Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Oct 1956, p. 4

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wld oy Oshawa 1 SR NA Ah Na RRA A LCR : : AE NT TA Lh rr 3 PRES SAAN Fiokny ES gyi & £4 Ns SN pS Si RECTAN CUISINES, SH Ra aa ea ta a 4¢---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1968 LOCAL Card of Thanks I wish<to thank all my friends and neighborg for their cards, flowers and visits during my recent stay in Osha- va Hospital. Ethel Redman, ¢ Card of Thanks I wish through the columns of this paper, to thank the unidentified young lad, also the members of the Corona- tion Track and Field" Club for their kindness in returning my wallet which they found. 1 really appreciate the honesty of these young lads. Wish- ing the club every success. Sincerely, Henry White. Card of Thanks In appreciation of all the kindness shown to us since our accident. To the people who sent fruit,flowers, the many cards and good wishes, to those who eared for the children, the men who did the chores, the men who har- vested and stored our corn, the women who catered to these men, the ladies who have supplied baking since our arrival home from the hospital, and the nurses of the Community Mem- orial Hospital, Port Perry, our heart- | felt thanks. Vera and Jim Thaxter. Card of Thanks I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends for all their kndness and cheery get well greetings sent me while IT was in the hospital, also I would like to thank Dr. Rennie, Nurses and staff of Community hospital for beiny so kind to me. Sincerely, Edna Anderson. - BUY CANADA. SAVING BONDS ' 1th Series Interest increasing from 3'5 to 4.7, averaging 3% ¢. Cashable at par & accrued monthly interest Call R. J. HARPER Phone 204 WS | THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rey. K. W .Secott, L. Th, Rector Sunday, October 14 11 a.m.---Morning Prayer' Sunday School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, October 14th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.---Holy Communion 7.00 p.m.-- The congregation will worship with St. John's Presbyterian on the occasion of their 100th Anni- versary. 0 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH * Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D. D. Sunday. October 14 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. L Fr x » CATA TIA VE Fat oh x eS PERSIAN COMING EVENTS Euchres fo Start Thursday, Oct. 11th, at 8.80 p.m. in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church. Lungh served. Admission 60 cents. . Oct. 4 Annual Bingo And Dance The Port Perry Lions Club will hold their Annual Bingo and Dance at the Port Perry High School on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30. - - - Kiwanis Trade Fair In the Uxbridge Arena on October 18, 19th, and 20th from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Admission to arena Free. Octll Baking and Rummage Sale Watch for the Rummage Sale (See this page for further wh. ment re 100th Anniversary.) PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH ' Pastor: Paul Delaney | Sunday, October 14th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. Iivening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. THE UNITED CHURCH of CANADA" Scugog Pastoral Charge + Minister: Rev, J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. - Sunday Services, Oct. 14th--s 10.00 a.m.--Grace Church. « 11.156 a.m,--Prospect Church.. 7.30 p.m.--Manchester Church » We shall hold Thanksgiving Services' and invite all to come and worship? with us. A . PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. H. J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, October 14 and Sale of Home Baking at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday, October 13th, under the auspices of the Evening Guild, Church of the Ascension, in the Parish Hall. Good Used Clothing and other useful articles. Afternoon Tea. Everyone Welcome, Oct. 11 Annual Bazaar SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd at 3 pa. in the Port Perry United Church, sponsored by the W. A. Mis- cellaneous booths, including Baking, Opportunity Bargains, and Afternoon Tea. , Oct.11 Cooking = Demonstration on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17th at 8 p.m. in United Church School room. Canada Packers Co. will present their Home Economist, Miss Sally Henry, who will deal with the fundamentals 10 a.m.--Sunday School " 7 p.m.--LEvangelistic Service All Welcome. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Rn Ls Featuring ~~ SPRING LAMB Custom V/ 'Slaughtering CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY "PHONE 29 I; Ballet TAP - BATON Register, Friday, Sept. 28 4-6 p.m. Room No. 11 Port Perry High School HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY RA 5-6122 Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.056 "We need our Church-- Oshawa 11 a.m.