Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Dec 1956, p. 7

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- a few holidays at home. Blackstock The girls of Grades 7 and 8, Home Economics Class, entertained their mothers and Mrs. McArthur who re- presented the Public School Board, on Tuesday afternoon, Carol Kozub and Nieole Forrest were hostesses. A _ dainty afternoon tea was served, All the girls performed their duties ad- mirably. After school they invited the teachers in to their room and served them tea also. Mr. Gordon Paisley entertained the teachers and their wives and husbands who teach in the high school, to a turkey dinner at the home of Mrs, W. W. VanCamp, Saturday night. The 'W.M.S. met at the home of Murs, Dalton Dorrell on Wednesday evening. The meeting was opened with a Christ- mas poem read by the president and carol "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night". Mrs, Roy Taylor gave a splendid Christmas and Missionary Devotional paper and of- fered prayer. The roll was answered by the twelve ladies present with a . suggestion for putting Christ" into Christmas, The good cheer convener's report stated sixty-three boxes of fruit and fifty-seven cards sent to the sick this year to date. Mrs. J. Car- naghan presented the following slate of officers which was accepted--Presi- dent, Mrs, Ernest Larmer; Vice-Pres., Murs. Cecil Hill; Séc'y, Mrs. Roy Tay- lor; Treas., Mrs. Stuart Dorrell; Chris- tian Stewardship and Finance Sec., Mrs. Arnold Taylor; Community Friendship, Mrs. Ji A. Johnston; Liter- ature, Mrs, J. Carnaghan; Temperance and Citizenship, Mrs. Ralph Larmer; Mission Band, Mesdames Cecil Hill and Harold Kyte; Baby Band, Mrs. D. Dorrell; Supply, Mrs. Jas. Henry; Good Cheer, Mrs. Geo. Fowler; Group Lead- ers, Mesdames Gordon Strong, Fred Dayes, Ralph Larmer, Carl Wright. After the carol, "Away in a Manger", Mrs. Ralph Larmer read "The Shep- herd Story". Mrs. Harold McLaugh- lin and Miss™ Phyllis Strong sang "Silent Night". Mrs. Dalton Dorrell read "The Road to Bethlehem." A Christmas candle lighting ceremony given by Mrs. Gordon Strong, Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mrs. . Ralph Larmer, Mrs, Carl Wright, Mrs. L. Byers, Mrs, R. Taylor, Mrs. D. Dor- rell, Mrs. Cecil Hill, who represented the different countries and Mrs, Har- old McLaughlin, Miss Phyllis Strong and Mrs. J. Carnaghan singing the carols made a very fitting close to the meeting. Lunch was served. Mr. Merlin Bailey, Winnipeg, spent Mrs, Mark ~Waldon, Uxbridge, joined the Parr relatives for a family gathering at Mrs. Velma Bailey's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Sharp, Ennis- killen, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Carl McLaughlin and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, Ian and- Mary, Toronto, spent the week- end at the Roy Fergusons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte attended the funeral of a friend in Smithville on-Sunday. - "Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn on the passing of his step-father, Mr, Nelson Mollon, in Sunderland, Sunday morning, ~ Mr. Arthur Hyland was elected by acclamation last Monday to fill the vacancy in the Township Council, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong visited her mother Mrs. Robert Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis in Orillia on Sunday. hA Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston are spending a while with the Keith John- ston's in Belleville, Mr, and Mrs, H. De La Matter, Mr. and Mrs, Hitchman and Billy, Toronto were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mrs, Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs, W. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, of Bow- manville, visted Mr. and Mrs, Leigh Byers, on Sunday. Mr. and_Mrs. Russell Spinks, Osha- wa, visited Mrs. Ed. Darcy, Sunday. Congratulations to Mrs. Jas. Ginn, who celebrated her 86th birthday on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gin, Cadmus and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Ginn, Orono, spent the even- ing with her and the Glen Tennants.