i 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1956 with your home-town team Be in the stands every game to boost your home- town team -- give local athletes your support and they'll give you good entertainment. You'll enjoy the thrills of baseball more if you watch all the games. Don't miss any this season. This space Donated by The Port Perry star, THEATRE oo L A K E V 1 E Ww PORT PERRY T'wo Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 7-8-9 Jeff Chandler, Anne Baxter, Rory Calhoon In Rex Beach's World Loved Story and Sensational Technicolor Adventure Hit "THE SPOILERS" SHORT FEATURE and CARTOON SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11-12-13 Buddy Hackett and Adele Jergens with "Spike Jones and His City Slickers" Ae In Their Uproarious: Cemedy with Music "FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD" SHORT PICTURES ' A] Sait JO i iJ BN J An Pa "GERROW'S BAKING Is made for the people who want the BEST. + LET US SERVE YOU! V4 Saturday Specials LAYER i "CHELSEA BUNS" Ii OL "ORANGE EH GERROW'S BAKERY 8 Phone 32W " G. M. GERROW 0 OL i | TO il Il 1 EL on | annual Prince Albert Our weatherman dished up rainy atmosphere for the S. 8, 'Anniversary Service. Rev. R. Hillier, guest mini- ster delivered an inspiring mesage, particularly to the young people. The choir of junior -voices proved them- selves a future choir, n Remember next Sunday is the gen- 'eral change-over for summer services, Church and Sunday™School combined at 10 am, ! Thundery skies prevailed for the music festival 'held church. This event included pupils from Cedar Creek, Shirley, and our children from the two rooms. Opening reinarks were spoken by Mr. Earl Martyn who capably acted as master of ceremonies for the even- ing.' --#A varied program of choruses, dances, and playlets entertained the overflow audience of parents and re- latives. . After the final number the hai man expressed his appreciation to music supervisor Mrs. R. Sandison for the excellent concert from every standpoint. Also Mrs. G. Hunter for contributing her time in assisting at the piano. The faithful co-operation of the teachers---Miss McToydon, Mrs. Hodgins and Mr. Rzadkouski. At this point Earl noticed Mr. B. Wanamaker and called on him for a fe wwords. Bert, on behalf of the "School Area Board" brought greet- ings to the festival, and complimented Mrs. Sandison regarding her enter- tainment of high quality. Just before singing the Queen Mrs. Sandison was presented with a gaily wrapped gift as a token of her hours of help. On Thursday night the Port Perry I. S. assembly hall was crammed full of some fifteen schools, teachers and interested folk in the "Bible Rally". Many ladies enjoyed the' Prospect bazaar and tea opened by Mrs. {br ) McKinney; Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doupe attended a dance recital in Oshawa Monday night when their grandaughter little Sharon Sweetman took part. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacock and sons attended the 25th wedding anniver- sary of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. E Harris of Beaverton. Miss E. Vance, Toronto, Miss Shir- ley Vance (a bridesmaid) Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance were guests at the VanCamp-Toms wedding Saturday, at Blackstock Church. HARRY PEEL HARDWARE Phone 35 ~ ve rt co iho exterior of your home--use MARTIN- SENOUR "NO SECOND COAT MEFDED WHEN RE PAINTING WITH SOLO COAT WHITE' "SOLO COAT GOES ON WHITE -- STAYS WHITE. HAS DOUBLE THE HIDING : POWER OF ORDINARY HOUSE PAINTS = SOLO COAT WHITE 15 SELF CLEANSING EACH RAINFALL LEAVES IT WHI EK THAN EVERY" "SOLO COAT WHITE CUTS PAINTING TIME IN HALF SAVES HALF THE COST BECAUSE OME COAL COVERS # tee. M ARTIN. SENOUR es] hat Frain, HO. PURE ISE PAINTS ity Port Perry We recommend and Listing beanty, Martin-Senour : Solo Coat white for exterior use be- cause it stands up on all counts = case of application, greater durabil- Next time voit plan to paint. sec us for sound, professional advice and the "very finest in painting supplies. Sh ss ds in thel. Coming fo Red Barn Oshawa 4 Often billed as 'America's most sensational folk artist" Lefty Friz- zell_has been one of the real "Big- timers" in the country music field 'since 1950 and has made over 50 rec- ordings for Columbia, up in the top 10, .14 times. In the past, he has starred with the "Grand ol' Op'ry", WSM Nashville, Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Big D Jamboree, Dallas, The Houston Jalnboree, Los Angeles, in addition to one nighters in every state of the Union and Canada. At present he is a featured performer on Compton's Town Hall, Hollywood, over the NBC network, and also does five hours of television, weekly. The crowning feature of his career was when he was signed as the fea- tured star to dppear in the Hollywood Bowl for a mammoth country music night, to take place Aug. 6 of this year. This is the first time country music has ever been in the Hollywood| Bowl. Lefty Frizzell will be at the Red Barn in Oshawa, for one night only, Friday, June 16th. The show starts at 8 p.m. and will 'be followed by a dance. Mayor Naylor C.C.F. Candidate For Next Federal Election Mayor W. John Naylor of Oshawa |. was. selected as the candidate, of the CCF Ontario Riding Association for the next Federal. Election at its con- vention in the UAWA