High Triple-- Ladies' Wednesday Night Bowling October 10th-- Edna DeShane--#608, High Single-- Edna DeShane--276 Over 200 : Alma Cox--210; Muriel Taylor--219 Team Pts. taken * Tot. Pty. | A, Dowson--200; Audrey Chapman < U : Lancasters -.......... pray I 14 --221; Dhel. Bentley--205; = Mary ib Sander ei rin Amell--211; Mao Blakely--201; Edna by « i - 7 [th Sg ori i MRS. CHARLES McLEAN DeLux fg 7 BOMbETS osruuoisiin 0 oq nall--230 PRESIDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Fitzjohns ., Seren sereerernn " ? Kitty Hawks A! corind 1 * BIOs ri rine "it Flyers ' 7 7 mrt Ww WL . hat is'a convention? A meeting Howard Marong LL o 3 Spitfires ..... 2 6 of friends--yes; a meeting of workers Legion .. i Lp [Mustangs ... preston 5 Greenbank --yes; but more than that, a conven- Whizhangs KR 2 Mosquitoes ....... 0 3 atl tion should--and can--he a meeting "@ Black Jacks £ srripiirgerresins § 0 WEighngs wi LA i nd 3 Mr-and Mrs. Arthur Lee, of To-|of minds. go ronto visited with relatives over Sun- There is much for the minds of High §ingle--J. Read .............. 326 Ruth Short -- 267 day. : those connected with hospitals to ab- 14d High Triple-- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Phair and Mr, [sorb in this year of change and con- High Triple--J. Read................ 710 Marge Harrison--b596, and Mrs. Ernest Phair visited in jecture, Yu Singles= | Orangeville: with Mr. Armour McMjl- The forthcoming annual convention « D. Moore silat iio 201 Ruth Short--267; Grace Christie-- [lan on Sunday. of the Ontario Hospital Association, D. Carnegie .... .222 | 236; Eleanor Cawker--230; Elaine Mr. Tom Harding, of Chillawac, BC, to be held at the Royal York Hotel in R. Howsam ......... 247 Jailey--222, 227; Marge Harrison-- ' : Toronto from October 22nd to 24th, was a visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. 221; Joy Ballard--225; Marie Baird during the Plowing Match. .221 220 is therefore a must for every person 2 fie 203; Helen Farrow--221; who has a share in thé operation of ; 8s, Ji sty and their i i B. Young .... Blsie Clark 215; Dorothy Tenant-- i Mo wg 28 Mr. hospitals in our province, because hos- Hudeffrey . 212; Vi Weatherall--206; Audrey De- Ivan Dusty, of Los Angeles, Calif., pitals, like business and industry, pol Thompson A ER Nure--203; Jessie Deremo--203; Ru- visited relatives in the village recently, | must take advantage of every oppor- B. Miller serve rserientsirssssrsenenrinssrns 203 by Moore--200. . J 3 tunity to improve their service to the H. Hall ; 220 : Congratulations to Mr, Hugh Baird public. Hospitals have a dedicated i UO CRE 206 for the great feat he accomplished .at obligation ta care for the sick and H. Edenborough noon 215 the International Plowing Match last injured, and any change or innovation 'Wm, Mark .... .200 " LI A, YJ, BR [Thursday, and I'm sure he will he 'affecting the patient must be thor- "7H. McGregor ern 8 Ladies Monday proud of his silver plow trophy. oughly reviewed, discussed; and test- C. A. Glass ... -207, 232 « M Congratulations also go to another|ed. Our annual convention then, with F. Hastings woven, 2176 Night Bowling citizen of our community who recently | specialized speakers, discussions, and J. Beckett, ee w248 | : celebrated her 86th birthday. A week | exhibits displaying the latest in hos- J. Hadley . -- 228.212 | °% Octoher 15th, 1956 ago the family of Mrs. Annie Hooper | pital equipment, provides the oppor- B, Simpson .............. cise 219 ; - ' surprised her wtih a party. We are [tunity for all hospitals to keep "In M. Tames' 3 256 | Standing-- sorry Mr, Rae Dusty was unable to at-| tune" with current developments of J. Read serine 326, 229 Mo xpnioey in Moni tend but he is in the Hospital again [good patient care--it is our meeting of rrison ........ » .207 ermites--16. piders-- ie fru v : | & tien a "a or Code ah. Chierpiliareel 10 have his arm reset. minds vA. CaWKer vivian, 204 Butterflies--14, Ants--17 Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. The Board of Directors of the Ont. i. @. Smith n 221 Hornets--12. Beetles--5 [Ernest Lee were Mrs. Strilezky and Hospital Association and all member * B. Weedon PITRE Ee, | | Moths--12, Grasshoppers--2 [son and daughter of Windsor, hospitals have been aware that ad- 14 ve ; { LJ - aE ° i ifice 4 MEET THE LONGEST, LOWEST METEOR IN HISTORY-EVERY LINE SAYS "GO" nS & ENGINEERED FOR PERFECT BALANG 'OF POWER, BODY AND FRAME 'balanced -ridel New balanced-ride front suspension steps over bumps--controls sway NEW SWEPT.BACK BALL-JOINT SUSPENSION: reais arte Lirrs FRONT WHEELS OVER BUMPS, Mighty, new Meteor power, balanced by all-new body and frame UP TO 248 H.P. FROM THREE "V.8'8" AND NEW 8IX . , « MATCHED BY NEW BODY AND FRAME, SRPARTRRL oo 'La : New eafeguard-confoured frame gives balanced riding platform TE EN PASSENGERS ARE CRADLED WITHIN FRAME 7 RAILS . . . FOR ADDED SAFETY, COMFORT. New balanced-ride rear suspension minimjzes nose dive NEW, LONGER. LEAF SPRINGS COUNTER. = BALANCE SUDDEN FORWARD MOMENTUM, a | Co . » I wi it sizzeca 1 base--unsur, ssed in the low-price field on all Rideau 500 and Rideau models. 