8-THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1956 Of Many Things By Ambrose Hills ACADEMIC HOGWASH University professors get to think- ing they are profoundly wise. This ain't necessarily so. It is true: that they have a good deal of book learning---but that does- n't mean much, unless it is coupled with real life exeperience. I know one professor who remembers every: thing. he ever read; Lut, aside from his remarkable memory, he has about as much ir the way of brains as my thumb. Recenlty, a famous writer, Adela Rogers St. John, wht has made im- portant contributions to the art of the short had something to say about the isolated viewpoint of "ster- story, ile and frightened professorial minds." She spoke of the considered views of a professor from a highly respeeted university as being "pure academic hogwash." I wish some of our outstanding Canadian writers would tangle with a few of the Canadian university pro- fessors who are also spouting "pure academic hogwash" a good deal of the time. I've heen reading a report of the comments made hy Prof. Lower, paid, advance. RED & WHITE PURE Peanut Butler ' 16-07. jar Honey STOKELY'S PEAS before the Royal Commission on Broadcasting, and his observations certainly have the dull ring of lead coins and seem to me about as sterile and frightened as hogwash, academic or otherwise, could be. Prof. Lower is still fighting the war of 1812. He would have us base all Nr broadcasting activity on his fear of the U.S.A. and of individual initia- tive. 'Like many academicans, he is so fearful of phantom dang¥rs that he would hve the a wrap its protective arms around all human activity, with the possible exception of his own. . 2 Well, Professor, a good many Cana- dians. agree with Adela Rogers St. Johns that "too much inaccurate and prejudicial balderdash comes out of the ivory towers." The unfortunate part of all this is that there are so many folk who look with awe at profesors, and drink in this hogwash as if it were well-brewed wisdom, Instead of trusting to their own brains and experience, they take the attitude that the college profes- iors ought to know what they are talking about because they are "edu- cated." Consequently, the Royal Commission on Broadeasting Ticars little from the man of experience, and much from the cloisters, and from those who have been indoctrinated by the fears and prejudices of academicans. As a re- sult, this lusty, lively, rapidly-grow- Checls Your Lael! Please take a glance at the label on your paper now. It shows the month and the year to which your subscription is The subscription rate is only $2.00 per year in Pod -- Faney -- 15-0z. tin 2 vor 35¢ 29¢ ROSE BRAND -- Reg. Pack (MARGARINE LIBBY'S CHOICE ing young nation may wind up with a broadcasting system carefully bundled in a government wrapper, - Maybe that is what we deserve. When free men and women swallow academic hogwah for toa long, they cease to deserve thefr freedom! 'Manchester = The children had, their Hallowe'tn party at the school on Friday last and the mothers were invited 'to attend. This is a very enjoyable afternoon and each year we see more, mothers "Join- ing in the fun, Eighteen were present this year. The costumes were very good and the judges had a hard time deciding. In grades 1-2 girls it was impossible to pick a "best" so all got a prize. "Grade 1-2 boys, 1st Paul Henry, 2nd George Leach, 3rd Walter Gyeen; grade 3-4 girls, Susan Roach, Tshbelle Strong, Vicky McCartney; rade 3-4 boys, J. D. Witherspoon, Stephen Henry, Lee Donelly; grade 5- G-7-8 girls, Eunice Roach, Gypsie Tur- ner, Lois Cawker; grade 5-6 boys, Murray Croxall, Jim Stevens, Bill Aird; grade 7-8 