7% Sh a \ ee i aL Se p= "a be df dr SH TA ge AH A 5 Ie wf Bit - LS 78 * "RY PAA 1] * J td py G:. » [ " oy 4 PJ / 4 % K a i ' Hy » 8 d .il d a 4 FL, ' 2--THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1056 a, 1956 Review of Outstanding Businesses and Professions in Oshawa by Robert Barns Warner Williams Radio & Electric 78 SIMCOE ST, N., Phone RA-5-3531 This firm has the latest and mbst efficient equipment for conducting a complete service for the repairing of all radios or television, regardless of the model or make. They do repairs on Autp Radios, Sound Equipment, Record' Players and Automatic Record Changers, Warner Williams sells General Elec- tric new Radios and used Radios at prices that will save you money, They also sell Coffield" Washers, and a com- plete line of General Electric Appli- ances and have one of the largest displays of lamps. They have a most Complete line of supplies for your radio or television, 50 no matter what part you may re- quire, it will pay to get in touch with them, © We are pleased to include this fine store in this review and we feel that a visit here will make you another of their many Satisfied customers, Henderson Concrete Products Lid. (Behind Van Heusen Motors Ltd.) 163 KING ST. W. Phone3-4412 After reviewing the building indus- try in this region we find that this firm has gained a reputation that has spread far and wide over this part , of the province, > : Manufacturing cement blocks for houses, garages, utility rooms, base- ments, ete, their product is of- the highest quality. They are glad to give you estimates on the amount of blocks it will take you to complete that building .or if you are considering an addition to . your property.. Their prices are reasonable and they will give prompt delivery; so phone this firm in Oshawa and get the best in this line besides being sure of getting satisfaction. In this review we are glad to recommend Henderson Concrete Pro- ducts Ltd, for the "Best" in Concrete Blocks, to all our readers. Cannings Lid. MEN'S WEAR '14 KING ST. W. Phone 3-7632 "20 KING ST. E. Phone 5-1512 A notable example of substantial growth and steady progress made pos- sible by selling merchandise at sen- sible prices is Cannings Ltd. at 14 King St. W. and 20 King St. E, Phones 3-7632 and b5-1512. This popular men's wear store has always met with great approval by our male population in the country. They carry only the finest lines of merchandise in Men's Clothing, Haber- dashery and Furnishings in NAME BRANDS that could only represent the quality that this firm has asso- - ciated their good name with. Nationally advertised lines are car- ried here, which assures our people of real value for their purchasing dollars. CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN." We know that the well dressed men in the county have found shopping at this modern store a pleasure and for that reason we are pleased to tell our men readers to patronize this store. Wilson & Lee Lid. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-4706 This very progressive firm is well known to many of our readers and is considered musical headquarters in Oshawa. They are at their new and modern store, 87 Simcoe St. N., which in their larger quarters have new air- conditioned listening booths and other new conveniences for your shopping pleasure, they also" have teaching studios, with professional instructors for violin, popular piano, piano ac- cordian, trumpet, clarinet, saxaphone and guitar, with private lessons, They have also opened a studio in Ajax, giving full musical instruction here also. They have a most complete record bar with popular and classical records and they also carry sheet music, radios, new and used pianos, Wilson & Lee Ltd. are distrubutors for Mason & Risch and Sherlock- Manning pianos, Drop in and see them. You will be treated with cour- tesy and friendliness, Make this popular music store your headquarters in Oshawa and secure _your instruments here and let them advise you on your problems. We are pleased to refer this friendly store to our readers and -we urge our friends nd readers to visit Wilson & Lee Ltd. the next time you are in Oshawa. ai SMS. Kresge Co. Lid. 15 SIMCOE ST. 3g Phone 3-8311 This is one of the most popular stores in Oshawa, located at 15H Simcoe St. S., and this js where you wil find' quality higher than prices. You will be surprised at the wonderful values, Drop in the 'next time you are in Oshawa, as this store is very well known to people from Port Perry and vicinity and is popular as a place where