® SY © @ Ladies' Wed. Night Bowling League 1ST SECTION SCHEDULE October 3rd-- Alleys: 1-2 North Stars - Hurricanes. T o'clock 8-4 6-6 Flyers - Lancasters Bombers . Jets 9 o'clock' Spitfires - Mosquitoes Kitty Hawks - Helicopters Sunderlands - Mustangs 1-2 8-4 6-6 October 10th-- 7 o'clock - Spitfires - Mustangs Mosquitoes - Helicopters 1-2 3-4 5-6 9 o'clock North Stars - Jets Hurricanes - Lancasters Flyers - Bombers 4 1-2 3-4 6-6 October 17th-- 7 o'clock Lancasters - Helicopters Sunderlands - Bombers Hurricanes - Mustangs 9 o'clock Mosquitoes - Flyers Spitfires - Jets Kitty Hawks - North Stars October 24th-- 7 o'clock 1-2" Kitty Hawks - Flyers 3-4 North Stars - Spitfires © b-6- Jets - Mosquitoes Sunderlands - Kitty Hawks i 51's v 2 dad (ihe Phagety a , y A A eA FH 9 o'clock 1-2 Sunderlands - Hurricanes 3-4 Helicopters - Bombers 65-6 Mustangs - Lancasters October 31st-- . T o'clock 1-2 Mustangs - Jets 3-4 Kitty Hawks - Hurricanes 5-6 Helicopters - Flyers Tih 9 o'clock 1-2 Lancasters - Spitfires 3-4 North Stars - Sunderlands 65-6 Bombers - Mosquitoes ea November 7th-- 7 o'clock 1-2 Mosquitoes - North Stars 3-4 Lancasters - Sunderlands 5.6 Mustangs - Bombers 9 o'clock 1-2 Hurricanes - Helicopters 3-4 Jets - Kitty Hawks Spitfires - Flyers November 14th-- T o'clock Bombers - Spitfires Hurricanes - Mosquitoes 1-2 3-4 5-6 Kitty Hawks - Lancasters 9 o'clock 1-2 Jets - Sunderlands 3-4 Mustangs - Flyers 5-6 . North Stars - Helicopters November 218t-- 7 o'clock 1-2. Flyers - Sunderlands 3-4 Helicopters - Jets 5-6 North Stars - Mustangs new members. LADY CURLERS The Ladies' Curling Club, Port Perry, have openings for Anyone wishing to join please phone 404 or 38 for further information not later than October 2nd. 9 o'clock 1.2 Kitty Hawks - Bombers 3-4 Lancasters - Mosquitoes |6-6 Hurricanes - Spitfires November 28th-- . . 7 o'clock 1-2 Jets . Lancasters 8.4 Bombers - North Stars * 5-6 Flyers . Hurricanes ' 9 o'clock 1-2- Helicopters - Mustangs 3-4 Sunderlands - Spitfires 5-6, Mosquitoes - Kitty Hawks December 5th-- " 7 o'clock 1-2 Sunderlands - Mosquitoes 3-4 Mustangs - Kitty Hawks 65-6 Spitfires - Helicopters 9 o'clock 1-2 Bombers - Lancasters 3-4 Flyers - North Stars 6-6 Jets . Hurricanes December 12th-- 7 o'clock 1-2 Hurricanes - Bombers 3-4 Jets - Flyers 65-6 Lancasters - North Stars y . 9 o'clock: 1-2 Spitfires - Kitty Hawks 3-4 Mosquitoes - Mustangs 6-6 Helicopters - Sunderlands Junior Farmers' Church Service Well Attended Rev. Ray McCleary, M.B.E,, D.D,, Pastor of Wood Green United Church, Toronto, was the guest speaker at the Eleventh Annual Ontario County Jr. Farmer Church Service on Sunday, September 16th, The service was held in the Foster Memorial, north of Ux- bridge. Rev. McCleary is noted for his work with Young People, his sermon was a -Uxbridge, football who don't just talk about the game Here are two announcers but are willing to go right out on the gridiron and get the feel of things. Big Byng Whitteker makes like he's going to catch a three-yard forward made by Steve (The Rifle) Douglas. Ta es ee Ee RE The two CBC announcers who handle half the" Big Four football telecasts came to the conclusion, after the prae- tice was over, that it's a soft touch up there in the announcers' booth; their ten-minute practice was followed by Whitteker's having to