Hall, last week, The mayor became the unanimous choice of the convention when Cliff | Pilkey, John Brady, Keith Ross and John Black, the other four nominees, declined in his favor. Ontario CCF leader Donald C. Mac- donald, after briefly congratulating the convention for choosing "a man with Jack Naylor's ability and in- tegrity", launched a blistering attack on the-Liberal Government's "shame- ful" handling of the- trans-Canada pipeline project. "I don't know how long the people of Canada are going to crawl on their hands and knees before a Govern- ment that usurps the rights of Par- liament and a few private promoters who would dip their hands in the public Treasury to serve the selfish interests," Macdonald thundered. The CCF provincial leader described the two important issues at stake in the House of Commons debate as "the trans-Canada pipeline" and "the his- toric rights of Parliament". Five Boys Win Church Honour At St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, at Morning Prayer on Sunday, June 38rd, an interesting and inspiring ceremony took place in con- nection with the Church Boys League, when five boys were initiated to the Orders of Esquires and Knights. The C.B.L. is organized on the ancient or- der of Knighthood and Chivalry, with its challenge to strive for all that is good and true, For the Order of Knighthood each boy must win six Crests, each with insignia symbolic of armour, and based on the armour of Ephesians, chapter six, verses 18 to 17. The winning of these Crests co- vers at least one year's steady work, with a threefold programme based on Christian Teaching, Practical Useful- ness, and proficiency in outdoor past- ici and sports, ' In addition, during the. ceremony, eight of the C.B,L. members received a total of twenty-nine Badges for work covering (1): The Church Seas- ons Badge; The Alpha & Omega Bad- ge; ahd The IHS Badge; (the work for these three awards covers an ad- vanced range of Knowledge of Church (2) The First Aid Badge, covering the usual First Aid elementary quali- fications; and (3) The Recruitment Badge, awarded for bringing new re- cruits to the League. In addition to the five Badges mentioned above, there are seven other Badges avail- able, covering a wide range of Prac- tical Knowledge, Usefulness, and Ability. Following this ceremony, as 1956 is the Centenery of The Missions to Sea- men, a film dealing with the world- wide work of this Mission was shown. The content of the film was very ap- propriate 'to the occasion, with its challenge of the sea particularly to boys; but of intense interest also to boys and girls, and people of all ages, The Mission to Seamen is a purely Anglicas organization, founded in 1856; world wide in scope; the only organization-of its kind in the world; it has one of its largest and most modern stafions in Canada, in Van- . couver. Thé Mission Flag, "The Fly- ing Angel" is known in shipping ports around the world. In spite of heavy rain the Parish 'Hall was well filled for this interesting service and cere- mony, ® HAVE YOU CHECKED THE LABEL on YOUR PAPER LATELY? IT TELLS YOU WHEN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE $200 A YEAR : 'IN ADVANCE" IF. YOURS IS NOT PAID UP PROMPT ACTION WILL BE APPRECIATED THANK YOU ~ to any swimmer. 16 cow on 17 Yes, that is {he number of years that 'Birdseye Center' has been operating in Port Perry. Our Swimming Pool Will Open on | / SATURDAY, JUNE 9th A Season Tickets will be $5.00. each--while they last. Individual charge to pool and grounds will be 25c¢. each During all these years no serious accident has nappened Step in Size It vu right now! PHONE 333 Get the BIG BEARE Ge 1) by Enjoy big-car comfort in a 5 low-priced car Here's your chance to step up to the big-car class withoyt even a squeeze on your budget. Dodge and you'll be driving the biggest\car in the low-price field. « You'll find Dodge is almost a foot longer than competitive makes. Stretch out inside, there's room to spare, because this beauty's a big car inside, too! Take the wheel and let's go for a big-car ride. You'll be quick to agree that driving a Dodge is a travelling treat. Oriflow shock absorbers smooth out the road and those deep-cushioned seats feel like your armchair at home. Dodge wraps up all this comfort --plus new V-8 or Six power--in the trend-setting beauty of Flight-Sweep styling. Why not see for how easy it is to fit a big Dodge into your budget? Your Dodge dealer has some good news for you ourself : Manufactured in Canada # Chrysler Corporation of Canada, imited Get Dodge, the BIG BUY In driving ease! Nothing compares to push-button PowerFlite for sheer driving ease. Just touch a button . . . step on the gas . . and gol"Mechanical operation of the push-button controls is simple, smooth, assures lasting, trouble-free service. Get Dodge, the BIG BUY in safety! dog . Dodge puts your safety first, You get dual-cylinder front-wheel brakes, Safety-Rim wheels, electric wind- shield wipers plus 12 other "'safety- first" features as standard equipment ina Dodge. re | Get Dodge, the BIG BUY in performance! Choose the big, new Six or a V-8 engine with up to 200 h.p., and high torque at all speeds. You'll get the . take-off and passing power you need to meet any traffic Sitiergency safely. is THE BIGGEST can mw THE LOW-PRICE FIELD MOTORS LIMITED : PORT PERRY ® > |