people at once feel at home while in town shopping. Visit their modern "Soda fountain and lunch counter, Its friendly Atiolphere which pre- dominates at all times has placed this store in a class by itself, and it may be termed shopping headquarters for the surrounding district. We suggest that you make S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd, your shopping head- quarters whenever you are in Oshawa. Nesbitt' S Ladies' We es' Wear 33 KING ST. E. Phone 35-0532 This is one of the foremost women's fashion centres in this part of the province, You will find here dresses, skirts, blouses and sportswear for every og- casion, also lingerie and hosiery, Their collection excels in variety and dis- tinetiveness and they are always moderately priced. ' Their style experts are always alert to every new fashion trend and in constant touch with the mode of the moment. IFor your inspection you will find a magnificient display of authoritative fashions from the fore- most designers. Nesbitt's Ladies Wear know the value of a satisfied patron and would prefer not to inake a sale than not have their customer satisfied with their purchase. Your credit is always good at Nesbitt's, We take great pleasure in this re- view in commending this up-to-date and modern store upon their distine- tive styles and the service they render. We suggest you make this store your style headquarters in Oshawa. M. Collis Furniture Co. 78-80-82 KING ST. W. Ph. 5-0332 This is Oshawa's largest and finest furniture store. Since the first time, many years ago, that this firm was established, they have continually given every, consideration to the public needs in house furnishings, : Month-after month, our re have found great' values and the highest trade-in prices, store, which has become well known as the leading furniture store in Oshawa. M. Collis I'urniture Co. .has a wide experience in the furniture line and in serving the public and their know- ledge of present-day needs places the modern art of furniture craftsmanship of beautiful and comfortable furni- ture, also appliances and lamps, at the pope' s command, with easy credit terms. We are pleased to give commend- able mention to M. Collis Furniture Co., and wish them many years of continued success, and we know that a- visit there will find you becoming another of their hundreds of satisfied customers, Bishop's s Radiator Service 42 BOND ST. W. Phone 5-1633 This radiator shop has come into more prominence with the increasing age of cars and trucks and deterngna- tion of the public to get the fullest mileage from their units. Damage to many parts of an auto- mobile motor is often brought about by overheating, when the radiator does not supply water at low enough tem- perature. Do not endanger your motor from overheating and guard against the in- roads of corrosion. Bring your car into this up-to-date radiator shop and have your radiator atended to hefore serious trouble starts, Bishop's Radiator Service at 42 Bond St. W. deserves our praise as they are offering an honest and ef- ficient service doing work of the high- est quality at the most reasonable prices, We take pleasure in recommending their services to you as they do com- plete re-coring, repairing and clean- ing and they sell néw radiators at prices you tan afford to pay. So stop in the next time in Oshawa for this in-expensive gervice, - at "this progressive [ Meager's Electrical Appliances HOUSE OF WESTINGHOUSE 92 SIMCOE ST. N. Ph, 5-4711 5 KING ST W. Ph, 3-3425 Don't do things the hard way! Visit their two fine stores in Oshawa, and see the labor-saving devices now available to the busy housewife and mother, If you need a new toaster, iron, cleaner, stove, washing machine, or other items especially designed to aleviate work of the household--then this shop is your mecca. You'll like their fine display arrangements as well as the courteous and prompt service accorded each customer. If you are a new bride or a bride of many years, the management wel- comes you to its fine showing of most recent improved home helps. Whether' you desire just one item or wish to plan an entire kitchen, we are pleased to tell you that this firm has an gdequate stock on hand to meet all your needs. Of special interest to many of our readers in this area is the complete stock of television, refrigerators, freezers and clectric "ranges which merit your inspection. See them without delay. Burns Co. Lid. "SHOES FOR THE FAMILY" 1 KING ST. W.. Phone 5-4611 A splendid stock of shoes for the entire family can be selected at