. €d on the new CNIB, Some Facts Ahout New C.N.LB. Headquariers Since ground breaking day May 1st, 1954, more than 3,000 men have work- Record build- ing rates made the centre ready for occupation at the end of January. A special Building Fund appeal raised $3,160,000,00 for the erection of this all-purpose rehabilitation centre, Take a good look at the large flat roof of the building directly behind the Main Building. 'The roof was not laid by the regular method, but ac- tually raised'in large slabs by hydrau- lic jacks. By using the hydraulic method on this expansive roof area CNIB saved thousands of dollars. Visitors to the building are unpres- sed with the thought and planning that have gone into the centre. Livery detail from the serving stands in the dining rooms to the telephone calls you can make without going througn the switchboard has been considered from every possible point of view. The fire alarm system is designed to report the slightest flare up. Six different types'of heating are- used. In deciding on this system, manage- ment carefully chose the method most --comfortable and éconodmical for each building, and the number of people concerned. Keeping maintenance costs to the minimum was the keynote in the choice of all materials. No paint will be needed for the exterior. Aluminium window frames will re- tain their natural finish for a cen- tury. Vinyl and Terrazzo floors and glazed walls in pleasing. and varied colours provide a pleasant appearatice while requiring no more up-keep than occasional washing. = Carpeting oc- curs only in the corridors of the resi- dence to add a homelike touch. Lady Kemp, who furnished the Boardroom completely, include a rug as part of her gift. Two switchboards have been in- stalled to handle telephone calls. Bell " Telephone could have set up a one- man board to take care of the entire circuit, but a sightless operator could not easily reach over the board to her neighbour's panel to handle the cross- connections. Since CNIB prefers to create jobs to employ the blind where possible, the two-board system was introduced. It also provides training facilities on two different types of switchboards for placement of blind operators in outside employment. The clock in the wall over the main ent- rance is a replica of a Braille watch. The chimes were donated by the Jr. League. When you stand in this door- way and walk easterly as far as you can go to the end of the building, you will have covered a distance equal to the average length of two city blocks. If you start in the library at the south end and walk through to the recrea- tion wing at the north end, you will cover about one-and-a-half city blocks. When the. cafeteria and stands de- partment occupied a few small rooms at 194 Beverley, and a tobacco ware- house on King at Spadina, twenty-six persons made up the whole staff, To- day the staff numbers sixty-seven. They service 172 cafeterias and stands throughout Ontario. The bakery, now producing 1000 dozen 'small cakes a day, has tripled its service in six years' operations. Four trucks leaving the premises every day tran- sport the freshly cooked goodies to numerfus stands. Six large walk-in refrigerators, three in the lower kit- chen, three in the upper, will keep Loud cool and crisp for all three din- ing rooms in our new centre, and for the other cafeterias serviced through- out the province, A greatly enlarged and modernized library building is located at the south end of the Main Building, The in- crease in space--about 50% --means more and beter facilities for publish- ing, recording, and general shipping. The Library, covering 9,000 square feet, now handles up to 8,000 pounds of mail daily, . The recreation section at the north end of the Main Building containg a large auditorium and stage for use by clubs of the blind, theatre groups and general entertainment. Old hands and new enthusiasts will be able to spend many after-five hours in the hobby shop. The latest word is that new and different hobbies will pro- vide added skills for do-it yourself |. addicts. The new 140 bed residence is di- rectly connected to the north end of the dining arca. Along with the tra- ditional spirit built over many years at the old residence, the new quarters will retain the name Clarkewood. In- dividually decorated rooms, modern drapes and carpeted corridors offer the finest accommodation and comfort to the new residents. Clever design has eliminated most stairs and steps as well as sharp corners and turns. Various types of doorknobs, suggested by a blind person, will-help identify rooms. An automatic elevator en- sures easy 'movement from floor to floor. Sitting rooms and lounges of- fer privacy for personal visits as well as ample space for larger get-togeth- ers. Safety and confidence for both totally blind and partially seeing are ensured by a lighted and railed walk from the front entrance to the bus connections. An elaborate fire alarm system including fire exits from each wing on all floors will assure sleep undisturbed by thoughts of fire. Ba- thing and washing facilities are equipped with modern fixtures and skid-resistant mats. Nine staff mem- bers -and 28 volunteers are ready to help the residents at all times, Gentle- men residents may discuss personal needs with one of the male members of the volunteer committee. Annual Bingo And Dance The Port Perry Lions Club will hold their Annual Bingo and Dance at the Port Perry High School on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30. Howard Motors is proud to announce that we are Port Perry Representatives for the Ontario Automobile Association Weekly Endemnity. FREE! FREE! FREE! with all New Cars and Trucks and 1952 Used Cars and later, we will give FREE EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE 1. TOWING SERVICE 2. ROAD TIRE CHANGING 3. MECHANICAL ROAD-SIDE SERVICE / 4. ROAD GASOLINE DELIVERY ig 5. ROAD BATTERY CHANGING 6. KEY AND LOCK SERVICE : 1. EMERGENCY COLLISION SERVICE ALSO you gel. FREE, QF CHARGE LIFE INSURANCE with Lloyd's of London which covers loss of Life or Dis-, memberment up to $8,000.00 and also Hospitalization and Come One! - Come All ~ "THE BIG DAY" F riday, October 19th. ~~ oe v " r ) The beautifully new Bel Air Sport Coupe with Body by Fisher. i SRLS JUST OUT AND JUST WONDERFUL! SEE THE "57 CHEVROLET TODAY! ITS SWEET, SMOOTH AND SASSY! | Chevy goes 'em all one better-- with a daring new departure in design (looks longer and lower, and it 181), exclusive new 1 urboglide automatic transmission with triple turbines, a new VS and a bumper crop of new ideas including lucl Injection! New right down to the wheels it rolls on -- that's the '57 Chevrolet! By now you hon it's new in Style. But treat yoursall to, "otey Yook, Let deeply hooded headlights the saucy new slant of those High, Fashion rear fenders. Chevy's new and Chevy shows it all over! It's longer and lower for '57:*And Chevrolet's new in lots of ways that. don't show up in our picture, I's new in V8 power options that range up to 245 h.p.* Then, you've a choice of two automatic drives as extra-cost options. There's an even finer Powerglide -- and new, nothing-like-it Turboglide that brings you Triple-Turbine take-off and a new flowing kind of going. I's the only one of its kind -- the newest, sweetest, smoothest automatic of them all! NOW -- FUEL INJECTION OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIME! - Greatest engine advance since overhead valves! Chevrolet engines with Ramjet fuel injection, available at extra cost in the Corvette and passenger car models, deliver up to 283 h.p. Come see the new car that goes em all one better -- the new 1957 Chevrolet! ".*(Special high-perform- ance 270 h.p. engine also available at extra cost.) The new Bel Air 4 Door Sedan -- one of 20.striking new Chevies. < C-457C Only franchised Chevrolet dealers Pciitvnolerg display this famous trademark. The Fabulous 1957 Chevrolet Will Be Unveiled At Il HOWARD MOTORS PHONE 74 | Sk LL PORT PERRY More: Options, Accessories, Models, Colors, Engines, Transmissichs than ever offered by any automobile. You must see this fabulous car to appreciate the breath-taking styling of the "57 CHEVROLET. . HOWARD CHALLIS, PROP. FREE LUNCH -- REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED -- ie . ve oy as, Sa GE nr a Pn a ET A gS io, For i Sg - Rp in a A TET WA 5 ¥ wy