| The Explorers met in the Sunday School room Thursday with Chief Ex- plorer Donna McLaughlin in charge. Lynda Kyte, keeper of the log, read the minutes and called the roll. Janice --Byers, keeper- of the treasury, gave the financial report. 'After games the girls put on a splendid program, each of the thirteen girls giving a number. The devotional, "The First Gift" was given by Mrs, Archer, Chief Coun- cillor, Mrs. Roy McLaughlin assisted by Mrs, Clarence Marlow, at the piano, led in singing of carols. The girls wrapped the gifts they had made for their mothers, Cards were signed by all and sent to Mrs, Hutton, a former leader, and Margaret Carnaghan, a member who is ill. Margaret also re- ceived a box of cookies and candy. Closed with the Explorers prayer, The leaders treated the girls to cookies and home-made Service will be held in the United Church on Sunday at 10 a.m. followed immediately by a Sunday School Christmas program. There will also be service at Nestleton in the after- noon, Speaker at both services will be Mr. Jack Griffin of Port Perry. BLACKSTOCK O.N.0. CLUB The Christmas meeting of the ONO Club was held at the home of Helen Dorrell on Thursday evening, Dec, 13, A letter was read by the secretary, from the Children's Aid thanking the Club for the knitted clothing sent to them. The Club was requested to conduct a March of Dimes Blitz Day in this community.. The possibilities of conducting a nursery class for pre- school children of the United Church during the Church hours in the morn- ing was discussed, It was decided to send our annual donation of $256 to the Northumber- land and Durham Tuberculosis Asso- ciation and $26 to the Salvation Army, Ted Koss will be the orchestra for the New Year's Eve Dance on Monday, December 31, The T.B. Association gave $20 to the Club with which to buy and pack a complete Christmas dinner including presents for the children of a needy family in this community, Members also offered to donate. With the arrival of Santa Claus in the person of Elaine Bailey gifts were distributed and a social time enjoyed, Lunch was sefved by the hostess and her group, Malcolm. -- Cartwright Council Council met on Dec. 8rd at 2 p.m, with members all present except Coun- cillor Black. Minutes read and adopted on mo- tion of Councillors Green & Wright, On motion of Dep. Reeve Ashton and Councillor Green, Clerk to write Clar- ence Savignac to the effect that the Municipality will maintain the Ditch that was put through his field as long as required but if any for any reason the land will be restored to its natura} state. Letter from St. Christopher Cott- agers association agreeing to extend the Road Improvement Tax of $6.64 per assessment for 1 year for piping water to lake through Mrs. Casei Property. i 'Tendérs opened for Operator of Rink for 1956-57 as follows: Jeffrey tiles $400.00, Chas. Clark $400.00. The Tender called for a weekly sal- ary and as these 2 men were unknown to most of Council a committe of Dep. Reeve Ashton, Councillor Wright was The High School was granted the pivilege to use Recreation Hall for P.T. The School to supply the wood and pay Mrs. Shortridge $1.00 per time for lighting fire. Moved by Councillors Wright and Green that Reeve and Dep. Reeve sce the MacDonalds and find out how much Relief is needed. Moved by Councillors Green and Wright that Council in January discuss with the Road Supt, paying for Clerical assist- ance, Moved by Councillor Wright, sec. by Dep. Reeve Ashton that Culvert be installed at Bedfords and Road Supt. bring in a Report of Road Expendi- tures at meeting on Dec. 16th. Moved by Councillor Green, sec. by Dep. Reeve Ashton accounts be paid as follows: : Lorne Doreen, repairs to Amplifier .....coiviiinriieinnnn $16.80 Reg. Office, Records .......cin. . 6.33 Harry Deryman, Certifying 7 voters lists cenit. . 7.00 R. Wall, journeys re school attendance .........oin TI 6.00 Pedlar People, 2 s¢reens for COIVerts - munmanivnmnais 27.15 Municipal World, Supplies .......... 