Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jun 1956, p. 6

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| 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1956 BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours --. 10 a.m. to § p.m. Phones: Office 68W.- Res. 68J < ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.C. in attendance at my Port Perry offiee on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A 'SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and - WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP ELECTRIC Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto KM 3-3686. Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 31, 1956 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 6282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. ED. PECONI, Ontario . july 30, 66 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds : of work, EARL WALLACE Port Perry Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R June 16/56 Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly . Argyle For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM "Tyrone, Ont. ' Aug. 16. 1956 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - Consult the Crown Life. Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario INSURANCE Ta Are 'your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON I'hone 41 « Port Perry WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry " " for information. "Nov. 29/66 : Wanted fo Buy 'limber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak, H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.f. Cement Blocks Plain or Rock Faced. Well and Culvert Tile Septic Tanks, Uxbridge Concrete Products Phone 204VW. . July12 8 PETERBOROUGH ® BOATS Special long deck _ Canoes, Trailear Trailers, Evin- rude Motors. Used motors and boats, life preservers, marine accessories, Factory - approved service on motors. ' OPEN WEEKENDS and EVENINGS Marine Storage & Supply Lid. Brooklin - Phone 87 June 14 Bill's Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE TO ALL MAKES and MODELS DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL PORT PERRY, ONT, -- Sept. 13 APARTMENT FOR RENT IN THEATRE BUILDING Modern new ground floor apartment containing large living room, bedroom and bathroom with shower, Kitchen with ample built-in cupboards, DPri- vate entrance from Water Street. Will be completed about June 15th. RR. A. Gibson, Phone 288-W-- ROOM AND BOARD Downtown. Phone 664-J. Juneld FOR SALE--18 ft, Boat, disappear- ing propeller, nearly new. Also Movie Outfit, complete -- camera, projector and screen, Phone 486 r 2, Port Perry. ; may31tf FOR SALI---"88" Oldsmobile, late "Hb, good as new. Phone 486 r 2, Port Perry. may31tf I'OR - RENT in Prince Albert-- large room, and kitchen with built in cupboards, hot water and all conveni- ences," Phone 195-r-14, June 21 FOR SALE--Summer Wood (cedar rails, cut 12 inches) $10.00 per cord plug delivery. Irank Hoskin Black- stock, Phone 2, { juneld CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION is first in Ontarlo to offer Extended Medical Payments. At no extra cost this coverage is includ- ed to any policy holder who carries regular medical payments and provid- e3-$200. for treatment of injuries for any member of the policyholder's household from Grandma to the baby, should they be hurt by auto or bicycle while a pedestrian, May 3 ttf. Ask about Co-op Insurance MRS. JOHN HAMER Ko an pono ttn eer i rn _ BULLDOZING - TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIM ATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892) 35 ~ be rem rte on rn EXCAVATING i LASSIE En ISE THE C: FOR QUICK o piss 50 Auction Sales SAT., JUNE 23--Farm Sold, Auc- tion Sale of "80 Hereford Cattle, 2 Horses, Pigs, Hens, Tractor and Imp- lements, the property of Gordon Hope, Lot 11, Con. 9, Reach, % mile west of 7 &. 12 Highway, 4 miles north of Manchester, 'Terms Cash, no reserve, Sale at 1.00 p.m, Corley Ashenhurst, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Sarah Wright Steele, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah Wright Steele, lute of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 1st day of June, A.D, 1956, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of July, A.D. 1956, full particulars of their claims, Immedi- ately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, DATED at Port Perryt Ontario, this 8th day of June, A.DL., 1956, ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER, Q.C,, Box 131, I'ort Perry, Ontario, "Solicitor for the above estate. June 28th. FOR SALE--In Prince Albert, six large roomed brick with all conveni- ences, hardwood down, 4 piece bath, | 8 acres of land, fruit trees, barn. ! House has forced air oil heating. Ap- ply Box 9, Port Perry Star. June 14 PIANO FOR SALE--Also Serval Gas Refrigerator in good condition, ideal for summer cottage, -and Prin- cess Pat Coak Stove in good condition. Phone Port Perry 164-r-156. June 21. HOUSE WANTED--To rent or buy.