Health Unit Discusses Town Water Chlorination Water is the most important liquid on earth. Since the beginning of time, human"progress and civilization itself have been dependent upon a safe sup- ply of this abundant, yet precious sub- stance. History points out the importance of water, for its use and 'control have affected the oitcome of. 'wars, and through the part it has' played in epidemics it has influenced' the political and economic life of; nations, i : _The widespread practice of chlori- nating ensure its purity only started within the last fifty years. The procedure. is relatively simple isms. The amount of chlorine required minute quantities of the chemical sub- stance "chlorine" to raw water in or- der to destroy disease causing organ- isms. The amount of chlorine equired is so small that it is measured in parts per million. Usually less than one p.p.m., one ten-thousandth of 1 per- cent, is sufficient to treat most drink- ing water, Town water in Aurora, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Stouffville and Wood- bridge, is regularly chlorinated. Where large quantities are to be treated, as in the case of munikipal supplies, auto- matic injection equipment is used. This forces chlorine, either in gas or liquid form, into the pressure main at the treatment plant. The installation of chlorinators on large supplies through- out this continent has played a vital role in the dramatic reduction of typ- hoid, which for centuries has been one of man-kind's greatest "killers. It is difficult to understand how some per- sons can object so strongly to the oc- casional sharp taste that appear in the chlorinated water when we consider the tremendous, safeguard it provides. Small water supplies are just as subject to pollution as any other. Pri- vate wells, cisterns and other small supplies quite often require chlorina- tion. This procedure is far more economical than boiling the water to destroy pathogens, and in, most cases is certainly more practical, However, determining. the proper amounts to treat a particular supply requires some simple technical know-how if the fin- ished product is to be both pdlatable and bacteriologically safe, Those per- , sons' who vacation or hunt in isolated areas should familiarize themselves with the technique of chlorinating wa- ter from a lake or stream. Persons using water from a well should ensure that the supply is safe by having-a test taken, The York County Health Unit has on its staff a number of capable sani- tarians who can advise and assist any- one wishing turther information on this subject. J. N. T. Bulman, President and General Manager of Bulman Bros. Limited, Winnipeg, was elected 1956- 57 President of the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association at its 85th An- nual General Meeting in Toronto. He succeeded T. A. Rice, of Hamilton. ILL AND EILEEN LOVEYY VIt's been one of the longest and coldest winters on record, but by now most of us are busy cutting grass and weeding flower beds. And if hubby ! is complaining that once again this spring the garage is littered with rakes and garden tools, here's a neat trick to keep all those tools in place. A .four-foot length of wire fencing stapled across several of the studs on your garage wall forms a perfect rack for~ hanging garden tools. Get your husband to bend the wires on the lower edge to form hooks. Then he can _hang sheers and small tools on them. --_--X-- To avoid those smoking cigarette butts in your dashboard ash tray, just line the tray with a piece of tinfoil from a cigarette package and half fill with fine, dry sand. ss Worth Remembering -- When you darn socks, use an "Eveready" Flash- light as your darning egg. Slip the flashlight into the sock so that the head is under the part to be darned. |* Not only will you have a good work- ing" surface, but with the light on, you can see the pob perfectly. ] ---- You can remove a broken bulb from a socket quickly and easily with a large cork. First, turn current OFF, Then press the end of the cork onto the base of the broken bulb and turn the cork counter-clockwise. That does it! cleaning. After rinsing or washing plastic lamp shades--don't wipe them dry! Rubbing plastic creates static which draws dust particles and makes them stick. Instead, let the lamp shade drip dry. This also applies to plastic curtains, utensils and kitchen chairs. | "Here's a tip when you're spring --X-- If you use pencil, ink, or any other marker for plant labels, just put a strip of scotch tape over the name for permanent legibility, --)-- On 'salad days' this summer, never freshen greens for more than 16 min- utes or they will become soggy. It also helps to add a few cubes of ice to the water. © Green leaf salads should be dressed at the very last mi- nute