Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Oct 1956, p. 8

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8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1966 Mr, Ingleton lives in Reach Twp. Farm Improvement 1st--Edgar Ward, Claremont $26.00| 1st--Charles Ingleton, Our program opened with a reading The résults of the Farmstead Im-| 2nd Milton N. Pegg, Uxbridge, B, 8 ..c.....§80.00 on Autumn by Mrs. Fulford. The L ARE 1 THEATRE provement Competition are as follows: . Claremont ..........coceovvinnnns 25.00 Znd-- Armour McMillan, hymn "Bringing In the Sheaves" was Vv E W PORT PERRY omp e ion Donors of Prize Money-- drd--R. R. Brown, Seagrave, R, 2 cue 80.00) sung, 4 Ontario County Council ....$1,600.00 Claremont AAT A serene . 26.00 3rd--Robt. Baird & Son, Mrs. C. Redman led us in a contest Two Shows Nightly ~--Tand 9 p.m. Yn Ontario Plowmen's 4th--Cecil Disney, Brooklin .. 25.00 Blackwater, R. 2 ............. 30.00 on animals which"was won by Myrtle pot Association... pe 500,00 Prize Winners, Area 2, Townships of | 411, George Stone, Manns, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT. OCTOBER 11- 12.18 . A very sets) Barnisesnny Iim- Canadian Paint, Varnish and : Whitby & East Whitby--Class 1 Blackwater, B. 2 ovis 80.00) Lunch was served by Irene Carter's I Jeff Chandler and Laraine Day : é 4 ; provement Compétition has been com- Lacquer Association %... . 500.00) 1.1 Juckson Bros. Brooklin $30.00] 0th--Russell Rodd, . group, : / #4 pleted in Ontario County. This com- | Winner of Championship in Class 1--|. 'el I Ju FE Hon $30. Uxbridge, R. 2 wine, 80,00] Mr. and Mes, Bill Healey and family ir Sovey esos Boy, Wonder) penitioly was spatiared by. thie. Ontario Silver Tray . donated by Brooklin Brooklin * ...cevnnen ro : .. 80.00] Uth--Murray Holtby, spent the "Thanksgiving Week-end inf County Federation of Agriculture and the Ontario County International Plowing Match Committee. "TOY TIGER" SHORT PICTURES Port Perry, R. 2 i... 80.00 Gananoque at the home of Mr, Hea- | Tth--Christie Bros., 4 Women's Institute. 3rd--J, C. Naylor, Columbus * 30.00 ley's parents. Charles Ingleton, Uxbridge, R, 3. 4th--C. I. Werry- & Son, . i . Prize Winners, Area: 1, Township Oshawa, R. 1 ........... ies -30.00 Port Perry, R, 3 ...cvvvverenrn 80.00 . Mr. and Mrs, Bob Brown and fam- Che purpose of the competition was of Pickering--Class ]-- bth--Lance Beath 8th--Howsam Bros, ily, of Nobleton, and Mr. and Mrs. : é dress up Ontario C ounty farms for 15t-- Grenville Draper, « Oshawa. IR. 2 30.00 Uxbridge, R, 3 coors 30.00 Nias Sg Alax Were Bests last Sun- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED. OCTOBER 16-17-18 . the many thousands of visitors who Tara 5 : > ki ' Uth--Clare Vernon ay o r. an rs, Don Gerrow. - Wa are attending the International Plow-| | Shreony, B. 2 hy cas§ 000 poo Ginger, 30.00 Part Perry R. 2 cose 80.00) Mr. and Mrs, Don Ashbridge and Glenn Ford and Anne Francis ® A ing Match at Brooklin this week. Coffin, Claremont. R. 2 30.00 Tth--Lloyd Prouse. Brooklin. 30.00] 10th--L. E. Taylor, Mrs. A. Ashbridge were guests of Mr. In the Record Smashing Screen Hit One hundred and fifty favmers took [= Norman Wilson. Sth----Robert G. Fekel, Uxbridge, R. 8 ............ 