{. Careful couple. Reply giving details to Box 20. Port Perry Star. June 21 Wanted Water front lot suitable for cott- age. Write to A. I. Matten, 206 Golfview Ave., Toronto 18, FOR SALE--Cook Stove with oil | burner in; also child's crib, cheap. Phone 33-J. : NOTE--The person or persons who are well known and who removed the "Cottage Owners sign from the ent- rance of Highland Beach, Port Perry, are advised to return same be ore Police are notified. C. L. Coulter. * | Boxed Plants FOR SALE--A good stock of to- |: mato plants still available. Enniskil- len Greenhouse, Phone Bowmanville MA 3-2468. CARPENTRY N All types, contract or hourly rate, all work guaranteed satisfactory. Phone C. N. Walsh, Union Ave., Port Perry. July 6 HELP WANTED -- Man or High School boy for farm work. Good wages. Apply Kéith Ferguson, phone 115-r-13, i ." _FOR SALE--One bale elevator 28'; % h.p. electric motor; McCormick Deering Mower, 5' cut; 10° straight rake. Howard Forder, Blackstock, phone 63-W. - I'OR REN'T--S8 room house with all modern conveniences, forced oil heat, modern kitchen, tilazbath, solid brick, on Hwy 12 near Mafichester. Phone 1563-r-3 Port Perry. June 21. FOR SALE -- Tractor Buck Rake and set of slat slings. Cliff Harper, R.R. 2, Seagrave. Phone 67-r-22, Port Perry. - FOR SALE -- 76 acre farm with seven room brick home and hip roof barn on county road. I"all posses- sion. Apply Box 21, Port Perry Star. June 21 Real Estate PORT PERRY---8 room frame house on double lot with large well Kept gar- den, House also contains an extra sink on second floor with hot and cold tap; hot water heater, furnace with jacket leater, heavy wiring, ete. Im- mediate possession, owner leaving, M, Shirinian Real Estate, 166A Dan- forth Ave. yPhone C. Floris 113-r-21, Port Perry. | . WANTED . Ladies to sell large Rawleigh Line of Home necessities from beautifully illustrated Display Book. Big profit. Apply Rawleigh's Dept. F.848-808 Montreal, P.Q. : Mn GET YOUR $HARE! Sell wide range of household necessities in your sugroundings. Wherever you may tive write in for details. Dept. C, ° Familex, Station C. Montreal. Prince Albert There was a very good attendance at church Sunday morning. Holy Communion was observed after which Rev. R. Wylie baptized littlé Brenda Mer]ene Leslie who also was one year old on Sunday. The Good Neighbours Service Club members enjoyed their dinner party immensely which was served at the "Del" restaurant Tuesday evening, \ Many more years of happy wedded life are wished for Mr, and Mrs. Law- son Honey who are celebratingethis Saturday their 40th wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Honey was formerly a girl of our village, Were pleased to learn Mrs. Russell Butson is able to return home from the hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McLean, Toronto, are spending a few days with their friend Miss F. Holman, Mr, and Mrs. Wilson and family of Brooklin visited Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilson "and other relatives Sunday evening, The young fry sure enjoyed 'them- ; selves at Ken, Brown's birthday party on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. J. Martyn accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn to 'Toronto Saturday when they attended the Rennick-Jennings wedding in Don- 'lands church. ; Mr, and Mrs, L. Beacock and boys thll, Blackstock, On Wednesday evening June 6th, the Women's Association met at the home of Mrs, Ben Smith, the gathering having been postponed a week owing to the Music Festival, With the president Mrs. G, Hunter presiding, the meeting opened with hymn 6. Mrs, Wylie had charge of the devotions, the Topic subject being "What is Man?" which followed the reading of Psalm 8 by Mrs. Grigg. Murs. Beacock gave a nice report of the W.A, convention at Oshawa, Two letters were read by the president, one from the W.A., Presbytery, and one from the W.M.S. $10 was voted to the W.A, Bursary Fund, The Treas- urer reported the proceeds of bazaar - and that some left-overs were on sale. Try the Improved Master Laying » has been IMPROVED. YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER PORT PERRY STER LAYING PROGRAM Newest Develupment in Poultry Feeding! The Master Laying Program has always been a big money-maker for poultrymen. Now it's better than ever. 3 Years of tests and research on the Master Feeds Farm have resulted In improvements in the Master Laying Program. : Program this season and you'll find you'll get more eggs than ever before with less feed. See us today ond let us show you how the Master Laying Program Ws YO Hal Coun! MASTER Fast, Fair and Friendly Service FEEDS PHONE 1 Beare Motors Ltd. MacGregor & Son, Butcher Shop - A. W. Brock Dept. Store Western Tire Kay Van's Ladies' Wear Bowson's Food Market Mrs. Hope's Tobacco and Magazine Shop Howard Motors Carnegie Hardware Levinson' Drygoods Jackson's Farm Equipment Corners at 8.30 p.m. WEEK" when you shop. Next Tuesday, June 19th, The Following is a List of the "APPRECIATION DAY" Merchants Elizabeth Shoppe Master Feeds "Del" Restaurant Hope's 1.G.A, Cawker's Butcher Shop Sweetman's Garage Phoenix Appliances Van's Men's & Boys' Wear Sandiland Jewellery John Ballard Lumber, (Co-Supporter) Taylor's 5c. to $1.00 Store the draw will be at the Four " - Watch for the name of the "MERCHANT OF THE Smith and Grigg, are a committee to look after the former coal room in Mesdames Hunter, Newnham, - B, arrahgements., nations was received. RPE FI spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil ; For The Best in LUMBER » EEL ash ku, oe Tht elon ASH : YOU WEAR, . See Us THAN, BE ASHAMED OF "WHO'S WEARING THEM. JOHN BALLARD LUMBER Port Perry SUPPLIES and A. Brown, as committee to make Ai _ Mrs, Beacock read a lovely, little the church basement. It was agreed poem "As Ye Sow", to'have a lawn party in the near fut- ure, with Mesdames Pugh, Newnham . A 3 * Group one 'served a delectable lunch.. $2 in do- ¥ " A 3), ~ Phone 280° i] CONTRACT FOR OIL, z ro iN = IT'S THE HANDY WAY: THE MONTHLY PLAN will do it. 2 1:1 RNAI AEY Gant Tory GUEL (SIDS § Arrange for us to keep your tank filled with high quality. fuel oil. A phone call to 289 Fuel il 16% cents per gal. ~ Stove 0il 20 jo cents per gal. : For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA. 5-1109 Py Vigor 0il Co.Ltd. PAINT | 'SHINGLES Clean Up and Paint For Spring We carry a complete line of ~ (Glidden Paint Come in and see our Color Charts for decorating the home. Lake Scugog Lumber Company Lid. PHONE 240 W PORT PERRY ONT. PLYWOOD WALL BOARDS ME NT wNooU ® » Corn Coys EE --.,

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