--Morning Worship , our Church needs us." dec.16-b6 Birth CAMPBELL--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell (nee Aleta Wake- ford) of Cullens Brook, Bonaventure County, Quebec, a daughter, Gayle Roselynn, on September 16th. A sister for Terry. i Larsen Threw | 97 Pitches NEW YORK--Don Larsen threw 97 pitches in Monday's perfect no-hitter for New York Yankees but not once did he precede a pitch with a wind-up. Brooklyn Dodgers, who didn't get a man on base all afternoon while losing 2-0, agreed they hadn'd seen anything quite like it before "I don't think there's anyone in the National League that pitches like that," said Peewce Reese, "except maybe Dick Littlefield of the Giants." Manager Casey Stengel said the idea of pitching without winding up was Larsen's own idea. of meat cookery, pastry making and cake baking, Every woman will want to attend. Tickets available from any member of Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E., the sponsors of this demonstration. Our local merchants have again given generously of prizes to be taken away. Tickets b0c. Don't miss this evening's fun, Turkey Dinner will be held in Tritity United Church, Uxbridge, on Wednesday, October 17, at 5.30 to 8 p.m. Good program by Ontario County Junior Farmer's Quar- tette, under the leadership of Mrs. Mrs. Elsie Dobson. Admission: adults $1.50, Public School Children 76c. Pre- school children free, SC \ AKT & , Fach . FAM : a a PRY FRIEMDVOL FFEINRMR PIE PY © - * "a La . * pe AL FRE " Euchre The Men's Club, Church of. the Ascension, will commence its euchres on Thursday, October 18th at 8.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Lunch will be served. Admission 60 cents. Bazaar The Manchester WA, are holding a bazaar and Sale of Home Baking in the basement of the Church on Thurs- day, October 18th. The bazaar will be opened at 3 p.m. Tea will also be served. Causeway Lanes PORT PERRY Open Bowling TUESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS Family Doubles ON FRIDAY z Federation of Agriculture The regular meeting of the South Ontario County Federation of Agri- culture was held in the Myrtle Hall on Wednesday the 3rd of October. It was decided that Ontario County would participate with Simcoe and York Counties in taking the display to the ploughing match. Members of Ontario County Federation- were named to be on hand at the display to talk to the visiting farmers. Durham county was also asked to participate, It was arranged that Mr. Tindall the chairman for the federation with the cooperation of the prize donors, the paint companies and the Agricul- tural committee of the county council, look after the distribution of prizes for the Farmstead Improvement Com- petition. The prizes are to be award- ed on Wednesday at 12 o'clock at the Eaton tent. Cheques not picked up there will be available at the Federa- tion of Agriculture display later. - A letter was read from the Hon. tion to be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the federation. The tur- key dinner will be served by the Ux- bridge ladies in the United Cliurch on Wednesday the 14th of November. The serious problem confronting the farmers of Ontario County regarding the Rural Co-operator subscriptions 'was discussed as the bill was present- ed for the year ahead. The secretary was instructed to write to all the par- ticipating organizations to ascertain whether or not they wished to parti- cipate to the extent they had before > 1856 11 a.m.--Divine Worship-- 7.00 p.m.--Divine Worship. Guest preacher--Rev. W. Guest Preacher--Rev. W. Music by St. John's Choir. St. John's Presbyterian Church PORT PERRY 1956 'One Hundredth Anniversary MINISTER--REYV. B. D. ARMSTRONG, B.A., D.D. Sunday, October 14th S. Bell, B.A., Bobcayg S. Bell, B.A. Choir assisted by The Junior Farmer's Quartette. + "He thought Boston was stealing siggns-too, three weeks ago." said Sten- gel. "It's helped him, and I suppose everybody will be doing-it now." a heckuva time with that | DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario || A Complete line of Meats, Groceries, ~ and Sunbeam Bread and Cakes, School Supplies ~ For Free Delivery Phone 485 w Next Week Is PHONE 49 VITAMIN PRODUCTS, TOILETRIES, COSMETICS, FIRST AID SUPPLIES, . STATIONERY, CHRISTMAS CARDS, GIFT ITEMS and SUNDRIES. On One Cent Sale Week we close Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. and are open Wednesday to 6.00 p.m. A. M. LAWRENCE V/ T%e ) Rexall Store LAWRENCE'S ONE CENT SALE || October 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Your chance to save real money on REXALL REMEDIES, PORT PERRY \ Mr. Goodfellow accepting our invita- the Federation of Agriculture took over the assembling of lists and col- lecting and paying of subscriptions. Studying the proposed Farm Pro- ductg Marketing Act had to be set a- side until the next meetings as did the By-Laws of Incorporation for the newly incorporated Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture. Mr, Tindall, president of 'the County Federation, was named delegate to the provincial annual meeting. Delegates to the convention included Mr. Rodd of Uxbridge, Mr. Doble, Uxbridge, Al- fred Jackson, Brooklin and Mrs. Hamer. District Churches Scugog Pastoral Charge At a meeting of the Sunday School Teachers of Grace Church last week Wednesday, it was decided to hold a Rally for the children on Sunday No- vember 4th. By that time we will have the new schedule of Church Ser- vices for the Winter. The Minister will meet with the teachers of all the Sunday Schools, and will plan to have | that "Rally Sunday" for the Pastoral Charge. It is planned to have a Jr. Chair for the Island. He will meet with Manchester teachers on Friday, Oct. 12th and Prospect teachers on Tuesday, Oct. 16th at 8.30 p.m. For the information of all our In- dian friends who may have seen an incorrect account of a report of dur United Church on Indian