Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Aug 1956, p. 4

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41 'Announcement 1 wi x it 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1966 LOCAL Mr. and Mrs, James A. bank, announce the Lee, Green- engagement of their daughter, Marina Aune, to Mr, Robert, Drake Palmer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Palmer, Uxbitdge. The marriage will" take place on August the twenty-fifth at 3.00 p.m. United Church, Greenbank, Ontario. in the « pies Manchester Rev. Mr. Braham preached a splen- did sermon on Sunday evening, 'The theme of his discourse was "Iternity". Mr. Harvey Dobson sang two solos, "It is no secret" and "Kvening Pray- er", Church and Sunday School at the regular time 7.30 next Sunday. Miss Carol Midgley spent a few days in Brooklin and Toronto recently. Mr. and Mis. Robert Archer and N EWS COMING EVENTS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th, Sunday, August Gth-- 11 a.m.-~Holy Communion +. Vacation-School-----Aug 12-24 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie; B.A., Minister . Sunday, August 5-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School Ll a.m.--The Challenge of the Hills tl aam--FPrimary Sunday School No evening service, - The congregation extends a welcome to the members of St. John's Presby- teriun Church 'to worship with them while Dr. Armstrong is on holidays, \\ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rov. B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D. D. Lawn Supper Lawn supper at Prince Albert Unit- ed Church on August 7th, sponsored by the W.A. -Supper from 5.80 p.m. until all are served. Admission: Adults $1.00, Children 60c. Raspberry pie a specialty. Baking Sale Sponsored by the Order of the astern Star, on Friday, August 3rd, at 3 p.m, on the lawn of Mrs, Hugh kispie, on TA Highway, Members please bring baking by 2.30 p.m. Blackstock A large crowd gathered at the Com- munity Hall on Wednesday evening in honour of Mr, and Mrs, Howard Say- well and family, who are moving to Oshawa this week. Mr, Milton Fish- er was chairman and a fine program was given consisting of piano solos by Catherine Bailey, guitar and vocal numbers by Allan Bailey, piano ac- Aug 2 spent last week with Mr, 'and Mrs. John Venning and Joan, Mr, Cecil Harvey, Moncton, N.B., was a recent visitor with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Crawford. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wannon, of St. Catharines, spent a few days with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mount- joy and other members of her family, Mrs. Williggd Cook, Oshawa, spent a couple of days with Mr, and Mus, N. Malcolm: Mr. and Mrs,.. Roy' Sanderson and baby "Stéphen, Rev. and Mrs, Milton Sanderson, Poronto; Mrs, Oakley Car- ley and Anne, St. Christopher, with the Clarence Marlows and the Swains during the week. Mr, Campbell and Mis. Scott return- ed home Monday, Mrs, Scott has been in Toronto for a month marking ex- amination papers and Mr, Campbell spent five days last week in Toronto. Although the weather was very cool I'riday night the Agricultural Society Street Dance and carnival came off real well, Splendid music was pro- vided by the Montgomery Orchestra. Prizes from the lucky tickets were won by Donna Swain, the electric tea kettle; Mrs, Harry VanCamp, electric clock; Mrs. Ed Harris, pair of electric lamps; and Allan Hoskin, electric iron. Mr. Richard Polley, Caledon, spent and Mrs, W. W. VanCamp. Mr. Fred Waldon, Toronto, visited Mr, Jack Smith last week. Mrs. Harold Weir, London, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and 'Mrs, Thos. Bowman. Mrs. Goldwin Faint, Vicky, Jane, Chrisie and Cathy visited relatives in the Midland district last week. Rev, and Murs. "Merle Thompson, John and Ruth, Saskatoon, are holi- daying with Blackstock relatives, On Sunday the whole Thompson family had a get-together at the cottage of Ivan Thompson, at William's Point. Sunday evening Rev. Merle Thomp: son was guest speaker in the United Church to a splendid congregation, All were happy to see and hear Merle once again. ; : Rev. and Mrs. M. Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Jean, and Mr, Alex, Dever visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Montgomery at Monty's Inn, on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Baten, Ash- burn, were recent visitors of the Lorne Thompsons, weed Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Ashton and Dennis, "accompanied Mr, and Mrs, Berwin Adams and Wayne on a trip through Northern Ontario and the State of Michigan last week. Doris Ashton visited her uncle and-aunt Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ashton at Ennis- killen, Mrs. Mable Crawford, Toronto, is visiting Mrs, Norman Taylor. "Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm are home after spending ten days at their cot- tage, Belmont Lake. Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Archer, visited friends in Beaverton, Sunday. Miss Carnaghar, London, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jack Carnaghan and family, oi Mr. Melville Griffin and Doris, Miss Gertrude Henry and Mrs, Jas. Henry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Henry, in Cambray. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wilson, Oshawa, help- ed Mrs. Ed. Darey celebrate her birth- day Saturday. Many happy returns to Mrs, Darcy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perry and son John, Mr. and Mrs; Jim Nixon, of Bowmanville, with Mr, and Mrs. F. Stinson on Sunday. Miss Norma Suggett has returned from a two week visit with her uncle auction sale, Mr, Tom Richardson, Birch Island. Scugog - Grace United Church W. A. will have their next meeting on Wed., Aug. 8th at the church, . The Hospital Auxiliary have requested all stubs and money for the draw to be turned in to this meeting. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Alan Martyn were Mra. Dorothy Cillis, cousin of Mrs, Alan Martyn, and Mrs. Myrtle Devereau, both from Fort William, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Aldred and family spent Sunday in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. William Broadbent. Rev. and Mrs. John Braham are vacationing at Muskoka for this month Rev. Braham will return for the first two Sunday services. VALUABLE POTTERY LONDON.--A blue and nine inches in diameter was sold for £870 at an The bowl was made in the 15th century and bears the six- character mark of Emperor Hsuan Te of the Ming dynasty. boys, of Port Perry,.were guests of Minister: Jcordian numbers by Mrs, EKwart|the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. y = -- Ee the former's mother, Mrs. Gladys Leaske, songs by Linda Venning and | Johnston' and other relatives.' Mr. Archer on Sunday. During August Joint services will | Gayo) Rahm, readings by Mrs. W. W.|Johnston returhed home Saturday Mrs, W. S. 1 Stouffville, and Mrs, W, aylor and daughter, of spent Tuesday with Mr. I. Crosier, Mur. and Mrs. IY. Phillips are at their Cottage L'Amuable, near Bancroft. Mrs. A. Fielding visited her father, Wm. T. Jewell, Sunderland, on Sat- urday, } A number of friends were enter- tained at the home of Dr, and Mrs. A, G. Christie on Saturday etening on the occasion of Miss Catherine Chris- tie's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wyatt and Janice of: Goodwood, visited the Clinton Mid- gley family on Saturday. Mrs. Brydon and family of Bramp- Mrs. Keith Rudkin, Ajax, spent Fir day with Mrs. Lisrence Midgley. F eaturing SPRING LAMB -- K. Sprackett, Pastor. 12-0. tin 39¢ "CS Custom J SUE tar ier THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED RED and WHITE sing RAT oo SR gn Late OF THE AIR iii ou oa = TOILET TISSUE St. Lawrence : 16-0z. tin Slau hterin tadio Station CKLB, Oshawa 3 ror 33c SAAD OW. 0 ome le ehe BT g g _ 1350 on your Dial } EELING Sanitary Napkins -- 12's RED SOCKEYE SALMON 14's tin ! pr Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 K 0 T E X : Ay : "We need our COtrch-- W. W. v. A. WH : 2 77 Heinz 2 12-0z. bottle CAWKER BROS our Church needs us." Presents in Person, the For JIC. - CHILI SAUCE = = = = = a 88 o |dec.16-66 - All Popular Brands of : Qe Club Des Billionai tin "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" | A DUSTY OWENS SHOW CIGARETTES G0 ue oe..." PORT PERRY PHONE 29 [ gu, singer. "tos $5000000 FEATURING: | otn. ot 200 $2.99 Weston's Giant 31-02. bag Sunday, August 5th-- continue, We will worship in the United Church. All are urged to at- tend services regularly, Because of extensive alterations to the Sanctuary, services during Sept. will be held in the Sunday School room, i \V PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney a Sunday, August 5th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. livening service at 7 pan. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. The United Church of Canada * Minister N » VanCamp and Mrs, Cecil Hill, At this point Mr. Fisher invited the Saywell family to the platform and after a few fitting remarks they were pre- sented with a coffee table and two matching step end tables and a table lamp by Murs, Gilbert Marlow and Mus. M. Fisher. Playmates presented Bon- nie, Jill and Joan with a locket each, and Mark a story book and sand play set, Both Mr, and Mrs, Saywell ex- pressed their appreciation. A bounti- ful lunch was served and social visit- ing enjoyed. Music for a dance was furnished by Messrs. Roy McLaughlin, Gid Marlow, Allan Bailey and Murs. Herbert Taylor. Miss Vera Forder, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, Will Forder and called on several other friends during the Dorothy Hillman, from Belleville where he has been helping Keith for a month, Mrs. Robt. Ford attended the funer- al of her brother-in-law Mr, Alfred IFord "in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Art Rustin and Jimmy of Port Credit visited her mother Mrs, Ford last week and Mrs, Arthur Burt, London,'is a guest this week," Mr. and Mrs, Joe Bradburn and family, Mrs. Wesley Bradburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradburn and Jimmy in Toronto, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Carter and family, Maple Grove, Mr. Elmer Thompson, Meaford, Mr. and Mrs, M. Henry and family and Miss Lorraine Henry, Bowmanville, with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Henry gnd Mrs. W. Brad- burn duing the week-end. Sunday, August Sth-- 10,00 a.m.--Grace Church -* 11.16 a.m.--Prospect Church ° 7.30 p.m.--Manchester Church * "Come. and Worship with us?" -.., PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service, _ 7 p.m.--LEvangelistic Service, CHRIST IS FTHE-LIFE Everyone Welcome Soaiag August ORGAN "RECITAL WILL BE- PLAYED BY The Rev. K. W. Scott The Church of Te Ascension PORT PERRY 12th, at 4.00 p.m. 11-oz. Bottle 23¢c 'Best Buys "TOMATO KETCHUP 16-0z. Jar 29¢ ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES CELERY Mild, Flavourful -- - BLUE and Gold HEREFORD FANCY PEAS . 15-02. 2 For 35¢ CORNED BEEF -_ |! CUCUMBERS Sunkist Valencia -- ORANGES Cooling, Refreshing Flavour -- SUNKIST LEMONS Fresh Produce ton, visited 'her mother Mrs. Gladys SCUGOG - MANCHESTER * week, Mrs, Fred Axworthy, Sault Ste. HEINZ. Atcha) on. Moning: _ Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. * Miss Toronto, | Marie, is a guest of Mrs. Thos. Smith Marsh-Grown, Fresh, Green -- Vacuum cooled HEAD LETTUCE Crisp, Tender, Home- Grown ea. large stalk Best for Juice and Every Use 10. Iarge slicers 2 vr 156 144 Size =, 2 oor. §9¢ 150 Size 4 ror 19¢ L | J 4 e DUSTY OWENS . "And what," asked his rival, "did eBUDDY SPICKER Good Luck - 1b. pkg. AEE. | i. i (rc money, ipl "THE RODEO BOYS wanaame . "Ue, JUMBO GUM DROPS ~~ 4Q¢ } . 7 WESTERN SY A 1 Oth Doo Ballard's Champion = 15-oz. tin ~~ ; OTHE STE SWEETHEARTS, an ers DOG FOOD - - . 2 for 27c ° RENNER NEES NENA NNSA NEN N EEE EP : i * Miracle Whip 16-0z. Jar Quality Meats SALAD DRESSING . - SCUGOG INN GENERAL STORE BAI 00 MDCORIING any Canada Brand ~~ 24-oz. Bottle ll swites Premium Boneless Smoked Fully Cooked " WHITE VINEGAR . - - 19 - Lb. UNDER NEW | MANAGEMENT PLUS: .THE JAMBOREE BOYS Red and White ow Jot. PICNICS SHOULDERS - - u. §7c EVAPORATED MILK - 2 for 25¢ Swift's Premium Fully Cooked Cry-o-vac Wrapped Full Line of GROCERIES, MEATS, also NOVELTIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, DRYGOODS HALF HAMS - . . wu 79 Large Giant FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 8p.m. J h L. HALO SHAMPOO - 39¢° 65¢c Swift's Premium Sliced . Colgate's Giant Tube B ohn Hobbs, Pro priefor RED BARN DANCING pEntan cream. a eesse | BREAKFAST BACON - - 63¢ CAESAREA PHONE BL hie 21-r-3 OSHAWA AFTER SHOW Free Guest Towel Giant Pe. HY Lor your own Peoteition r August 16 --r FAB DETERGENT - - . 176c Swift's Premium Sliced , ee LULL CT TTT ETL ET TIT ET TTTT TAIT ' : gensen) Kleetls 132 o a iy BOLOGNA - - . . wu 29¢ ¥ S30 |S ON OO D1 IT Brand Large Bottle Swift's Premium Sliced WHITE SHOE CLEANER - 20¢ JELLIED PORK and TURKEY LOAF sca - Birds Eye Frozen Food Features Your Choice of 6-oz. tin Orange Juice or Lemonade 5 for 99¢ ALL CHILDREN ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A Week-End SPECIALS, August 34 [|| ho ae Premium 4 varleties of cold cuts CHUM DOG FOOD, 15 02. ..oooocooccoocom... erred fOT BBC. Birdy P56 Extiinive - 3on, Sits Siwiths : - oi . MAPLE LEAF CHED-R-SPREAD .... insmani3 30, ; Vacation School Turkey, Chicken, Beef Ples 3 for 89c PLATTER PAK - - - ru 43c SWANSDOWN: CAKE FLOUR .... trees 20 to be held in THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION PARISH HALL | August 13th fo 24th 9.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Handicraft, Refreshments THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU Dowson's Food Market Phone 91 'Port Perry HOUSEHOLD PAPER TOWELS, 3 rolls with rack 96c¢. Anyone wishing to redeem their Coupons bring them in this week. ; . @® DOUPE'S STORE PRINCE ALBERT Games, Songs, Phone 486W - " " = 0 0c OO OD

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