4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1956 "Saturday, June LOCAL Deaths SANDISON---At 2.495 "y Peterborough én 6, Jose 'ph I. San- dison of Poit Perry, formerly of Ca Township, ¢ beloved husband of Margaret Elizabeth. Goodfellow and dear father of Mrs. RCA. Peel (Janet M.) Port Perry, Mrs. R. G, Beatty (Helen) of Kitchener, Mrs. Fred Me- Indoo (Mary) of Cavan and Ira San- dison of London. Service from the Comstock Funeral Hame on Tuesday, June Hth, Inter- ment at Little Lake Cemetery, Peter- borough. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all the friends who visited me in the hospital and sent flowers, gifts and cards; also my sin- cere thanks to Dr. Dymond and the staff the Port Perry Community "Memorial Hospital, Wendy Bruntou. van of Mrs. Sarah the friends The family of the late Steele wishes to thank and neighbours for their nets of kind- ness and floral tributes at the time of their bereavement; also we wish to thank Rev. Dr. Avmitrong and Dr. Dymond for their kind attention, I would like to thank Drs. and Sturgis and the nurses and staff of Community Hospital, Port Perry, for the good care they gave me while I was a patient there; also I want to thank my friends and relatives and the Honeydale W. I, for the fruit and flowers and the lovely cards T re- ceived while T was ill, and all who visited me. Della Howsam. We wish to our sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for the lovely floral tributes, letters and cards of sympathy; also for deeds of kindness shown us dur- ing our sad bereavement in the loss of our little son. A special thank yon express to the ladies of the Head W. A. and tev. R. Wylie. Thank you all so much. ' Joyce, Alvin and Linda Ieayn. In Memoriam TRIPP In loving memory of a dear mother, Florence M. Tripp, 'who pas- sed away June 5, T9556. One vear has gone since that will day When our dear mother passed away. God called her home, it was his will, But in our hearts she's with us still. Sadly missed by the family. TRIPP---In loving memory of a dear father, Alton Io. Tripp, who passed away June 7, 1941. While vou; dear father, sleep --~ "Your loving memory we'll keep. Always remembered by the family rest and always CORO CCIE NE SE EN AMA AAAAAAAAARAAANAILIAIA I IAA Oshawa Memorial Service Hwy. ast of Oshawa City Limits. WA " On No MONUMENTS, MARKERS, CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, "also Markers and Works of Bronze. ~Alanufacturing Memorials {o in- dividual requirements from the finest Granites and Marbles Available. For Information without Obligation write Box 213 or call RA. 5-6611, FLA A PAPA A AIPA a A atetetetet. Dymond |! NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCEN v (Anglican) K. W. Scott, L.Fh., Rector SION Revs Sunday,' June |10th, 11.00 a.m. 1956-- Morning Prayer and | Sermon. «Sunday School, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A,, Minister Sunday, June 10th, 1956-- bl aum--The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. L (No Evening Service) PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, June 10th, 1956-- ---- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--LEvangelistic Service, CHRIS IS THE LIFE Iiveryone Welcome K. Sprackett, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A, B.D. Sunday, June 10th, 1956-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.----DMorning Worship. (Please note change of time) PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, June 10th, 1956-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, -. Morning Service at 11 a.m. ISvening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting af 8 p.m. Young [I'cople's on IPriday at 8 p.m. THI SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR " Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Oshawa Livery Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." dee.16-66 Lawn Bowling Notes The continuing cool has of course, wet held up the start of the local lawn bowling season. How- ever, a few warm dry days will reme- dy that, and with anticipation, we are prepared to get the men's doubles tournament under way at 7.30 p.m. next Tuesday, June 12th. The Team skips are again asked to have their teams prepared Lo bowl, sharp on time, and to please contact any of. the officers of the club, to secure the booklet containing, names of the players of every team, and the complete draw for all games. As some members have ordered their sets of Lawn Bowls, but may not have received delivery, other mem- hers with sets, who are not drawn for play on Tuesday nights, or Thursday nights as the case may be, please make available your Lawn Bowls, for the henefit of the members who have not yet received their playing equip- ment. of h4 Cancer is the commonest cause death between the ages of 26 and Canadian statistics show. r rere e---- 1 Week-End SPECIALS, June 8-9 YIN 0) 031 CRN 20c. ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIX ©... 