11.08 Duff Electric, work at Rec. Centre ........ HES. SO 6.19 County Treas., Hospitalization.... 2.63 Duff Electric, refund on Vie Malcolm's permit ......... FOR 7.60 Next nyeeting at Noreen' appointed to arrange for an operator. Oliver Stacey, 2 sheep killed ...... 28.00 Wm, Forder, Valuator ................ 2.60 H. Thompson, Clerk-Treas. ...... 140.00 Reesors, Coal for Hall and Rec, Centre ................. $267.86 County [Rates ............ccuevennnn, 15,639.76 Public School Board, i Trustee Rate .................. 14,048.50 Devitt's S.S. No. 3, Trustee Rate 'iui ating Ira erisryertoventsts 411.31 Publi¢ School, Debenture Rate 26-1018 .cciivniine 3,696.44 High SchoolDebenture No. 19 571.34 H. School Bal. Trustee Rate 3,078.56 Roxanna Burr for Mabel Burr .......c.oeoi, Mrs. Beatrice Jane Downs Percy VanCamp, Cleaning-and Storing Sprayer ............... 3.20 H. Shortridge, %4 yr. salary ....125.00 H. Martyn, supplies for MacDonalds ........cee covered 69.66 Postmaster, Unem. Stamps ........ 13.00 Roads ......coevenne. STRAT Resse 2,130.00 Moved by Councillor Green, sec. by Dep. Reeve Ashton meeting adjourn to Dec. 16th at 1 p.m. Henry Thompson, Clerk-Treas. ---- uv SATURDAY, MEETING, DEC. 15 Reeve and Councillors Green and Wright present. Minutes read and adopted on motion of Councillors Wright and Green. Communications from Mrs. Mabel Casci and W. G. Bowles read. Moved by Councillors Wright and Green that resolution re Roads be approved. and forwarded to Dept. of Highways. Moved by Councillors Green and Wright that Chas. Clark be appointed Operator of Rink and agreement be approved. . Moved by Councillors Green and Wright that accounts be paid as fol- lows: - HYAI0 wonnmmmmimmsinarmumaisnmss Reg. Nesbitt, spraying .... we | H. Thompson, Postage for 1956.. 71.72 H. Thompson, Long Distance . Telephone .......cccvvevvvvvevnreens 10.00 Reesor's, Coal for MacDonalds. 26.00 Geo. Wolfe, rent for MacDonalds 12,00 Harold Martyn, supplies for MeDonalds vc. 19.82 County-Treas., Hospitalization Roy McDonald's .........cceue 63.00 Reg. Office, Records .......ccooveverenns 4.06 Ont. Dept. of Health, Insulin .... 9.07 Road Voucher No. 12 .......... 485.89 The Clerk explained the arrange- ments he had made re MacDonalds. He had the District representative of the Dept. of Welfare up and he put them on Relief up to $176.00 month. This includes Food, milk, clothing, Fuel and rent. 509, will be paid by Dept. of Welfare and 509, from Twp. of Reach where he lived for 59 months before coming to Cartwright in May this year. As to Hospitalization 509, is paid by Durham County and 6509 Township of Cartwright. Council adjourned Sine-die. Henry Thompson, Clerk-Treas. No Rh -------- CHRISTMAS FLOWERS ROBERT G. ECKEL Florist on Highway 7-12 .3 miles north of Brooklin Phone Brooklin 190 OFFICE Solicitors December 2240 January 2 May Peace and Good-Will prevail throughout the world. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE: CLOSED Port Perry Prorp-- Rl MIL WPD District Churches SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE-- The basement of Secugog Church (Grace) was alive last evening (Mon- day) and<the whole atmosphere was one of intense interest. Our 'ladies are making thirty-five choir gowns for our Junior Choir, and hope to have them ready fdr Christmas Sunday. The surplices are white, and will come to the waist, and the neck pieces will be wine coloured to match our senior choir gowns, The children will have a large part in the service on Sunday, There will be the Sacrament of Infant Baptism in Scugog Church (Grace). The Sermon will take the form of a story by "flannelgraph" and the ser- vice will close with a very simple, but effective pageant, in which a number of our boys and girls will have a part. For those who would like to give an extra 'gift, please place same in an envelope and mark' "For Hungarian Fund" and these gifts will go to make Christmas brighter and happier for those who have just emerged from per- secution. Our service at Grace will be at 10 o'clock, and we would like both choirs and those helping with the