Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Nov 1956, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1966 LOCAL Card of Thanks GLEN WANAMAKER wishes to take this opportunity to thank the Electors of the Township of Redch for his acclamation to the office of Councillor for 1957. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank. Dr. Rennie, the nurses and staff of Port Perry Community Hospital for the kindness shown me during my recent illness. ' Mrs. Edna Diamond. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our neigh- bours, the Seagrave W.A., the Mrytle W.A,, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness to my uncle, lohn Henderson, during his long ill- ness. We especially wish to thank them all for their sympathy and thoughtfulness at the time of his death. > Special thanks to Rev. Mr. McNeil for his consoling message, also to Dr. Kandel and Mr. Panabaker. Dale and Gordon Sweetman. I wish to express my sincere thanks |, to all my friends and neighbours in Myrtle and Seagrave for the beauti- tul flowers and kind messages of svmpathy sent -me in my recent he- rcavement in the loss of my two bro- thers. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Our sincere thanks to all our friends NEWS COMING EVENTS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN « Rev, K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Sunday, December 2--Advent 11 w.m.--Holy Communion Sunday School. Jonrr PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A,, Minister Sunday, December 2nd-- 10 a.m--=Sunday School 11 am.--""The Problems of Life" (3) Pride 7 p.m.--Evening Worship A ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Il a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Worship-- PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, Dec, 2nd. 1956 Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICES: December 2-= The United Church of Canada * Scugog Pastoral Charge » . Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. 10.15 a.m--SCUGOG (Grace) . Bazaar & Tea « | Annual Bazaar The Annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Church will be held on Saturday, Dec. 1st at 2,30 p.m. There will be miscellaneous booths, including baking, candy, ap- rons, novelties, parcel post and, new this year, a table of good used arti- clea. : Nov.29 r-- TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG - Effective October 1st, 1956 All costs under Brucellosis Control are - being paid by the government. Farmers are asked to notify the vet- erinary when they have calves to be Minister: vaccinated. nd Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D. D. RALPH MILNER, Sunday, Dee, 2nd. 1956 Nov. 29 Clerk, The Annual Bazaar & Tea of] the Greenbank Fidelis Class will bg/ held in the church basement, Safurday, Dec. 1st at 3 p.m. Plan to attend and do some Christmas shopping. Nov. 29 EUCHRE - Thursday, Dec. 6 at 8.30 pm. a Euchre will be held in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church, Lunch will be served. breed. Janet McTavish, Uxbridge, placed in the "A" group with her fine Shornhorn, Those whose calves in the "B" group were, Aberdeen Angus-- Sinclair Robertson, Port Perry; Hre- fords----Jim Dryden, Brooklin; Keith Shier, Cannington; and Neil McLeod, Blackwater; Shorthorns -- Keith Thompson, Uxbridge; Francis Kelly, Udney; Edmund Healy, Athérley; and Tom Harrington, Udney, The- ¢alf ' exhibited by Bob Heitzner, Udney, 2 placed in the "cr group, MILK -- 50c. A QUART If the nutrients in milk were to be purchased at the current rates of beef rib roast or pork tenderloin, a quart of milk would cost almost 50 cents, here's how it breaks down: protein-- 45.6 cents; fat--2.4 cents; carbon: hydrates -- 1.4 cents. - Total--49.6 cents. The average price of milk to the consumer across Canada is about 21 cents quart, Thomas Henry Buckle: Men can never be free unless they are educated to freedom. And this is not the edu- cation which is to be found in books; but it is that which consists in self- discipline, in self-reliance and in self- government, , fee. When majority had a feeling of bridge; and Lloyd Johnson, of Ux- APPRE A N "overeat" the president Olive Brown |bridge, place 8rd, 4th and bth, respee- Thanks to Mr, Ken Jackson and all | Asket Mr. Birkett to