Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jun 1956, p. 5

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LR )) er Play AHH EE sta aL ns aa a ge RTT, aN, A * .. Jd 4 ails AHERSATRS IY bal al a ETA -- EEL ae an aad a ad wh os Po & - oh wpe ol ' ee ane . THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 19566 FARMS WITH ELECTRIC POWER | trical appliances and equipment and of | WOMEN CENSUS TAKERS the various kinds of farm equipment A RE SS rata EE pp RR a ' SCons SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT LAUNCH, Electric power in the farm has with which electric power can be used, Eighteen of the 263 Census commis- y een As | greatly changed living and working sioners in charge of enumeration in +, GOURDS ! conditions for a large proportion of CITIES OVER 30,000 the 1956 Census are women. In 1951 DGEMHER, LAUNCH, Canadian farmers for what they were| FP . . . Ite tp © CAUSE 4 : : a dat ere € « ( es anada in ere cre ve ou 0 rai] commis- usth BY A ih in years gone by Electricity adds There were 34 cities in Canada in|there were five t of 201 i: ; Ne : Hua RIANS . ; TTA greatly to the coratort of a homes | 1981 with populations over 30,00, seven | sioners, Among the enumerators em- IN PERSON--CHCH--CHANNEL 11 A WLR WINGS, LAUNCH A SHIR, ; | more than in 1941. Another nine had | ployed this Year, a larger proportion with its uses for refrigeration and ; BI I, many labor-saving conveniences as|®Ye¢" 26,000 population. a N Rls are women, 2 $2 . y well as lighting, and provides the -- - is ' . - ready means to production aids in rl. . > ALLY TRAUG TT the form of water pumps, milking ma- } "KISSIN DONY LAST COOKIN' DOI" 2 chines, feed grinders and motors for i iy 5 : : other uses. : An old Dutch 2 ying coo with a recipe to prove L3 i! ) and the 'Mainstreeters E21 SCRAPS. The number of farms with électric . : rr 3 4 i 1 power has been steadily growing. Five i FRIDAY JU B 22 d 2 Nol - i 3 on NGO years ago--according to the' 19561 Cen- od 7 pls n o ad MA sus--there were 319,383 farms with " 5 : pt ig BS ty : a Pr electric power in Canada, or over one- : D E RED BARN 2! g ' oes half the total of 623,000 farms. This i 4 His MAG compared with 140,000 out of nearly i. o ow SHorf wifi Roofs, as TE hy nv aan 3 9 p.m. to 12,30 0 h of Stlould You SMOKE PEBBLES , Aub { 733,000 farms reported ten years 5 : ss A HON-FILTER KING: y arlier, and represented a substantial i ADMISSION $1.00 § awa 5 ig Gnith hE pH : : eine Torn letrifieation 1a To : - 3 t HICOfINE. A TARG | oF RUBBISK ( f the slowing up in extension of - : {I RC TRI hse Litto | Wednesday Nite - JackBailey | | | Ei SS i e nes ay 1 e ac al ey o - RAWHIDE BAG, BO 1B Nearly 295,000 of the farms with 3 Ie - clectric power in 1951 were served by 8 " a power line, somewhat over 10,000 ARAN AA AN NAR AR ARREARS nr AR AA AAAS SAR ARRRRA (mainly in the Prairie Provinces) had '| wind-electric power, and the remain- der obtained power from gasoline out- fits and by other means, Ontario had the biggest proportion as well as num- . -_-- -_ ] ber of farms with electric power with p 110,695 out of nearly 150,000 farms. fy ; : In Quebec, 90,209 out of 134,336 re- Chicken Corn Ple, a Dutch favorite, « can be Tonle the ch * n easy ) ported electric service. In Manitoba with condensed cream of chicken soup, diced cooked EEE] . Pd there were 25,208 out of 52,383; Al- canned whole kernel ¢orn . . ; Stel the ple cruet cea 4 berta, 20,709 ont of 84,316; Saskatche- oo package. rz Y : wan, 18,213 out of 112,018; and British de Lf - 2 i Columbia, 18, 168 out 0 26,406, Among oyrCH- Stvae CHICKEN GORN "9, : with your home-town team the Atlantic' Provinces, Nova Scotia dn, 9 | . had 16,733 out 23,616; New Brunswick, | - ! ean Tons hl ers ngerine. om of oModen sows 34 15,938 out of 36,431; Prince Edward B 4 ent ' yooker 2hichyy si stands every game to boost your: home- Island, 2,226 f 10,137; and New- 0 cooked whole kernel corn : : ' Be in the ta bs y game to boost you slan ont e ) Ag o™ I package (9 ounces) pie crust