{oa THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1966-8 The Uxbridge Jr.-Farmers' Quar- a ' plied before Crabgrass has headed, | ed and about one to one and one-half Ont. County Co-Op . | tette provided entertainment during Chemicals Best for but at this stage it has not turned |inches in length. Spray with one of - a the meeting, The evening closed with purple and so is often not noticed | the commercial Crabgrass killers ac- Medical Services a social hour, giving members from Crabgrass until too late for best results. In| cording to directions on the contain- : all parts of the County an opportun- late June or early July lawns should | er, or with potassium cyanate--one ""We will welcome the Government] ity to mingle. While color in many things is abe examined closely for this weed, the | ounce in three gallons of water on 400 Hospital Plan, but it is two or two- The Caunty Medical Co-op give pro- | matter of individual preference, every- | leaves of which are broader and a square feet of lawn. Two or more and-a-half years away," stated Mr. | tection to 4,200 people--mostly rural | one agrees that a good lawn should | lighter shade of green than lawn applications are necessary, at abou Paul Meehan, Manager-Fieldman of [and self-employed persons. Ontario | pe green. When a lawn turns dark | grass. They are hairy, sharply point- | two-week intervals. 3 - Co-op "Medical Services Federation,| (County) Co-op Medical 'Services is|yed or purple in July, August and y when speaking at the annual meeting | one of 85 County Co-ops in Ontario | September it is a sign that something | - : ere of Ontario (County) Co-op Medical | Which are: affiliated with the Co-op |is wrong and that something is al- TI Services. The well-attended meeting | Medical Services Federation. ways Crabgrass, says the Field Crops } : was held in Greenbank United Church } Le "| Branch of the Ontario Department of : on Tuesday evening, Agriculture. i 2% MeATRR aid Chat ty 5 oF 0 h Y h This grass is an annual, coarse in the insurable people in the yy S awa out . : texture and with broad, short leaves 5 are now without some type of prepaid Loses Both Le S which, along with the stems, turn ) hospital paln, but hospitalization is . g purple "in midsummer. The stems only 409% of the cost of illness. He spread along the ground, with roots A 16-year-old construction worker forming at the nodes, and this cr g , ab- congratulated the Ontario County is in "satisfactory" condition in Osha- 3 / ts like behaviour is responsible for th Medical Co-op on their well-balanced, wa General Hospital after losing both p or 1 three-point program of Hospitaliza- : ! railroad accident at Steven. | "MC The seed head is a group of tion, Surgical and Catastrophe pro- SE} IN 8 In) roaq : spikes radiating from the stalklike WHILE THEY LAST 1 8 3hrop p son's Rd., CNR yard, Monday morning. | .. on . : tection ) i , fingers; so that it also goes under AE Dale Robinson, of Grover's Road, the name "finger-grass". A large Seventeen Catastrophe Claims were | Oshawa, an employee of Pleasure per-g ) ge a. - i 0 paid at the annual meeting. Two | Valley Construction Ltd., was caught Mo of are i induces and iy, ; ; Dollars per family is paid yearly into | unawares by a loose running box car a ng "igh aA : of1a Pin oo a the special Fund. This is used to pay |while he worked beside the track. 16 Bodes of Lhe stems, makes ) as great a portion as possible for the| Fellow workers said that the mov- gies is Sout, likes bright members who have excessive costs of [ing car caught the youth by the ince Crabgrass likes bright sun n illness. The Catastrophe Claim may [shoulder and threw him between the and hot dry weather it thrives vigor- Model C6-116 i: AUTOMATIC DEFROST include the cost of hospitalization, |tracks. All. four wheels_of the car|°Usly during the midsummer when REGULAR $479.95 "doctors' charges, drugs, and also spe- | passed over the boy's legs, and lower other grass grows more slowly. Dur- 11 17 cu ft CL $379 95 Family fishing can be fun in the| fishing areas like the one pictured, | cial nurses. This year 61.6% was [right side. ing this season jt is advisable to mow ° . Site Ye National Parks, as this angling two-| Bennett Lake in Fundy National Park, | paid, after deducting from the total a little shorter and collect the cutt- some will testify. Accommodation |New Brunswick. (Photo from Cana-| Claim, $3560. and what the Co-op could i oa om to igen as many of the Ages ModelA6-115 55 Ibs. FROZEN STORAGE %; for families is found in many good (dian Travel Bureau). p pay if the member had the best cov- transfusions, His legs were awbutated whit go : pe " ves oll duri REGULAR $379.95 wi : . erage. The cheques ranged from $18. es 3 bh Dy IC. Hall 8 clover alse hrives we. corug 10 8 a - hh to $861. above the knees y br. H.C. '| this period and offers seious compe- . cu. i, 2 . 5 wl M H F ' plement company. Mr. Taylor has| Ruiesh Motriaan, the rdtiriie Pres surgeon, His condition remains un-| tition to hot weather weeds. Where - } a "RA erguson been a director since 1942, sidont said 'there ta an. fnsrease in changed during the late afternoon. Crabgrass is a problem, the addition PR ed : Announcement of the appointment 239% in Hospitalization] The accident took place about 11.20] of white clover will help, 0 h M di Is f $219 95 Gets E. P. Taylor was made Tuesday by W. E. Phillips FAsTAberS Of 20% 3n Mosphalisaiin ¢ Pace Care should be taken in watering| | er. 0 e rom ° 319 in. ical coverage during { Monday morning. The yells of the ! who recently became chairman-of the 20d 31% in. Surg : g " y g as light frequent watering benefits 'the year. A new Hospitalization Plan, men who were working with the in- "TORONTO.--E. P. Taylor, Toronto | board and: chief executive officer. - paying more benefits, was introduced. | jured lad attracted a brakeman on the | Crabgrass without helping the deeper 1 at wl Ly indiistrialist and financier has been| A. A. Thornbrough, executive vice- : ai immediately | rooted lawn grasses. Therefore, wat- EE . & named chairman of the executive com- president has been elected a director h - Foun] Reser ki Ti Whipting ae Anmanngy ering should be done only when ne- Terms to Suit Your Budget i | mittee of the board of Massey-Harris- |and placed in charge .of the direct Suteharge 0 YY) Ni wy i engineer, while another brakeman an | cessary and be thorough enough to : = LAE Ferguson Ltd., world-wide farm im-|operations of the company. Premiam for those years By Pry to hel ' reach the roots of the lawn grass. SE } Sr : ay this fe Erow) stay in hosp tal for b When a lawn becomes infested with } 4 : longer periods. There is no increasel pi 04g employees said that about Crabgrass it is not necessary or even n "a { in the premium for Surgical coverage. | 1g yr had been shunted behind the advisable to break. it up and reseed, a n The Financial Statement showed a youth prior to the accident. An am-|.q there is likely to Ye wactgh seed Oenix 1ANCeS ER ; good year and the members voted & hylance from. the Oshawd=Fire De- in the soil to re-infest a new lawn : a ; Patronage Return of 109% of earned}. {ent was on the scene in less than anyway. The most practical method 5 ] - a premiums. The 19563 Patronage Re-|{on minutes. ot Pe sake tha Cobiass gor sith Port Perr Phone B52 5 : ) tat js being. 1epaid 'tis. Saar as 3 Yesterday's accident is said to be chenidenl treatment, then reseed the Y iN es : ik umime r reduction of pres This Eel the first since the yard was built info "ooo 5 Sine fall. : . xh > ; | tion amounts to $9. for some members. | the easly 1950s. . i Biv LA { EJ , . In accordance with the by-laws, The nal Valley Construction Chemical treatment should be ap 13 Russell Morrison, Clarence Werry and} [,td., is expanding the yard and had - 3 ie Mrs. P. J. Francis retired from the been working about a week prior to N id ¥ y " ; Board of Directors." Mr. Morrison | yesterday. Ch i EM Yi DE Ee | : has been an executive member, and wr } : J : ed Iran ce d e Mr. Werry a Director since the Co- "3 v : 4 : op was organized in 1948. Mrs. Fran- TT ' ya oh rg i, cis has served as a Director for six | RAINFALL THEORY . 