pageant, to be on hand at 9.45 a.m. Manchester and Prospect will be at the regular time. Let us all be at Church Sunday, and prepare ourselves for Christmas, We have had one Christmas concert so far, and congratulate teachers and and pupils for a very lovely evening. The children of the "Foot School" on the Island, held their concert last Fri- day evening in "Grace Church". The singing was exceptionally good, It was lovely to have so many of our Indian children taking part, and to have so many of their mothers with us, It would have been even nicer to have had some of. the: fathers too. i ¥ There was a good audience, and the program was well enjoyed. Mrs. Earl Reader is our teacher, and Mrs. Sandi- son the music teacher. Miss Bonnie Jeffrey was the pianist. 3 _e---- The Elders of Scugog Church met at the 'Manse last Thursday, and review- ed the Rll. There are still some let- ters of transfer to be received, and we are hoping to have our Membership Certificates ready for distribution when our.Elders make their next Call. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated on the first Sunday of the New. Year, As extra trays with cups has been ordered for the Is- land, and we are expecting EVERY THE PORT PERRY STAR. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 19567 Member who united with us on Dec- ember 2nd. to be with us for the first Commimion Service. There will be no Communion at the evening Service. We are planning a special Service at the Head Church : We take this opportunity of wishing everyone joy. and gladness at this Christmas season. Even though there is much unrest and unhappiness in our world; yet there is joy and gladness; because this state of affairs need not be. God has put at the disposal of the world the necessary means of a won- derful transformation. The whole message of Christmas lies here God is in our midst, and just as soon as we turn to Him in faith and love; He gives us "beauty for ashes, the oil of . joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness." Peace will come, and righteousness will "cover the whole earth; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, We thank you every one for your interest and prayers in the work of our Pastoral Charge, and we are. very grateful to the Port Perry Star and their staff, for bringing our message to you week by week. May your Christmas Season be saturated with the Spirit of our Master; and may Christ be born in your hearts. A very wd and peaceful Christmas to you all, tartlets and turnovers, an Airistmas cookies are Clief E. Manfred Mince meat traditional Christmas and New Year's dinners, According to Roebling--chef of Canadian Pacific's famed "Alouette Room" in Montreal's Windsor Station, the tartlets, turnovers and cookies are taste treats especially appropriate during the Yuletide season. (Canadian Pacific Photo) Its got what the The "57 Chevrolet can it costs, Few cars at ble rails. Come in and try it. J/ CHLEVROL b a ENGINES IN THE WORLD PHONE 74 experts call "road sense" lessons on taking curves and holding the road to just about any. car going -- no matter how much more, price are so beautifully balanced and so smooth, 2 cure and solid in action. 7 Lhe °57 Chevy's road savvy 17 isn't surprising once you learn i what's underneath it--new de- velopments in steering, springs and suspension. Chevy plants itself wide and low to the road, and with its pounds in the right places. That's why it sticks so surely and solidly around corners and curves. That's why it seems to follow the road as though on invisi- Chevy's new V8 power (up to 245 h.p.*) springs from what people who know have called the best performing pas- senger car engine ever built. And that makes the going even irxtter! Snappier performance ae with more precise control! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ET THEMOST MODERN EFFICIENT *270-h.p. version also available at extra cost. give any wR ng - Only franchised Chevrolet dealers HOWARD / / oy Nl, 3 ZSEXSNIING C-1257€ MOTORS PORT PERRY fsa

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