80.00] and Mrs, C. Harrison in Scarboro on And The Year's Most Sensational Thrill Drama part in the competition. A lot of Locust Hill, Ro 1 ooo... 30.00 Brooklin, Box 212 30.00 | Prize Winners, Area 3--Class 2-- | Thanksgiving Sunday, "HE BLACKBOARD JUNGLE" splendid work has been done by the dih-dnek Mitchell, 9th--Harold A. Werry, ' 15t=-Corless Ashenhurst, : : ; : farmers who entered this competition. Claremont, R. 2 ooo) 30.00 Oshawa, R. 1 ... 3 ai Uxbridge, R. 8 cocoons $26.00 Bis and Mrs, ip Abs ud famly Adult Entertainment SHORT PICTURES ' The judging was done by Mr. W. Hth--C. E, Pegg, 10th--Ken IL. Powell, 2nd--Rae Medd, Se oro Jpn at Gi . = A. Cockburn, Drumbo, Ont. Twenty- Claremont, R. 2 oven. 30.00 Oshawa, R. 1 ......... rereinrens Port Perry, R. 1 ...... 25.00 * dit 2 : five hundred dollars in prize money Gth--Mvrs. John Soden, + Prize Winners, Area 2--Clags 2-- drd--John L. Holtby, was made available by the Ontario Locust Hill, R. 1 ......... 30.00 Ist--+-George McLaughlin, Port Perry, R. 2 .............. «+ 26.00 : 0 OO County Council, the Ontario Plow- ith--Harry W. Boyes & Son, Oshawa, R. 1 ...cooiveeeen, p 4th--Byron Holtby, X Ma chester men's Association and the Canadian Pickering, Box 76 .......... 30.00 2nd--Harvey Crossman, Port Perry, R. 2 ........ 26.00 1 Something Templing for Each Meal! | "Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Associa- 8th--W. H. Carson Oshawa, R. 2 ovis Prize Winners, Area 4, Townships of 1 3 ! or d Mrs. Brydon and family of Bramp- tion. Claremont .........ccooevevvvenen 30.00] 3rd--IL. Kahn, Brooklin Uxbridge & Scott--Class 1-- L ith h thes Mrs. Arl Hallowe' en Candy The grand championship in Class 1,| 9th--Wm,_ S. Pegg, Ashburn 20.00] 4th-- David I.. Beath, 1st--Morley Bain, Zephyr ......$30.00 ron Sin er mother Mrs, Areh- a silver tray donated by the Brooklin! 10th--Alex. Schneider, Oshawa, IR. 2 ocean, "nd--Donald S. Kennedy, : . 7s a S d Sp L Women's Institute, was won by My. | Ashburn ....ccvecccevennnnn. 30.00 | Prize Winners, Area 3, Townships of Stouffville, R. 3... ren 30.00 hii Huse Jann of Feipen a atur ay ecia | Charles Ingleton, Uxbridge R. R. 3. Prize Winners, Area 1---Clags 2-- | Reach and Scugog--Class 1-- ion Mavien, shai hy of Chocolate Date Layer yop Chop Suey Loaves. , Ro1 a. SE , 4th--J, Alex. Noble, Uxbridge, R. 2 ........ccvuusr. -30.00 6th--Thomas McKnight, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Christie atten- ded the wedding of her nephew at Is- lington on Saturday. 1001 OD ED: ID We have a number of Flour and Sugar Cotton Bags EE Th SER 1 i 3 dS RR EN y - ed Ra Ie ; Uxbridge, R. 2 .......oesieeee. 30.00] Mr. W. F. Crosier won a number of GERROW S BAKERY '6th--H, J. Pearson, top prizes on his Yorkshire Swine at hon i Uxbridge, R. 2 .ooocune «ee 30.00 { Markham Fair. Phone 12W " G. M. GERROW Tth--Jack Pearson, . Miss Carol Midgley was in Toronto EL m-- Uxbridge, R. 1 cocoon, .» 30.00 | for the Thanksgiving holiday. ' 5 # 8th--Wellington Yake, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. - ps .Goodwood, R. 4 ........... . 80.00) Wm, McCartney on the birth of a lit- WEDGHOC ye Co. 9th--William Kennedy, ] tle daughter in Port Perry Community ; Tit cp poy * Uxbridge, R, 2 .......... were ~30.00 | Hospital, Thursday, Oct. 4th. NIGHT CLASSES . i pe \ 10th--Bruce Reynolds, - Miss Judith Inees, Sunderland was d aH A L F / PIECES I © : Uxbridge, R. 2 .....cvvovnrenen . 