Burns Ceo. Ltd. The staff of this store includes ex- perienced fitters with years of exper- ience, and their ability to give com- plete comfort has won Burns Co. Ltd. many satisfied patrons, not only in Oshawa, but in this section as well. They are agents for the finest lines of shoes, such as Astoria, Scott-Me- Hale, 7 Sisman, Hurlbut, Re- seare h, Jumping Jack, Selby, Air-Step, Tread-easy and Packard Shoes; also | carried is a complete line of MeBrine and Skyway Luggage. Shoes 'in a wide--variety of styles that play a leading role in the correct costume of the well-dressed man or woman, are on display at this store. Burns. Co. Ltd. is a valuable con- tribution to the complete assurance and satisfaction, in regard to any- thing in footwear. * We suggest to our readers to visit Burns Co. Ltd. the next time you are in Oshawa. Henderson's Book Store 18 KING ST. E. Phone 5-0711 This store of quality is held in high esteem by théir patrons. Here one an obtain the best in stationery, a large varied stock of books, office and school -supplies and a splendid stock of smallwares, wrappings, Bibles and many other gifts. Greeting cards for all occasions will be found here and novelties are on display at this friendly store. The efficient and friendly assisiane given by their sales staff, makes shop- ping at their store a pleasure. They extend a welcome to old and new customers and are always glad to have you visit the store. It is with this in mind that we re- commend Henderson's Book Store to anyone interested in the purchase of fine quality goods at the best prices, and feel that a purchase there will more than satisfy your desire. Remember for your books, office and school supplies, it's Henderson's Book Store for the largest selection at moderate prices, Middle Green Villa REST HOME This home for the aged on Kingston Road W., Phone RA. 65-2330, is de- serving of the highest praise; here is a home conducted to give care, rest and comfort for those of us who need such care that cannot be had at home. Rates are surprisingly low, at only $3.60 a day. Under the capable supervision of Mr. and Mrs. BE. Austin, guests here receive individual attention from com- petent and specially trained personnel. Quiet restful surroundings in bright, cheery rooms, with proper diet, means greater comfort for the aged. Magy we suggest that you phone Randolph 5-2330, if you are looking for such a home for your loved ones, We are sure that they will receive the best care, and all such treatments that may be necessary, In this review we are pleased to compliment this home for distinctive service they are offering the people of Port Perry & surrounding district. McLau ghlin Coal & Sup lies Lid. _y MATERIALS, UEL, ETC. 110 KING Py W. Phone RA 3-3181 This_ progressive firm \located at 110 King W., features thef¥ery best in building supplies. By purchasing to an advantage when the market is tight and by cmploying experienced help they are able to offer at reason- able prices, the highest quality build- ing materials, thus encouraging the extension of homes and busiiress en- terprises, Let thenr serve. you with your next order of builders' supplies and you will get the sort that builds for per- manency. Contractors and the public m general have come to know that whatever 'they desire in this line can be secured from this firm with a knowledge that it will be the best grade consistent with price, We sug- gest that you try McLaughlin's fibre glass insulating service, also rock. wool msulating if desired, We are pleased in this edition to give commendable mention to this firm and to assure our readers they will receive the best in Building Sup- Laughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd, plies. The same. efficient and friendly service will be given patrons by this firm as always. - Oshawa Furriers 11 KING E. RA 8-8322 If this season's 'new look" in wo- men's wear dates your furs, you can have them restyled at Oshawa IFur- riers. The new lines are featuring the new. lengths, new sleeves and col- lar, tora furs may be brought up-to- date with the latest trend by this shop's skilled furriers, We suggest you make arrangements now for re- pairs and remodeling, Oshawa [Furriers have advanced styles from which you may choose. They--will-assist--you inthe selection of choicest skins, whether it be a ready-made or a custom jacket or accessory. They specialize in custom designing. Milady will find eapes, Jackets and stoles to set off a smart ensemble. Inspect this shop's fine display at your earliest convenience, as