boys(couples)---David Hobbs, Walter Stevens (who made the cutest teen age girls, one was not sure if boys or girls were the contestants. Couples, girls, 1-2-3, John Colbear, Paul Henry, Marsha Mulholland, Greta -Vanderby; Bob Colbear and . WAGSTAFFE'S Strawberry Jam Brian Donnelly, Grades 4-8, Helen Innes, Margaret-Anne Witherspoon; Joyce Strong, Walter Stevens; Susan Roach, Erie Donnelly, Masks made by the children were judged as follows: grade 8, Leo Don. nelly, J. D. Witherspoon, Steven Hen- ry; grade 4, Bill Aird, Eric Donnelly, Murray Croxall; grade 7-8, David Hobbs, Joyce Strong, Albert Leach, After a play produced by Helen Innes and enaeted by the children, a delicious lunch was served. Mrs, G. Samells aid the children were thanked for such a well planed and enjoyable party. r= Rally 'Day service on Sunday next will be at 11.15, Gerald Crosier and friend of Toron- L $ "fing 3 El hi are ane EEE LADY a at Sunday. Miss C. Cowan, Toronto, was with her sister Mrs. A! Roach and family over the week-end, z Mrs. Holmes, Port Perry, was the guest of Mrs, Gladys Archer on Sun- day. While crossing the highway from church «at the hall corner on Sunday evening, Mrs, Joel Miller and Mis. Jo Bain 'were struck by a car. Mrs, Miller is in Port ePrry Hospital suf- fering from sock and bruises and Mrs. Bain is in Oshawa Hospital with pos- writing are not known. Mrs, W. S Taylor and baby and Mrs. Bud Spang of Stouffville, visited Mr, to visited his grandparents here on and Mrs. W. F Crosier on Saturday. 'CREAM PUFTS, HH | | ml (! BEE EEE EEE ER Phone 32W V7 ~ 1 0 / THIS SATURDAY AND EACH SATURDAY WE WILL HAVE : CREAM GOODS : CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, BERRY TARTS WITH WHIPPED CREAM SATURDAY CAKE SPECIAL -- "Golden Date Layer Cake" ~ GERROW'S BAKERY ; G. M. GERROW EL 0 (TOTEM CWE OME Mn un ME sible hip fracture. Details at time of | Greenbank - Don't forget the Anniversary Ser- vices next Sunday, November 4 at 11 a.m, and 7.80 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. R. H, Wylie, of Port Perry. No Sunday School, Mr, and Mrs Harold Baylis, Lester and Jim visited in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Bill €ressman. £ We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Jim -- J Baird is in Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay, Hope she is feeling better soon. : b ' Congratulations go to another of our Plawman, Mr, Jim Lee, who won second out of five contestant at the East York Plowing Match last week. Mrs. Rose Graham visited at Ernest Phaif's on Tuesday. "Mrs. Gordon Blair'was in the Hos-' pital for a few days last week but is home now and is feeling better. + LAKEVIEW I'wo Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 po. THEATRE _ PORT PERRY ' THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 2 Complete Shows Eve Arden and Gale Gordon In the Uproarious New Laugh Hit ; "OUR MISS BROOKS". ® 2nd Feature--Jack Webb in the Thrill Drama "24 HOUR ALERT" SATURDAY, NOV. 1.2-3 at 7 pm. and 9 p.m, "BATTLE Adult Entertainment MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5-6-7 William Bendix and Keefe Brasselle In the Stirring Action Drama . 2nd Feature--The Exciting Thrill Drama "TEENAGE CRIME WAVE" Last Complete show starts at 8.20 p.m. . STATIONS" i 2 ws. 53¢ Sliced Pineapple iis APPLE JUICE 28-07. tin 32 48-0z. tin 2+ 53c LIBBY'S FANCY Pineapple Juice AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL 2/45¢| TEA-BISK 24-0z. jar 45¢ : MONARCH | 214-1b. pkg. 45¢ 15-0z. tin 48-07. tin dle GERBER'S STRAINED -- 51%-0z, {in BABY FOODS 4 vor 35¢ HEINZ CREAM OF y TOMATO SOUP 10-0z. tin \ 3 ror 35¢ Wisk Detergent WITH 20¢ OFF COUPON won Oc wou TT Brown Bear No. 1 WHITE HONEY, 2 Ib. tin G65¢ Granulated Red & White -- 5-0z. jar INSTANT COFFEE Aylmer Choice Bartlett 1.41 Popular Brands of CIGARETTES, ctn. of 200 2.99 Little National -- Pkg. of 12 POCKET MATCHES °__ _.. 