30.00 | a guest of Miss Carol Midgley on the | 8 Prize Winners, Area 4--Class 2-- week-end. P P Hi h S h ] - PRIC Ee, gh Ponchast 1st--Luther Luke & Son, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harrison, De- ort Per I Y y choo a is, uh Uxbridge, R. 2 von +APA,00| brols" were guests OF lug DEON ME. | ap EE ere mt ii «Mr. John F. Jefford 2 RU NAPP : BCs Znd--Mrs. Wm. J. Barton, | Clark Harrison and Mr, and Mrs. W.{ qoino °° siren nsMrg, Miriam Price "BUTTER Pal i : EP Uxbridge, R. 2 .....cen 26.00 | F. Crosicr over the holiday. BYDEWTILIDR, vintners M58 AD Sls DINNER PLAYER: 2 3rd--Garfield Bennett, : Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cawker, Lois andl Bogie English for New Canadians .. Lives .. Miss Norah McCully . ¢ - Goodwood, R. 1 .......c.evune 26,00 | Tom spent the holiday week-end with (No Fee for Basic English) - Betty Crocker BIRDS EYE FROZEN 12-0z. pkg. DOC. BALLARD'S ) -- relatives at Port Elgin. : CHAMPION Sty=Mrs. W, 120, , - % TUESDAYS, 7.30 to 9.30 o'clock - L Cake'n Frosting] GREEN PEAS 2 ror 3c u ) sl IV , 7 : Mix - j : 0g Food hid Pgh Wand a 'P8 OL Women's Association on Thursday af- Beginning Tuesday, October 23rd HEREFORD 12-0z. tin 15-0z. tin Lh ATIai Gooner | ternoon, Oct. 4th. Eighteen members Fee is $6.00 with $2.00 refundable for regular attendance. ' 17-0z. pkg. 37¢ CORNED BEEF 37¢ HM "Three Combinations] FACE-ELLE i hoose" Yo. TISSUES 3 ror 35¢ 200's 2 ror 33 WALKER'S ~ Toilet Tissue [quaker 2 wn 3c |CORN FLAKES Giant pkg. - 12-0z. Saltines ib. Pkg. 27C 22¢ "FALL BAKING VALUES" FIVE ROSES -- 5-1b. bag FLOUR ROSE BRAND All Purpose -- 39¢ MARGARINE wn. rie. J1¢ SUPREME BRAND .7-0z. pkg. WALNUT PIECES 3c FARM BOY 15-0z. pkg. SEEDLESS RAISINS ~~ 25¢ JAFFA 14.0z, pkg. PITTED DATES 23c AUNT MARY'S (Daily Fresh) 24-0z. loaf BREAD 6c CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM 6-o0z, pkg. SODAS C2033 Red & White Toilet Tissue, Super Soft 2 for 23¢ Tohnson's Hard Gloss" Glo-Coat, qt. tin __ 1.09 Woodbury's Toilet Soap, 1c sale 4 cakes 30c Lux Liquid Detergent, Ige. tin 38c, glant tin Tle 'Lge. tin Gt. tin 49 97 NEW WISK Detergent HAWE'S PASTE WAX CLOVERLEATF, Solid, Light, 7-oz. tin TUNA FISH 39c CLARKE'S 20-0z. tin Beans with Pork 2 ror 39¢ WESTON'S CAPRI WAFERS SUNBEAM -- 14 Price Sale SOAP PADS 2 ro 2Ic FRESH - QUALITY MEATS = Fresh - Ontario - Swift's Premium - Boneless Vamh Front Roast w. §9¢ SPECIAL LEAN -- Rolled Plate ww. 33¢ Boneless Pot Roast SPECIAL LEAN -- PEAMEALLED Cottare Rolls uw. §9¢ SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- Store Sliced "ooked Ham wn. 49Y%¢ SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- By the piece Bologna un. 25¢ SWIFT'S -- Braunschweiger, fiver & Bacon, Sandwich Spread ka. 33 PRODUCE Now at their best for Winter keeping No. 1 SEBAGO Potatoes 50 1b. bag 99 10 1b. bag 29¢c Smacking with goodness BLUE, GREEN, RED Niagara Grapes CRUNCH, FLAVOUR Packed Fall Crop Celery MILD, SWEET, WAXED Turnips Heaping 6 qt. bask. 19¢ A Large Stalks 2 vor 19¢ iw. Be Premium Chubs Birds Eve Frosted Foods Birds Eve Orange Ju'ce 6 07, ting «=.2 for 37¢ i 1 1b. ie dhe. Dowson's Food Market Rigds Five Perch Fillets Birds Eye Chonped Spinach 12 07, pk, le - -- ar _Lb. Tin 47¢c 22¢ Cannington .........cveiennnnne $30.00 2nd--Russell Morrison, " Beaverton, R. 2 .....ccveee 30.00 3rd--Ross Miller, Sunderland 80.00 4th--G, D. Tomlinson, Cannington .......... TET 30.00 b6th--A. D. Richardson,-&-Son Beaverton enon. 30.00 6th--W. Don Smith, Beaverton, R. 2 ......... . 