everyone knows that Oshawa Fur- rier is headquarters for fine quality furs, and remember their storage fa- cilities are the finest in the region. Felt Bros. Jewellers 12 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone 5-2021 Jewellers since 1886 "one of the oldest jeweller firms in Canada. This store has but one ideal--T0O SERVE FAITHFULLY. Their repu- tation for integrity assures you of complete satisfaction. The manage- ment invites you to come in and. look over their wide and varied stack. Watches in leading makes, in ladies' and men's styles, are on display--as well as a pleasing assortment of Diamonds, Silverware and everything else that pertains to a modern and complete stock of jewellery. crimminating hostess will find it a joy to choose her silverware from their stock in a wide selection of patterns. Particular attention is given to fine watch repairing, Iixperts will sug- gest what can be done and will do the job of a specialist at prices that are very moderate, Fveryone knows that Felt Bros. are headquarters for FINE QUALITY in OSHAWA and are worthy of your fullest consideration, Canadian Tire Corp. Associate Store 115 SIMCOE ST. S. Ph. RA, 3-3423 Few, if any, business firms have attained the prominence that is award- ed the new Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store at 115 Simcoe St, S., in Oshawa, 3 They have built their business and increased their number of friends and customers through their policy of good service, courteous attention and satis- faction above all to all. Fair prices for the many hundreds of pieces of good quality merchandise such as tires, tubes, power tools, aiito accessories, electrical appliances, sporting goods and many other kinds and types of small items necessary and handy around your auto or home. =~ We feel that we would be far amisa if we should fail to count the Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store un- der the personal direction of Mr. Earl A. Smith, as a distinct eredit to Osh- awa and district. With the great mul- titude of satisfied customers, we wish in this review to highly recommend this firm and suggest yon visit this fine modern store under no obligation. ~ . The dis- A SAR McLaughlin Coal & os lies Lid. OIL BURNE RS 110 KING ST. W. PPh. 3-3481 This very progressive firm is an authorized dealer for the famous Tim- kin Wall Flame Oil Burners, Conroy and Gar Wood Oil Burners, and Tim- kin air conditioning units and Guerney furnaces. These units are known far and wide for their durability, cleanli- ness and cheap cost of operation. Automatically controlled heat en- sures you a more even temperature for your home with less fuss or an- noyance, Thus fire hazards are- re- duced to a minimum,. This in itself is well worth the price of an oil burner. At the present time McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd, is prepared to install cither domestic, commercial or indus- trial sizes to suit your own particular needs. Just phone 3-3481, and a re- presentative will gladly furnish all information concerning cost of opera- Lion, ete., without obligation on your part. Expert mechanics will do this work in the shortest time, consistent with the high quality of work for which they are known, We are pleased in this review to recommend Me- Beaton's Dairy Products Limited 217 KING ST. W. Phone 5-5511 Manufacturers of the popular Country Club Ice Cream, this firm is located at 247 King W., in Oshawa. At onetime ice cream was consider- ed a delicacy but today it is known as a valuable food--rich, healthful and refreshing. Country. Club Ice Cream is noted for its richness and purity. So if you are wise, you will ask for Country Club Ice Cream. Tee Cream is not only health giving but health protecting as well and peco- ple are beginning to realize the value of it in the daily diet. If you have a home freezer, -you- may purchase Country Club Ice Cream in % gallon cconomy family pack. In making this business review:we are pleased to compliment Beaton's Dairy Products Ltd. on superior qual- ity Ice Cream. Give yourself a real treat by trying some today. Remem- her, ask for Country Club Ice Cream, the finest served anywhere,' Ll Commercial Hotel 27-31 KING ST. W. Ph. 5-0052 This hotel located in Oshawa, is noted throughout Ontario for its fine service and exeellent appointments. The Commercial Hotel is viewed with favour by the travelling public and commercial trade, all of whom partake with keen enjoyment of the luxurious and up-to-date facilities of this modein-hotel Mr. Lancaster, the