or they will be cooked by the vinegar, Fven 5 minutes too soon makes a big difference. Other veget- able salads should be kept in dressing for at least an hour before serving. --_--X-- When Bill accuses me of extrava- gance, I. am often tempted to remind him that at least I'm not guilty of paying '10c. for a cup of coffee--then tipping a qaurter because the wait- ress is pretty. Or paying $3 for min- now 3 order to catch one ten-inch bass. /Or using $6 worth of shotgun shells to get one partridge. Oh well, men are men--thank goodness'. " Portrays gracious living in bright spring colours... Chrysler Windsor Newport dN THE INCOMPARABLE "Beat this tonic for that "suddenly-it's-spring" feeling! Take to the road in a 1956 Chrysler! Could anything be easier to drive! Those push buttons at your finger tip control Chrysler's PowerFlite automatic transmission. Press D for drive...step on the gas...and you go! Chrysler's flashing V-8 power is at your command! ' Maybe you're in the habit of buying the same make car year after year. If so, this is a good time to find out whether that car you buy CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED See Chrysler... finest of the Forward Look _)> your dealer's now {¢ is as good as you think. So before you buy, compare your present make with both performance and looks. Chrysler for You'll find Chrysler provides more fine-car features than any competing make! Yes . . . this is the time to try a Chrysler! There's no tonic like it. Your dealer can prove it in the first mile .. . and he'd like to. He'd like to show you, too, that owning a Chrysler is easier than you think. So see him soon. Chrysler New Yorker WATCH GLIMAX--SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV. CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND TIME. . ry B Ver INNES MOTOR SALES ' PHONE 168 PORT PERRY MANCHESTER, ONTARIO Sir Anthony Eden Britain's Biggest Bore London correspondent Beverley Nichols" makes 'the statement in the current issue of Satuiday Night that "for the first time in history the British people are in danger of being bored to death", "The bore", Nichols explains, is Sir Anthony Eden. He has only to open his mouth for the nation to shut its ears; he has only to appear on televi- sion for there to be a record switching- off." THE PORT PERRY STAR, TH URSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1956--8 The same opinion is shared by Malcolm Muggeridge, editor of Punch. Nich- ols quotes Muggridge as saying, "He Of Eden's television appearafice, delivers a flow of banalities in the per- suasive manner of an ex-officer trying to sell one a fire-extinguisher at the front, door. His writings are the same, There is nothing wrong with them except that they are unreflable". Even more critical of Eden's efforts at speechmaking is a remark Satur- day Night attributes to Sir' Winston Churchill, "When Anthony makes a speech", Churchill is supposted to have said, "he deliveres himself of every platitude in the English language ex- cept 'God is Love' and 'Kindly wus t vour dress before leaving' Fishing a shaded lake in Prince Edward Island National Park, near Green Gables of "Anne of Green Ga- I bles" literary fame. (Photo from Canadian Government Travel Bureau) as au pening', The London newspapers, too, have recognized Eden's unique capacities for engendering ennui, Nichols says. The Evening Standard recently deplor- ed Eden's platform manner this way: "No one has ever heard the whole speech by Sir Anthony. His delivéry is' poor, read fo wet the there is any", He drawls, He has to he significance |. if Summing up, correspondent Nichols sees only one thing iv favour of Fden speaker, "And that is", he writes, "that if Britain is ever invaded by Russia, if the Queen is compelled to » abdicate, and we find ourselves wand- ering around the ruins of St. Paul's searching for seraps of bread, he will make the whole thing seem so stifling - Iv dull that we shan't know it is hap- ' x Custom Slaughtering Meat Prepared for Lockers CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" "ORT PERRY PHONE 29 --- | DEPARTM new 5Fed:to-measure by tween-tones the new ' natural colours . . YOUR with Two Pants LBROCIK ENT STORE [T) FREE PANT SALE Suils $59.50 and $69. 50 IF'OR ROYAL YORK suit. 3-pc. $69.50 JASPE LINOLEUM TILE All colours ) Seconds Regular Ye. each 12¢. each W. | | Johnston t wCQompan LEADERS STYLE | | SUMMER SHOES | | Ladies' and Children's $1.49, $2.98, $3.98 | Men's $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 ROOM LOTS Limited FOR 88 YEARS PEDAL PRICE | Fitalld ~~ HALF | Phone 43 | | WALLPAPERS -- | P . SHORTS, Gixls BATHING SUITS Catalina, $8.95 to $14.95 ACCORDION DOORS DELTOX RUGS 9x6 Mats $17.50 $5.00 $1.98 and $2. 8 PUSHERS $3.95 00x openings $9. 9 ort Perry