3 LIPTON'S TEA, 60 Dag Size ...oooooiivviiiieeieciiiieecisereeereainens 79¢. MILIO, 4 QUATL SIZE covvvvooeeereeeeeeeeese sesso sesesssseones speed 30 YORK CARROTS, 20 07. ovo. pr ete ESS 12¢. DOUPE'S STORE PHONE 485W, PRINCE ALBERT Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. | pom. weather, | COMING EVENTS Baking Sale & Tea The Women's Guila of the Church of the Ascensign are holding a Bak- ing Sale and Afterngon Tea-in the Parish Hall on Saturday, June 9th at 2.30 pom. to b i ' Decoration Day SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1596 Y been set aside as the Annual DECORA- TION DAY at Pine: Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Further notice later. Floral Teaand Baking Sale To be held Wed., June 20, A Play A play entitled "Mr, Bean from Lima", will be presented by the Wil- fred W.A., under the auspices of the Manchester W.A., Manchester on Fri- day, June 8th. Adults b0e., Child. 2be. June 7 re in the Scout Hall on from 3 to 6 p.m. June 14 Announcement The annual Greenbank Sports Day will be held on June 16 in the Com- munity Park at 1.00 p.m. Baseball tournament and other events. Watch for further announcements. At Home | Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Honey will be at home to their friends on Saturday, June' 16th, from 3 to 5 in the after- noon and from 8 to 10 in the evening upon the occasion of their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary. ' vil Utica Decoration Service will be held on June 10 at 2.30 pam." in Utica United Church. Ma- jor Majury of the Salvation Army, Uxbridge, will be the guest speaker. Special music by the Salvation Army. Floral Tea and Baking Sale The Scout and Cub Mothers Auxili- ary are holding a Baking Sale and Afternoon Tea in the Scout Hall on Wednesday, June 20th from 3 to b "Touch and Take" table for the kiddies. - Death McKINLEY, Wilton S.--At the Com- munity Hospital, Port Perry, on Tues- day, June 5, 1956, Wilton (Wilt.) Me- Kinley, beloved husband of the late Carrie Raymes and father of mma (Mrs. Iiarl Cook), Port Perry. Resting at the C hapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on I'riday, at 2 p.m. Ro FAMILY STYLE ENTERTAINMENT 2s, A UXBRIDGE, ONT. I RIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 8 In Colour 17 nn nn Tall Man Riding" starring RANDOLPH SCOTT, also "LAY THAT RIFLE DOWN" starring JUDY CANOVYA MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 11-12 "Love Is A Many Sp lendored Thing" starring JENNIFER JONES g WILLIAM HOL DEN . Adult---Cinamascope and Technicolor, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, 13-14 "The Benny Goodman Story" starring STEVE ALLEN and DONNA REED FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 15-16 "The Tall Men" JANE RUSSELL Cinamascope and Technicolor starring Eye of Science Watching Speeders in District Now A former Lindsay boy eame back to town briefly last week, bringing with him the latest device designed to thwart careless highway driving, the radar speed trap, Provincial Police in District 8, which includes all of Vie- toria' County, are employing the elec- tronic gadget now .on highways, and horissy may well beware--though the trig] run in this district was well publicized last week, such is not the case now, and the OPP officers with the radar detector may be found else- where, | The messenger bringing the new idea in speed law enforcement to Lind- sany was Cpl, Colin Cresswell, son of Mrs. Ursula Cresswell and the Jate Mr. Cresswell, left Lindsay some 15 years ago to join the army, After the war, he joined the Provincial Police, and is just short ten years' service with the force now. He married" while overseas, and is living with his family in Peterboro now, Cpl. Cresswell explained the opera- tion of the radar tracker to Warden representatives on the demonstration Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the 'Boy Scout and Cub Mothers Auxili- ary was held at the home of Mrs. S. Ploughman owing to sickness in Mrs, Kennedy's home, with 19 ladies pre- sent, or The meeting opened with Mrs, Ken- nedy in the chair and all repeating the Scout Mother's Promise in unison, The Secretary read the minutes of last meeting. Business arising from minutes was discussed, and completed. Mrs, Edenborough gave us a wonder- ful report and talk on the address given by Mrs. Standing at Whitby. The treasurer's report and éonvener's report were given. New Business included "Catering for a Wedding" and having a project for every month, Watch for notice 'regarding Floral Tea and Bake Sale at Scout Hall on June 20th from 3 to 5 p.m. Mrs. King very kindly offered her home for next meeting on June 18th. Lunch Committee being Mrs. Eden- borough, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Gibson. Would the ladies please bring a 5 cent children's article for touch and take table. A Presentation of a lovely Cup and Saucer was presented to Mrs. Vernon Bryden from the auxiliary on the event of her leaving our midst. There was also a Cup and Saucer given to her for Mrs. Art Bryden, who left a short time ago. We will surely miss them both very much, "Our meeting closed by all repeating the Scout Mizpah in unison, after which a lovely lunch was served. We would like to thank Mrs. Plough- man