20 . Y The new Officers and the Directors| An Australian scientist says meteor : gy 3 y . A . oo are: President John A. Bell; Vice- [dust streams, throught which the DEPAR | ™M et N S ORE Ws : - President, Mrs. W. Carruthers; Sec- earth passes regularly, may influence Lo : . Treasurer, Mrs. LL. McLean; Direct- heavy rainfall on some dates. fs | 1 da Vans da 18S ear ors -- Russell Day, Ernest Camick,| -- : ia) Wallace MacLean, Mrs, L. D. Callag- S H 0 E S bY EC LM} han, Kenneth Harrison, Ey FAMILY FAVORITES 5 A = Beare, Walter Kerr, Vernon Powell, | » : ; pi Phone 258 w i Port Perry Clarence Hallett. Members of the SCIENCE IN : SAVAGE LINES 3 'Audit Committee are Mrs. Ronald Sti- L jer Russell Morrison and Mrs. [Rus- YOUR LIFE > by . Bi q k 3 sl France. | Q7 | Ne ge in Big Stoc | 4 % ger fi} pe i -- Victim of Progress S ( WN WV 3 : The world-famous Trudeau tuber- & PIM | culosis sanatorium in Saranac, N.Y., i hag 1G - Sandals -- $3.95 | ~N WHITE, RED, BROWN, C and E widths - | has closed its doors as a treatment center, the victim of medical prog- ress. When the hospital found itself operating with only 60 patients, a- third of capacity, the directors decided to abandon the treatment program in favor of research. It was the U.S.'s oldest TB san- atorium and a model for many others throughout the world. Found- ed in 1886 by Ed- ward Trudeau, himself a tubercu- lar patient, the sanatorium had ; cared for thou- sands since two consumptive factory girls entered the institution as its first patients. When Trudeau was established, a diagnosis of TB was equivalent to a death warrant. The malady was Go el i mg RELIABLE SOURCES CANADA, it has been said, is a country which has policies favourable to importers. First, because our customs tariff is low, with many items on the free list. Secondly, the rapid growth of the country is expanding our home market at a pace Canada never has known before. pt A OPN, Saddle Oxfords, girl's, $4.95 p> Children's White Boots, $2.95 White Bucks, girl's, $5.95 Several Teen Ager Lines, $7.95 WHITE, BLACK, BEIGE Bata Ladies' Casuals, $3.95 SEVERAL LINES, WHITE Clearing Lines,, $1.49 LADIES' and GIRLS, WHITE, ETC well known as long ago as 460 B.C., fy oe Children's Canvas Shoes, $1.25 when Hippocrates wrote the firs medical code. In the 17th century 3 Boys' Canvas Boots, $2.50 LI WO he Ay The steel industry here in Canada has expanded somewhat faster than has the home market, so that today Canadians need to import less of most kinds of steel than in earlier days. John Bunyan wrote, "the captain of all men of death . .. was the con- 7 i : sumption." It has affected our music i M C B $2 95 bey and our literature, taking the lives || | 5, en S anvas 00 Si id i of Chopin and Paganini, Chekhov, i Keats and Balzac. "Al Sisman Scampers : Most TB experts credit the clos- ; | [J ' ing of Trudeau and the empty beds M $5 95 B $4 95 at other sanatoriums to the new 4 en S ° oy 5 . On occasion, steel from other countries is sold here at prices below Canadian costs. This occurs when there are prolonged or temporary surpluses else- where. But a pickup in demand in the exporting country reduces or extinguishes thé¥e external sources of supply. } That is why, year in and year out, the Canadian \ producer is the most reliable source of supply. SD ibercuiogly drugs developed | / I} ince World War II, Although TB M F Rubb S | $6 95 pw its retreat Tt ag odd | / I en S oam er 0 e : bination chemical, streptohydrazid, --y : oo | y= ons, streptomycin and isoniazid, so fe --_-- a L I . that they can be given in a single |} Ladies Mocassins $2.95 1860, it is only within the past 16 . d 95 an . have put the killer to rout. This tan- injection, | vears that new drugs like the com- dem drug links two powerful weap- ( St oC Br. Loafers, Mens $5.95, Boys $4.95 Tuberculosis is riot entirely beat- || Men's W kB CP en yet ot Dr 3. Buena ambersor (MAES WOrK Boots Ladies' Log Rollers, $4.95 ' ' THE of Columbia University, dean of U. i | STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA i $4.95 and $6.50 Bata Saddle Oxfords, $4.95 | vile Awe i good for what may be described as I A) the conquest of tuberculosis in the } MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO foreseeable future. We certainly a \ | have th : | \ | Verurremeor Phone 43 [Port Perry | a \