mix or enough PAC 257d Ph. : BN town team -- give local athletes your support and foundland, 1,383 out of 3,126, Cook onion in butter: blend with sou. chick p a he vi . i i. hicken ai uu u u A they'll'give you good entertainment. There has been further development dough on floured board and line a 9- Inch ple ple pan; pour click Hl 2 or [4] 1C10US 1S an 1ps . in rural power lines since 1951, espe- Toniniiy pastry into circle; 5 Dhce on top of filling; pinch edges (i an } : A i ) : . alle rs Prairie Province ts in top to allow steam to ages . . ; -- fii ig . - cially in the Prairie Provinces. Its GIsSpyyeral 8h p escape. moder : - ' You'll enijoy Abe. tills of 2 7ehall mors if you extent will be revealed by the 1956 hen fh sun, ¢ out chick : Served Daily (Except Sunday) h watch all the games. Don't miss any this season. census of Agriculture, being taken and place on top of the filme wai x h chicken shaped pleces of the pastsy bi 2 -- a . during June, which will include a com- Serve this tasty bit of Dutch cookery with b. ] T0-NIGHT, JUNE 21, 6.45 P.M. - I plete count of farms obtaining electric tiny white onions and fresh bread. Pakery spicy bread and buster pleldles, }i STOUFFVILLE vs. PORT PERRY power fram pawer lines and from wind Toss a salad of lettuce, carrot round, radish chips, a ripe olive here and shes From 11.30 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. i ' El clectric_outfits or ather sources. The With aint od dressing. [) This space Donated by The Port Perry Star. . information will provide a guide to the ave a pitchier-of nice cold milk ready for refilling the "mike mugs." . . Ca Bi potential further expansion of power For Yeon, dish up some almost thawed red. raspberries and serve with STITT ee ee ee i Twi) y ot : eream; have the brim filled family cookie jar near by. |. 5 | ei RTL fi sd ee vo . . 'turers re er elec- crumb] o --~ ® ' . ° x + RECORD-BREAKING SALES RECORD-BREAKIKS PRODUCTION ~~ RECORD-BREAKING DEALS 3 © RIGHT NOW to ert Is the time to step into a Plymouth 6 orV-8 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on the Plymouth you want AWEROCCK DEPARTMENT STORE SUMMER SHOES MEN'S BLUE CANVAS OXFORDS $3.95 "SINAN SCAMPERS Sisman $5.95 56.05 $7.95 SHOES FOR Younes MEN dp MENS ~~ CANVAS BOOTS $2. 95 MEN'S LOAFERS touts TREND a / ON'S J ASSINS flooring.. © WOMEN'S SLAX SHOES . BEIGE, and WHITE ...................... $3.95 CHILDREN'S CANVAS OXI'ORDS $1.25 SAVAGE WHITE, ONE STRAP : 7 . $4.35, $4.75, $1.95 CHILDREN'S SANDALS, . Crepe Rubber Soles, $2.49 and $2.98 LINOLEUM TILE 9c., 12c., 20c., 23c. YT PPI \ Latest Dominion of Canada the year's best deal right now. = a » - Pick the Plymouth you prefer ~ i hell 4, registration figures prove ic yi you | fo I -- ETT ; more people are buying and get immediate delivery. ongo eum, C. Sq. yar ? Plymouths than ever before. 4 Wide choice of colours and Bd men). o | EES GEE You see them everywhere. gar 2.tone combinations. . Plymouth's eye-catching style, its big-car roominess, its pep and - go have made Plymouth the' popular choice, resulting in greater volume of sales, Bigger volume means better deals at real dollar savings to you. That's : why it makes sense for you to get up and go. ¢ 4 ! take advantage of the deals your eo Magical push-button Power- Plymouth dealer offers . . . Flite automatic transmission or because that's where you'll get standard shift. Rexoleum SEVERAL PATTERNS COX I2ZROOM FOR... : e Big range of models: hard- tops, two-door sedans, four-door sedans, convertibles, two-door suburbans, four-door suburbans. . p e 6 or V-8 powered engines that give you economy plus flashing AOU ION ir LINOLEUM Wall Pap er IN TILES OR BY-THE-YARD Room Sua -- Half Price GOOD SELECTION Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited . Get the best deal on the Plymouth you want at your dealer's right nowl INNES MOTOR SALES MANCHESTER, ONTARIO \ Flo 168 PORT PERRY | i Phone 43 PY TRIES Sa ETE A on aud LS f ¥ ARE BF \

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