manager, and staff strive at all times to please their guests and are widely recognized and acknowledged for their superior congeniality and friendliness, Their dining room is known far and wide for their excellent meals at rea- sonable prices, We take pleasure in recommending this excellent hotel, which operates under license of the Ontario Liquor Control Board, and to all our friends throughout the district. we do not hesitate to suggest you visit this pop- ular stopping place the next time you are in Oshawa, Stephenson's Garage 15 CHURCH ST. Phone 5-0522 When steering wobbles go to work, tires go fast. This is caused by wheels getting out of alignment, or unbalanced. Their cost is uneven tire wear, blow-outs, loss of control and most important of all, danger to life and limb -- and this is most im- portant. But here is the answer. Let Stephenson's Garage correct your car, NOW, with their scientific Alignment, I'ront wheel alignment with their Wheel Alignment Equipment will give you safe, smooth and enjoyable driv- ing. They also replace shock ab-, sorbers on all makes of cars, and they . see that your car is ready for the road. You may rely on what Stephenson's | Garage tell you about your car for they are recognized experts in this line, and with the many hundreds of | satisfied customers already served, we cannot fail in This réview to tell our friends, readers, or anyone who' is in, need of their services, to call at Stephenson's' Garage, 15 Church st.,! Oshawa, and assure yourself of the utmost in Wheel Alignment at sensible prices, "paper Co. has been associated with "niture and walls, as this service costs "Oshawa, this "terior decorating supplies at prices Oshawa Business College * 111 SIMCOE ST, S =Ph. 5-3375 In dur review of the businesses and professionsvof Oshawa it is only ap- propriate to piention a school where one can acquire the training and wide knowledge, that is so essential for successful "business today. To this end it is with pleasure that we refer our readers to this fine college, now owned and managed by Mr, M: C. Barnett, who has been the manager these past years. The object of this college is to im- part business training and general commercial krfowledge so thoroughly that graduates are qualified to step at once into a bigh- grade business position. - Every facility is provided to enable students to- finish the courses in the least possible time consistent with their high standard and thorough methods, The Oshawa Business College, at their new and modern location at 111 Simcoe S., merits congratulations for their success in the teaching profes- sion and with the many graduates who are now A important posi- tions, we wish them continued success and best wishes. Now is the time to enroll at Oshawa Business College and prepare yourself for a good position and future security. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 16 ONTARIO ST. Phone RA. 5-5443 This reliable firm offers a wide se- lection of new and used Singer Sew- ing Machines. They are experts in repairing machines of all makes, and carry a complete linc of genuine Sing-! er parts--needles, machine oils, belts,' bobbins, shuttles and accessories to | meet your needs, As' an added service the Singer Sewing Machine Co., gives complete sewing instruction on all machines sold & serviced by them, and they carry patterns, fabrics, scissors and will be pleased to have you visit them at any time. This sewing machine centre is a popular spot with the ladies of this scction. We suggest, if you have not already stopped in to see the fine showing of sewing machines, and sup- plies, that you do so the next time you are in Oshawa, Sabat's Dry Goods RA. 3-3321 24 SIMCOE N,, The management of this popular store invites you to visit them at their fine location. The fundamental desire of Sabat's Dry Goods, is to satisfy their customer's needs. That they have succeeded through these past years, is shown by their increas- ing number of patrons. With years of experience in the Dry Goods line and in serving the public they know and understand the customers' needs and desires. In the dry goods line in a wide. range of furnishings, and an excel- lent line of curtains, drapes, linens, ete. All this fine merchandise is demon- strated by salespeople who strive to understand the needs and demands of each customer, Shopping regularly at this exclusive store are many satisfied customers. Prompt service and courteous treat- ment make shopping at this store a pleasure. We are pleased to PRAT this We to our readers, Nelson's