Reserva- tions, we would say that the whole re- port in the Daily Papers was denied, at our recent meeting of Presbytery in Whitby. What our Church did say was, that a state of idleness prevailed on many Reservations. . Not that ported; but that they are idle on ac- count of no work being provided for them. Most of our Indians on Scu- gog Island are working in Oshawa, and drive too and fro in their cars. The whole tendency today is to do away with segregation in Schools and Homes. We are endeavouring to do this in the Church too; and will wel- come at our Services on the Island all who love the Lord Jesus, irrespective of race and nationality. Transporta- tion is being arranged for those who hae no cars to attend our Morning Service. We have -called a meeting of all members and adherents of Grace Church for Monday, Oct. 15th in the Church at 8.30 p.m. The matter of Union is to the fore, and we hope that many will come, The Official Board will meet in Manchester Church on Friday, Oct. 19th at 8.30 p.m, We call attention to the Coming Events Column of the Port Perry Star, to an Ad. regarding our Manchester these good people are "lazy" as re-|. Our best wishes and prayers go out to all who are convalescing. 'May our Father's presence be near you, and may you find healing and new strength. Reach and Scugog Teachers Meet The teachers of the Reach and Scu- gog School Areas met in the Victoria Corners School with Mrs. Mero in the chair assisted by Mrs. Hodgins as secretary-treasurer. The meeting op- ened with the singing of O Canada ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. Hun- ter. Mrs, Mero read the fifty-first Psalm and we all repeated the Lord's prayer, The pupils of Victoria Cor- ners sang two selections under the direction of Mrs, Sandison. Peter and Marie Hogan dressed in a charm- ing colour combination of brown and leopard-skin performed in duet as did Brenda Ferguson and Efeanor Noble. After roll call the minutes of the last meeting were read followed by the treasurer's report. Mr. Knight, our inspector, introduced the new teachers--Mrs. Dorothy Robertson of Bethel, Mrs. Mavis McCully of Saint- field and Mr. Walter Baeshka of Shir- ley. An affirmative vote was receiv- ed on the banquet and the appointed committee, Mrs. Samells, Mrs, Dobson and Mr. Venner will carry out plans to hold the banquet in October. Mr. Knight introduced the after- noon's speaker Miss McQuade who . teaches English at the Uxbridge High School. She told us about a trip to visit the homes of such writers as Al- cott, Longfellow and Thoreau. Then she tried to answer the question of what . High School English teachers expect Public "School graduates to know. She discussed Spelling, Read- ing, Punctuation and Writing, She wondered why some of the children use. a combination - of writing and printing which is practically unread- dble. She told us how she thought Prose and poetry selections should be taught and concluded her talk by ask- ing each of us for our favourite poem. Officers for this year are Mr. C. Rzadkowski--president; Mr, B. Mac- donald -- vice-president and Mr, W. Baeshka--secretary-treasurer. At the conclusion of the meeting we enjoyed a tasty lunch served by Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Mero and Mrs. Sandison. - ---- Badminton Club Opens Season Port Perry Badminton Club will open its fall season on Tuesday even- ing at 8 p.m. in the High School gym. Persons wishing to join the club this year may contact Mr, I. Boyd or come to the schoo] on Tuesday eve. THEY GAMBLE WITH DEATH The curb-stepping little fellow has the right idea. He's making sure no cars are coming before he - and his friend cross the street on the way to school, School teachers, police and traffic safety officials all wy to help our school children legrn pedestrian safety rules along ith the three R's. Joining with those groups, Liberty Mubinl Jreuranes mpany suggests n can help a great deal by om nd through example, Your children and you, too, should: 8. Cross streets only on properly - esignated crosswalks, 4. Respect and obey signals of the traffic policeman or safety officer on duty. 5. At intersections - regulated b traffic lights, cross only wi the pedestrian light. 6. Insist that Horr play their es in schoolyards or at me, not in the street. And, as a driver, you can help, too, during the school year by driving slowly and cautiously when passing schools or play- COLOUR WHEN YOU BUY it can cost y guarantee of heating satisfact to order 'blue coal', Port Perry DONTBE Don't just order coal--insist on 'blue coal'. "blue coal' is colour-marked for your and get clean, safe, low-cost heat, Don't be colour-blind when you buy coal. It pays REESOR FUEL & LUMBER 'blue Q coal' DON'T JUST ORDER COAL--INSIST ON 'blue cont BLIND! COAL... ou money! ion. Order 'blue coal' Bazaar. The Ladies had planned to wi 3 as Me ar hold same on Wednesday Oct. 17th, 1. Look both ways before crossing - a in mind PuwWoul i but have changed the date to Thurs- streets. be behind the wheel of the car that day instead. ' ~ 2. Never Jaywalk, hit him?" LJ Phone 73 'blue coal' . AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT SAVES WORK--SAVES MONEY ON HARD COAL HEAT. Perfect comfort at the flick a fin heat from Call us today 'for a Dias Soul: au completely automatio-- "feed (6 ash -- LT ARI men tine apn } LE

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