pick, the tickets tively. = : generously to make possible the pur-| Fink blanket to. A. E, Smith of Te-| "1 "tre 4-H Grain Section, the com- chase of a new record player and[tonto, man's plaid shirt to Eleanore iii: "wos similar with names being morial Gardens. wyn, 'Thanks to all who attended the Canada. Due to the wet fall in this pL happy party. area many of the samples were 'BABY BAND [the Misses Stovin on Friday afternoon, | fom this: county placed 17th ad Mr, and Mrs. D. Leslie and daughter and was shown by Vernon Bryan, of United Chureh will hold its Christmas Mi. Frank Vickery spent a few days were Donald Alves, Brooklin; Clifford Meeting in the Church on Thursday, with his daughter Mrs. C. L. Devitt Boyington, Uxbridge; James Davidson, piainded i! pink i Mn Ted Wiliams, Oshawg, home bus; John Leask, Seagrave; David oxes and mothers please bring a few | with his parents, Mr. an Mrs, E. Mosienko,, Port Perry; Keith Page, - 3 ton, Rod & Gun Club 0 i C ty 4 Hq QUEEN'S GUINEAS Next meeting of the Rod & Gun Ii} . oun Y Club will be held over Brock's Dept. M b Wi Beef Steers is always a very strongly Store on Monday, December 3 at 8.00 em ers in at contested class and this year it was shooting this winter are requested to Royal and all of remarkable quality. be present, Our club have donated The three breeds, Aberdeen Angus, a new record player and $10.00 to the [4-H Club members from Ontario Coun- | separtely and placed in A, B, and C Scouts towards a new furnace. ty participated in the Royal Agri-|groups. The Queen's Guinea was then the tradition, captured several of the top prizes, These members competed | Queen's Guineas, and the Inter-Coun- Did you enjoy Mr. Wylie"s message ty Livestock Judging Competition. : - ai Jn mei thought for In the 4-H Potato Section, the top b ! awards were keenly contested with the Superintendent, asked if any birth- i : | Canada. The top award went to Al- day, sure was, Horst Lehmann, Janie berta, but the three competitors from other citizens who contributed so|for winners of special draw prizes. GRAIN SECTION sound system for the Port Perry Me- Davidson and an auto rug to Jean Mar- shown from 'the various 4-H Clubs in Mrs. Stanton and Mrs, Luke visited weathered and dark. The high sample _The Baby Band of the Port Perry |witl relatives in Branipton on Spnday. Cannington." Others who exhibited December 6th at 3 p.m. Children are|and Mr. Devitt and faniily in Oshawa. Beaverton; Gordon Holliday, Colum- cookies; Williams, on Sunday, Uxbridge, and James Veale, Beaver. The Queen's Guineas Class for Baby p.m, All those interested in target even more keen with 199 calves shown $10.00 to the Memorial Arena towards| As in the past years, many of the | Shorthorn, and Hereford, were shown cultural Winter Fair and upholding | picked from the top ones in each Prince Albert in several sections, Potato, Grain, last Sunday on "Anxiety"? Yes, we POTATO SECTION At Sunday Sehool Mr, F, Vickery, samples being shown from all over Huntley, Bryan Beacock, Nenise Jef- : -- f Ontario County, Murray Iockley, of \, yoy: Claremont; Ross Risebrou rh, of Ux-| : Mrs. L. Beacock read the story, ' o ' ough, FREE PLANS 'Outdoor Christmas Decorations 'DO- IT-YOURSELF GIFT SUGGESTIONS L «® (3 ® of Scugog and Prince Albert for all] Church and Sunday School - "Fatherhood of God." LS their gifts and good wishes since our] 1.15 a.m. --MANCHESTER Church = The Sunday School executive and | recent marriage. Church and Sunday' School - ATTENTION teachers met in the church parlour on C L PING PONG TABLE. BUILT-IN-CUPBOARDS for Russell and Mabel Hood. | 1.00 a.m.--SCUGOG Head Memorial Tuesday night. Among other business} auseway anes g : 4 ; Sunday School - The Women's Missionary Council of |items, Miss Marion Martyn was ap- PORT y ! BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS, or KITCHEN the Pentecostal Church extend an in- | pointed assistant for the regular secre- 1.15 p.m.--PROSPECT Church « vitation to all ladies to hear Mrs. [tary Miss Grace Wilson, Church and" Sunday School » RECREATION ROOM IN BASEMENT. Birth SUTHERLAND -- Tom and Jean 'Sutherland of Port Perry wish to an- nounce the arrival of a daughter, Connie Lorraine, on Friday, November 7.30 p.m.