Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jun 1956, p. 4

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* 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1956 LOCAL Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all the friends who visited me in the hospital and sent flowers, gifts and cards; also my sin- cere thanks to Dr. Rennie and the staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Mrs. Alf. Dowson. We wish to express our.sincere NEWS THE CHURCHES " CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, Lh, Rector Sunday, June 17th-- ) 11.00 a.m,--Morning Prayer, Preacher: The Rev. Dr. W. E. Mann, Director of Socidl Service Decoration Day who helped in this endeavor. 1 The June meeting of the W.A. is COMING EVENTS i to be held on Friday evening, 165th, instead of Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Jack Holtby. Mrs, Garnet Cochrane, a faithful W.A. member passed away in Oshawa SUNDAY, JUNE 17, it 4 has been Hospital on Monday morning, after a set aside as the. Annual DECORA- | |ong illness. TION DAY at Pine Grove Cemetery, missed in-the community. Prince Albert. Further notice later, Announcement Mr. Milton Holliday passed away in a Toronto hospital on Monday morn- ing. He is a native of Prospect. Our deepest sympathy to both of these The annual Greenbank Sports Day | families. will be held on June 16 in the Com- munity Park at 1.00 p.m. Baseball She will be greatly Quaker Hill; Thelma MeEachern, Miriam Pickard, Esther Pickard, of Port Perry. Much of the success of the 4-H Homemaking Club programme is due to the work of the Local Leaders as they organize and direct the program in their community. The Clubs with their Leaders were as follows: Altona--Mrs, David Crosier, Stouff- ville; Mrs, Donald Hope, Claremont. Beaverton--Mrs. Russell Morrison, Beaverton R.R, 2; Mrs. R. J. McElroy, Beaverton, R.R. 2. Quaker Hill--Mrs; Turner Forsythe, Uxbridge; Mrs. E. Noble, Uxbridge, R.R. 2. derland; Miss M. Marquis, Udney--Mrs, Morris Martin, Udney; Mrs. Leslie Snodden. Udney. Greenbank The Fidelis Class met at the home of Mrs. Thaxter on Wednesday even- ing. .A good turnout reported an en- joyahle meeting. The two plays were presented in Sandford Ha)l last Fri- day. - Remember the Sports Day to be held in the Community Park on Saturday, June 16. Dance in Hall at night. . © United Church at 12.30 on June 14. Last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. W. St. John, Mr. and Mrs, James lanson, Misses Evelyn and Frances Ianson and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lee motored to Kingston to attend the graduation of Mr, Ralph Wilkinson from the Faculty of Medicine at Queen's University. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Foster visited in*' Hamilton with relatives over the week- end, : ii We 'dre glad to report that Mrs. Herb, Hook is making a speedy re- covery and hope to see her home soon. ® "For this. job we want someone who LJ is responsible," thanks for the many acts of kindness tournament and other events. Watch "THE CEREAL SHELF" © shown at the time of our bereavement. Mrs. Joseph Sanderson and family, for the Diocese of "Toronto. Scugog--Mrs. 8. Ploughman, Port| The Women's Association has re-| "That's for mé. Everywhere I've a») } lS Perry; Mrs, Robt. Pickard, Port Perry. | ceived an invitation from Uxbridge to | worked, whenever anything Wen} Sunderland--Mrs. Jean Keeler, Sun- attend their dinner to be held in the wrong I was responsible," PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister I would like to thank Dr. Rennie and all who assisted him, also all the | Sunday, June 17th-- % nursing staff for their care and kind- 11 am.--*"Why Sunday?" ness; and to thank all friends who -- No evening service, Sy sent me gifts, flowers and cards while 1 was at the hospital and after my re- turn home. Thanking all very grate- "PENTECOSTAL CHURCH fully. Sunday, June 17th-- Mrs. Jas. Owen. / 10 a.m.--Sunday School. We take this opportunity to express 11 a.m.--Morning Service. our sincereaappreciation to the kind 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, friends of Utica, Manchester and Port GHRIST IS THE LIFE Perry, for the party and presentation kiveryone Welcome that were accorded us on the accasion K. Sprackett, Pastor. of our departure from the district. Dorothy and Gerald Nelson. ST. JOHN'S . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Birth Minister: Rev, B. D. Armstrong, B.A, B.D. DOWSON---Faye and Ross Dowson are happy to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Jill Christine, on June 8th, 1956, at Oshawa General Hospital; a baby sister for Janice and Wayne. , Paper Salvage By Boy Scouts on WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27th, Please Sunday, June 17th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. (Please note change of time) POSOSOSOSOSOROSOSOPOBOSOIOSOSOSOBOSOSOSOSDSOSOROROBOSOBOROSOSOSOSOBOBOSOSOSOE DROSUSUSUBUSUSUBUSUSUSUSOSUSOSUSOSOS SOS ESE SS Sto 080B0808080808 CARR -- Ira and Margaret (nee| PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Leask) are happy fo announce fhe Paul Delaney birth of a Son John David at the Com- Sunday, June 17th-- munity Hospital Port Perry, Ontario, Sunday School at 10 a.m, Tuesday, June 5, 1956, Morning Service at 11'a.m." Kvening service at 7 p.m, Pastor: Young People's on Friday at 8 pan.! kiddies. Any ladies wishing trans- | Altona; Gail Shier and. Lois Noble, of portation to the tea call 182J or 343W not later than 1.30 on the 20th Re SE MEY AVENT Dinner Meeting UXBRIDGE, ONT. In Memoriam SOMERVILLE--In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, 'Elizabeth Somerville, who passed OF THE AIR away, « > 13, 1955. or oad \ way, dune 13, 1055, Radio Station CKLB, And while she lies in peaceful sleep a li . "1350 on your Dial Her memory we shall always keep. Ralph and girls. THI: SUNDAY SCHOOL Oshawa . Of the Port Perry Chamber df Com- livery Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- GARVEY--In loving memory of a " me 1 our Church needs us." dear husband and father, Frank Gar- . vey, who passed away the 11th of | dec.15-56 June, 1955. "Tis well he will suffer no more i. ' Scout and Cub a LJ Mothers Auxiliary In the loved land of the blest. Pain fled as he trod Heaven's shore, It left him with peace and rest. Remembered by his for further i Achievement Day Service will be held on June 10 at| Achievement Day for the project, "The | aii LL LL BASSAS ASAASARAARASASARSAAASAS AS ARAAFEAARA ASSASSIN AS, Uxbridge, will be the guest speaker.| "The Cereal Shelf" project stressed ation and service of cereal foods. Each The Baby Band of the Port Perry| The morning's activities got under > on His Day ; - ] Thursday, June 21st from 3 to 5 p.m. | wheat muffins, giving reasons on her topic, "The Cereal Shelf". Comment- ton; Janet McTavish," Quaker' Hill; Phils Sh fr $2 1.95 bundlé and tie papers securely and wh ie: ae dln od m ave y y Munchy Gy "Saving with Cereals." LT : Pm -- $ Bake Sale girls in recognition of having com- Afternoon Tea in the Scout Hall on |rison, Beaverton, President, Ontario Ine or Thursday, June 21 at 6.30 ; ; in 40 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA the Bell Telephone Go. Admission | FRIDAY-SATURDAY, JUNE 15-16 JANE RUSSELL The May meeting of the W.A. was Utica Decoration Seventy 4-H Homemaking Club 2.30 pm. in Utica United Church. Ma. | Cereal Shelf", at the Brock Dictrict Gi D d : ELECTRIC SHAVER f Special music by the Salvation Army. [the importance of whole grain cereals |. girl's exhibit included a plate of whole | § United Church will hold its annual|way with each Club member judging Remi ick ¢ Mother please bring own cup and | placing and answering a cereal quiz. emingion $31.95 Schick $31.95 ing these exhibits were: Johanna Bi- Donna - Samells, Port Perry; Shirley leave out by 6 p.m. June 21 ~. Ts " WATCH FOR APPRECIATION DAY Q also presented. Topics included: "A- A County- Honour Certificate and > The Scout and Cub Mothers Auxili-' pleted six Club projects. The presen- Wednesday, June 20th from 3 to 5.00 | North Women's Institute. F - : : "Little Norway: The guest i | "The Tall Men" | Eo . e lall ven ; SEE ® Cinamascope and Technicolor held at the homie of Miss Flossie Spen- | MONDAY-TUESDAY; JUNE 18-19 members in Ontario County held their jor Majury of the Salvation Army, |!igh School on Saturday, June 2nd. ation and service of cere fonds. Bach SANDILAND JEWELLERS Baby Band Picnic wheat muffins, picnic at Birdseye Center Park on|classes of farm family menus, whole sandwiches or cookies. Six Clubs: prepared exhibits on the Ronson $21.95 Be, jlstra, Altona; Antje Schnabel, Beaver- | : of 45 'B ) rly \ APPRECIATI y= Jewell, Sunderland; Marie Gray, Ud- -- J Fl IT . d round the clock with cereals" and SPECIALS EVERY TUESDAY : Pin were presented to a number of ary are holding a Baking Sale and)tation was made by Mrs. Russell Mor- Se 4 4d Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m.