use three bottles of linament and Douglas half a bottle. ers and their friends who attended. Miss Marilyn Ross, Beaverton, President of the Ontario County Jr, Farmers' Association, was in charge of the Maustyn McKnight, Vice-President, read the Scripture lesson. Miss Jeannette Dob- son sang a solo, 'Trust Ye in the Lord'. Two anthems were sung by the Ont- ario County Junior Farmer Choir un- der the direction of Mrs. Elsie Dobson. services 7 Foster Memorial was full to over- flowing. The attendance this year was the largest ever for a Junior Farmer Church Service. ---- ALONG CAME A SPIDER blamed for Beverley Bondy into a two-car col- lision here Sunday. Miss Bondy told police a spider climbed down from ol real inspiration for the Junior Farm-|her to hit a stationery auto. PROVING GROUNDS OF CHEVROLET POPULARITY East, West . .. across the land, wherever cars are parked, on every str : ot "and highway, you see more Chevrolets than any other car -- because , | far more people drive Chevrolet than any other car! And the preference for Chevrolet is growing ever greater. Because more and more people are discovering ...- There's No Value like Chevrolet Value! gor eh [culture in Bowmanville : WINDSOR. -- A big spider Was loss, about ten pereent of the tobacco frightening 18-year-old | has been destroyed, the other 90 per the sun visor onto her face, causing who handle the corn crow in the dis- Frost Destroys Tomato Crop at Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE--The extent of the crop loss suffered as a result of the frost in the Bowmanville district will not be known for several days. It is expected to run into several hundred thousand dollars. A. FE. Summers, Agricultural repre- sentative of the Department of Agri- said on Tues- day that the tomato ¢ rap is a complete cent has been harvested. Canadian Canners in Bowmanville, trict report that it is too early to tell just how much corn has been hurt. The Canners have more than 600 acres of corn this year, they have threshed , fit} Vira Ret he >. BE 0 1 $l stlteacid eld. aaa SLs - rat nl of le es A A A Sl ts El / THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1956--b6 "ENJOY SOFT ICE CREAM AT ITS. BEST: tastee-freez Cones. Sundaes Milk Shakes Simcoe Street N Oshawa INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH TO BE HELD ON THE FARM OF Heber Down, Hwy. 7A at Brooklin OCTOBERY, 10, 11, 12, 1956 In addition to a large variety of Classes in Plowing there will be Competitions in FARM WELDING each day; a HORSE SHOW of animals Used in the Plowing, and FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATIONS. a little more than 100 acres to date. AMNEBROCIS DEPARTM "NT STORE SAVAGE TEEN AGERS $5.95 and $7.95 Bata -- Girls"... ... $3.98 and $4.95 'Ladies' Slippers, Clearance Line $1. 9 Several kinds Snow Suits, $3.95, $7.95, $9.95, $14.25 DOMINION RUBBERS For everyone -- Full Stock Now In WALL PAPER FOR 1957 all in stock now MONARCH MALLARD WOO loz. skeins, 28c. 4 All in stock Now MEN'S CARDIGANS Penman Cardigans .......... $6.50 Zipper Cardigans ............ $6.90 Lambs Wool ................... $9.50 Men's Sox -- Special, 89c. and $1.00 Hl FASHIONS IN LOW HEELS SCHOOL ¥ Phone 43 fy BA 4 N i \ 3 3 # H a! BRIER) $e { it rol L3 ¥ 3 {1 4 tr 5 3 t ' i 3 y A ; 0 A > 3 3 wo : ¥ 7 3 ie £1} 1 |