--SCUGOG Head Memorial Church Service We are having SPECIAL SERVICES on the Island when the New Church, to be known as 'Scugog United Church' Bertha 'Mom' Whyte of Bowmanville, Thursday, Dec. 6th, 1956 at 2 o'clock p.m. Come and hear of the wondenr- ful work being done in the name of the Lord, . Mr. and Mrs¢ Bev. Smith and two OPEN BOWLING || re : children, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. G. R. Smith and Miss Spence. Saturday night in the school the Tuesday, Friday, |i ¢ All these within easy reach of the "Do-It-Yourself" fan when using handy Plywood. zi: : 23, 19566, a sister for Johnny. will come into being. There will bel -- . Geng Neighhonrs Toryics Cb and Saturday 'REESOR FUEL & LUMBER 5 Reception of Members at both services. | sored their autumn euchre. Eight =x » [) tev, S. C. H. Atkinson, the Chairman | I 0 D E tables of cards were in play. After Nights & PHONE 73 » PORT PERRY ° ° ° ° ZEA A EAC CLINTON CHAINSAW AY '4 WORLD Famous As Low As $191.50 With Guide Bar and Chain-- ® Quick Starting @® Fast Cutting @® Fingertip Control ® 30 Day Warranty Positive Quick -Starting in any climate, any temperature with special high voltage Magneto. Power for cutting any timber, Handy Fingertip Throttle and oil plunger control, Available in Transmission or Direct Drive Models. | Annual Doll of Presbytery will preach in-the even- | ing. We give you all a very cordial invitation to worship with us. : vorship with us 2% PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. H. J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, Dec, 2nd. 1956 10 a.m.--Sunday School Il a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service All Welcome, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10. 05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Oshawa dec.16-66 Festival The Annual Doll Festival will be held on 'the 8th. of December, Santa Claus Day in Port Perry. In view of the early date in December, will those organizations or persons wishing to donate a Doll for this purpose, kindly have same in the hands of the comm- ittce at the earliest possible date, Sev- eral dolls or donations of money are still required to reach our annual quota of 25 dolls. The Auxiliary would app- reciate your assistance in this project. Tickets are on sale at the usual 3 for 2he. Buy your tickets now, The regular December meeting of Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E. will be held in the Community Room of the Public Library on Tuesday, December 4th. This is the annual Christmas Supper Meeting, one of the highlights of the vear. Please note the change of day. Will all members kindly bring one place setting of china and cutlery. the usual hours had elapsed the tally cards were collected and checked. The results showed Olive Brown the holder of high lady count and winner of a T.V. lamp. Gents top score to Les. Beacock; a billfold. Consolation gifts Ree AACA A ASAE AGRE ARO RIROMIADY Clarence Cook, a screw driver. to Mrs. Chas. Forsythe, corsage, to 4 JG Now everyone partook of a wide as- sortment of sandwiches, cake and cof- é OSHAWA IS NGOSNARA SAS ES rsa ans Tetete tee", a THIS. SATURDAY At The ELIZABETH SHOPPE dg A Tru pair of Nylons with every purchase of $10.00 or over ini ie OOS ARAAAAAA SARA SARA S ARRAN AAAS AAA RASA SAL \ 2 S| stopp CENTRE 8 i 8 ¢ Ls 58 (7) x SL 5 "i / VOTE TO ELECT Walter C. Lynde . - 4 BAILY TAY ~ BATON As one of your Representatives to County as AR TIC OB 0Y Deputy-Reeve for 1957 iy WORKsHg gi 2 P. P. High School - Farm Equipment rh of Reach Township. I have had three years experience on very Day PHONE 153 PORY PERRY J; <2 Oshawa AcAbEMY the Reach Township Council. nti] . b- \ } 2 IE 2 | Nov.29 ELECTION DAY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1956 Christm @ DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario A Complete line of Meats, Groceries, and Sunbeam Bread and Cakes, School Supplies oO For Free Delivery Phone 485 w Polls Open from 10.00 a.m. to 7 p.m. PHONE 29 Choice Beef Cuis Available | AT ALL TIMES Choice Local Turkeys for Christmas ORDER YOURS EARLY CAWKER BROS. "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY aa ' FREE CANDY CANES FREE PUZZLE BOOKS SHOP/EVERY. FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. AIR NO g It g ¢ g g [4 : g g g 8 g 4

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