Paint & Wallpaper Co. 19 an ap W. RA 3-4922 The name of Nelson's Paint & Wall- some of the finest interior decorating suggestions in his part of the pro- vince. Let them color-key your room in a fresh exciting way. Consult with their decorative experts who have had years of experience in e¢reating beautiful interiors, harmonizing color tones -and co-ordinating fabries, fur- you nothing. Well known as the color centre of dependable: concern carries a complete line of Pratt & Lambert paints, varnishes, enamel and painters' gupplies, also wallpapers, A visit here will convince you that they have the largest selection of in- that really save you money, and the finest decorating service and advice, made possible by dependable business dealings with tha public. THEE TRY STI ARR IN FU ARNE AAI An SA McCullough ~~ Lumber bo. Lid. 1270 SIMCOE, N. RA 3.3011. . This firim enjoys an enviable répu- | tation by. virtue of their honest busi- | nes dealings with the public. With' their modern dnd complete sup of lumber, they are equipped to \@W- nish anything that is available even the largest houses and are s to he able to supply you with what- ever you may require. Firms such as McCullough Lumber Co. Ltd., have not been serving the public without taking an interest in their patrons in seeing that they have full value and in seeing that they have the best in lumber and building materials, This together with good workman- ship assures the public of buildings of . permanence and at a cost. consistant with the trends of today. 4 So why not go ahead with your plans for remodelling or building and stop in at this dependable. firm and see how they can assist you in this respect, : Oshawa Glass and Mirror 950 SIMCOE N. This reliable firm conveniently lo- cated7in the North end of the city, 'offers the people of this community glass for every occasion. They feat- ure complete lines such as Window Glass, Plate Glass, Table and Furni- ture Tops, and carry one of the most complete selections of mirrors in Oshawa, Under the Areiiion of H. W. Neil, who has made many friends in. the area, they employ men who are ex- perts in the glass business and their knowledge and experience enables them to complete the finest glass jobs. Should you.be considering anything oy in the way of glass, it will pay you to drop into this firm the next time in Oshawa and they will familiarize and give you an estimate of your glass problems, without any obligation. Jordan Florist > 120 ARLINGTON AVE, Ph. RA. 3-3243. C, S. JORDAN, Prop. You will' quickly recognize this florist a one of the finest of its kind in this section. They fully understand the flori- culture business from every angle and have well merited their high standing in this community. If you want flowers for any occasion you will find the service equally good. They have their own greenhouse, with always 'the finest possible' stock and their prices are very reasonable. Flowers for any occasion, or for weddings, corsages, cte., their service is unique for fun- erals. Their designs assure you this final tribute will be most fitting and proper. As designers of amie for fun- erals or social occasions, they have attained well-merited recognition and are deserving of your patronage. Phone and give them a trial. Without a doubt, most of us realize that they merit the utmost considera- tion and trade of anyone who is in- terested in Flowers of Distinction. Oshawa Memorial Service R.R. 4, OSHAWA, No. 2 Highway, East of City Limits. RA. 5-6611 In_ selecting a family memorial this firm located in Oshawa, can show you memorials built- on a basis of quality and durability. They excel in all branches of memorial work a adhere strictly to the mepionigfh IDEAL which is a Monument built enduring granite or marble, symbolic in design and reverent in purpose, resting in surroundings of peace and ® beauty, a tribute of respect and hon- our to the dead, a constant source of inspiration to the living. As designers they have achieved a well merited reputation, the designs being original and aftiStie, and they are ready at any time to submit de- signs and estimate for all classes of yA work, The proprietor of this firm is well- known to many of our readers, They have very latest and niost modern ap- pliances, enabling them to produce the finet grades of work. This firm can meet all requirements from the headstone to the most elaborate me- morial. Their aim is to satisfy and they will figure with you or help you select something that meets your de- sired needs, A A Lei i ind". | RA. 5-8061 --