1c PEARS, 15-0z. tin ____ 25c¢j Bee Hive -- 5-1b. tin SUGAR, 5 1b. bag 42¢ CORN SYRUP Tle General Electric Electro SILVER POLISH i Five Roses 25 - 40 - 60 Watt Free Appliers and : FLOUR, 25-1b. bag ~~ LI5{ LIGHT BULBS 4 for 19¢| Polishing Cloth, jar ___ 89 Tie KRAFT Birds Eye Frozen Foods Velveela 'Cheese -- in +. . Engineered for Team-Work --E GMC BUE CHP MONENA GMC with Speed-Line Styling, "Performance Packed" Power-Trains .| Now there's no doubt . . . 1957 is GMC's year for truckers everywhere. With brand- new standard transmissions, new.engines, new GVW"s, new axles, new styling, new comfort and much, much more! See your "Blue-Chip" Moneymakers! They're waiting for you! [RS 1951 | JUTE ARIAT Sy JO ~ . dealer--right away--and see these VEN Rr Na i! TT ngine to Axle ORANGE JUICE, 6 oz. tin ee 2 For 37¢ 1-1b. pkg. STRAWBERRIES, 15-07. pkg, _ 43c 59¢ } LIMA BEANS, 12-0z. pkg. oo. 33¢ - = oy | . Fresh Quality " Produce Meats New Crop Florida Seedless -- 48 size ) BONELESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 29 SELECT QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS THOROUGHLY CLEANED, POT-READY 10-02. SPINACH cello bag MILD, SWEET, LARGE SIZE SPANISH ONIONS MARSH GROWN -- No, 1 -- 3:1bh. poly bag COOKING ONIONS ROUND STEAK ROAST 69¢ GMC Custom ond Deluxe Cabs have a spectacular all-round pano-. ramic view. And there's new 'comfortand color--a new seat --a new non-glare instrument panel, . Power to Spare In GMC V8's. GMC for 1957 offers you a performance- proved selection of V8 power units withup to 210 horsepower to handle any job, Big Line-up of GMC 6's for '57. Man, truckers swear by a 6--and ng wonder, with the rugged powe plants GMC has to offer! Up to 148 driving horsepower. dl J ROUND END Lh. 17¢ LEAN BONELESS 2+: 25¢| STEWING B 3 me. 29¢ SWIFT'S -- Sliced 23c RUMP ROAST SWIFT'S CRYOVAC PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS Pork & Turkey Loaf 21» 45¢ .69¢ EEF 1.49 59¢ = Three Automatic Transmissions for "Shiftless" Driving. Proven, popu- lar and powerful, Hydra-Matle, in Standard and Heavy Duty models, really saves wear and" tear on trucks and truckers. On 9700 through W-9900 Series, there's optional Powermatic than:ever Dowson's Food Market Phone 91 Port New Rear Axles. GMC's wider- axles makes it easy to find just what you need--custom- created to fit your job. range of Hypoid rear everything that's has two new 5.s medium duty wor Five Sturdy Standard Transmissions. Now, for 1957, new in standard peed units . . . the New Process transmission for »and a real workhofse--the all-new Spicer 5-speed Heavy Duty truck transmission. Perry PORT PERRY wy GMC brings you transmissions. Truckers every- where know the reliability of famous Jspend Synchro-mesh, the: Heavy Duty Synchro-mesh and the 4-speed H.D." But GMC also ON DISPLAY TODAY RCHER MOTORS PHONE 67W principles in automatic power transmission. Powerglide, for light duty work on Sedan Deliv. ery vehicles, is the simplest, least 'complicated of all automatics, employing completely new", New, More Rugged Frames, New Joad.carrving capacity is another sign of '57 GMC new- ness--new safety, too, with a stronger-than-ever- frame design. Welded channel sec- tions, reinforced with alligator- jaw cross-pieces, provide maximum strength for GMC's backbone! _ Threaded Spring Shackles. Easler-tq- service suspension points up GMC's eye on the future for truckers. Spring shackles are now threaded for easy removal and replacement, ' 7