Draw for Christmas Admission 650c. Ladies with Sgt. Terry Hodgins left Montreal by | A air on November 27, In company with others he flew to Gander, then to the Azores, on Gibralter, to Naples. These landing were only for refueling, Again stopping at Crete where they were forced to remain three days as a re- sult of dangerous flying weather, They then flew to their destination and are now quartered in the camps left by the with-drawing British, Several families have recently had 1V installed. Well, 1 suppose by next week at this hour, What? Your tasty roast bird will resemble a skeleton, splashy par- cels unwrapped, living room cluttered and majority of humans exhausted, Our local Y.P.U. were generously entertained by the Port Perry Union on Saturday evening, First pleasant step was skating for an hour at the rink. 'I'hen to United Church for an evening of good fun, Finally the food --ice cream, was served. Good! wasn't it? » Utica % Sunday School at 1.30 p.m. followed by church at 2.30 p.m. Mr. Paul New- man, student minister, will speak this Sunday. The W. A. held their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs, H. Walker. Our treasurer, Mrs. George Harper, gave the financial report for the year, which was very gratifying. Mrs, Ralph Wilbur and Glenn at- tended the Christmas Concert at Bethel School. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stuart, of Red Deer, Alta., visiting his sister Mrs. Jack Crosoes for a week. The funeral of the late Mr. Henry Davis was held Tuesday of last week in -McDermott-Panabaker Parlors with interment in Hillman Cemetery, Utica. The late Mr: Davis was one of Utica's oldest and highly respected residents; he will be missed amongst us. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs, J. Mitchell who gave him such kindly care, i" The Public School Christmas concert was held in the United Church Friday evening, A splendid program was en- joyed by all. Our congratulations to the scholars, their teacher Mrs. J. Crosier and their music teacher Mrs, Sandison. Mr, Clayt Cassidy, of Toronto, call- ing on Frank Kendalls on Monday. Sorry to report Mrs. Sutcliffe on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mis. M. Storie and family visited with her mother Mrs, Toogood Phone 32W Specials pec Meat Tarts" GERROW'S BAKERY G. M. GERROW 0 LO Saturday Fruit Salad Layer ay Gerrow's Bakery and Staff AKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF WISHING EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ES Ye Ho He He He He Ho He He Ho He Come and Join Your Neighbo S AT Community Carol Sing Song Thursday Nite, December 20th and Saturday Nite, December 22 7.3010 8.00 o'clock BY THE GIANT CHRISTMAS TREE IN FRONT OF THE Port Perry Post Office SING SONG TO BE LED BY REV. KENNE®) TH SCOTT AND THE TEEN TOWN GLEE CLUB SPONSORED BY Port Perry Chamber of Commerce ASAT AT AT ATA AT AT AT ATTA \ V ATT EE, pp : The Management and Staff of HOPE'S IG. A. STORE Best Buys Xmas Fruits & A, Stokely's Honey Pod Chylstmas 34 Fancy Peas Sunkist -- Seedless * 15-0z. tin it 2 For 35¢ § LIBBY'S Cape Cod -- Deep Red 2 Fruit Cocktail 5 'Imported - 28-oz. tin VF 39¢ Fancy, Crisp, Rosebud 2 ALLEN'S R d [ h - ip Apple Juice adisnes 3 48-0z. tin A Christmas Treat i ~ 27c a CL . Birds Eye Frozen . SSR Orange Juice 6-o0z. tin 3 2 vor 33 Features ; ASE . : Red & White Orange Pekoe id | Tea Bags RE 65 bags - 10c off - : 69¢c 4 y SUPREME SWEET i oo Mixed Pickles op 16-0z. jar AYLMER {ik Sweet Ghorkins £8, ) 16-0z. jar 1 3c : fils, : AYLMER Stuffed Manzanilla Olives b 16-0z. jar hc ROSE BRAND IL arga~ine ; 2 vw Bc = A GOLDEN HOUR Re~aried Cho-n'otes 1-1b. box 2-1b. box Fu BIRDS EYE ITEMS "emonade, G-oz, tin 2 for 39¢ "reen Peas, 12-02, pkg. 2/45¢ 'rawlherries, 15-0z. pkg. 39% Also--Crisp Celery, Lettuce, Green Beans, Tomatoes, Turnips, Dates, Red Grapes -- Attractively priced _ to grace your Christmas table. Reeve's: S178 Ocean Spray 15-02. tin JELYIED CRANBERRY SAUCE 23¢ 10-0z. tin Jc 22¢ 16-0z. bottle | 39c Castor a 10c Castor 12¢ SLICED "MUSHROOMS Christie's RITZ BISCUITS Mazola SALAD OIL Gold Medal SAGE Gold Medal POUETEY RRESSING Carton of 200s - Atiractively gift wrapped Popular Brands of CIGARETTES FLAT 50's Dixie Brand -- 15 gauge, 51 denier -- 'Pair NYLONS Golden Hour POPPING CORN Planter's Party Time ELANCHED PEANUTS. Libby's MINCEMEAT Red and White 7 Flavours JELLY POWDERS Welch's GRAPE JUICE White Swan -- White SERVIETTES 8-0z. pkg. 2.89 _ 82¢ 89c w. rie. | 7c ra. 43c 25-oxz, tin 39c 3 rer 25¢° #-0z. hottle ' Ne 2m 3% 10's Dowson's Food Market Free Delivery . ' Port Perry 0 ALL TEEN-AGERS TEEN AGERS! REMEMBER OUR "TEEN TOWN DANCE at the Public School, NEW YEAR'S EVE, 9 fo ? Come and bring a teen age friend. To all members a Merry Christmas | and A Happy New Year. TAYLOR'S 5c. o $1.00 STORE ge Je ee Je Jo do He He He He, He He 4 ofice of Closing TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN'S SHOE REPAIR WILL 7th, 1956. 1 WOULD APPRECIATE VERY MUCH IF MY CUSTOMERS WOULD PICK UP_THEIR SHOES BEFORE THE 24th OF DECEMBER. ; JOHN 'S SHOE REPAIR insmod y -- or YoF Vor Nob Yor Yor No Nor Nor or Vor oN BE CLOSED FROM DECEMBER 24th, 1956, to JANUARY 1} Extends a sincere wish fooneand all SHI A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year CANADIAN CHILDREN . . . as they should be. The tuberculosts association, in cooperation with' the schools and health _ department, "promotes tuberculin testing programs to find out if children are being Spngd to tuberculous i J When you buy Christmas Seals, you help keep your children safe from TB. ; of 9 cht Club New Years Dance, Mon., Dec 3 Tickels $6.50 per couple -- on sale af 9 Lawrence's and Bruton's Drugstores