8--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1966 Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter in Peter- boro on Monday. A few girls and boys gathered at the home of Grant Beacock on Satur- day in honour of his tenth birthday party. | A satisfactory progress to Mr. Ha- milton who is confined to the house result of a leg fracture. : . At Sunday School on Sunday Mrs. C. Luke read the story "Building for God". The Bible Class was pleased to have Mr, B. Smhllman as teacher. Miss Grace Welion is acting as Sec'y. A larger congregation than usual was present at church on Sunday. Holy Communion was observed, Mrs. Pearl Pogue, Whitby, visited a few days with her aunt Mrs. W. Somerville, Several Plowing Match near Brooklin and as Minnie Odonell put it, "Never S4W_ 80 v many men trying to go straight". Mrs. W. Martyn visited relatives in Lindsay last week, Epsom Bailey for treatment. from here attended the Mr. Mervin and Mr. Kenneth Fra- lick of Barrie, spent Thursday and $26 toward Utica Hall building fund. Friday with their cousin Mr. Bruce and attended Match at Brooklin, Plowing Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor spent Thanksgiving week-end at Sudbury visiting with their daughter Mrs, D, Knight and Mr. Knight, Mrs. W. Rogers spent last week in Toronto, visiting with friends. Neeson and Mrs, Cracknell returned home with 'her for a visit. Sorry to report that Mrs. David Prentice is to go to a Toronto hospital We hope that she will return home much improved in health. The Epsom Community Club held its first meeting of the season on Fri- day evening, Oct. b. Iluchre were played. Fifteen tables of There was an open business meeting, Mrs. B. Bailey, Secretary and Miss Jean Taylor, Treasurer, in the treasury. It was voted to give Winners at euchre were as follows: Ist lady, Luella Bailey; second, Mrs, N. Ashton; con, Erma Watson. Ist gent, Lloyd Brawn; second, Bruce Taylor; con., Lawrence Medd, Door prizes went to Mrs. Elva Sutherland and Mr, C. Hardy, Next euchre and dance will be held Murs, | this Friday evening, Oct. 19th, Pleased to report that Mr, W, Hope has returned from. hospital in better health, . Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Jeffrey visit- ed with Mr .and Mrs. R. King at Gravenhurst while away on holidays. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. Boynton were Mr, and Mrs. Lear- mont, of Hornby; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bousfield, of Toronto, Mr. and Murs. E. Whitehead, of Lindsay and Mr, and ed -- Miss Doris Taylor, President, ! There is $97 |~ the last year's executive were re-elect- Mrs. Donald Boynton of Toronto. aa NI Re * A ' 7" : eo ' Best Buys Meat Specials HEINZ . Baby Foods 5 oz. tin 4 for 35c¢ - ROYAL Instant Puddings 7 Varieties 2 tor. 21c - YORK WHOLE KERNEL CCRN 14 oz. V.P. tin 2 lor 29c¢ Pour Your Shortening! ST. LAWRENCE Corn Oil 15 3 5c Just add ¥ cup to FIVE ROSES WHITE Cake Mix 5 2.5¢ SWIFT'S FRESH Pork Shoulder Roast SWIFT'S FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS wu. 59c SWIFT'S FRESH VEAL FRONT ROLLS :- 39c SWIFT'S SKINLESS -- BROOKFIELD PORK SAUSAGE SWIFT'S "FRESH -- |BEEF LIVER SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- Sealed package BREAKFAST BACON :- 89. w. 4l¢ wv. §5¢ Sliced w 29¢ "Pancake Festival" SHIRRIFI'S Old Fashioned 16-02. jug TABLE SYRUP 2Tc SUNT JEMIMA 20-0z. pkg. 21c PANCAKE FLOUR BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP ~ Macaroni Week CATELLY'S : 16-0z. pkg. Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 ror 29¢ SAVE 6'c -- SARATOGA 9145-0z. family pack POTATO CHIPS 43c GERBER'S -- Mixed, Oatmeal, Cereal, 8-0z. CEREALS 2 vo 3c HEINZ FANCY -- New Pack -- 20-oz, tif TOMRTD JUICE 2+» 29¢ 2-1b. tin TOMATO KETCHUP 25c TEA BAGS 79c WHITE RICE I6c JOHNSON'S 1-1b. tin bi PASTE WAX 59¢ FAB -- 10c¢ Coupon-enclosed -- Lge. pkg. DETERGENT dlc PEPSODENT Large Tube 33c TOGYH PASTE COLGATES -- Giant 59¢ size -- YENTEL CREAM 2 vo 89c FROZEN FOODS LiBtY'S FROZEN FRUIT PIES Cherry Apple - 3 For fe Blueberry ---------- ---- ------ Dowson's Food Ma 31c| BEEF STEW SWIFT'S PREM 12-0z. tin LUNCHEON MEAT SWIFT'S PREMIUM N CANNED HAM i SWIFT'S PREMIUM 37c 134-1b. tin 1.49 15-0z. tin SWIFT'S JEWEL SHORTENING SWIFT'S PARD DOG FOOD Lb. Pkg. 25¢ 15-0z. tin 3 vor 330 Swift's Sandwich Special Swift's Brookfield Canadian Cheese % 1b. roll ___ ripen T Ew 33c 'Swift's Premium Franks, 1 1h. ____ 43¢ Hot Dog Rolls, pkg. 20c All Three For 87c¢° Fresh Produce Sunkist Valencia - Full of Juice - 144 size ORANGES 2 vor B5¢ Fine Quality, Firm, Ripe - Cello Tube TOMATOES Tangy, Juicy - California LEMONS 4 ror 25¢ Select Quality -- California -- Large Heads LETTUCE 17g Marsh Grown -- Fluffy when Cooked 20TATOES 5.2% 17¢ ---- on 2 vor 49c : rket Port Perry Manchester Rev. Mr, Braham brought a fine Harvest Home message on Sunday evening, The church was beautifully | decorated with mums, fruit, vegetables and maple leaves. There was a good Sunday School attendance and you are cordially invited to hear another fine sermon next Sunday at 7.30 p.m, Mr. apd Mrs, Arthur Brooks, of Washago, were guests of 'Mr, and Mrs, A. 'Fielding, on Sunday, Remember the bazaar in the church basement. on Thursday afternoon of this week. - Officially opened{at three o'clock; drop in and inspect the various displays, home baking, ete,, and enjoy a cup of tea, : . Mr. and Mrs, Frank Way and Cal- vin; My, and Mrs, Robert Campbell, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Robert McPhadden, of Oshawa, were visitors of Mrs, Dolly Roberts, on Sunday. Mrs. Gladys Archer spent several days in Brampton with her daughter, day, October 21. Seagrave The Seagrave United Church will celebrate its Golden Jubilee this Sun- The jubilee service Mrs, Brydon and family, wil be held at u gelock Thé prascnt Mr. Wm, Jewell, Sunderland, was|™P!ster, Rev, Eustace Mec vell, B.Th,, with his daughter Mrs. A. Fielding for iy be in charge of the service, and a few days last weeks' ] ui [Lhe chor under the organist, Mrs, . : John Tobin, will offer special musie, Mr, and Mrs, R. C. Noon, Raglan, Several former ministers of the visited Mr, and Mrs. 'W. F. Crosier church will be pregent to take part on Sunday and assisted in the service and the sermon will be preached by of song at church, Rev. Herbert 8. Cobb, B.A, B.D, late Mr. and Mrs, Bert Jewell, of Oak- : smipister of St. Enoch's® Church, To- wood, with Mr, Jewell's sister, Mus, Ne : by A 2 ntY, a son of Seagrave. A cordial McElroy of Cambray, and niece Miss invitation is extended to all who can McElroy of Toronto, called in Mrs, attend, Joe Roberts last week, Mrs, A, Fielding visited in Lindsay on Saturday. At the close of the service lunch will be served when the jubilee cake (will be cut. The ladies of the church are doing everything possible to make the day a memorable one. Farmers who store grain in bins should make sure the bins have been thoroughly cleaned first, Old grain, trash, feed sacks and. other objects furnish living quarters for insects farm stored grain yearly, < Winter rye seeded after mid-August is probably the best bet for an emer- gency pastyre seeding, : oy milk allowance. Lack of water may be responsible for limited hay con- sumption,' ' 'THIS WORLD IT 15 oT LAKEVIEW Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. - THEATRE PORT PERRY OF "VALLEY OF THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCT, 18-19-20 Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker In the Mighty Technicolor Adventure Romance . THE KINGS" COMEDY, ETC. LE ECE TT ar This new method of home treatment for saving and growing -thicker hair will be demonstrated in Port Perry, Ontario, on Fri., October 26. -...These private individual demonstra- tions will be held at the Emmerson Motel on Friday ONLY. LONDON, Ontario--Ip an interview here today, William L, Keele, inter- nationally famous trichologist and president of the Keele Hair and Scalp Specialists, Inc. said "There are 18 different scalp disorders that cause most men and women to lose hair. Using common sense, a person must realize no one tonic or so-called curo- aiFcould correct all the disorders," he