30.00 Tth--Robert H. Baker, Sunderland, R. 1 .............. 30.00 8th--Chas, J. Hadden & Son Blackwater, R, 2 ...........; . 30.00 9th--Cecil Snodden, Blackwater, R. 1 ..... veer 30.00 10th--Alex, Gray, Beaverton, [R. 2 ............. « 30.90 Prize Winners, Area 5--Class 2-- 1st--Mrs. Martha Hills, Beaverton, R. 2 ............. : ..$25.00 2nd--Geo. Grills, Cannington, R. 1 ....... wennne 26.00 3rd--Harold Davidson, RS Cannington, R. 2 ............. 25.00 4th--Orvan Chambers, Wilfrid 26.00 Prize Winners, Area 6, Townships of Rama and Mara--Class 1-- 1st--Wesley McArthur, Washago .....cuuiinnne 2nd--James A, Brockie, 247 Belsize Ave., Toronto 30.00 3rd--Leonard Kelly, Udney, R. 1 ...ccoeene. eens 30.00 Prize 'Winners, Area 6--Clags 2-- 1st--E. B. Seedhouse, Uptergrove .......ceerenee veer $26.00 2nd--Geo. W. Jamieson, +. $30.00 Atherley, R. 2 ......... wennee 26,00 drd--Archie Gilchrist, ~ Atherley, R. 2 ..... ween 20.00 4th--Geo. A. Gowanlock, Atherley, R. 2 corres 26.00 The October meeting of the Head W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Alan Carter on Ogt.. 3rd. Nineteen members and two visitors were pre- sent to enjoy the Thanksgiving meet- ing. We were pleased to have Mrs. C. Muffitt of Toronto, who has been visiting with Mrs, S. Rodman, with us. Our president, Mrs. Joe Dowson, was in charge, and the meeting open- ed with the singing of the Theme Hymn, followed by our repeating the Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs, Ashbridge read our lesson story on the life of Ruth, and Mrs. C. Reader read the Scripture, algo on the chapter of Ruth. The roll call was answered by our favourite flower, During our business meeting, the ordering of new hymn books was dis- answered the roll and several visitors were welcomed. Following the Wor- ship period, Pres. Mrs. Archer con- ducted the business session. Finan- cial reports were gratifying. Mrs, J. E. Holtby has received a consignment of lovely Christmas cards and any W. A. member will gladly accept an or- der. Much discussion was given to the plans for the bazaar. It has been ne- cessary to change the date of the ba- zaar to October 18th instead of 17th as previously arranged. The meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Mrs, Henry and her group served a deli- cious lunch. - Mr, and Mrs. W, S. Taylor and daugliter Brenda of Stouffville visited her parents here on Sunday evening. We are glad to report Mr. E. Mole and Mr, A, Wilson who are in Oshawa Hospital, on the way to recovery. Utica " Quite a number attended our Anni- versary Service held on Sunday after- noon. Mr, S, Saywell of Oshawa oc- cupied the pulpit assisted by Mr. R. Wilbur, the Sunday School Superin- tendent. The Junior Farmer's Quar- tet sang two special numbers which were much enjoyed. Presiding at the organ was Miss Jean Pearson of Ux- bridge. Mr. Saywell based his ser- mon on the verse from Exodus ;While My Glory passes by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock." From these words he gave us a thoughtful message, . Our Turkey Supper held Saturday evening was a most successful event in every way. Nearly two hundred and fifty people came to enjoy a bountiful repast and the films shown by Mr, Wesley Johnson of Manchester. Mervin Storie, Bill Brown, Chet -Geer and Ralph Wilbur have nearly completed building the forms for the new hall foundation. Malcolm Randall was home for the week end from Lorne Park School, Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs, E, E. King of Orillia were visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Jack Crosier attended Teach- ers Convention in Ottawa last Thurs- day and Friday. Two women who had once been neighbours met on the street after not have seen each other for.several years. "My" said one, "I would hardly have known you . ... You look so much older," "I wouldn't have recognized you, JOHN MCINTYRE, Vice-Chairman, Register with the Principal by October 18th. - GRANT MACDONALD, Principal. Bi ht, PICKARD'S PHONE 592 ARE NOW PREPARED to take care of your Plumbing and Heating Needs also Eavestroughing Call-in and ask for estimates. Hardware FLOOR TILE and GENERAL KITCHEN GIFT-WARE. Enquire About Our Christmas Gift Lay-Away Plan A HARDWARE We carry a full line of PORT PERRY Prince Albert A very good congregation turned -out to church on Sunday to hear our minister Rev. R. H. Wylie deliver a very fitting sermon in keeping with Thanksgiving. The Sunday School has got into its regular fall routine. Mrs, E, Martyn read the story on being Thankfull, the little church while all sang Happy Birthday. See you all 2 o'clock next Sunday. Wi H. Hodgins, L, Hunter, 7. Martyn and' Mr, [Rzadkouski were deny the many who attended the "Teacher's Convention" in Ottawa. It is interesting to see Sharon Wil- liams and Larry Brown acting at the (Track and Field Meet" at Port Perry. Holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, H. Hodgins and Mary Lyn included their family; Mr. and Mrs. Murrin, Toronto; Sgt. Terry and Mrs. Hodgins of Camp Borden; and Miss Gail Hod- gins of Milton. Mrs, Stanton, Mra, MecKerihen, Mrs. Grant Beacock placed his money in Midland on Saturday. We are all sorry to learn Rev. F. G. Joblin is at present confined to the hospital. He is missed, especially as our faithful Bible class . teacher. Speedy get-well- Mr, Joblin. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, N. Wilsons included Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Rodd and Bud who attended church here, 'Also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meller and family, all of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith, Toronto spent the long week-end with her mother Mrs. Robt, Jackson and also at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murphys, Mrs. M. Kirby spent Monday holi- day with her neice the I. Beacocks and Mr. F, Vickery. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glasgow and boys of Auburn with her sister Mr. and Mrs, Grant Hunters, Mr, and Mrs. B. Wanamaker and Bill, Seagrave, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martyn on Sunday. Mr, Keizibrink Sr,, Ena and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keizibrink attend- ed the wedding of Mr, John Keizi- brink to Miss Garrie Eyganraam in Christian Reform Church, Brampton, \ ------ A RS SR SE NG Gs Phone 91 Port Per g cussed, also the repair of our present] either," said the other, "except for | Luke and brother Mr. A, Bond and We welcome this bride and groom to , books. £\ [rou hat and dress." Mr, M. Luke enjoyed a motor trip to] our village.

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