10 whee pues 116" wheelbase for other. models. if icemnt as ONE OF FORD OF CANADA'S FINE CARS SER THE MAGNIFICENT 1967 METEOR AT YOUR NEARBY MERCURY LINCOLN- "METEOR DEALER MERCURY shi NCOLN ME TRoR DIVISION, FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED ) : "t WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES 'Phone 576 iG Port Perry o\ nd A AE Ey EP EL WERT SRA aT TS fe i vances in medical science and change ing concepts in the social welfare field have made the provision of hospital care a very important consideration for many people of the Province, and consequently convention discussions will centre around the theme: "Hos- pitals--and the Changing Scene", "But how, "you may ask," is the hospital scene changing." Probably one of the most significant develop- ments in this regard is the recent provincial legislation which provided for the establishment of a special Hos- pital Services Commission -- action that will undoubtedly mark the be- ginning of a new era in the provision of hospital care. Another important aspect of the changing scene concerns personnel in every phase of hospital administra- tion. Hospital trustees and adminis- trators realize that the nurses, tech- nicians, and other trained personnel of tomorrow are our Secondary School students of today. With this thought in mnd, our convention programme includes a special session on "Hospi- tal "Careers", directed especially to young people, Last year, some PA delegates from large, small, and medium sized areas came to our 31st Annual Con- vention. They came from northern outposts, large and small cities, and rural towns. They had one mission in mind--to increase and share their knowledge in the operation of hospi- tals. May I repeat. a thought expressed in one of my articles a year ago: "Hospitals are people--citizens who contribute to help build the hospital, governments who "assist with the people's money, those who serve in PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1966--6 the hospital, and, lastly, that large group, which includes all of the others, the people who are cared for by the hospital. It is when all these groups work continually together that the hospital really becomes a vital part oft the community. ; It's your hospital--cherish_it well." Experimental tests recently have shown that steers fed the antibiotic, terramycin, ate less and. yeturned an additional $3.93 per ehead, In the test, the animals were given 75 milli- grams of terramycin daily. A forage harvester with the highest capacity of any in the world--45 tons an hour--was introduced recently by New Holland Machine Company. The success of a grazing system, and feed production | program depends largely on the correct selection of seed. Choose seed best adapted to your par- ticular soil and climate zone. -- Southern farmers who ke 'ep chickens find that whitewashing the: roofs of their poultry houses tends to lower the temperature inside. KOSTER AND HAHN RETURN Wally Koster and Joyce Hahn have returned tacular "Cross-Canada Hit Parade". The two vocalists hatl a busy and in- teresting summer, touring many parts to CBC-TV's weckly spec- of the country making guest appear- ances and filling night club engage- IT IS OUT | THIS WORLD OF AWEBROCIK | EPARTM ENT STORE ART BROCK of A. W. BROCK DEPT. STORE Says: "ROYAL YORK CLOTHES by W. R. Johnston Reflect Your Own Good Taste" ; --a Royal York label in your suit or coat denotes your knowledge of what is best in fine clothing. styled, nothing spared. to make Royal York Clothes an example of made to measure tailoring at its best. Come in today and make your choice from a wide range of Royal York fabrics. Popularly priced Boys "Station Wagon Coats $12.50 | QUILTED LINING, ZIPPER, BLUE or GREY, SIZES 6-18, Men's Coats $14.95, $16.95, $18.95 Suede Br. Leather $35.00 Snow Suits, $5.95 $7.95, $14.95, $8.95 Men's Shirts, $2.95 SPECIAL CLEARING Men's Brown and Black Oxfords by Bata .... $7.95 ASSORTMENT Boys' Windbreakers $5.95 and $7.95 Always smartly Linoleum Tile, | "x9", .12, 20, .23 | Vinyl Tile, 18¢. each | $69.50 2 pc. Dominion and Bata | Rubbers in complete | assortment' | Port Perry Vg Fa $ a LEA a v CN Ld he wt Se ale CT Mr a J dl . Ae pee tw wl, AAA. aR