| pm. "Touch and Take" Table for the| The girls included: Jean Lewis, of ; Go. Ltd. » = [| Sul ; emenkor will be Mr. E. C. Forster of Prospect starring CLARKE GABLE and T | Ple: wife and family. . . | cer with 11 members and 22 visitors 11 - 3 The Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxi-| : tabi R b ] Ww th i - liary will meet at the home of Mrs. prasgmte. hs e e ; v 1 ou J ny rr ind a , Cle % . " ; Death A. King on Monday evening, June 18. and Mrs. Jack Holtby, who conducted C , " 0 The lunch committee are Mrs. Eden-| 4,4 devotional period Readings were d ,allSe BEARER, Malcolm Thomas--Sudden- | j,0 6th. Mrs. Lane and M -s. Gibson. |: } : He ' Ad E tainmen 15 me on ron To lM, Lane ad Sr Gibson en ty is ore Webs Mr Adal, Entrtimen June 12, 1956, Mi: le ol (Mae ) Thomas the kiddies "Touch and Take" table. Iu t : x or i fll by NATALIE WOOD Beare, beloved husband of Aileen Boe, cucted a Mem i? h > ) *:.) Cinniancons and Tachiizolor and dear father of Lorne, of Uxbridge; Everybody is welcome to our Floral Jean Holtby and Roxie Webster, e and Jack, of Niagara-IFalls. Tea and Bake Sale from 3 to 5 on | Proceeds were $15. WEDNESDAY-THURS., JUNE 20-21 + The annual Spring bazaar held on May 30 was a decided success. The visitors were welcomed by the Presi- "Seven Year Itch dent, Mrs. Murray {oltby, and the 14 Adult' Entertainment Resting at the Chapel of MeDermott- | June 20th. The program is being Panabaker for service on Friday, at| planned for the kiddies as well as 2 p.m." Interment Pine Grove Ceme- | adults. We are planning to show a tery. film of local people. AE HOE EEE EE EEE EEE A . . d BLUE COAL SUMMER PRICES June and July $26.25 per fon CASH DISCOUNT $1.00 PER TON REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73 PORT PERRY . PICKARD HARDWARE PORT PERRY, "PHONE 592 memifers. Mrs. . Holtby, in a starring" MARILYN MUNROE and few well chosen "words, introduced |TOM EWELL Mrs. (Dr.) McKinney of Brooklin, who FRIDAY-SATURDAY, JUNE 22.23 officially opened the bazaar. Her re- : rat thaw; Bill) marks 'were very inspiring and her presence added much happiness to the "Gr Th Ww h event, There was a fine display of un at ont e home: baking, candy, aprons, fancy| Ww st"! work, plants and cut flowers and mis- e cellaneous articles, * A delicious 'af- | Coloured termmoon-tea was served to a large [starring DENIS MORGAN attendance, including friends from "B ] T wll other communities. Their interest att e aXl was much appreciated by the local | starring STERLING HAYDEN association, Mhe financial proceeds exceeded $200. Thanks to everyone AE : | 3 { Having just sold the major part of our theatre circuit ? : : AJ * FETEEESENEEE EEE EEE FANE EEE EEE. LE EEE Eb Weel-End SPECIALS, June 15-16 Ae PRY ENCE SAT EN Te RNS i KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, 14 oz. pkg. ..... eee 25¢. to Odeon Theatres of Canada we are going out of the ig BRUNSWICK SARDINES cocoon, TT 2 for 19c. theatre business and offer our Uxbridge theatre for : i ; gb YORK IRISH STEW, 15 07 ooo 25¢. i, APPLI ANCES ET ; MAPLE LEAF SOAP PLAKES, large size .................... 32c. sale. Excellent opportunity to get in a cash business ° 3 HAWES' PASTE WAX, 1 Ib. 11 J itt seafurianivaves 53c. with no inventory problems. Minimum of $15,000.00 Cie ¢ RY $7 ® Down Payment required to handle. Write to H. Fingold, DOUPE'S STORE PHONE 485W, PRINCE ALBERT Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. 12956 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, or telephone MA 0711, : Take Up To 3 Years To Pay 9 am. - 5 p.m, ; " ile sph Nes pe Aas wos LOB ASS aed a mm.

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