explained. GUARANTEED : "The Keele firm, recognizing that most pepole are skeptical of claims that hair can be grown on balding heads, offer a guarantee," Keele said. . - Once a person avails themselves to the Keele treatment his skepticism immediately disappears, To insure this, we offer this guarantee: "If you are not completely satisfied with your hair progress at the end of 80 days, your money will be refunded." HOPELESS CASES DISCOURAGED First the Trichologist is quick to tell hopeless cases that they cannot be helped. But the "hopeless" cases | are few. Only if a man is completely shiny bald is he in the lost category. If there is fuzz, no matter how light, thin, or colorless, the Keele treat- ment can perform wonders. A complete, private examination is given by a Trichologist to determine the condition of his scalp, and cause of hig hair trouble, FREE EXAMINATIONS This examination is very thorough and highly technical. It requires 20 to 30 minutes. The Trichologist makes no charge for this examination and no appointment is necessary, Af- a MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED, OCTOBER 22-28-24 Donna Reed, Van Heflin, Lana Turner In. the Tense and Gripping Drama " "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" NOTE--Due to length of this Great Story, only one show "each night, starting at 8.00 p.m. - 1 1 OO HARVEST MIX, 1 i "Orange Layer Cake" TT Phone 32W 0D 0 0 ~ Hallowe'en Shell-Out Candy Now - JELLY BEANS, PEANUT (in the shell) afi Saturday Specials _ GERROW'S BAKERY V1 IO KISSES "Chop Suey Loaves" - ; - G. M. GERROW ed 9 ter the examination the person is told the required length of treatment and how much it will cost. After starting treatment the per-| son makes regular reports to the Keele firm in London to check the progress of the home treatment. To spread the opportunity of nor-| mal, healthy hair to the thousands |.. who are desperately looking for help, independent Trichologists are visit- ing various cities throtighout "the United States and Canada to conduct examinations and start home treat- ment, NO CURE-ALL "We have no cure-all for slick, shiny baldness," Keele emphasizes, "If there is fuzz, the root is still cap- able of creating hair and we can per- form what seems to be a miracle." ) There is one thing Keele wants to be certain every man and woman knows. If a recession appears at thé temples or a spot begins to show up on the crown of the head, there is something 'wrong, and it should be given immediate attention, HAIR FOR LIFETIME "If clients follow our directions during treatment and after they fin- ish the course, there is no reason why they will not have hair for the rest of their lives", Keele said. Our firm is definitely behind this treatment, it all dépends-on the individual client's faithful observation of a few simple rules. . HOW'S YOUR-HAIR | If it worries you, call Benny A. Leggio at the Emmerson Motel in Port Perry, Ont., on Friday ONLY, October 26th, 12 noon to 9 p.m. The public is invited. You do not need an appointment. The examinations are private and you | will not be embarrassed or obligated in any way. Both men and women are welcome, : 9/ CHE Only franchised Chevrolet dealers L a a -------- . Famous Trichologist Will be oh Demonstrate How to Grow Thicker Hair . . . and Guarantees Ii! DEMONSTRATION TO BE HELD HERE Bide your time till 9 National announcement day for the if "They don't go out on a limb for the first new car they see. That figures, Because it just naturally takes a little longer to bring out a car that's sweet, smooth and sassy. Like the new *57 Chevrolet. It's new right 4 down to the wheels it rolls on -- with a daring new design, a new nothing-like-it automatic drive and a new V8 besides. Longer and lower, too. No wonder wise birds are waiting, Are you one? fot / VROLET C.157D0 -- a display this famous trademark See Your Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Lh i ar which destroy thousands of bushels of + 5 . . ] + Dairemen report' that young calves | \ PO =: need water in addition to the daily oD 4 i A ; «