PORT PERRY "Dollars and Sense" | if you sond cash through the mails, @® : you run a real risk of losing it. For your own peace c® : of mind, it's far wiser to send money orders. The small amount a money order costs, assures you 'that your money will be safe and sound. No one - ean receive the cash except the person to whom you send the money order. Next time you want to send money, whether $5.00 or $500.00, call in on us for a money order or bank draft. This takes only a few minutes to arrange. It's one of the many helpful banking services we provide. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE J. R. Helm, Manager PORT PERRY BRANCH . KELVINATOR Big Storage capacity and deluxe features in a cabinet only 28 inches wide.....Separately-insulated Frozen Food Chest--3 speedy-cube ice trays--Moist cold Fresh Food Compartment with exciusive Humidiplate keeps foods fresh and appetizing even without covering--Automatic defrosting--Exelusive 4- in-1 Roll Out shelf--Roll-out "Serving Tray" shelf--Exclu- sive 4-Way Magic Shelf--Separate Butter and Cheese Chests --Exclusive Fruit Shelf for storage of fresh and packaged fruit--Special door shelf for longer containers. EASY TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED. | PHOENIX APPLIANCES PHONE 5562 AX Yoh SEY +3 Ee Fat 3 Blackstock Welle Lo Mission Band met Thurs- uy 'afternoon in the Primary room Withithatvicoprenidant, Janice Byers, presiding. The mesting was opened with the singing of "For the Beauty of the Earth" and the Mission Band bymn and repeating the Mission Band Purpose. Mrs, Hill gave the Worship talk "Love and de good". Prayers . | were said by Carel Rahm, Nancy Hut- ton, Mary Bradburn and Alice Taylor. All walked around and dropped offer- ing. as we sang "Hear the pennies dropping". Roll call was answered by the 21 children and two leaders present by naming a Spring flower I have seen. Floyd Kyte sang a solo, "Pigeons"; Brian Mountjoy gave a reading "Wherever I Wander". Joan Suggett played a piano solo, "Sailing", Lynda Kyte read "Jimmy's Lecture" and Mrs, Mountjoy told "The Story of Paul." The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and repeating the Benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Butcher, Tilson- burg. Mrs. Allan Fowler stayed with the children, Elaine Bailey,-Aileen Snooks, Joyce Venning, Bert Freelin, Dorothy Ven- ning, Dorothy Tennant and Jean Say- well attended the Bowling teams ban- quet in Port Perry Wednesday night. Blackstock team, the last six named-- or Mustangs, won second in the second section of games for the season. The Jets to which Elaine Bailey belongs, won second place in the play offs. All enjoyed 'a delicious turkey dinner at the "Del" restaurant, After which some 'stayed and played bingo while others went.ta the alley and bowled. Mesdames Carl Wright, Dalton Dor- rell, Jim Marlow, Ivan Thompson, Blake Gunton, Wallace Marlow, How- ard Forder, Harold McLaughlin, Neil Malcolm, from Blackstock attended a shower for Miss Verna McNally at the [home of Mra, Gordon Sturrock, Bow- manville, Friday evening. . - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniel, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow, and Miss Pearl Wright with-her parents and sisters and fam- ilies. - Miss Jesse MoArthur spent last week at home. Jesse has just finfshed her first year in medicine at Univer- sity and mow has accepted a job in .| Toronto for the summer. Congratulitions to Norman Dysart who graduated and received his B.A. last week. He has commenced work with the Shell Oil Company in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, A; B. Manson, Strat- ford, are spending.a few days with the Dr. McArthurs. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werty and Roy accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. John Werry and Anne, of Bowmariville, at- tended the graduation exercises in Convocation. Hall, on Friday, when Murray Werry. received his degree.in Dentistry. Congratulations, Murray! After he tries another examination in two weeks time, which will qualify him for practice anywhere in the Dominion, Murray intends to commence practice in Kingston, Dr, and Mrs. John Werry and Anne of Bowmanville, and Dr Murray Wer- ry, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry and Roy. Sympathy is extended to the family of the Iate Mrs. Chas. Fallis, who passed away in Oshawa Hospital on Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs, Bab Ford, Roberta and Miss Jean, Toronto, and Mrs. Robert Ford, Sr., visited the latter's brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson at Greenbank, Saturday. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. A goodly number from here attend- ed the anniversary services at Nestle- ton on Sunday. p On Sunday the congregation of St. Cuthbert's United Church in Toronto, dedicated a Star over their church in memory of the late Rev. R. G. Car- ruthers who was pastor there from 1941 until his passing one year ago. Mr. Carruthers was pastor of Black- stock charge at-the time of Church Union in Cartwright and when the parsonage was built here, : (Intended for last week) The third meeting of the Girls' 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. S. Dorrell on Wednesday, May 16th with 22 girls and two leaders present. The president, Joan Hoskin was in charge of the meeting. Joyce Hooey read the minutes of the last two meetings. The Topic for this meeting was "Sharing the family meal and table settings'. Mrs. Bowles spoke on the topic also on conversation and table efoquette. Murs. Dorrell gave the proper setting 3 Hegarty Ea AE 8 of a table; both formal and informal, after the meeting everyone enjoyed a lovely buffet luncheon which was pre- pared by our leaders. Next meeting was at Mrs, Dorrell's May 24th. The 4th meeting of the Girls' 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. S. Dorrell with 24 girls and 2 leaders | present, There were two new mem- bers welcomed. Meeting in charge of Joan Hoskin, president, The Minutes were read by the secretary Joyce Hooey. Name for the club was voted on and the outcome was "The 24 Tea- Timers". Topic for the meeting was "Kntertaining at Tea." Mrs, Dorrell gave an interesting talk on this sub- ject, The demonstration of various kinds of sandwiches was given by Mrs, Bowles, A lovely lunch was en- joyed by all. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorrell on June 26 at three thirty p.m. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Crawford and family visited friends in Port Hope Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. King and Mrs. Crawford, of Oshawa were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk, Pontypool on Thursday evening and were pleased to find Mr. Kirk able to be up from his bed. Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Graham, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Duff and children visit- ed in Toronto and Port Credit on-Sym. day. Mrs. €. W. Hutton entertained Rev. and Mus, Sunday. Rev. Jackson preached an- niversary services at Nestleton and] Rev. Hutton took the services on the Tyrone charge, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia, visited her mother Mrs. Robert Bruce and the Gordon Strongs on Sunday. Mr, John Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. Ross} Pertin and Anne," Cameron, visited Mrs, Tom Smith, Mr. Jack Smith and Mrs. W. W. VanCamp on Sunday. with Rev. Foote, r{ctor of the Angli- can church, Scarboro; on Synday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Meadow, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bracey and family, Oshaya, visited their mother, Mrs. Bourgerie and Mr. Bourgerie, Sunday. Rev. G. Foote, rete of th pulpits Sunday visitors with the Albert Wrights and Fred Trewins were Mr. ro A Stet Fred Jackson, Tyrone, on ' » 1 - a a aes | LCCARERE HACER LE WEL RE Ph Me EE © RIPE. SE RE SALA FP BES TERR Fr af AS PELE SE LER an Ri Si § ERT AE hart ap SAAR Ell 15 Ne # PR FE be i A THB PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 81st, 10567 and Mrs. Edgar Horne, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and family, at Enniskillen, Mr, and Mrs, Percy Van- Camp and Aileen. Mrs. Fred Bailey is visiting her daughter Mrs. N. Henry and family, Janetville, and atterided the baptismal services of her great- grandson. George Powells, Wii Mrs. Neil Bailey, Mrs. Neil Werry and children visited their grandmother Thompson in Beaverton, Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Wes Pearce attended the funeral of little Larry Heayn in Port Perry on Monday. Sincere sym- pathy is extended the parents, Mr, and Mrs, Earl' Heayn, Scugog and Linda, and the Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tetlow. John Pearce, Prince Albert, visited Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Anderson, Port Perry, visited Mrs. Norman Taylor, Sunday. This man can give you dependable delivery of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR International Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this intemational newspaper, - pub- lished daily in Boston. World- famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole family. The Christion Science Monitor Ons Norway §$t., Boston 15, Mass. Send your nawipoper for the time checked. Enclosed "tind "y check or money order. : lyeor $160 6 rai $86 0 3 months $4 0 Nome 2 ) Address > a of had Tore Statp [a 'times and to speak clearly. Junior Institute On May 22, 1966, the Port Perry Junior Institute held their annual par- ents' night meeting. It was well attended. The roll ca]l was answered to. the member's second name. Our guest speaker, Miss Steen, spoke on, "The art of good conversa- tion". Among the hints she gave us on being a good conversationalist was to use ydur own best English at all Read up on different subjects, so you can talk and discuss them intelligently. Learn to put expression into your conersa- tion. Miss Steen was very interest- ing and was enjoyed by everyone. We played a few enjoyable games and then joined the boys for a joint meeting. Port Perry 4-H Calf Club and Scott Jr. Calf Clubs Meet On Friday evening, May 18th, the 'Dairy Section of the Scott Junior Calf Club met with the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club at the home of Mr. O. E. Croxall, R.R.2, Port Perry, for their May meeting and to obtain some prac- tice in judging dairy cattle. Mr. Leslie Smith, Club Leader, was in charge of the meeting and was as- sisted by Mr. Ross Evans, Ass't Club Leader, who gave an excellent type demonstration, pointing out the var- ious desirable points of a dairy cow. After the members had judged two classes and reasons had been given by various members, the two clubs sepa- rated to conduct their own business meeting. Mr. Hugh Baird, Ass't Club Leader, for the Scott Junior Calf Club, con- ducted the election of officers for their club. The following were elected-- President--Barry Beare; Vice-Pres.-- George Smith; Sec'y--Teddy Meyers. The Port Perry 4-H Club decided to hold thejr next meeting on Wednesday, June 27th and Ralph Honey and Bill .| McMillan were appointed as a commit- .| tee with the leaders to decide on the place at which to hold the meeting. Y FOR YOUR FEED: when you | SELL YOUR HOGS! SEE US FOR THE MASTER HOG CONTRACT PLAN: The following plan is highly recommended for Best Results: MASTER PIG-PERK PELLETS, 26 lbs. PER PIG. Start them when they are approximately 1 week old. MASTER PIG STARTER PELLETS, 76 Ibs. PER PIG. followed by MASTER PIG GROWER PELLETS MASTER FEEDS FAST, FAIR and FRIENDLY SERVICE PORT PERRY §! PHONE hd town . AD. 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