very much for having us at her home. day last Thursday. It was set up on Highway 7, south of town, The radar device sends an electronie beam out along the highway for 176 to 200 feet. The beam covers about 30 feet in width, thus guarding both lanes of the highway. The operator of the set sits in a car nearby, with a large mirror showing the oncoming cars in the radar field. The meter attached to the radar is also visible, When a car comes into the field of the radar, its speed appears measured in miles per hour on the meter, At one and the same time, the operator sees the car in the mirror, and its speed. If the vehicle is exceeding the speed limit, the operator makes note of the make and model and license number as it passes him, and notifies an inter- ceptoy car further down the highway. The interceptor then stops the car when it arrives, and the officer takes the particulars of ownership, ete., necessary to lay a speed charge, or warns the driver. 1.O.D.E. Mrs. W. T. Harris, Regent, conduct- cd the regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E, held on Mon- day afternoon June 4th, in the Library |Z Committee Rooms. After the opening ceremonies the following business was discussed: held on the evening of October 17th., and the Marathon Bridge which is to commence the last week in September. The convener for the Rose Tag Day, Mrs. W. H. Harris, in aid of the Hos- pital, reported receipt of $125.11; Mrs, Murray, ¢onvener of the Tag Day for the' Blind, showed a net profit, of $250.57; and the Home Baking Sale, convened by Mrs. Ron Peel netted |® $73.00. The Educational Secretary, Miss E. Harris, said that © bales of books and magazines had been sent to the. Frontier College. bers were delighted to welcome a new member to the Chapter in Mrs. R: G. McNab. Miss M. Harris, Empire Study- convener gave a most interest- ing talk.on various things, At the conclusion of the business, Mrs. M., Letcher, convener of the gnter tainment committee, introduced Mrs. Arthur W. Brock, who explained the Canadian Coat-of-Avms pointing out the differ- | Then Mrs. Wm. Taylor | mg delighted the company with a well-| = ent symbols. played rendition of The Warsaw Con- certo; by Richard Addinsell. A social hour was then enjoyed:by the members and their many guests, the Tea Committee being, Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. Merle Letcher and Mrs. W. H. Harris, a very happy ending to the Spring season, On a sunny summer's day in Fundy waters of Point Wolf River. (Photo National Park, New Brunswick, two from Canadian Government Travel anglers drift lazily over the quiet Buieau). A Cooking School to bel The mem- OND) 1 OO m 1 Port Perry Wins At Newmarket Port Perry defeated Newmarket b to | Wednesday night, With Hartin show- ing the way both at plate and in his terrific pitching chore. Jack Owen with 2-doubles also helped the cause. Hartin struck-out 10, walked three and a 3 in a well-played game, at Nemarket, hit one batsman, Hartin's H.R. in the 6th inning, with Ken Mark on second, after having doubled home the tying run. The bad inning for Port was the second when Newmarket scored & runs- on one hit after 2 were out, 8 errors, 2 by Howes and one by Venning paved the way. Be sire to come out when Port has their first home game Friday night against Stouffville, rosoosons opening day SPECIALS. an order of $7.50. $ STELELEEEELLESEELLL stats etss st esses setts tttstesttttst at tssttatissatttittssttsssstsssacssLILILY ANNOUNCING THE Re- Opening THE ELIZABETH SHOPPE at the .~ NEW LOCATION NEXT DOOR TO MHE DOMINION STORE SATURDAY, JUNE Sth Plan to visit us on SATURDAY and henghit by some of our A FREE GIFT for every Lady and a pair of nylons with BETH OKE, Prop, | R080 R000 R000 tii ttt tiR rt ett tttaeteittiiseeittisteteetttsted + PRP S80000000000000880000800800000000) JI OL Grant Christie President.. Pam " Pine Grove Cemetery. | wl ballon - SUNDAY, JUNE 17th, 1956 1 2.30 o' clock i in the afternoon SHORT ADDRESSES. SPECIAL MUSIC aE Ll 10 OO DECORATION SERVICE The Annual Decoration Service at So Mrs. R. D. Woon, Sec'y 1 0 OO h CR TT 11 HN Heinz Chili i, " i nm re ak aka ™ 3 JO OO OE OO "Heinz Tomato Catsup, 11 oz. bot. 2c. Stokely's Fancy Cr. Corn, 15 oz. 2-25c. Blue Surf, giant pkg. ............ Tle. National Tea bags, 50 bags ......3%c. Good Luck Margarine, 11b., 2 for 65¢. (1 1b. regular package) Wagstaffe's Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade , 24 oz. 2c. 'Supreme Brand Sweet Mixed ~ Pickles, 16 0z.jar ............2Ic. Swift's Allsweet Margarine, 11b:29c. Sunbeam Bread .................1%. MEATS Peamealed Cottage Rolls. . .. 1h. 43c. Swift's Premium Franks,... 11b. 37c (Cello) Swift's Bologna, sliced, Ib. ......29c. Swift's Barbecue Loaf, sliced 1b. 65c. Swift's Mock Chicken, sliced 1b. 49¢ FRUITS and VEGETABLES Sunkist Oranges, 288's. .. . 2 doz. 79c. Watermelons ..............each 99c. GreenBeans .................1b. 19. Tomatoes, cello pkg. at ee PY imino 1 i / Dowson's | i Red & White Store 11 0z. bot... .. 35c. wrt runs de nen dl 245204840044404040044 8040004400000 000 00S al) 11 1 ® Sw © [) x ®